Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 23 - Inspiration

Rows upon rows of Republic troopers, clad in dark gray and black armor, are marching in formation up the ramps of Acclamator Assault Ships. They are flanked by lines of AT-TE walkers and hover-tanks, waiting for their turn to board.

"In mere hours, we will step foot on Ryloth! Our path has been cleared by the valiant sacrifices of our brothers and sisters in the Navy!"

Venator cruisers are locked in a long range duel with five times their number of Separatist frigates. The space between them blazes with blue and scarlet turbolaser bolts. Hundreds of Torrent fighters are fearlessly flying to meet a wall of Vultures, which are descending to pick apart the Republic fleet.

"We will not let their noble deaths and the achievements paid with them be in vain!"

Images from the cameras built in to the Y-Wings show how squadrons of the bombers fall upon Munificents, which shatter under their torpedoes. It could be seen how republic small craft are picked apart by AA fire or Vultures which were close enough to engage them. Yet the bombers press through the hellish onslaught and strike a CIS Command ship, which is left as a wreck in the aftermath of their attack.

"I won't lie to you! We are going into battle against a tough and unrelenting enemy! One who has no concept of mercy!"

Droids marching across a hundred worlds could be seen. The machines are shown shooting at both Republic troopers and more often than not, at unarmed civilians, who were at the wrong place in the wrong time. Wounded clones, as well as members of scores of planetary defense forces, were being dispatched by the steel legions.

"As for their masters on the Separatist Council..." the well known face of General Veil was twisted by a sneer, "We all saw what their questionable sense of "mercy" entails!"

Video captured by the helmet cameras of clone troopers followed. Large cells were shown, each of which were filled with gaunt men, women and children. Many of them were wearing rags, which did little to hide a multitude of bruises... or the old fashioned slave collars that were clamped around the necks of about a third of those poor people.

"Here, in orbit of Ryloth, we saw the true face of the Separatists! They want the rest of the galaxy under their steel heels, and demonstrated what awaits every one of us if they win this war! It's either a clean death in battle or a protracted one as a wretched slave!"

Short clips taken by high altitude reconnaissance vessels were shown next. Camps filled with countless Twi'leks could be seen. They were gathered behind high fences like a herd of animals. Most of them didn't have even a flap of tent over their heads. In many parts of Ryloth, especially near the deserts, such a treatment would prove to be a death sentence.

"I can't promise that I'll bring every single one of you back alive. We all know that some of you who are today, here with me, won't be alive at the same time tomorrow,"the General took a deep breath before continuing. "They at least will die free! Let us show the galaxy what we are made of! Today we fight for the freedom which is yours by right! Today we liberate Ryloth!"

Squadrons of fighters and bombers scream from the heavens, plunging through the atmosphere of Ryloth as so many falling stars. They are followed in by Corellian Corvettes, and finally the dagger shaped Assault ships. Waves of gunships carrying men and equipment separated from the Acclamators and headed to the predetermined staging area.

High in orbit, two Venator cruisers maneuver and unleash barrage after barrage of turbolaser death at exposed enemy formations. Recon craft show columns of Separatist vehicles disappearing in blinding flashes as the orbital bombardment hits.

"By now, every single Republic citizen knows what our enemies are capable of. What awaits us if we ever fall into the Separatist's clutches.

Even now some are calling for peace. Let us be fair, the choice between war and peace is an easy one.

There is only one sure way to guarantee that there is peace, and it takes only a second. Its a surrender. On Ryloth we saw what a surrender will mean for the Republic! It is enslavement for every man, woman and child!

There can be no more appeasement with the Separatists! No more compromises! We are long past between the choice between peace and war! Now there can be only fighting or surrender! It is clear what will happen to us all if we continue to back off and retreat! The only accommodation the Separatists will accept is the steel heels of their soulless armies over our necks!

The Separatist leaders believe that their victory is near after they struck at the very heart of the Republic. They believe that we are morally and economically weakened, because even now there are voices from our side who call for peace at any price!

Those people would see us begging on our knees before a Separatist slave-master instead dying on our feet!

They do not speak for us all! They do not speak for the Republic!

As I speak, The Grand Army of the Republic is fighting across thousands of planets to stop the Separatist onslaught! They fight and die for every single one of you! Can any of you do any less for your own freedom?

The Republic Army and Navy need your help to turn the tide! Enlist now, and help us stop the Separatists once and for all!"

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