Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 52 - Requiem for Mandalore

Part 1

Conference room

Royal Palace



"Did you follow my advice?" I asked Obi-Wan.

The Jedi muttered something I couldn't hear and shook his head.

"You do look a bit disheveled and flustered." I continued.

"And you look like you went a round with a Wookie." Kenobi nodded towards my face.

"That would have been easier." I grinned. "Last night was worth every bruise and cracked rib."

"Too much information."

"Why? Didn't you play hide the lightsaber with Satine?"

"Veil, you would test a saint's patience." Obi-Wan glared at me.

"If your Duchess is anything like her sister in bed, you have nothing to complain about."

"Veil!" The Jedi hissed.

Our banter was interrupted by Bo and Satine entering the room. My girlfriend wore her usual armor, though it was painted black and had the Kryze symbol painted on the ċhėst instead of the Death Watch emblem. Next to her, Satine looked a bit out of place clad in a suit of light green armor.

The Prime Minister walked a step behind the sisters. "The trainers just landed and will be arriving in a few minutes." Almec stated.

"Good. Bo?" I asked.

"Right here." My girlfriend patted a pouch on her belt. "All the data I have on Death Watch and what you took from the ȧssassins."

"Splendid. So Duchess, when are you going to make Obi-Wan here a proper Mandalorian?"

"He's a stubborn Jedi, but I'll convince him sooner that latter."

"Corrupting Jedi, sister?" Bo smiled. "I knew you had it in you."

"Shush you."

"Hey! I'm right here!" Obi-Wan protested.

"If you need pointers on how to make him beg to become a Mandalorian, just ask." Bo continued undeterred.

"I'll manage, thank you very much." Satine muttered in a dry voice.

"General Veil, have you decided how to sell your potential change in status to the Republic?" The Duchess decided to leave Kenobi alone.

"A few. Mandalore's critical strategic location, the potential to bring a whole sector to our side, a promise that the Mandalorians won't be turning on the Republic among other things. We'll probably need some high profile missions to prove our worth to the war effort. I think Mandalorian strike teams augmented by Jedi going after strategic targets to either softer up or outright take enemy held planets. Further – trainers. The Republic is just beginning a huge expansion of the armed forces with non-Clone personnel."

"That might work, if you survive the initial backslash."

"There's that. In the end, we'll need to keep Mandalore intact for at least two months – after that holding this world would be easier." I smiled.

"How so?" Bo asked.

"An old project of mine will be operational once again in seven weeks."

"It must be something special if you believe it could help secure this planet." Obi-Wan added.

"Oh, it is. You'll all see it when the time comes."

"Any news about Vizsla's supporters? How many Clan Leaders are likely to vote for him?" Bo asked the Prime Minister.

Almec frowned. "It's unclear. Before the Duchess' statement, he was the only viable candidate, but didn't have enough support to become Mandalore. However, Vizsla and his agents were busy. I know he met with half a dozen Clan Leaders yesterday alone, though if they will support him or not remains to be seen."

"We can count on Yomaget and most Clans running weapon manufacturing business. Those I met with personally love what we can offer them."

"There are a lot of people who will jump at the chance to be the ones rearming Mandalore." Bo interjected. "However, some of them won't care whose weapons they will be building."

"True. Yomaget's support will be important. He's practically the most powerful Clan Leader and one of the most influential." Satine added. "Are you sure he'll really support you?"

"Reasonably, considering what I offered him and his corporation."

"That surprise of yours?" Almec asked.

"Among other things."

The door rang as an armored fist knocked on it.

"Enter." Satine's clear voice ordered.

The doors opened up and revealed a corridor full with armed and armored Mandalorian warriors. I recognized three of the four people crowding the entrance thanks to their armors – Kal Skirata, Mij Gilamar and Walon Vau.

"General." I returned Skirata's salute. "I'm glad you could get here so fast."

"Fortunately we still control hyperspace lanes allowing us rapid transit from Kamino to home." Gilamar added.

"Hopefully we'll be able to keep it that way. Please do go in."

Fifty Mandalorians and eight Republic Commandos made their way inside and gathered around the table. A brief round of introductions followed, allowing me to put names to the rest of Skirata's command group – Rav Bralor, Vhonte Tervho and Cort Davin. The first two were women in red armor and the latter a tall man in forest green.

"We're here General Veil. Make your pitch." Skirata went straight to the point.

"Do I have to outline the situation again?" I asked.

"Only anything relevant that happened since we headed this way." Bralor answered.

"Well, the Clan Leaders will be gathering here in five days to choose Mandalore. Needless to say, Vizsla has been a busy little gangster. He or his agents had been meeting with Clan Leaders, trying to either plead to their honor, offer them deals or threaten their families."

"You've got to be joking." Tervho exclaimed. "Sir." She added a moment later.

"Wish I had. Yesterday morning I went to talk with Kole Ordo. A few hours before I got there, he had been visited by Death Watch members who threatened his daughter Mira if he didn't support Vizsla. I don't think that would be an isolated accident."

"He won't win many votes that way." Skirata frowned.

"No. He won't be trying to threaten most Clan Leaders either."

"Last time I checked, there were just Kole and his kid. Not many people left on Mandalore he could trust these days." Kal sighed. "What is Kole going to do?"

"He was planning to leave Mandalore. I gave him a personal frequency he can contact me on – to either help him disappear or provide protection for Mira if he decides to support me."

"Support you? Who's your candidate for Mandalore?" Rav asked.

"That would be me." I stated calmly.

The room suddenly grew quiet. If I could convince these people, I would be that much closer to gaining the title. There were at least three Clan Leaders among the Cuy'val Dar in the room.


Part 2

Conference room

Royal Palace



"You want to be the next Mandalore?" Skirata asked. His expression was an interesting mixture of stunned disbelief and shock. The rest of the trainers weren't much better, though if their faces were anything to go by, they were suddenly doubting my sanity. "An outsider, who if rumor's to be believed is detached from this age and has no idea what we need as a people." The General continued. "How this… questionable idea, help save our people from another civil war? From where I stand it's likely to cause one."

"Prevent a clash with the Death Watch? That's inevitable. That cancer has to be removed. Now, mitigating any engagements between Mandalorians, that's doable. I think so at least." I stared down Skirata.

"That doesn't answer Kal's question. We didn't come back to support your power plays." Bralor added.

"That's one way to look at the situation." I nodded. "It's all a matter of perspective."

"Aren't you supposed to be a Sith, not a Jedi?" A Mandalorian whose name I didn't catch interjected. "Speak plainly, no word games."

"If that's your dėsɨrė. Frankly, if all I was going for was power, the best thing I could do to preserve my current station as one of the most powerful men in the galaxy would be to burn down Mandalore as some Senators and generals would love me to. That's the only way to somewhat mitigate the hit on my power base and reputation this whole fiasco is going to cause, no matter it's ultimate outcome." I glared at the ȧssembled warriors. That gave them some food for thought.

"How exactly is that an incentive to help you become our leader?" Skirata asked. "It sounds as a reason to consider you an enemy."

"If Death Watch takes power or just starts a civil war, the Republic will have to intervene to prevent the CIS gaining Mandalore as an ally or at the very least using this system and the surrounding area as a staging ground."

"The ensuring battles will see our people divided and destroyed no matter which side wins." Bralor stated. "That's why you called us here, isn't it?"

"True. An engagement over Mandalore is inevitable – the capital world is at important strategic location, one neither side can afford to leave in enemy hands. Do I have to explain what havoc a fleet of raiders stationed here could wreak on the nearby hyperlanes? I do remember the great blockade which almost strangled the Republic by cutting easy access to the Outer Rim."

"Ultimately we don't have enough ships to have a decisive role in this." Skirata sighed.

"We have millions of warriors on this world alone, with many more spread through the sector or busy being mercenaries and bounty hunters, however in the grand scheme of things that isn't a decisive number." Gilamar added. "What do you have to gain by becoming Mandalore? Somehow I doubt you're trying to do it of the goodness of your heart."

"Of course not, though the primary reasons I want the job are actually sentimental ones if you can believe it."

The newcomers stared at me as if I grew another head.

"Fine. You're not a Jedi, that's for sure. But you aren't acting like a Sith. So who or what the kriff are you?"Davin asked.

I snorted. "Truly, my people's reputation has gone down the drain. What do you expect me to be? A raging imbecile who solves every problem through the most direct and brutal way imaginable? Someone too busy with his research and experiments to pay attention to the larger world?" I shook my head. "There are many kinds of Sith, something you people should know better than most. Or were at any rate." I shrugged.

"Fair enough." Skirata waved a hand. "Enough off topic discussion, Cort. I want answers and a very good reason why we shouldn't leave right now. No one becomes Mandalore over sentimental reasons, especially not a Sith."

"True. If those were my only reasons, I simply wouldn't be able to justify trying to gain the title. For those who might be unaware or disbelieving – the rumors are true. I'm from the Old Republic era. I began my training as a Sith on Korriban shortly before the Sack of Coruscant and the long not so cold war, that followed. In my time I've fought beside many Mandalorians and some of my best friends were Stephen and Mako Ordo. For me, it was just a year ago that I was on this world, drinking Tihaar with Mandalore the Dauntless and his wife. It's in the honor of the great friendship I had with them that I want to see their people, their culture prosper again." I paused.

Most of the Cuy'val Dar had looks of disbelief on their faces, while the rest kept their thoughts behind expressionless masks.

"Proof?" Skirata asked.

"None that can convince you." I shrugged. "How do I prove that I'm a Sith of old?" My lips twitched into a grim smile. "How do I prove that I am the Black Knight of folklore?"

"Any proof you can give could be an elaborate fabrication." Bralor sighed. "Even your powers – we've read stories, seen ancient holo-vids, but all that means is that you could be someone rediscovered old techniques and powers."

"That's a reasonable conclusion. Kriff, even if I was a clone of Darth Vael, who someone got the original's memories, that would be easier to believe that I traveled thousands of years in the future." I shook my head.

"We'll get nowhere with this. I still want to hear why should we consider supporting you." Tervho stated.

I gave the warrior a nod. "With your help, I can make Mandalore and its people great again. I will do my best to reunite our scattered people, forging them into a single nation based on honor and the principles of the Mandalorian culture. This whole sector once either belonged to answered to the Mandalorians and that's how it shall be once again."

"That's a tall order, though at least you have ambitious plans." Skirata mussed. "What about the Death Watch?"

"The majority of their members are nothing but honor-less thugs who know nothing of being honorable warriors. We'll expose them for what they are and crush them as the criminal scum they are."

"That's something I can get behind." Bralor nodded. "Still you don't need to be Mandalore for that."

"I need to become Mandalore, because that's the only chance any of us has of bringing the Mandalorian people together behind a single banner. A civil war on top of the Republic and CIS slugging it in space and on the ground here would be disastrous."

"We'll fall divided, easy prey for either side." Skirata sighed. "That is, isn't it? We need not only a Mandalore who can bind us together, but one that the Republic would find acceptable."

"Not quite. One that I find acceptable." I looked him in the eyes. "I can't afford to leave the Mandalorian situation unresolved. While there may be someone I've overlooked, the only viable candidates right now are either Vizsla or people in his camp. None of them would do and even if there was a viable alternative, they would need to convince me that they would be supporting the Republic in this war until the Confederacy is done for."

"How is that our problem?" Devin asked.

"We're a potential threat – long term I mean." Skirata answered. "Right now we don't have a decent navy, no real army to speak of, though we have millions of experienced infantry. Our warriors have training and equipment rivaling or outright outmatching the GAR, though that means little without logistics, navy or armored forces. However, give us two years and that can change – we could have a decent fleet built in that time along with equipping ourselves for a war like this one. A few more years and neither side would be able to simply dictate us demands and treaty terms – we would be a major player on the galactic stage once again. We have the potential to become one right now, though we're divided and that holds us back."

"With what resources?" Devin asked.

"Uniting this sector would be enough by itself, though that alone would take too much time. Using captured CIS industries and equipment, Republic aid and my own resources – those can make an united Mandalore something no one in their right minds will kriff with. However, all of that is a long term concern. The war is likely to be decided one way or another in the next two years. If leveraged properly, the existing number of Mandalorian warriors might be enough to tip the scales in the Republic's favor. That's what I get short term at the price of possibly losing my position as a general in the Republic army and for sure getting my current powers significantly reduced. I'm banking that we'll be able to hold on long enough to make that sacrifice worth it."

"Now, this is something I can buy." Skirata nodded. "Let's talk details. All you've really told us is your vision for the future, one I at least might be persuaded to accept. How exactly are you going to accomplish it? How are you going to unite our people behind yourself?"

"Good questions."

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