Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 37 - A Jedi Falls [Interlude]

Venator Cruiser "Coruscant's Pride"

Low orbit over Geonosis

To be Anakin Skywalker at that moment was hell. His body was slowly burning from within, his head was swimming in a red haze, and the pain… To be the Chosen One then and there was pure, undiluted agony. Every breath, every time the bridge shook as his cruiser was hit again and again, they all sent white hot spikes of durasteel into his body. Yet, all that torture was a mere sideshow. Because for Anakin Skywalker the real hell was quite different. He felt it all. Each wound his men suffered. Every injury and death sent a backslash through the Force slapping him in the face with iron fist.

Men he had grown closer with than the Jedi who raised him… Anakin was killing them. He betrayed them all and while regretting every moment of it, he felt no remorse. Because no matter how much he cared for his brothers within the 501st Legion, they weren't as important as Padme. He made his choice and it was time to own up to it.

Skywalker smiled tiredly. The Force was raging, a storm ready to sweep everything in its way. Veil was here with the rest of the fleet. So Padme might just be saved. If he paved the way. Then he would be either dead or there would be a hell to pay. Not that it mattered by that point. Skywalker had burned his bridges. The only thing left was to see this through. So he gritted his teeth and through the Force seized control over one of his remaining three Venators. The cruiser shuddered, its thrusters firing and altering his path. The closest Golan II station, which had been pouring its vast firepower at Skywalkers battle group, redoubled its efforts, focusing its fire on the approaching Venator. The Venator's shields collapsed. Weapon emplacements blew away, its armor peeled off. The Golan gave it all it was worth.

It was all for naught. Even as a burning, half dead wreck the Kuat's Shield was more than enough. It slammed through the weakened shields of the battle-station, its armored nose piercing it almost death center. The cruiser's engines continued to burn as more and more of its body were fed into the station, consuming both in series of titanic explosions. Seconds later one of their reactors was shattered and both ship and station ceased to exist in one massive explosion that lit up the whole hemisphere of the world below.

Skywalker's smile faded. He coughed a glob of blood. The thick red liquid was already running freely down his face. He felt numb, the massive shock of feeling every death aboard the Shield becoming a hit too many. He gurgled a strangled cry sensing that the Force was slipping through his finger tips. Anakin shuddered and used his last vestiges of power for one last command. His other ship maneuvered, moving to shield Coruscant's Pride from any and all ground based weaponry with its hull. Then both cruisers accelerated and headed straight at the planet.

On the bridge, Anakin Skywalker crumbled on the floor in a puddle of his blood.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed or Star Wars. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with commercial aim. I make no money from it.

AN:This part was betaed by Gatemaster on the Space Battle's forums. Thank you very much for the great work.

Phase 19


Part 7

Republic Cruiser "Chimera"

First Assault Fleet Flagship

"What are you going to do now, hm?" Yularen mussed.

The hammer blow had fallen and his fleet was intact. Now the Seps' commander had couple of choices to make. To either fall back to the defensive line, which had its problems, or attack. Either was viable tactics in this case. As far as the enemy knew anyway. If the Confeds decided to play defense, that was all right with the Admiral. It would make his job simpler not to mention easier. So what was the worst thing that the enemy could do?

Yularen would have jumped deeper in the system and waited, ready to pounce when the opposing force committed to attack the planet, sandwiching them between the Orbital Defense and the mobile forces supporting them, and the rest of the fleet. If the enemy declined to hit the planet, he could play for time waiting for reinforcements and commencing long range duels before making tactical retreat. That would work for a Republic force, with a battle line centered around Venators, which were quite tough and fast. For the CIS that option wasn't as desirable. Their fastest ships, the Munificents, which made up the bulk of their fleet, were glass cannons. Heavily armed and fast, but suffered in the armor department. Their battleships on the other hands were behemoths, with the weapons and armor to take on multiple Venators, but quite slow in real space. Simply, the CIS units which were tailor made for hit and run attacks were too fragile if sent unsupported, and if kept in formation with the heavy hitters...well then he wouldn't have much trouble in engaging them heavily before their hyperdrives recycled and new jump coordinates were calculated.

When all was said and done, he was confident to get the better off such confrontation. Which really left option two, attack, as the option he had to prepare for.

"Get us in fleet formation Kilo. Lighter elements are to independently maneuver and clear the cruisers firing lanes. What's the status on our fighter squadrons? How long until they are able to reestablish a proper screen?"

"We are working on it. It looks like nearly fifty percent casualties. We haven't been able to reestablish contact with anyone more senior than a squadron leader."

"I see. Do what you can. Guardian status?"

"Green across the board, all missile magazines are being reloaded as we speak."

"Good. Carry on."

"That was unpleasant." I stated the obvious. Thanks to my formal training from Ashara, I was able to distance myself from the deaths of the people I influenced with my Battle Meditation. Still, it was rather nasty sensation, feeling an echo of their deaths. Even if the dark part of my heart rather enjoyed it.

That said, so far it was far better than the last time I used this discipline. It was during a major battle in the Great War, one that made this one look like a side show. While we won, the strain put me out of commission for weeks. Needless to say I hoped to do better here. Which wasn't unreasonable. Not only was the scale much smaller, but there were very few organics on the other side to influence.

The short lull in the battle helped too, giving me some precious time to center myself and use the Light Side to soothe the strain.

As far as I could tell, Yularen had everything well in hand so I declined from interfering. My ȧssistance notwithstanding, I wanted him and his command staff to be the ones running and winning this battle. Doing so would have a lot of effects. They needed to know that I trusted them to do so, something most Jedi didn't if what I've seen from this war was anything to go by. Further it would show the Republic that they didn't need the space monks in charge in order to win a major victory. That me, a Sith, ȧssisted while there were no other Jedi present was of course a pure accident, one that I would capitalize on later. But most importantly, it would show the troops that I trusted them to get the job done.

The Force stirred. I could feel Anakin going out like a shattered light bulb but I could still faintly feel his presence even after his Battle Meditation abruptly cut off. So he was still alive. Which was good. I would be there to pick up the pieces if he survived the battle and considering how big a hole he had dug for himself, I would own his ȧss.

Now it was time to get back to work. I submerged myself deeper in the Force and concentrated on the web I've woven around every being in my fleet. My heart sped up as I soothed the emotions of my soldiers and breathed confidence in their hearts. At that moment we were a single entity ready to shatter anything that dared to stand in our way.


Droid Command Ship "Nemesis"

Third Wing Flagship

Admiral Ningo strapped into his custom made chair, activated the holographic interface that allowed him easier command over the fleet and checked his forces positions. Sixty five percent of the fleet had reached the staging points and was more or less formed up.

"Fleet status?"

"All ships are in the net. Jump coordinates calculated and locked in."

"Send targeting priorities. I want the leading Munificent task forces to concentrate on enemy escorts. Following waves and the battleships are to engage the Venators. Ignore the Corellian cruisers. It will take too long to crack their defenses." Time and ships better spent on killing their lesser brethren. The behemoths could wait for now.


The transparent displays hovering in front of the Admiral's face lit up with acknowledgments and soon everyone in his command knew their task. It was time to go.

"All units. Execute." he ordered braced for acceleration.

For a split moment the world froze as hundreds of ships stretched in impossible lines. Faster than a biological mind should be able to perceive they disappeared from the universe only to reappear in optimal range of the Republic fleet. For few seconds the fleet maneuvered, taking better positions and refining targeting solutions. A heartbeat later they opened fire.


Republic Cruiser "Chimera"

First Assault Fleet Flagship

High orbit over Geonosis

"Multiple enemy contacts!" the sensor operator stated calmly. "We are under attack."

"By all means, return fire." Yularen ordered.

Most of his ships had already shifted formations in an anticipation of possible attack. Despite that, it was going to be ugly. The CIS forces had jumped in perfect position to maximize the Munificent's long range firepower.

"I want Coronet and Freedom's battle groups to maneuver independently and engage Rogue one and two respectively. Invincible is to lead two third of its heavy elements against Rogue two, while the rest of the battle group is to keep station. They will be our mobile reserve and will keep an eye for the rest of the enemy fleet." Yularen pointed at the enemy units converging at the defense line in low orbit over Geonosis."

The Admiral glanced at his aide. "Felix, what's the status of Overlord?"

"The primary objectives are secure. Overlord will be active in a couple of minutes."

"Let's hope it'll work. Otherwise this will be much uglier."

DCS "Deathdealer"

High orbit over Geonosis

"How much time do you need?" Boss shouted.

He and Delta were camping near the main entrance to the computer core, while the ONI team was busy working their magic. Thanks to the new arms and armor, so far the casualties were surprisingly low, but that wasn't going to last. Whoever was in charge of shipboard security had gotten smarter. Now the B1 droids were acting as shields for the SB droids, which in turn had the firepower to be a threat.

"Sir, Echo squad reported sighting Commando droids. We lost contact with them."

"Of course. It's never easy, is it?" Sev muttered.

"We are in the network. The package will be uploaded in sixty seconds. Then we need to keep this mainframe operational until it propagates. Give or take, five more minutes!"

"Joy. Pull Alpha and beta squads back. It will be up to Kilo company to keep the route out clear." Boss ordered.

His ears perked up. There were more Droidekas coming. "How many Ion grenades do we have left?"

"I'm out." Sev muttered.

"I've got four." Scorch patted his harness.

"One." Fixer added.

"I'm out too. Now this is what we are going to do..."


Light Cruiser "Corellian Fury"

Task Force Lacoon Flagship

First Assault Fleet

High Orbit over Geonosis

"This is going to be ugly."

"Raar! Grwar!"

"Nah. This is worse than Nar Shadda. Keep the Carriers between our main battle groups. All escorts except Cruiser Squadron One and Destroyer divisions Three and Seven are to advance. We are supporting Coronet's battle group. Guardian status?"

"Green. All remaining weapon platforms are in the net, though they are down to the laser cannons."

"Keep them prioritized on enemy fighters. Once those Munificent's are in range start targeting weapon emplacements."


"Get us to the left flank. Let's cover that Venator division."


Corellian Cruiser "Freedom"

First Assault Fleet

High orbit over Geonosis

Commodore Joanna Holt of the Corellian Defense Forces, glared at the holo tank showing the enemy disposition. The whole of Rogue two had executed a precise tactical jump and now were busy shooting up her battle group. Something she wasn't going to let stand.

"All units, return fire. Concentrate on the Munificents. We can kill them faster. And inform our escorts. We are going in. Helm, take us straight down their throats. I want us to get the attention of as much of the enemy battle line as possible. The Freedom has been build for this kind of fight. Let's give the Lady her chance to shine!"

"Ma'am, Invincible and most of her battle group are moving to reinforce us."

"Good. Let's show those tin cans how we do things on Corellia."

When the fleet battle started in earnest, the Confederation forces appeared to have the upper hand. Their deft maneuvering placed them in position where they could concentrate most of their firepower on their targets, while the major part of the Republic forces in range could engage with about half of their weapons. Destroyers and Light Cruisers felt the brunt of the enemy ȧssault, shattering one after another under the concentrated fire of Munificent frigates. The Republic forces spat back its defiance with Turbo-laser bolts, heavy concussion missiles and waves of proton torpedoes. It was the Confederacy's turn to feel the sting. Munificent's were torn apart by destroyer and frigate packs, while others died under the barrage of Light Cruiser squadrons.

The fleet's formations unfolded like the petals of a giant flower, clearing firing lanes and movement vectors for the Capital ships. With each passing moment more and more fire power was brought to bear. The Republic battle line came into range. Targeting priorities shifted, giving much needed respite to the escorts. The first ordinance salvos struck their targets, overwhelming shields and blasting armor. The Munificent's started dying faster.

"Invictus is taking heavy fire."

"Opportunist just lost forward shields."

"Scratch another frigate. Shift starboard batteries on sector seven one. Keep all forward guns to that battleship."

"The Sep's are sending their remaining fighters."

"Finally. Relay it to the Flag. Once they are a broken force, call in the hammer."

Waves of Vultures came screaming from behind the lines of Rogue One and Two. They were the majority of the Confederacy's remaining fighters in the system. Nearly forty thousands artificial minds, piloting craft sent on their final mission. Less than eight thousand Torrent's raced to meet them, backed up by seven hundred odd weapon platforms… and the Guardian systems of the Fleet, which had already selected targets and ripple salvoed their missiles.

"Fearless just went up. No survivors."

"Ma'am, signal from the Flag. Overlord is commencing now."

Commodore Holt grinned. "All units, general advance! Get those eyesores out off my space!"


Droid Command Ship "Nemesis"

Third Wing Flagship

High Orbit over Geonosis

Admiral Ningo watched the slaughter with dispassionate eyes. The CIS commander knew that he had the advantage for the time being, yet he couldn't help it but feel dread. As if the outcome of the battle was preordained and no matter what he did, he was going to lose. The way the enemy was acting didn't help that grim premonition. They were reacting fast. Too fast. As if all of them knew what was happening, what his forces were doing the moment they started moving. There was no uncertainty, not even the tiniest hesitation amidst the Republic ranks. They were acting with a machine like precision that was unnerving.

The Admiral glanced at the clunky droids surrounding him. Actually the Republic forces were even better than machines if that was anything to go by.

At least for the moment the ȧssault was going relatively well. The attack was claiming a frightful harvest upon the enemy light elements, but they had reacted too fast. What should have been the slaughter of at least half their escorts for little loss, was turning out to be a slugging match. Then the Venators started joining the battle en masse and his fleet's targeting patterns shifted, concentrating on the Capital ships. Once the two sides were almost full engaged it was time. He was unlikely to have a better chance to use his remaining fighter strength. Almost two thirds of which was committed to this attack. The rest were simply too far away to make it on time so they were now bound to defend the planet.

"Send in the Vultures. Shift fire to the enemy escorts and punch them an opening."

"Roger, roger."

Ningo shuddered. All he wanted was to get this battle done with and get away.

A wave of almost forty thousand fighters weaved through his lines seeking the gut the enemy fleet. The sensor display refreshed to clear the image, showing the Vultures as pale blue wave that was expanding through his formations. The Admiral frowned. There were dots falling behind without obvious reason, almost all of them were lit green, showing no sustained damage.

"Give me status on those ships!" he growled.


First Assault Fleet Order of Battle:

Capital ships:

3 Corellian Cruisers : Invincible, Coronet, Freedom;

105 Venator Class Cruisers /120 V-19 Torrent; 36 Y-Wing Bombers each/


250 Light Cruisers /78 Carrack; 172 Arquitens/

297 Frigates /87 Consular; 210 CR90/

32 PLC Escort Carriers/150 V-19 Torrens; 100 Y-Wing Bombers each/

Ten Light freighters /100 weapon platforms each/

17400 V-19 Torrents; 6980 Y-Wing Bombers;

CIS Defense fleet:

12 Droid Command Ships /1500 Vultures each/

47 Battleships /1200 Vultures each/

371 Munificent Frigates /400 Vultures each/

59 Munificent Frigates without fighter compliment

Geonosis Orbital Defense Net:

16 Golan Defense stations /100 vultures each/

1000 Defense Platforms /light turbolasers and proton torpedo compliments/

224 300 Vulture Droids;

Loses prior to main fleet engagement:

Republic: 11 Venators; 8 Carrack, 6 Arquitens, 7 Consular, 12 CR90, 8900 Torrents, 399 bombers; 16 PLC Escort Carriers and 10 Light Freighters;

Confederation: 2 DCS, 3 Battleships, 49 Munificent frigates, 160 831 Vulture fighters; 1 Golan Station; 43 Weapon Platforms;

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