Robert was walking down the street on his way back home from work, as he was crossing the street he noticed that it had suddenly become strangely quiet, stopping he started looking around when he noticed a truck speeding towards him! having noticed it in time he dove to the side dodging the truck, getting up off the ground while dusting himself off he screams at the truck speeding away.

"ASSHOLE!", he shouted as he watched the truck drive away without even bothering to stop to see if he was ok. "WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!"

On top of a skyscraper, a few blocks away a man steps out of a truck, walking to the back of the truck he takes out a briefcase. Mumbling to himself he complains about how difficult and unappreciated his job is. Opening the case he grabs pieces of a gun, quickly ȧssembling it all while people with cameras take selfies around him, clearly oblivious and unable to see him. Having ȧssembled his sniper rifle he props it up on a railing and looks down the scope, "KICK MY ASS WILL YOU! MAKING ME FALL BEHIND!", mumbles the unknown man as he takes aim, spotting his target he takes aim and shoots, his bullet passes between buildings and over people shoulders and between their heads before finally hitting the heart of his target.

Robert walking down the street suddenly feels a sharp pain in his ċhėst, he doesn't notice anything wrong and continues walking, when slowly his left arm starts to feel numb, continuing to walk he makes it a few more blocks before he falls to the ground, reaching for his phone he calls 911 and shortly after an ambulance arrives, while they have him strapped to a bed his vision starts going black, he can hear the ambulance people shouting, he can bȧrėly understand them but its sounds like they are saying he's having a strange heart attack and is going into shock. They rip his shirt off to inspect him but they can't seem to find any sign of physical trauma or anything else suspicious to explain the situation, as he lays there his vision slowly becomes even more blurry and in the background, he can hear a woman shouting something about losing him.

Standing outside the hospital a man in a black overcoat is standing observing the hospital while smoking a cigarette, looking at his watch he mutters "a little bit behind but I should still be able to meet my quota" saying that he turns around and gets inside a truck that goes flying forward through a building but doesn't cause any damage or make noise. He knows his target is dead and that the doctors won't be able to find out the cause of his target's death, his weapon is special, and to doctors, it'll appear as if the boy had died of a sudden heart attack.

Robert (POV)

He suddenly finds himself walking down a path alongside a large group of other people, looking around he sees creatures from stories and myths, he spots creatures that look like the gods of various religions. As he walks he notices that they all seem to be doing various jobs and talking amongst themselves, all while ignoring the cries and pleas from the various souls walking down the path. Looking ahead he can see various creatures that look like angels, demons, and yokai. These creatures appear to be sprinkling powder on the various souls as they pass by, after they sprinkle them with the unknown substance the souls get a blank look on their faces and mindlessly walk forward, and no longer making a fuss, they all appear calm and just mindlessly walk forward.

Soon it is his turn to have this unknown substance sprinkled on him, and soon after he can feel his mind becoming numb, it's hard to focus, he feels like he's losing himself and struggles to stay focused, suddenly he realizes that he doesn't know where he is! wait! who am I? what was I doing again? he thinks, soon he doesn't even question why he's walking.

He feels like he's forgetting something important as he walks but his mind is fuzzy and he's struggling to form coherent thoughts. Looking around he can hear various creatures talking about various worlds that need more souls, he feels like this is important but he can't make sense of what that means, all he knows is that he has a strong urge to keep walking forward down the path he is on, like a natural instinct to head in that direction. As he keeps walking the path starts splitting into smaller ones and he notices that these strange beings seem to be herding people into various strange structures. After a while, it is his turn to walk through this strange structure and as soon as he does he loses all feeling, he can't think or even move.

He feels like he's floating in an ocean, he can't make sense of his surroundings and struggles to form any thoughts, he has a vague feeling like he's forgetting something really important! but his mind is struggling to remember, soon he sees brief images of his past life but it's hard to focus on them, it's like trying to remember the details of a dream after a few weeks have passed, he can only vaguely make it out, he notices that the longer time passes the more difficult it is to remember his past, panicking! he puts all his focus on his past memories and struggles to not let them fade away. Struggling for what feels like an eternity while struggling to hold on to his memories, he occasionally hears people talking and comes to the realization that he is inside his mother's wȯmb, after another long eternity he can hear people shout something that sounds like "the baby is coming".


Four years have passed since he was born (born 57 BBY), lucky for him his name is Robert Kalar, he has the same first name as his last life and he was also born as a human in what he quickly learned was the star wars universe after having recognized a few different alien races. He remembers some of his past life memories but has completely forgotten about what happened to him after he died. He knows he's in the Star Wars universe but his memory is incomplete and he can only remember small bits and pieces about it from his past life, he knows that a war is coming and that many people will die, but he can't remember the important players or important events.

Having the brain of a four-year-old he struggled to make sense of his situation and the last few years were hell for him, he had to re-learn how to roll over, crawl, walk, and all other aspects of moving his body. A lot of people just ȧssume when you cross over to a new world that you'll be just as smart as your last world but they forget that their new body is that of a baby. He had to make sense of his situation using a baby's brain, not the best for forming complex thoughts.

Despite having a baby's brain Robert was able to make a name for himself as a gifted child and was praised as being a genius compared to the other children born around the same time as him. He learned faster than the other children and acted mȧturėd quicker.

AN: After picking up where I left off after my long break (about 7 months) I'm going to say that the average mini-chlorian count for a Jedi is around 13,000, Yoda is around 25,000, and the average person is less than 500. I hope you guys don't mind.

Robert who had grown up with a new family couldn't help feeling a little reluctant to leave them, but he knew that war was coming and that the Jedi temple was a place where he could be trained and able to make a difference, but in back of his mind he also had a feeling that it would also be dangerous for him to be there.

Upon arriving at the temple he was sorted into a clan with other children and taught what was expected of him and how he should act at the Jedi Temple. Having a slightly more mȧturė mindset than the other younglings Robert couldn't help trying to separate himself from the other children but that was quickly thwarted by a young female Togruta called Miranda Cabaril, a curious little child who refused to stay away from him, often asking for his advice or trying to get him to play. A few weeks after joining the temple he had once again gained a reputation for being a genius, compared to the other children he was more devoted to his studies and put in an almost fanatic level of love for training compared to his peers. Miranda being a Togruta couldn't help her instinct and upon realizing Robert's talent couldn't help herself from competing against him.

The two would often be seen training and studying together, but it wasn't long before their group of two was increased to four when the other two most talented children besides Robert and Miranda joined theme, one was a human boy called Moradin Goran and the other was also a human boy called Obi-Wan Kenobi, the four of them were the most talented younglings in the temple (in their generation) and often competed against each other, pushing each other to new heights.

The group became closer and closer together and could often be seen hanging out with each other and that was how the years passed for the young Robert, it wasn't until the age of twelve that Robert was finally forced to spend less time with his friends, he had just passed his initiate trials and was chosen by his Master Senesha Dreiz to become her padawan, Senesha Dreiz was a female Togruta, known for her skill with the lightsaber, practiced Form Two Makashi, and rarely lost in lightsaber spars. She was one of the best in her generation and in her youth, she would often beat her senior peers, she had to prove that form two was the best and if she lost a duel she would train even harder and come back to challenge her opponent again once she thought she could beat them.

It's the year 44BBY, Robert has been a year since he started training under his new master, during this time he has started practicing form three Soresu despite his master's complaints, Robert thought it was the best form for deflecting blaster fire which is what most criminals used, it was also good for fighting against multiple opponents, and it was the form that focused the most on defense (he had a feeling that if he wanted to live long in this new life he would need this Form) his master Senesha Dreiz protested that he needed to know how to use Makashi and forced him to also practice it.

Robert knew that it took the average Jedi around ten years to start to get good at even one lightsaber form and that him trying to learn two at once would greatly slow him down but his master was very insistent and he couldn't refuse her, he hoped with hard work he could master both forms in around sixteen years or at least be proficient in them.

He wasn't too upset having to practice two lightsaber forms at once because form two was the best at fighting other lightsaber opponents or that is what his master claimed, Robert thought all the forms had their strengths and weaknesses and that each one could be trained to such a high level to be unbeatable but he humored her and went along with the claim that it was the superior form.

Robert was soon glad his master talked him into practicing Makashi alongside his soresu because the two forms made up for the weakness of the other, form three was too defensive early on in its practice before you mastered counter-attacks, while form two wasn't designed to fight against blaster opponents, If he could master both forms he would have a good balance of offense and defense, or so he hoped.

It was during a spar against his friends that Robert really noticed how strong combining form two and three was, in the past, the group would often spar against each other in a free for all, having fought each other often growing up they each kept pushing each other to new heights and refining each other lightsaber skills, during their last spar Robert found himself in the familiar situation where he was being attacked by two of his three friends during a brief moment of their spar, but thanks to practicing form two he was able to weather the blows and once he spotted an opening he was able to break away from the group and engage Moradin in one vs one fight for a few moments, Moradin expecting Robert to be using form three was caught off guard when Robert suddenly shifted to form two and was forced into a tough position, Miranda and Obi-wan seeing their friend struggling and noticing the smug look on Roberts face stopped their fight and moved to support Moradin.

Having almost defeated his opponent Robert was feeling good about the fight when suddenly the force was telling him to dodge, trusting the feeling he jumped to the side right in time as a couple of blows landed where he was just standing, soon he was surrounded and after a long struggle was defeated under a flurry of blows from his soon to be old friends!!!!

Miranda, Obi-wan, and Moradin after defeating Robert couldn't help looking at each other, they were covered in sweat and all seemed to be silently agreeing to something. After teasing their friend the trio left and ran to their masters for more training. They had just teamed up to defeat Robert and yet after the fight, they were each exhausted, even with their combined might they struggled to land any blows on Robert.

Over the next few months, Robert found it more and more difficult to fight his friends it seems they have gotten used to him switching between form two and three and have seemed to have gotten a bunch of practice fighting against those forms, this made Robert realize his form was strongest when his opponent didn't expect him to switch between the two, he decided to only use form three from now on and would only use form two as his secret weapon when he switched from form three to form two it often took his opponents by surprise, hopefully, his friends wouldn't go around informing everyone of his fighting style.

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