With a loud crash! Robert could feel the escape pod crash into the ground. It slid across the ground for a short while before hitting a slope, the escape pod tipped as it slid down, causing it to roll and bounce! as it rolled down a large hill.

Robert inside the escape pod was flung like a rag doll, smashing into the walls as it flipped. The crash would have already been hard to survive while being in a healthy state but with his already damaged he doubted he would survive. As his lifeless body was flung around the escape pod he hit his head several times, causing a large gash to appear on his skull.

As the escape pod came to a sudden stop, blood flowed out of the wounds on his body quickly covering the area around him in blood. With his vision blurring, he was only vaguely aware of the burning wreck around him, if the blood loss didn't kill him then it was highly likely that the fire would.

Unknown Group (POV)

The migrating tribe had witnessed a large number of burning objects enter the night sky for the last few days, they knew that a large battle had likely taken place and that the wrecked starships were being pulled towards the planet.

If they were lucky they would be able to salvage some of the wreckage, perhaps they would find more cargo filled with supplies or other rare material or equipment. They had already managed to find a few hovercraft and speeders while searching through the various wreckage.

As they moved from one wreckage to another, they tried to hurry, larger groups were also working in the area, and as time went by they would start competing over less and less loot, it wouldn't be long before they started robbing each other for their loot.

They had gathered enough today and were leaving the area when they came upon another crash site, deciding to search the area and they only found one badly hurt survivor.

Binding him so that he couldn't escape, they quickly left the area. If he survived, they might be able to sell him, if he died, they could still use his corpse to feed their livestock, they had a few hunting creatures that wouldn't mind the fresh meat.

? (POV)

Opening his eyes, he observed a large metal thing hovering over his body.

"w-what are you?'

The droid operating on his body just ignored his question and continued with his work.

W-who am I? where am I? thought the man. He couldn't understand what was happening, all he could feel was a large amount of pain and the droid operating on his body wasn't being gentle.

Unable to bear the pain he passed out.

"The human will survive, it has a split skull that will need to be operated on, its ribs are broken, and it has multiple fractures on its arms and legs", replied the droid.

"how long before we'll be able to get some work out of it?", asked the unknown man.

"Hard to say... if I had better equipment, I could have him up and able to work within a few days! with the right injections of course. Without it and with proper rest, he should be up and ready in a couple of months", answered the droid.

23 BBY

Bragra (Robert) was starring out of a cage, thinking back on the last year. Waking from his coma he couldn't recall who he was. His captures named him Bragra and so that was who he was, he was the slave Bragra.

Once his body had healed, he was forced onto a starship. Alongside other slaves, he spent the next few weeks locked inside a cargo hold, they bȧrėly fed the slaves. They fed them just enough, so that they wouldn't die, but not enough for them to still have the strength to attempt an escape.

Eventually, he ended up in a desert world. Sold to a Hutt slaver who ran a brothel. There he was conditioned to always follow commands and taught how to please the various races that frequented the establishment.

The slaves that performed well and made money for the slaver, were treated better. The ones that didn't, were sold off to one of the local mines. There they would perform back-breaking work for the rest of their lives until the day they died or were lucky enough to be sold again.

He had started his day by serving a pair of Clabronians, an older couple who were visiting the establishment in an attempt to spice up their relationship, pleased with his obedient attitude and pleasant appearance, they decided to include him in their fun, they had him demonstrate his skill in the bedroom.

The Clabronian couple ended the day by once again including him in their bedroom fun, he spent the last few hours of the day in their room pleasuring the pair, in whatever it was that they dėsɨrėd. Having dealt many times with other Clabronians he was becoming very proficient in entertaining them.

With his day was finally over, he was forced to remove his fancy attire so it could be cleaned and then he was instructed to cleanse himself. After bathing, he now sat quietly in his room, or should he say cage.

It was better furnished than some of the other slave cages, he had warm blankets, and was provided with plenty of food and water. It seems the wealthy couple had indeed spent a lot today! his master must have been pleased with his effort, for the quality of food and drink was higher today.

The envious gazes of the other slaves could be seen as he enjoyed his food and happily drank. While he was still new to this establishment, he had often been on the other side, silently forced to watch as others enjoyed themselves on a decent meal, while he ate cold hard bread with very little water.

He had spent many nights like that, hungry and thirsty, but not tonight, tonight he would be full and he would sleep well.

Asajj Ventress (POV)

Her master Dooku, had sent her to Hutt territory in hopes of securing an alliance between the Hutts and the Confederacy of Independent Systems ( also known as the Separatist Alliance, or simply Separatists).

Under Dooku's instruction, she had become a commander in the Separatist droid military, with her status as a commander and as her Masters' apprentice, she was more than qualified to represent the Separatist military.

The talks were going well, it looks like she had managed to secure a nonaggression pact between the Hutts and the Separatists. Both groups agreed, not to restrict each other's trade routes, and both sides would be allowed to import and export goods with each other.

As both sides worked out the details, she couldn't help noticing the presence of one of the slaves present, as he refilled her drink, she could feel the Force surround the man!

As she coyly talked with him, she found him pleasing to the eye. Learning more about the man she discovered that he was quite skilled in the bedroom! and had been groomed to follow any command without hesitation.

She could feel that the man serving her, was force-sensitive, and had the potential to become a strong Darkside user, she wanted to take him as her apprentice.

As the talks turned to slavery, the separatists and Hutts agreed that if they ever conquered a planet, that they would offer to sell the excess population, as slaves to the other, and as a sign of good faith to Ventress they would allow her to purchase the slave here today.

The slave owner was hesitant at first, but eventually, he was satisfied after he thought he had earned enough from the trade, he had made a lot of money off of Bragra, and spent a lot of effort to train him. Reluctantly, he couldn't turn down Ventress's offer, it was too good of a deal to pass up, especially for one single slave.

Ventress thought the slaver was a fool, he had just sold a powerful Force-sensitive individual for such a small price.

The man would become her apprentice and become a powerful dark side user.. In the war to come, he would become a powerful weapon for her, and from the sounds of it, he would also be useful in the bedroom as well.

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