Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 621: Holy Sea and Divine Boat

The stars were shining, and a planet was revolving around the star, showing a beautiful blue color. |^

That was White Wolf, Shen Zheng's hometown.

In the vast universe, he looked at the planet affectionately, but eventually turned away.

"Is this your hometown?" Qiu Yunzhi flew away with him, and couldn't help but look back again.

"Don't you go back to see your hometown first?" Zhong Tianming asked. [

"Let's go, it's not time to go back yet." He said. "I want to heal my mental injury as soon as possible, and other things will be discussed later."

"This is indeed the most urgent matter." Zhong Tianming nodded. If Shen Zheng can recover completely, he will be the strongest among the strong, otherwise, he will be in danger at any time.

"From here to that side is the star region headquarters." Zhong Tianming said, "At my level, I can only communicate with the strong at this level. But the one who rules there is the galaxy master, and at my current level, I am on the same level as him."

"We can only trace it back level by level like this." Shen Zhengnai smiled and flew in the direction pointed by Zhong Tianming. With the speed of the King of the Sea of ​​Stars, the long distance for the Lord of the Galaxy was just a short journey. Soon, he brought the two to a huge planet.

According to Zhong Tianming's instructions, this is the location of the headquarters of the star region.

"Are you going to land?" Qiu Yunzhi asked.

"No need to bother." Zhong Tianming was full of pride and laughed, suddenly emitting a powerful power of the Lord of the Galaxy. The power surged and surged towards the planet. In a moment, the outer edge of the planet was turbulent. Hundreds of peak star masters emerged from the turbulence, and a first-level galaxy master also flew out of it.

"Who dares to come here to provoke?" He said in a low voice, and he was intimidating without anger.

"Commander Daming, long time no see." Zhong Tianming laughed, flew over, and waved.

"Who are you?" The other party was stunned, obviously unable to recognize the younger Zhong Tianming.

"Commander-in-Chief of White Wolf Star, Zhong Tianming." Zhong Tianming also realized this, and hurriedly stopped and revealed his identity.

"Who?" Daming was obviously startled. He looked up and down at Zhong Tianming, and vaguely felt that this face was somewhat familiar.

"I have been promoted to the master of the galaxy." Zhong Tianming said, taking out a seal and throwing it to the other party. Daming took it and looked at it, and nodded: "It is indeed the seal of the commander-in-chief of the White Wolf Star." He looked up at Zhong Tianming for a while and nodded: "It looks like Lao Zhong."

"There is really no way." Zhong Tianming shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Then I will show you some more credible evidence.|^"

As he said, he flew closer and whispered for a long time. Daming looked surprised: "It's really Lao Zhong! You have been promoted to the master of the galaxy, congratulations!"

"No more small talk." Zhong Tianming's expression became serious, "I have something important to do. I want to see the master of the secret realm force on our side."

"What?" Daming was startled.

"This Shen Zheng is the top genius on my White Wolf Star." Zhong Tianming didn't want to say more, and directly mentioned Shen Zheng. "Now you are the king of the sea of ​​stars."

Shen Zheng's eyes were gentle, and he released a little breath. Daming's color changed immediately, and he hurriedly saluted respectfully: "So you are the Lord of the Sea of ​​Stars, I am rude!" [

"I have an important matter, I want to see the master of this secret realm." Shen Zheng's voice was gentle, "but I don't know where he is. So I can only trouble you."

"I dare not say trouble." Daming bowed, his attitude was extremely respectful. At the same time, the peak star masters he brought also bowed to Shen Zheng very respectfully, keeping their heads down, not daring to look around.

"I will take you to see the commander-in-chief of the galaxy." Daming said respectfully, "Only the commander-in-chief has the opportunity to contact the secret realm forces."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng nodded, and Daming said he dared not.

Under his guidance, Shen Zheng quickly flew to the depths of the Lingguang galaxy, a planet in the center. Before he got close to the planet, a patrol team appeared to block him. The team members were all masters of the galaxy, showing the powerful strength of this planet.

"Who are you?" The leader turned out to be a second-level galaxy master, but he had obviously just been promoted and his strength was not stable, but he was already a very strong person.

Daming flew over and whispered a few words to him. The galaxy master immediately changed color, and led his followers to respectfully salute Shen Zheng, and led the way, protecting everyone all the way to the planet.

"I don't plan to stay here for long." Shen Zheng said, "You can invite the commander-in-chief of the galaxy to talk."

"Yes!" The other party immediately responded respectfully. The captain stayed and carefully chatted with Shen Zheng, while the team members quickly returned to the planet to report. Not long after, a turbulent flow surged, and a long-haired man came out of it. He was a peak galaxy master with extremely strong strength. It seems that he may be promoted to the king of the sea of ​​stars at any time.

But one day he failed to be promoted, one day he was one level lower than the king of the sea of ​​stars. And this gap is from heaven to earth, a difference of clouds and mud.

"Welcome, the honorable king of the sea of ​​stars." The long-haired man saluted, politely and respectfully. "My name is Wen Yuan, and I am the ruler of this Lingguang Galaxy. I wonder what brings you here?"

"Don't be polite." Shen Zheng smiled calmly, "I was born in the White Wolf Star, and I was once your people."

"I dare not, I dare not!" Wen Yuan waved his hands repeatedly, feeling extremely terrified. He looked up at Shen Zheng and asked, "Are you the first to advance to the realm of the king of the sea of ​​stars?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded.

"So, are you going to join the secret realm forces?" Wen Yuan asked.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded.

"It is the glory of this galaxy that a strong man from the secret realm can be born in the Lingguang Galaxy!" Wen Yuan was a little excited. "Sir, if you are not in a hurry, please go down below and rest for a few days, and I will celebrate for you."

"No need." Shen Zheng's biggest headache is this kind of thing. "I'm anxious to see the Lord of the Secret Realm."

"Then let's set off immediately." Wen Yuan was happy and nodded immediately. After giving a few instructions to the patrol leader, he left the Lingguang Galaxy with Shen Zheng.

Along the way, Wen Yuan was extremely respectful to Shen Zheng, fearing that he might have said something wrong. Shen Zheng always advised him to be casual, but he became more respectful.

At Shen Zheng's speed, after flying for less than an hour, he had arrived at the location pointed by Wen Yuan. Shen Zheng led everyone out of hyperspace and moved forward. Soon after, they encountered a patrol team.

"Who is it?" The entire team was composed of the King of the Star Sea. The leader of the team exuded a powerful aura and shouted loudly, covering all directions. "What are you doing here?"[

"Your Excellency." Wen Yuan stepped forward respectfully and gave a salute. "I am the commander-in-chief of the Lingguang Galaxy. A king of the sea of ​​​​stars has recently appeared in this galaxy, and I am here to see the master of the secret realm."

"Oh?" The captain's eyes lit up, "Are you Wen Yuan? I've seen you before. Your Ningguang Galaxy is just a small remote place. It's so lucky to have the King of Star Sea."

As he spoke, he looked at Shen Zheng, but his expression became cautious, and he nodded and greeted: "My friend, are you the new King of the Star Sea?"

"Not bad." Shen Zheng smiled lightly and spoke in a gentle voice. "In the sinking expedition."

"Amazing!" The captain gave a thumbs up, "With my strength, I can't even tell how strong you are. It's obvious that you are stronger than me."

"You are being too modest." Shen Zheng smiled and did not explain much.

"Are you here to join our Holy Sea and Shenzhou?" the captain asked.

"Holy Sea and Divine Boat?" Shen Zheng asked.

"That's right." The captain nodded, "It's the secret realm of the powerful Holy Sea Clan."

"Whether you can join or not depends on the owner of the secret realm." Shen Zheng replied with a smile.

"Depending on your strength, there will be no problem." The captain smiled. "Come with me. I will take you to meet the elders guarding the outer city. If the elders nod, you can meet the elders of the main city. After the elders of the main city pass, you can meet the head of the family."

He himself felt verbose as he said it, and couldn't help laughing at the end.

It was just this captain who made Shen Zheng have such a favorable impression of the Holy Sea and Shenzhou Dasheng. This showed that the master was not wrong either. On the contrary, like the Xinghai Sanctuary, the eldest and second ladies are either arrogant or insidious, and the head of the family is not much better.

As for the Light of the Autumn Sky, to be honest, Shen Zheng had a very bad impression of it because of the cold reception it received from Qiu Yunzhi.

"Thank you." Shen Zheng bowed and turned to Wen Yuan. "Commander Wen, my hometown is currently not guarded by strong men, so I need you to take more care of me."

"Don't worry, sir." Wen Yuan smiled, "I guarantee that White Wolf Star will be the most cared for planet in the entire Lingguang Galaxy."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng nodded and Wen Yuan saluted again before leaving alone.

"Lao Zhong, Yunzhi, you go into the secret realm of water and fire." Shen Zheng turned to Zhong Tianming and Qiu Yunzhi and said. "Xue Su and the others also moved in, and it was fun to be together."

"Okay." The two nodded and entered the secret realm of water and fire that was with Shen Zheng.

The captain was stunned and couldn't help but asked in shock: " actually have a portable secret realm?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng smiled.

"Awesome, really awesome!" The captain kept giving thumbs up, "I have heard of the portable secret realm, but I have never seen it. I didn't expect that the legendary magical secret realm actually exists! With this skill alone, it is impossible for the family not to Accept you."

Shen Zheng just smiled and didn't say much.

After the captain told everyone to continue patrolling, he took Shen Zheng with him and entered the invisible and unknowable secret realm in the universe as the space fluctuations surged.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and Shen Zheng looked around. What he saw was a world like a fairyland with misty clouds. There were mountains and rivers, green trees, and a beautiful natural scenery. Countless birds, beasts, insects, and fish were playing in this world, as if It's the world, but it's more like heaven.

Among the misty clouds, large floating cities can be vaguely seen, like islands in the sky, moving according to certain rules, and what they revolve around is a majestic city, solemn and solemn, giving people a sense of A feeling of nobility.

The entire secret realm was a world of its own. Shen Zheng looked around and felt that it seemed wider than the light in the autumn sky. He couldn't help but sigh: Such a huge secret realm could not have been created by one person. Sure enough, these real families are still powerful, and their personal power can never be compared with them.

"Please come this way." The captain enthusiastically led the way, flying towards a floating city that was slowly rotating around the main city. Shen Zheng followed behind, taking his time.

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