Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 13 - Consequences

Corellian Defence Force Headquarters, Corellia

In front of a massive, reinforced building, a holo-projector showed a rendering of the images that were etched in the psyche of most Republic citizens. The ȧssault of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and the battle in the heart of the Senate itself.

A gray haze.

Blue and red bolts of light crisscrossing in the air.

Men fighting, screaming and dying.

"All of us who were on Coruscant that day knew that something fundamental had changed. " spoke a middle-aged man. "We felt it in our bones, and for once that was not just a figure of speech."

The ȧssembled crowds in front of the planetary Defense Forces Headquarters were silent, captivated by the speech of Bel Iblis.

"Some say that it would be a day that would live in infamy for generations." he continued. "While they are correct, what happened that day is so much more."

The Senator paused and looked all over the massive crowd which had ȧssembled to hear him speak. Amongst the sea of men, women and children, he could see hundreds in the uniforms of the CDF.

"It was a wake up call!" his voice echoed over the ȧssembled people. "Many of us believed that this conflict between the Republic and the Confederation of Independent systems, was of no consequences for us! After all, some of the Separatists do have real grievances! So we chose to remain neutral." his voice became quieter, yet the ȧssembled people had no problem understanding his words. "But many who remained nominally loyal to the Republic, supported their cause." another pause. Iblis took a deep breath, and his voice thundered over the crowd.

"We all saw what those madmen of the CIS did! First Naboo! A neutral and peaceful planet still suffers under the unleashed horrors of the Blue Shadow! A terror that was eradicated from the face of the Galaxy centuries ago! Yet that was not enough! Confederate agents struck in the very heart of the Republic itself! Their agents, war criminals, every last one of them, used both biological and chemical weapons on the center of galactic civilization! In the very heart of Coruscant! But even that was not enough for them!" Iblis paused again and nodded to the general in full dress uniform standing to his left. The older man stepped forward and his powerful voice carried over the crowd.

"Everything that Senator Bel Iblis said is true! But that does not show the full extent of the depravities of the CIS! Republic Intelligence agents uncovered what is the true purpose of the recent Separatists invasion of Ryloth! It is to satisfy the terms of an alliance they made with the Hutt cartels! And the price of those criminals is slaves! Yes, that is correct! As we speak, millions of men, women and children are being enslaved and sold as mere cattle! Republic citizens, just as any one of you!" the general pointed at the crowd.

He stepped back and let the Senator to the front again. Garm looked at his people, and gave them a solemn nod.

"That is correct, my brothers and sisters! No matter how they began, the Confederation is now little more than the scum of the galaxy! Murderers! Slavers!" he took a deep breath.

The crowds surrounding the Defense Headquarters were growing restless. Iblis could almost taste their rising anger, and he could only imagine what was happening across the rest of Corellia and the star system. This speech was going live.

"In light of all that happened in the past few weeks, after heavy deliberation, the government of Corellia, unanimously, decided that we could no longer remain neutral in this conflict. The CIS has shown its true colors – that of a mad beast that must be put down for the safety of us all! As of noon today, Corellia rejoins fully with the Republic and declares war on the Confederation of Independent systems!"

His next words were drowned by the approving roar of the crowd.

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