Darth Sidious (Palpatine) was currently standing staring out the window of his new office, quietly observing the city off in the distance while deep in thought, behind him was a mountain of work and various reports that needed his attention, having been elected as the new chancellor of the Republic as the result of the invasion of Naboo and his skillful manipulation of the young queen Amidala to move for a "Vote of No Confidence", he was now Chancellor and along with the position came a huge amount of work that needed to be completed.

Behind the scenes, he had orchestrated the blockade and invasion of Naboo, by using the conflict and having gathered many senators to his side is wasn't difficult to secure himself the position of Chancellor. Now that he was Chancellor he was able to position those loyal to him in important positions within the Government, holding a huge amount of power within the government of the Republic he now needed to spread his influence to the almost non-existent military side of the Republic.

Yes, his plan had worked perfectly, the only drawback was the loss of his pawn Darth Maul, it seems five Jedi were involved in the battle and despite Maul being able to beat the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jin, it seems he had failed to beat the young Jedi Padawan named Obi-Wan Kenobi.

He was greatly disappointed with the performance of Maul, despite having a larger military force he still failed to protect the Viceroy, lost the capital of Theed, allowed their army to be beaten by a tribe of savages and mercenaries! he also lost a large number of ships and fighters! and ultimately lost control of the planet!

With a great amount of control Darth Sidious managed to stop himself from destroying his office, he had plans for the planet of Naboo, it was rich in resources, and by allowing the planet to fall into enemy hands he could use its occupation as an excuse to increase the size of the Republics military, with him being able to position those loyal to him in vital military roles.

Turning around he walked back to his desk and started reading a report, it seems the young queen of Naboo had started the construction of a spaceport and a shipyard. To many of the Galaxy, this act of building up their military was seen as an act of turning their backs on the Republic, and them unofficially seceding from the Republic.

To others, their act of building up a fleet was justified, the Republic had failed to respond and defend one of its members, as a result, the peaceful planet of Naboo had to rely upon itself to repel the invaders, in their eyes Naboo is justified in their actions! now many planets were secretly starting the construction of their own military fleets. If the Republic couldn't protect Naboo, what happened there could happen to them as well. Although this caused a headache for the chancellor it also justified his calls to increase the size of the Republic fleet.

Reading up on the situation with Naboo, the chancellor was particularly interested in the young boy found by Qui-Gon, he would need to replace his old pawn and the young boy with a high midi-chlorian count would make a good replacement, the boy would be trained as a padawan at the Jedi Temple.

Being the chancellor would allow him to safely monitor the boy and he was sure that in the future he would be able to interact with him, it wasn't uncommon for the Jedi and chancellor to interact to solve the various issues of the galaxy after all.

Moving on, he started reading a report about the death of Sifo-Dyas, Sidious had worked hard to influence the Jedi into creating the clone army in secret in a way that wouldn't be linked back to him, after the Jedi had commissioned the Kaminoans in secret, he no longer served a purpose and was eliminated, Sidious couldn't leave any loose ends, although he did respect the Jedi, he couldn't allow his feeling to get in his way. Despite being a useful pawn, sadly Sifo-Dyas needed to die, Sidious made sure that the ship he was traveling on was shot down.

After spending a few hours reading through various reports and meeting members of the senate, Sidious received a secret message from the Trade Federation, after a brief conversation he started reading a more detailed report about the battle on Naboo.

It seemed that once the queen failed to request help from the Republic, she next turned to mercenaries and a private security force, they managed to gather a large enough force to retake the capital and completely defeated their ground force, they also managed to shoot down most of the Trade Federations fleet over Naboo. Yes, the Trade Federation starships were not built for war and were quickly put together but still, he was surprised with how easily they were defeated, they did outnumber the Naboo forces.

Despite the defeat over Naboo, his plan was still largely unaffected, now all he had to do was sow the seeds of rebellion, once war broke out he would be able to gather more influence and power, then he would create the greatest empire that the galaxy has ever seen! his empire would go down in history as one of the most powerful and prosperous empires to ever exist.

The only thing that could get in his way was the Jedi, Darth Sidious wouldn't make the same mistake as past Sith and underestimate the Jedi, no, he already put in place, safety measures against the Jedi. Once the time was right, he would use the very same army that was built by Sifo Dias to protect the Republic, to instead be the final blow against the Jedi! he would wipe them all out at once.

With his arms folded behind his back, Darth Sidious made his way to the window and peered out across his empire, he couldn't help a small smile from forming on his face.

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