Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 7 - Hat-trick

Part 1


CIS Frigate Midnight Solace

Near Rodia

Outer Rim

Ventress was laying on the cold deck and panting in a painful effort to inhale enough oxygen in her straining lungs. The combination of shock wave and Sith lighting was racking her body with agonizing spasms. Her bleary blue eyes stared at the scarlet lightsaber blade pointed at her throat. Anger and regret fought in the midst of her very soul. She was on the ground. Defeated before being able to engage the enemy of her master. It infuriated her!

Yet Asajj knew that it was at least partially her fault. She had been too sure in herself even after facing that Togruta Jedi master earlier. She was arrogant and now was about to pay the price.

"Go ahead. Finish it." she was able to rasp amidst a coughing fit.

The lightning she was hit with was much worse than anything she experienced from Dooku or even his master. It was not so much the pain which was substantial. It was the damage that she could feel around her body and especially her ċhėst. Cracked bones from the blast wave and seared flesh from the Dark side attack combined into deadly wounds. She knew that without immediate medical attention she was goner. It was harder to breathe with each passing heartbeat and all she could do through the Force was to slow down her demise and prolong the agony.

"It is not supposed to end like this!" at least that was what she tried to shout but only coughing and a spit of blood exited her lips.


"This is such a waste." I muttered.

The girl was strong in the Force. Give her a few more years and proper training, and she could be something to watch. I grumbled at the schemes of Dooku and Sidious. What they were doing with her was a waste of talent. Pure and simple.

I placed my left hand on her ċhėst in the valley between her brėȧsts and concentrated on drawling the Light side of the Force. I could feel her wounds – burned flesh and damaged lungs, the cracked bones and myriad of old injuries which were not healed properly. If it was not for her strong connection with the force she would be somewhat crippled by the old wounds.

Her body shuddered under my hand. I saw her eyes dilating in surprise and a soft mȯȧn of relief escaping her lips as she was able to take in a breath without chocking. Her cracked bones mended under the ċȧrėss of the Force. Burned and blackened flesh cracked to reveal a healthy pink tissue underneath. I could see the confusion in the ȧssassin's eyes. She had expected either quick death or for me to enjoy her slow and painful demise as she succumbed to her wounds. I had other ideas for her future.

"That's better, Ventress. We'll chat later." I said and my right fist, which was enhanced with the Force slammed in her left temple knocking her out. "Give me some covering fire." I ordered the clones.

I deactivated my lightsaber and placed my hands on Asajj's temples. Dark tendrils of pure force enveloped the Dark Jedi's head and spread all over her body. I poured substantial amount of energy in this technique and was satisfied when to my trained eyes Ventress was bound by midnight black chains of Dark side energies.

"I want two of you to carry her back to the hangar. For at least a day she won't be able to use the Force. Stun her every couple of hours just in case. Go!"

"Yes, sir!" a sergeant snapped a salute and motioned for one of the troopers to follow him.

They grabbed Ventress and ran back retracing our steps.

"Let's finish with this nonsense! Men, follow me!" I ordered and charged the remaining droids blocking our path after checking my shield indicator.

I threw my ignited lightsaber which spun before me in a sweeping ark which cut in two the first row of still standing droids. The blaster bolts of the machines which could keep with my speed splashed harmlessly on my defense field. I lifted the closest droid on the left and hurled it at a group of its friends knocking them all to the deck. I landed and rolled under a burst of red bolts just in time to catch my weapon as it returned from its flight.

I concentrated enough Force around my left fist for it to become a visible distortion around it and slammed it into the deck sending a shock wave down the corridor. The telekinetic onslaught threw all remaining Super Battle droids off their feet.

The clones from the 71st ran behind me shooting at the clankers. Within seconds the remained enemies were turned into a bunch of scrap.

"Good work. Let's move on!" I ordered and ran forward.


Shaak Ti pulled back her lightsaber and the droid she had impaled fell to the ground. She looked around and allowed herself a small smile. Only seven men from the 36th platoon were still on their feet but the enemies in the vicinity were dealt with. There were only couple of tactical and B-1 droids left on the bridge which would be eliminated shortly. While the butcher's bill was high it was almost worth it. They had Grievous! The cyborg was twitching on the ground with its limbs shredded by blaster fire. Four of the remaining clones had their weapons aimed at the crippled CIS general.

"You did well." she congratulated the clones and slammed the blade of her lightsaber in the armored doors barring their entrance to the bridge.

The metal glowed yellow then orange and started melting. For a whole minute Master Ti stood that way until she judged that the blast doors were weakened enough. Then she send a strong telekinetic wave at the half melted armor and it was blown into the bridge showering the few remaining droids with pieces of glowing metal. She jumped through the hole, rolled and her sword arm snapped forward impaling a B-1 droid with her lightsaber. There were only five armed robots and they did not last as many seconds against her. She deflected back their shots which blasted them apart or used the force to smash them in the nearest conveniently placed bulkhead. Within seconds all resistance was eliminated and Shaak Ti was smiling sweetly at the only remaining droid – a tactical one who had its arms in the air and was slowly walking back towards a wall.

"Uh, oh. I'm doomed!" the machine bemoaned while shaking its head in apparent distress.

One of the clones who had followed the Jedi shot the droid removing its head. He shrugged when Master Ti gave him disapproving look.

"It gave me the creeps." said the trooper.


An hour later

Chancellor's office


The former senator from Naboo was watching the holographic images displayed by the comm unit build into his ornately carved desk with a cheerful smile on his face. Inside he felt anything but happy. His plans were threatened like never before. The CIS general, who was to be used as a Boogie man in captivity as well as Dooku's pet! That was something that could not be borne!

It was unfortunate that after that disastrous rescue attempt of the Viceroy, and may Gunray rot in the nine Corellian hells for eternity, another such stunt was unlikely to be successful. Both the Jedi and GAR high command were on high alert and ready for another rescue attempt. Sidious would have to arrange on regardless but it would take some doing. He would need to wait a bit for the heat to die off too. Perhaps a distraction or two first?

That man, Delkatar Veil was a loose cannon who was becoming a problem. Unfortunately the newcomer had dealt with some of Palpatine's pawns and after engineered the capture of both Grievous and Ventress simply ordering the army to deal with him won't pass a smell test. Such an act would have the Jedi sniffing around and they might find what he was planning for them. That was unacceptable! On the other hand, one such as Sidious did excel in turning unfortunate situations in opportunities.

"This is splendid work you did, Master Ti!" exclaimed Palpatine with a smile on his face. No even a hint of his real feelings could be found on his face or in the tone of his voice. "What do you plan to do with the prisoners? They must be interrogated and Grievous must stand trial for his crimes. I need him on Coruscant. Showing this victory to the galaxy will do wonders for our cause!" exclaimed the Chancellor.

"We are already on our way. For security reasons we won't be disclosing our route."

"Yes. That is a sensible precaution after what happened at Rodia." nodded the old man.

Sidious looked at the masked figure which was standing behind the right shoulder of the female Jedi. Whatever else the debacle at Rodia led to there was at least a small silver lining. The Dark Lord of the Sith now knew that Veil was a dangerous man who was more than a match for most of his pawns. He had to make different arrangements about him. Palpatine's smile widened a bit. Why change something that works?

"Mister Veil, in light of your actions which were above and beyond the call of the contract you had with the Republic to protect senator Amidala, I have a proposition to you. But first let me thank you again for saving my dear friend Padme!" Palpatine beamed.

"You are honoring me with your gracious words, Chancellor." rumbled the distorted voice of the masked man.

"I want to offer you a commission in the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic."

Veil tilted his head to the right at that.

"This is an interesting offer, sir. At what rank?"

"If I may be so bold to say, you demonstrated abilities that rival those of the Jedi. If the report you two and ensign Piett gave me is correct it was your forward thinking and bravery which led to the capture of three dangerous enemies of the Republic. When I take that into consideration I want to offer you the rank of general with the same authority the Jedi have."

Palpatine smiled like a kindly old man. If Veil accepted it would create friction between him and the Jedi. Only a blind man would be unable to see that he was a Dark side wielder. With that man in the army not only Sidious would have some control over him but would be able to ensure that he could be placed out of the way of his most important plans. If Veil proved unresponsive to the overtures Sidious planned to send his way and refused to join his side, well military operations were known to become disasters from time to time. Even the most powerful Jedi could be take out by massive numbers and firepower. It would be truly regrettable if something happened to that man... Hehe… Besides, Veil's presence would prove to be an additional distraction for the Jedi Council. A win-win situation for Sidious.

"It will be an honor to accept your gracious offer, Chancellor." Veil gave a small bow.

"Splendid, my young friend! With you on our side the Separatists will regret the day they raised arms against the innocents of the republic! We should speak face to face when you arrive with your prisoners!"

With those parting words, Palpatine cut off the connection. He had to insure that Grievous and perhaps that foolish child Ventress were freed. He drummed his fingers over the wooden surface of his desk while thought who amongst his agents would be the best man for the job. Then he smiled when a plan formed in his crooked brain.

"Yes, that will do. If the plan is executed carefully not only it will take care of Grievous but it will also help my political agenda..." he muttered with a sinister smile on his face.

Part 2

Republic Assault Ship Dauntless


After the comm signal cut off I looked at the female Togruta in front of me. She turned around and I could see a frown on her face. For a moment there was a trace of distress in her eyes. If it wasn't for my connection with the Force I would not have noticed it. I guess that she was not looking forward to her next chat with the Jedi Council. Not only she had decided to listen to my suggestion to grab the Dauntless and make a run for Coruscant before someone who will remain unnamed for now, could sent another CIS fleet after us, without consulting with the Order leadership but now I was a Republic general with the same authority as the Jedi. Most of their contingency plans for dealing with me just went down the drain. Its one thing for the Order to arrest (and/or kill) a mercenary who they accuse of being a Sith. Doing so to a GAR general, one who had done more to derail the CIS plans in few short weeks than most of the Jedi combined did since the start of the war was something very different. Not to mention that it was I who led the boarding party who grabbed Grievous and Ventress... Gurney's demise was just the icing on the cake.

"I guess congratulations are in order, general." she said in an emotionless tone. Her face could have been a marble statue for all the expression it showed.

"Thank you." I deadpanned. "I hope that the Council won't be too pissed off with you."

"Why would they be?" she asked faking confusion.

"We both know that there were a lot of outcomes they hoped for when you were ȧssigned as my babysitter but none of them ended with me becoming a Republic general. I do not need to spell to you what it means for the council."

She gave me a sharp nod and frowned in a way that reminded me of my late wife.

"I'll go check on Ahsoka and the prisoners. See you around, Master Ti."

I made a fast exit. Jedi or not, if she her temper was anything like Ashara's, I did not want to be in the vicinity when she was getting angry. I highly doubted that a spirited sparring session in which she tried to take off my head, followed by a make-up sėx was in the cards in the foreseeable future.


On my way to the medical bay I spoke with a Clone sergeant and made a small detour to requisition a tac-pad, which was the SW universe answer to the tablets of my own world. It was much bigger and heavier from what one would expect but it had incredible processing power and storage capacity as well as build in comm which could interface with nearby hyper com terminals and had a lot of protection against hacking. It could survive many things short of a blaster bolt too. For a piece of military hardware the tradeoffs were generally worth it. It was close to soldier proof.

Which is something that can't be said for most if not all hardware on the Earth I came from.

I uploaded in it some "light" reading for Ahsoka. For good or bad she was stuck as a commander in the war. I doubted that she would request not to be sent to the front lines and even if she did it was unlikely that such thing would be granted. Considering that the kid was starting to grow on me I decided to do something that could help her remain in one piece.

The med bay was full with wounded clones. I could see long rows of bacta tanks in which people were floating. Each one of those devices had a heavily wounded trooper in it. The beds were full too and there were even makeshift sleeping bags on the floor on which wounded soldiers were laying. I knew that leaving Rodia immediately after we evacuated the CIS Frigate with our prisoners and wounded did not make any services to the harmed Republic troops but I could not risk another ambush. Not with such a prize on board.

As you could guess the medics who were up to their necks in wounded did not approve of my plan. On the bright side, they were able to stabilize most of the clones and the most severe cases were already in the tanks. That left a lot of people to be more conventionally (and slowly) treated. Ahsoka was one of those unfortunate souls. Her leg would have been mended after only couple of hours in bacta but now she was laying over a sleeping back in a corner of the room.

I stopped by the purple haired Cat who was being treated for plasma burns on his ċhėst. The Lieutenant had suffered injury when one of the last Super Battle droids in the Reactor chambers hit a plasma conduit feeding the engines of the enemy Frigate with a missile. The resulting venting of super-hot gases clipped the armor of the man who fortunately enough was far so far away from the breach that he got away with only third degree burns when his ċhėst plate was overheated. If he was closer his armor would have been no protection and the plasma stream would have cut him in half.

"Lt, how are you? Beyond the obvious." I waved at his wounds which were tended by a young, pink colored nurse from a species I did not recognize.

"I've been better, sir! Congratulations for the promotion, General!" he winced when he tried to give me a proper salute.

"I see that the rumor mill is still working at lightspeed." I chuckled. "None of that while you are wounded, Cat. There is place for proper military protocol and it's definitely not while you are being patched up. You did great job leading the 71st."

"Thank you, sir. I just wish that more of the boys made it. At least we nailed the Chief Clanker!" He exclaimed and then ġrȯȧnėd when he strained his burned ċhėst muscles.

I gathered power from the Lights side from the Force over my hands and slowly moved my palms over Cat's burns. He hissed in pain when healthy tissue started growing under his crispy skin. The nurse who was tending him looked from a hand-held scanner to me and back with a stunned look on her face. She was babbling about something but I paid it no attention.

"Now, that's better." I ġrȯȧnėd few minutes later. That stunt I just pulled was a bit too much after all the energy I used during the battles earlier that day.

"It's amazing! You cut weeks from his recovery time!" Exclaimed a doctor who had come to see what the commotion was about. "Can you do it for the rest of the wounded?" he asked.

"Unfortunately no. That wiped me out." I sad.

My legs were swaying and I had problems staying on my feet. That confirms it. I did not have the same endurance Vael had. Whether I would be able to match his feats in the future or not remained to be seen.

"I've never been trained as a dedicated medic. The energy I spent hastening Cat's recovery... Let's just say than I could have wiped few enemy platoons without becoming so tired." I muttered.

The doctor waved a scanner all over me and frowned.

"Indeed. You are showing signs of acute exhaustion. I recommend few days of rest. Preferably in bed. "

"You'll get no arguments from me doc. Unless the Sep's decide to visit us again."

The medic grumbled something about gun-ho soldiers that did not know better and loved to create more work for him.

"I'll just visit another patient of yours and make my way to a bed."

I went to Ahsoka who was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Delkatar...That was incredible! How did you manage to heal him!?"

"Some advanced techniques that could be taught in the academy if there was interest in them. Though what I know is technically aimed at self-healing. By helping Cat I used even more energy that I indicated to the Doctor."

"Wow. Can you teach me?!" she gave me puppy dog look with her huge eyes.

"After I get few day of sleep." I muttered. "Here." I gave her the tac-pad.

"What is this?"

"A small present to pass the time while you are recovering. Some essential reading if you want to be effective at leading troops. This war is just starting and I do not believe that you'll simply step away after you are well again."

"No." she frowned. "I've seen what the Separatist do. They must be stopped."

I nodded.

"Get well soon, kid. Get better."

I went to a nearby room where Ventress and Grievous were floating in bacta tanks. There was a squad of heavily armed clones at the door and another inside despite both of the prisoners being fed regular doses of strong sedatives. No one was taking any chances this time. I checked the bindings on the ȧssassin's access to the force and was relieved that they were intact. Combined with the sedatives she should be out for at least a day. Enough time for me to get some rest.


My next adventure started soon after the Dauntless exited hyperspace near Coruscant and we headed towards the planet escorted by few hundreds fighters and a battle group of Venators and their escorts. No matter what the Chancellor might have wanted, the GAR High Command was taking no chances.

Under normal circumstances, now that I was a general I should have been looking for weeks if not months of paperwork and debriefings before being ȧssigned troops to command. The Clone Wars were far from normal conflict. What was happening in the last few days – was even stranger than "normal" for that war.

I was on the bridge chatting with Piett who struck me as a competent if a little too eager kid. If I managed to keep him alive I believed that he would have a bright future ahead of him. However for that to happen I had to take him under my wing for more reasons that you might guess. Some in High Command were pleased with his actions at what was becoming known as "The Battle at Rodia" thanks to the reporters. Yeah. They are a bloody menace in this universe too.

But the Captain of the Dauntless was far from happy that a green Ensign had taken the ship into combat without his permission. The fame that the kid was about to receive for his part in the battle where Grievous was captured was something that was infuriating that man.

Earlier that day I had walked on a pale Piett who was shouted down by a purple faced man in his late fifties. Or at least he would have been that old back on Earth. It was not a huge surprise to learn that the people here, at least the ones who could afford top notch medical help could live decades longer than the average back home and that was back in the day.

The gist of the show was that if the Captain had anything to say about it Firmus would end back at his backwater world and not leave it until the war was over. That's when I decided to intervene.

"That's funny captain...?" I moved so I can be seen by the man on the other side of the channel.

"Who the kriff are you?! This is none of your business." He snarled.

"Captain, you will introduce yourself and behave in a manner befitting a Republic officer! I am clear, mister!" I snapped at him.

The purplish color of his face subdued a bit and he gulped. It might be that it started dawning on him that he had made a mistake.

"I am Captain Hebok Lursa. Sir. Who are you?" He asked in quieter voice.

"General Delkatar Veil." I smiled thinly under my helmet.

"Sir! I am sorry for my conduct, Sir! It will not happen again!" He stammered. His face was pale with distinct greenish coloration.

"It better not, captain." I spat his rank as if it tasted something vile.

I waved my hand and the connection was cut off.

"I am sorry that you had to witness that, general." muttered Piett.

"I see that it was a special kind of 'joy' serving under that idiot. If I have anything to say about it you'll be transferred to my new unit. What you did at Rodia was a sweet piece of ship handling. So tell me, what is your opinion of the navy so far?"

"It's been a bit strange, sir. Not exactly what I expected when I graduated..."

Until arriving at Coruscant we talked about some his experience in the Republic army and his impression about the Acclamator class of ships. It was enough for me to like him and conclude that he was a bright kid.


We and our escorts were making orbit when new orders came from the Chancellor's office. Me and Shaak Ti were summoned to meet Palpatine as soon as possible. We were about to meet him as well as members of the Jedi council. That was interesting. The paranoid part of my brain was screaming warnings. What were the Jedi up to? Or was that another plot by Sidious? Considering my new status I had two choices. Present myself to the Chancellor or ignore the 'polite suggestion' of my Commander in Chief. Neither of them was particularly good idea. I said goodbye to Piett and headed to the hangar.


Part 3

LAAT en route to the Senate Building


I was strapped into a seat at the troop compartment of the gunship with Shaak Ti sitting next to me. We had bȧrėly exchanged couple of words after my induction in the Republic army. I wondered if a chat between her and the council was the reason for the meeting we were about to attend. My attempt to gather information from the Jedi Master were faced with stoic silence. It was not ominous. Not at all…

When I felt the transport enter the upper layers of the atmosphere I opened the side door and took in the sights as we descended towards the Senate building. It is early in the evening so the local sun was visible from this height. I could clearly see skyscrapers which were dozens and few even hundred kilometers high. Below us the planet sized city was blazing with countless lights reminding me of a star covered sky. The gleaming towers of Coruscant were breathtaking feats of engineering.

As we got lower and lower I could make out thousands vehicles which were flying in what resembled multi-colored rivers suspended in mid-air. Even now, when the memories of Darth Vael were more or less mine, the sight of the capital world of the Republic was amazing.

The gunship flew into a travel lane restricted for military traffic and the only vehicles which came near were other LAATs or various GAR transports. All too soon the mushroom shaped Senate building came into view and our ride headed to a brightly lit platform near which waited a pair of senate commandos wearing their distinctive blue armors.

When the LAAT landed they rushed to our side and saluted.

"Sir, I am Major Garm Falks. I have a temporally ID card for you, General. However you should go to GAR headquarters ASAP to get yourself permanent ID and log it into the net, sir!"

"Thank you Major Falks. I'll do it at the first opportunity I get. "I returned his salute.


Senate Building


Ten minutes later we were in front of the Chancellor offices where we met with Masters Yoda and Windu. The Vaapad master glared at me. It's a good thing that his look was not able to kill or I would be a stain on the floor by now.

I greeted them amicably. This was not the place to make a scene.

"Masters, do you know why we are here?" Shaak Ti.

"Chancellor Palpatine summoned us here. He said it was vital to meet him as soon as possible." grunted Windu.

It was clear that he was not impressed by Palpy. Only if he knew…

"General, Masters, please follow me. The Chancellor will see you now." A middle aged human aide opened the door leading to the Republic's leader office and waved us inside.

Wow. Palpatine really looked just like in the movies and he did have that kindly old man's look perfected. If I did not know better I would have believed his every word. He had an aura around him that whispered to you that he was your friend and you should listen carefully to his words.

It was nothing I had not seen before. Standard Sith Lord trick. With my mental shields heavily reinforced it was easily to disregard.

To my surprise, Padme was in the Chancellor's office. She was wearing a blue and purple dress which probably was the high of fashion in the Core words but looked strange to my eyes. After exchanging the expected pleasantries, our host waved us to sit before getting down to business. When Palpatine told us why we were there I had to valiantly fight not to explode into a fit of giggling like a young schoolgirl.

This had had to be the Dark Side's idea of trolling. There was no other way to explain it. The Force itself wanted to mess up with our resident Sith Lord. Dooku got caught by pirates. At least that a self-styled Pirate Leader had said when he had somehow contacted the Chancellor's office. In few minute the cutthroat would call again and that's why we were here... It was bloody hilarious!

The Jedi were surprised by that development too. They as well as Palpatine did not believe that it was a credible information but it was not something they could ignore. I was torn. On one hand, by being a Force user I was aware of the capabilities that Dooku should have. Getting captured by pirates was highly unlikely, embarrassing too. If true. There was a more reasonable explanation – we were dealing with a very bold and resourceful outlaw trying to pull off a fast one. I kept silent and waited to see how the events were about to unfold. At least with three Jedi Masters in the room, Sidious had his own Mask firmly in place and was not about to do any Dark Side tricks.


"If you want the Sith it will cost you a million credits in spice. I want it delivered on a diplomatic transport." declared the Pirate TM we had to deal with.

Palpatine's face was an unreadable mask. The Chancellor was obviously not amused. All of us could feel his irritation.

"We want proof that you have him and that he is still alive before agreeing on anything." Palpatine glared at the pirate.

I gleefully watched what happened next and was forever thankful that my helmet had a built in camera. The expression on Dooku's face when he was matched in front of the holocomm was hilarious.

"And now I present you the fearless Sith Lord Count Dooku!" declared the pirate.

The bastard obviously enjoyed the show. I can't blame him. It was priceless.

"The hologram is fixed." said Palpatine.

He was smiling thinly at the pirate.

"If you don't believe me." The cutthroat took out a curved lightsaber from under his jacket and activated it. "This is his lightsaber."

"Yes. Dooku's this lightsaber is." Yoda added his two cents.

"It still proves nothing." I interjected. "It's no big secret how his lightsaber looks like. For all we know it is just a clever toy you cooked up in your spare time, pirate."

While the Jedi gave me looks which were shouting 'Shut up!', the Chancellor gave me a grave nod.

"General Veil is correct. You have not shown us anything that cannot be easily faked."

"Is that so?" growled the Pirate Leader. "Perhaps the CIS Council would be more receptive to my offer. But I can give you further proof. Bring him here!" he shouted an order and then nodded to someone off screen.

We could hear few blaster shots and soon after Dooku's body was dragged so we could see him.

"Stretch his left hand!" ordered the pirate.

I grinned under my helmet while the Jedi and Palpatine bolted to their feet. They watched in horror as Dooku lost his left hand as a demonstration.

"Is that proof enough? If you want I can send you the arm so you could run the necessary tests."

"That won't be needed." stammered Palpatine.

I think that he wanted to bash his head on the desk. Those were bad few days for him and his plans. Even worse for his minions.

"This is our chance to capture Dooku!" exclaimed Padme.

"If that's him at any rate. This could very well be an elaborate scheme from our pirate friend." I pointed at the disgruntled looking man on the other side of the channel.

"We want to send two Jedi to confirm that you do have him before we pay you." said the Senator.

"Fine. But they won't be armed."

"Out of the question!" she snapped at the Pirate.

"They will be safe. I guarantee it." The outlaw smiled with what might have been reassurance if you squinted hard enough.

"Because the word of a pirate is beyond reproach. Riiight." I sneered at him.

"We do not want to be part of your war! They won't be harmed!" He explained.

"Fine, but one of my generals who is not a Jedi will accompany them. And he will be armed." Palpatine gave me a nod.

The pirate gave a long look at my apparel.

"So the Republic is now desperate enough to hire bounty hunters as generals? Heh. You can keep your guns, mercenary. They won't be enough if you try something." With those parting words the pirate cut the connection.

"Kenobi and Skywalker are near Florrum but we could not establish connection with them."

"Hmm. Safe they will be, I sense. But Count Dooku they won't find this time."

"We are short on Jedi who we could sent right now, Chancellor." declared Windu.

"Master Ti is right here. Padawan Ahsoka Tano needs few hours in bacta to mend her leg and she well be ready. We are few days away from there anyway." I baited the Jedi.

"That will have to do, General. If the Jedi Masters agree to it?" he asked.

Yoda and Windu looked at each other and gave small nods.

"Then I'll arrange the payment. General go tho GAR high command and arrange for a ship to transport you to Florrum. You are acting with my authority in this matter so there should be no delays. Act with all possible hate, General Veil." He retrieved a data chip from a drawer in his desk and threw it at me.

"Yes, sir."

"Master Ti, please make sure that Ahsoka is ready to be transferred to our new ship." I said to the Togruta Jedi before giving nods of respect to the Senator and the other two Jedi Masters, and leaving.


GAR Headquarters


When I went to the GAR Headquarters I spoke with a Clone commander who said that he'll start the wheels running on acquiring me a ship for the mission. Then I went to get my new military ID's and all the necessary paperwork that went with my new exalted rank. I spent more than a few hours in medical where I was subjected to myriad of tests. From DNA scan and taking biometric measurements to a full medical checkup. To say that I was disgruntled by the time the medics were finished with me would be a great understatement.

After that ordeal was over I met an admiral who was on staff at the Headquarters while waiting for his next ȧssignment. He was grizzled, scar covered Mon Calamari called Arikakon Baraka. The green navy uniform looked out of place on his massive frame.

"You are the fella that led the raid in which Grievous was caught." declared the Admiral.

"I got lucky." I deadpanned.

"And now you are the newest pet of the Chancellor." he said with dismissive tone.

I shrugged. I was not about to explain to him that both Sidious and I were trying to use each other before one of us stabbed the other in the back…

"I need a cruiser for extracting another high value CIS target. After what happened at Rodia I want it with full load of starfighters, their pilots and at least a battalion of ground troops with their equipment. You know that I have the authority to get what I need." I waved my hand in front of his face to help concentrate the suggestion through the Force.

He glared at me for a moment longer then nodded.

"I will see what is aviable. "

"That is great, Admiral!" I grinned. "I would also want few people transferred to my new ship.."

Twenty minutes later I had confirmation that Firmus Piett was transferred under my command as my new aide as well as the remains of 36th and 71st platoons. However that was the end of the good news. Unless a Venator was detached from the Coruscant defense fleet there would not be a cruiser a viable for at least a day. My cart blanch from the Chancellor covered a lot of ground but weakening the defense of the capital was not part of it. The Admiral proposed that I check what other ships I could use and I started checking a list he sent me. I most of those were Acclamators which had full complement of ground troops and few even had squadrons of fighters just as Dauntless.

One particular ship caught my attention. While I did not recognize its name, that of its captain was something else. I grinned wolfishly.

"I'll want this Assault Ship for my mission. Let's check if it has fighter contingent on board and if not how long it will take to load couple of squadrons and their support equipment and staff on board."


Part 4

Republic Assault Ship Leveler

Staging area Sigma near Coruscant

Captain Gilad Pellaeon disembarked from the shuttle which brought him back to his ship and headed for the bridge. He had to suppress the overwhelming dėsɨrė to strangle Lieutenant Meriones, his so called aide. The blond man had a splendid day until he was awoken by the insistent beeping of his comm unit. The painfully familiar voice of his aide had crashed his cheerful mood when the man informed him that he had to return ASAP. Pellaeon had looked with regret at the sleeping form of his dark skinned lover who was cuddled around a pillow. The exquisite outline of her bȧrė back was bȧrėly visible under the silk sheet she was hogging. He was supposed to have at least few more days until his next deployment, damn it! Kriffing war!

He had said good bye to a sleepy Hellena and made his way to a nearby Republic military base from where he took a shuttle to his ship. If this was not important he swore that Meriones was a dead man. There had to be some suicide mission for which he could volunteer the Lieutenant. That man was a waste of space anyway.

When he reached his bridge, Pellaeon found his aide talking with a man who was mostly hidden by a black cloak. They had their backs turned to the entrance so neither of them saw him made his way up to them.

"The rest of Crimson company should be on board within the hour, sir." said Gilad's aide.

"That should be soon enough. We do not have any time to waste. This operation is time sėnsɨtɨvė. The fighter squadrons are up to strength, is that right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ahem." the captain cleared his throat.

The men turned around and Meriones gave him a textbook salute. The other man was wearing a black robe under which Pellaeon could make the distinct form of a heavy armor. The stranger was also wearing a Mandalorian styled helmet which hid his face. But what received his undivided attention was the rank insignia which was on the left side of the man's ċhėst. It was that of a general.

"Ah. Captain Pellaeon. I'm general Delkatar Veil. It's great you managed arrive so soon. I am sorry for interrupting your shore leave but I need you and your ship for a mission."

"Sir!" the Captain gave a crisp salute which was immediately returned.

"If you lead us to a conference room I'll brief you on our ȧssignment." The general suggested.

Few minutes later, Gilad was glaring at the general.

"Let me see if I got this right, sir. I and my ship are to provide transport and security for a deal with a kriffing pirates!?"

"I am not thrilled either, Captain. I would prefer to land ground troops, secure the outlaws camp and retrieve Dooku if he is actually there. But we have our orders. I and couple of Jedi are to make sure that the Count is really in the hands of the pirates and alive. Then we'll be waiting for the transport with the payment to arrive. I requested your ship as an insurance."

At that Pellaeon raised an eyebrow.

"If the pirates decide to play games I want you to..."

When he heard the plan, Gilad was smiling. Not only Veil looked like he knew what he was doing but he was receptive of suggestions from his subordinates. The general had no issues with accepting Pellaeon's additions to the contingency planning.


Three hours later Leveler broke orbit over Coruscant and headed for a clear lane from where she could make a safe jump to hyperspace. When the ship entered FTL I made my way to a conference room near the bridge where I was to meet with the Captain, his aide, Piett, the Jedi and the commander of the ground troops on board. Ahsoka had spent two hours in bacta and after a shower she was mostly all right. She'd need a day or two more until her leg was up to full strength but otherwise she was fine.

We gathered around a round table which had terminal built in in front of each seat. Once again I marveled at Pellaeon.

What was with competent naval officers in this universe?

Both the captain and Piett were on the short side. Was it that Napoleon complex or something? Granted, it was unlikely. He was from another universe all together. But it was strange to see both of them being on the short side of one seventy centimeters of height. A lot of the good navy people I knew in the Empire were quite short too...

After brief introductions which gave me the name of the clone commanding the ground pounders – commander TK 75 "Trek", we got down to business.

"While the politicians may believe that this will be a straight deal, we know better. We are dealing with bloody pirates. The question is not if they will try to back-stab us but how they will do it. Thanks to our friends in Republic Intelligence we have some information on their leader."

I used telekinesis to activate the holographic projector build in the middle of the table. We saw the face of the pirate leader suspended in mid-air. In all his ugly glory.

"That, fine example of a cutthroat ladies and gentlemen, is Hondo Ohnaka, the piece of scum we have to deal with. He is the captain of the so eloquently named Ohnaka band. These days his group makes a living by selling spice and kidnapping people for ransom. Usually they are active around the Tion Hegemony and the Corporate sector where they can run amok unchecked. Intelligence reports that they have at least few Ubrikkian tanks, a lot of speeder bikes and various ships which they had hijacked. We also have confirmation that Ohnaka had managed to grab a Corona class frigate as well as few Flarestar class ships. Even all together they should not be a match for an Acclamator. The gang numbers are estimated to be at least couple of hundred ȧssorted low lives and mercenaries."

"My boys will deal with them." announced Trek. "However we'll need information about their base's defenses."

"It is unlikely that they lack at least rudimentary AA capabilities so a direct air ȧssault will be costly." said Piett.

"Send couple of companies loaded on LAAT's as well as armor on the other side of the planed from their base. Then they can came in flying nap to the ground evading whatever AA the pirates have." I said.

"That way we will have something solid to use against those tanks. They are not particularly good against modern walkers but have substantial light weaponry which can make the life of my infantry hard."

"Four walkers and the AT teams should be enough to deal with that." I said. "I want only two companies deployed when the pirates try to mess with us. Keep the rest as a backup in case the CIS finnds out what happened to Dooku. If he's actually here, that is."

"That won't help us much." grumbled Ahsoka. "Whose idea was anyway that we should go there unarmed?"

The officers looked surprised and not a little angry at that declaration.

"Ohnaka's of course. But I will be armed. After all I am just a 'bounty hunter' according to the pirate leader." I made air quotes while saying what the idiot thought I was. "I'll do my best to keep you in one piece until commander Teck's forces arrive."

"That's not reassuring." muttered Master Ti.

"You're Jedi, are you not? You have the Force so use it when they try to back-stab us." I snorted. "Besides I have not given you any reason to doubt me, have I?"

She shook her head and frowned.

"Back to the topic on hand. The situation in space."

"In space, if the intelligence is right I should be able to deal with anything the pirates could throw at us. If the Sep's come in force then all bets are off." said Pellaeon.

"If that happens I leave it on your discretion to decide if you could hold them off long enough for us to evacuate. If not do what is necessary to ensure the safety of your ship." I ordered.

"Yes, sir." the Captain gave me a small nod of respect.

Ahsoka gave me a dirty look. I shrugged.

"There is no sensed of letting the Leveler be destroyed for no gain in a futile effort to extract us if overwhelming enemy forces arrive in system. In such a case we'll have to do our best on the ground and hope that they won't blast us from orbit."


Later that evening I went after Shaak Ti. I wanted to know why here attitude towards me had suddenly became cold and distant after I awoke from my rest following the Battle at Rodia. I walked fast after her when she headed for her ȧssigned quarters.

"Master Ti, a word."

"I'm listening." she said without looking back at me.

She continued walking and I fell in step beside her.

"What is your problem with me?" I decided to be direct.

She gave me sidelong glance.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." she said primly.

"Nope. Not at all. After the battle you've been keeping steel control over your emotions around me and we had not exchanged more than a couple of words unless necessary. Not to mention that you've been avoiding me like the plague. Spill."

She stopped walking and turned to face me. Her eyes were blazing with bȧrėly restrained anger.

"I know!" she hissed.

"What?" I asked surprised. However I had a creeping feeling that I knew what she was insinuating. It was not one of my proudest moments.

"The Council found the classified filed about what you did on Shili!"

"Ah. That."

"You tortured four Jedi to death!" she shouted.

I removed my helmet and looked her in the eyes. She flinched and took a step back. For one of a very few time in my life I was gripped by such an anger that I was bȧrėly able to restrain myself from lashing out. I knew that at the moment my eyes were blazing yellow stars.

"I did." I said in a tone colder than the abyss between the stars.

Almost visible tendrils of Dark side energies were snapping around my body in response to the fury I felt

She grabbed the hilt of her lightsaber and I knew that she was struggling to decide whether she should be ready to defend herself or attack me outright.


Part 5

Republic Assault Ship Leveler


I reined in my fury and smothered it until it resembled smoldering embers left after a wildfire. Giving in to my anger now would serve no purpose. I was not one of the common rabble that called themselves Sith yet were so easily lost to the poisonous lure of the Dark side. It was the tool, the servant and not the master! I pushed the quiet whispers of the Dark side to the back of my mind where it had always muttered sweet lies.

I stared at Shaak Ti's dark eyes and frowned. She was beautiful when angry. I shook my head in exasperation.

"What exactly did they tell you, Master Ti?" my voice was quiet showing bȧrėly a trace of the anger chained within my heart. "That a bunch of Jedi were strolling in Shili's wilderness and I decided to have some fun during a vacation by torturing them to death?" I sneered.

She answered me with a defiant glare.

"I can see it in your eyes. No matter what I tell you, Jedi, you won't believe me. You've made up your mind, haven't you?" I muttered.

"We were fools to believe you for even a moment!" she snapped.

"Let me show you what happened. See the truth with your own eyes."

I darted forward and grabbed her right wrist, stopping her from attacking me with her lightsaber. I placed my right hand on her forehead and submerged both of us in the currents of the Force.

"The Jedi Order and its Council members are not the angels you believe them to be." I said before we were thrown into an echo of the past.


Four thousand years ago

Planet Shili

Ehosiq sector

Expansion Region

A Republic trooper fell to the ground drowning in his own blood. Another was hit by invisible force with the power of speeding train and hurled away from the farmstead. A Wookie Jedi was thrown into a nearby building by a wave of raw Force energy. I used my lightsaber as a spear and threw it at a nearby commando who was shouldering a rocket launcher. My weapon flew true and stabbed him in the heart. The still ignited lightsaber floated back to my outstretched hand. I fried another trooper with a purple bolt of lightning shot from the palm of my left hand. And suddenly the enemies in my immediate vicinity were down.

I keeled next to the cooling body of my wife. Her ċhėst was a burned, smoking ruin. I recognized the tell-tale signs of lightsaber dealt wound. Her once vivid black eyes were misty, sightless orbs staring into the dark sky.

I discarded my helmet and let it fall to the ground. I gently picked up her limp right arm and placed a tender kiss on the back of her still warm hand. The evidence was in front of me, staring me in the face yet my brain refused to believe it. She couldn't be gone! Simply could not! I was torn between denial, grief and anger which was burning hotter by the second.

She was innocent! Ashara wanted nothing to do with the damn war!

I froze. In my anguish I failed to notice it. It was a faint spark of life force coming from my wife. I stared at her body with my mouth hanging open. My left hand traced its origin over Ashara's body. My palm stopped over her tummy. There it was. Tiny. Innocent. Barely formed. And fading fast.

Without thinking I clutched the spark of life with all my might. I drew heavily on the light side of the Force. As much as my body could channel. I trembled with the strain to continue forcing the energies of the Force to pass through me and keep the tiny life going.

The cold, pragmatic part of my mind that was the successful General was screaming that it was futile. That I was killing myself for nothing. I disregarded it. For me it was not futile. This so small moth of light that I was holding in my metaphysical fingers was the last part that I had left from my Ashara. Our child.

Its, no her life, was slipping from my grasp. I could not let her go. I pulled even more power through me.

A storm of light and shadows raged around us. More power than a mortal was meant to wield coursed through my veins. For one vast, endless moment her life blazed like a star. Our Force signatures synchronized and I was engulfed by a blinding light.

I was somewhere else gazing at a tiny, smiling face. It was light red and from it two small copies of Ashara's eyes stared back. I grinned back. I was high on the pride and joy I felt as I looked at my newborn daughter.

I was laughing as my toddler was making her first unsure steps and tried to walk towards me.

Many toys were floating around a bouncing and giggling little girl. I could see Ashara siting next to our child and speaking to her words I could not hear.

A five years old Selene proudly presented me the hilt of a lightsaber she had constructed…

A teenage version of my life who had fairer skin was walking towards me.

"Shh... Daddy. It's not your fault..." I heard a light voice which melted my heart. I could feel warm hands engulfing me into a tight hug before the illusion shattered into countless pieces of sparkling light.

"It's not your fault..." the female voice echoed in my ears.

The spark of light that would have been my lovely daughter winked out. I felt it dissipating into the Force followed by the body of Ashara. I could feel a part of me dying with her. I screamed my indescribable loss at the heavens.


Shaak Ti watched horrified the tragedy unfolding in front of her. She could not turn away her head or close her eyes. To make things worse she felt an echo of the emotions ravaging the man who lost his wife and unborn child.

"NOOOOOOO!" Veil's anguished, hopeless scream turned into an animalistic roar.

The Force itself responded to the wordless call and torrents of black lightning bolts surrounded the man like a shroud. She could sense some kind of a void forming in the center of a hurricane made by raw Force which engulfed the grieving man. The fury and anger were gone. There was emptiness, a lack of emotions where Veil was supposed to be. She no longer could feel him in the Force. Yet, he was not cut from it. She could see it moments later when the Republic troopers and the Jedi, who were forgotten until now, made their presence obvious.

Nine commandos opened fire with their blasters. Red bolts of energy exploded couple of meters away from the place where Delkatar was supposed to be. All she could see was a vortex of darkness deeper than anything she had ever seen before.

"That does not belong to you." stated a flat voice which was void of any emotion.

The Echani Jedi who was armed with a lightsaber staff with glwoing azure blades had a moment for surprise to register on her face. The hilts of two more sabers which were tucked in her belt moved on their own accord.

Those weapons hummed to life without warning and a pair of sapphire blades blazed in the night. They spun around in blindingly fast circles and the white haired woman fell to the ground in fifteen pieces.

The lightsabers which belonged to Ashara Vael floated lazily in the air. The remaining Jedi looked at them with fear in their eyes while the commandos continued to fire their weapons at the black vortex.

What happened next was too fast for even a Jedi's eyes to follow. Yet Shaak Ti was unfortunate enough to see it in excruciating detail.

The hurricane made from the Force itself fell apart to reveal Veil standing where the body of his wife used to be. The murderous look in his eyes sent shivers of primeval terror down her spine.

"Damn you all to hell!" he hissed.

One moment the Sith was thirty meters away from the troopers who were shooting at him to no effect. Then he was in the center of their formation. His lightsaber blade was buried in the heart of their Lieutenant.

Veil raised his left hand and darkness gathered within his palm. It twisted and elongated creating a spear of living shadows. He hurled it at a man on the right flank of the Republic line. The trooper died screaming as his body was devoured by such a concentration of Dark side energies that it literally liquefied flesh.

The Sith continued moving faster that the eye could follow. In seconds the remaining commandos were cut to pieces and he was facing three scared Jedi. He looked at the only woman in their group – a young Twi'lek female in her early twenties.

She was trying to say something but words failed her. However Vael apparently knew what she was trying to tell him.

"I know you are sorry, Line. It's not enough."

He moved so fast that he was a blur of shadows and crimson light. The female Jedi tried to parry a sweeping strike but her lightsaber was battered away from her hands. Her eyes widened in shock a moment before her head was cut off.

The remaining Jedi were battered to the ground by torrents of black lightning.

"You will not be so lucky, Masters!" the Sith sneered the last word as if it was the vilest imaginable curse.


Present Day

Republic Assault Ship Leveler


Shaak Ti slid down a wall she did not know she was leaning on when she found herself back in the corridor of the Leveler. The Sith that was towering above her spoke with a subdued voice.

"For a short time I believed that they were there for me. But when I finally broke the two Jedi Masters I captured they told me a different story. The attack was targeted at Ashara. At that time the war was going bad for the Republic and the Jedi Council was terrified. It was a war of attrition that we were winning. So the Jedi wanted their trump card back. Or eliminated forever."

The Jedi Master watched with a heavy heart the anguish in Veil's eyes. That was contrary to what she knew about the Order, past of present. Yet she could feel that the man was telling the truth. The Force itself was screaming at her that the vision was real. A slice of horrific past that she was shown for a reason.

"Why?" she whispered.

For endless seconds Delkatar stared at her before speaking two words that explained everything.

"Battle Meditation. Ashara was disillusioned with the Jedi. So she left them. But once the bastards were losing the war they wanted her back. At any cost. All my wife wanted was peace away from the conflict. And they murdered her and my unborn daughter for it."

He turned around and grabbed his helmet from the ground. As Veil walked away he spoke few parting words.

"They gave you enough information to make you my enemy. It's quite different when you have the full picture, isn't it? "

For the longest time Shaak Ti stood kneeling on the floor, thinking about the nightmare she was shown. And about what the Council decided to withhold. For first time in her ȧduŀt life she was doubting her fellow Jedi Masters.

Lies. They were supposed to be the weapon of the Sith. Yet, here she was – being lied and set up by the people she unquestionably trusted since being a little girl…

Neither of them noticed the lithe form of the younger Togruta who listened to their conversation from behind a nearby corner.


Part 6

En route to Florrum

Outer Rim

I did not see the Jedi in the couple of days out journey lasted. I used my free time to deal with a lot of paperwork sent to me by GAR high command. It was concerning the formation of a fleet and attached ground forces which I was to command so it was not something that I could ignore. Piett as my aide was priceless in helping me deal with all of it. He showed a typical greenhorn trait by volunteering to be our pilot for the visit of the pirate base. Something from which I had to dissuade him. I told him to go to the bridge and learn from the captain while I was on the ground.

Finally we arrived at the targeted system and exited hyperspace at its edge. The plan was that me and the Jedi would take a shuttle from here to the planet. On our way there we would make a sensor sweep over the back of Florrum's moon. If it was clear, Leveler would make a micro jump there. If not, then the ship would be ready to come calling if something went wrong but we would lose the element of surprise that way. Before heading to the shuttle, I spoke with Pellaeon and confirmed the contingency orders I had given him.

I met the Jedi in the hangar where two companies of infantry were preparing for deployment. The Togruta women were waiting near the open ramp of our transport and they looked less than pleased. With them being females the fact that they were about to enter a pirate hangout unarmed was not a reason for cheering.

"Ladies, unless you have second thoughts we should go."

They shook their heads so headed to the ċȯċkpit. Ahsoka looked a bit guilty.

I wondered, what did she do? I shelved that thought for later.

The short flight to the planet was spent in an awkward silence. We made a hyperspace jump near the moon and exited hyperspace in such an angle that the sensors were able to sweep the dark side of the small planetoid. Nothing unusual was detected so I sent a signal to Leveler before entering Florrum's atmosphere.

I guided our shuttle towards the pirate hideout as we flew over vast plains covered with orange grass and patches of brown desert sand. Below us herds of big animals were minding their own business. Some of them were looking up at our passage with interest. If it was not for our mission I might have found it a fascinating opportunity to view a world mostly untouched by civilization.

I landed our craft in a tiny valley which was the courtyard in the front of the pirate base. I secured the ship and we descended down the ramp.

A semicircle of armed pirates greeted us. Judging by the girls reactions they stank. I allowed myself a small smile. Than the force for air filters!

One of the pirates walked next to us and waved a scanner which looked suspiciously like a portable radio with two antennas. He decided that the Jedi were clean and then started waving the kriffing thing around me. My right hand shot forward and grabbed the scanner by the antennas and I plucked it from the pirate's grip.

"Your boss agreed that I could keep my weapons. Despite the Jedi's arrogance I am not crazy enough to walk in your lair unarmed." I grumbled.

The rest of the cutthroats pointed their weapons at me.

"If you want to be paid you'll behave. The Republic could have easily sent a battle group instead of us."

The man from whose hands I took the scanner glared at me but nodded and waved us to follow them. As we entered the base, Shaak Ti walked next to me and whispered:

"Are you insane?!"

"I've dealt with their kind before. Handling them requires a different kind of diplomacy than the one you are accustomed to. The Republic's niceties are seen as a sign of weakness out here." I muttered quietly.

We were led to a cantina. The men and women there gave us dirty looks. It was a rundown place. An alien woman's voice was singing from hidden loudspeakers in a high pitched tone I found irritating.

The pirate leader was sitting on a table in the back of this so called establishment. He was surrounded by six bodyguards. Ohnaka was drinking something that was probably illegal in dozens of systems from a metal mug.

"Ladies! General! Will you drink something?" he exclaimed in a flamboyant tone.

"We are not here to have fun captain Ohnaka." I said.

He ignored me and pushed my way a metal mug full with a green liquid which resembled toxic waste.

I shook my head at his antics. I've been in his presence for mere seconds and the bloody hut spawn was already irritating!

"So you are the man that caught Dooku. Quite impressive feat." I stroked his ego.

Next to me the Jedi were glaring at the somewhat sober pirates who were leering at them. I wondered how long it would be before all hell broke loose…

"Heh. The Sith couldn't deal with my warriors. He resisted but it was futile!" Ohnaka exclaimed while waving his cup around. A bit of his drink fell on the table and started eating through it.

Yeah. His chosen poison was definitely illegal in most civilized places. It was the good boozie.

"Blaster against that glowy thing!" he waved his free hand. "It was a glorious victory, I tell ya!"

"His lightsaber." I deadpanned. Blasters tend to lose against lightsabers if a Force Adept wields the later. Against a rumores Sith Lord like Dooku? Ohnaka didn't have enough men to win. Two hundred scum? They might have something approaching a chance if they met Dooku on open ground and had him surrounded. They would have likely broken before having a decent chance of taking him out anyway.

"Yeah. That thing. It's needless to say that he is not harmless even now. But we won anyway!" Ohnaka boasted.

Few of his cronies cheered at that.

A red, monkey like creature that resembled a gremlin made its way to the table. It was playing with a lightsaber. And its hilt was not curved like Dooku's.

"Hey! That's not yours!" Ahsoka exclaimed and summoned the weapon to her hand. Immediately we found herself surrounded by a veritable forest of blasters.

"That's Skywalker's isn't it?" I ġrȯȧnėd.

The small monster ran up one of the pirates, moved over his blaster rifle and grabbed the lightsaber hilt which Ahsoka was holding. It tried to pry it from her hand but she held on it.

"Hey! That's not yours!" she repeated and glared at the critter.

More than half of the weapons were redirected at her.

"Ahsoka! Stand down! It's obvious your Master lost his lightsaber. Again." I grumbled and turned to the leader of the pirates surrounding us. "We are not here to fight, youthful exuberance notwithstanding. Do you have Dooku or not?"

"I'll arrange a meeting. Girl let go of the weapon." The pirate growled at Ahsoka who relented after a sharp look from Master Ti.


We were led to the prison block of the base where one of the cells was guarded by two armed pirates. Inside we found Dooku suspended in mid-air by a force field. His left hand was missing.

Ahsoka jumped in excitement.

"How the mighty have fallen!" she cheered.

He looked at the older woman.

"Master Ti. I would like to say that it is a pŀėȧsurė to meet you again but under the circumstances..." he trailed off.

"Count Dooku." she nodded at him.

"And this must be the mercenary that gave us so much trouble. Obviously Grievous failed again."

"He and Ventress are cooling their heels in cells on Coruscant. You'll be joining them soon." I said in a greeting. It might have came out in a very smug tone. A Sith? This one? Yeah, right. You don't need a lightsaber to escape from here, just the Force.

"You captured her then? Impressive. Why someone with your skills works for the Republic? I can ȧssure you that if you help me and join the Confederacy you'll be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams." Dooku began a sales pitch.

"You'll go to Coruscant to be judged for your crimes! Right, Delkatar?" asked Ahsoka.

"Dooku, you know nothing about my dreams." I hissed.

"You'll spent a long time in similar cell, Dooku!" taunted Ahsoka.

"Young and foolish. Do you really believe that the pirates will let you leave this planet?"

"They are thieves who do not wish to fight with Jedi!" the Padawan's temper was rising.

"Ahsoka! Do not let him bait you!" snapped Shaak Ti.

"Not that they would be interested in fighting you two. I am sure that they have other plans for such delectable females." added Dooku.

That made the women uneasy.

"Do you really think that I failed to take that into an account before coming here?" I didn't bother to hide my amusement.

"Yet you brought them." Dooku nodded at the Jedi. "Our 'hosts; are more cunning that you gave them credit for."

"I see why they like you so much." I chuckled. "We saw enough. Let's go."


We walked towards the shuttle to contact the Republic. When we were passing through a corridor void of the locals, Shaak Ti came near me and hissed.

"You knew!"

"I take it you've been lucky enough not to have dealt with pirates? Or at least not to be around them unarmed? Yes I know how they'll view the two of you. It is a useful distraction. And yeah, I am cold blooded bastard when I have a mission to accomplish. No need to give me compliments, Master Ti."

"You are using us as a bait?!" Ahsoka was outraged.

"Don't look at me. It was senator Amidala who proposed that two Jedi must be sent. I would have been all right with coming here by myself. It would have make things simpler though not as interesting." I shrugged.

"You are a Sith all right. And to think that I was ready to apologize to you!" muttered Master Ti. "You suggested us two!"

"Yet it was Yoda and Windu who agreed it was a splendid idea." I pointed out. "It was your Council and the Chancellor who sent you with me." My words were met with a lot of grumbling and dark thoughts aimed at various parties.

Before we got on the shuttle one of the locals invited us to a celebration to honor our deal. I simply nodded and boarded the ship.

We spoke with the Chancellor and his entourage – Windu, Yoda and couple of senators who would deliver the payment. To my regret one of them was to be Jar-Jar. I wondered if I could arrange an accident for that menace. Sidious was able to mask well his displeasure when I confirmed that his "friend" was really captured and got his arm chopped off.

After we were finished speaking with Coruscant I contacted the Leveler and gave confirmed that we were all right so far. Plan A was a go.


I decided to let our "gracious" hosts to show their hand and persuaded the Jedi that we could not simply ignore their invitation. When we got back into the cantina we found a wild party which was in full swing.

Drunk people laying everywhere, one fella dancing on the far end of the bar, a waitress who did not like the advances of an unlucky patron was bashing the man's head at the table he was sitting at... In short – exactly what you would expect from such a place.

I led the women to the bar where we sat on somewhat clean stools.

"I can't believe that you volunteered me for this, Delkatar. You are an evil man." Ahsoka muttered.

"I should have found an excuse to stay as far away from you as possible." ġrȯȧnėd Shaak Ti.

The commotion was unpleasant for their sėnsɨtɨvė ears.

Ohnaka came to us with a shit eating grin on his face.

"My friends! Please share a drink with me! It is the traditional way to seal our deal!"

Yeah. Right. I smiled under my helmet. Plan A it was. Too bad that the Jedi did not know about it…

"Fine. But something non-alcoholic for the kid." I pointed at Ahsoka who glared at me.

Ohnaka waved at a waitress who soon brought us three mugs. I removed my helmet and saluted our host with my drink. Before taking a sip from the bubbling liquid I used a trick that was essential to know if one wanted to survive more than a couple of weeks in the academy on Korriban. I used the Force to make myself immune to most poisons and sedatives. It would also diminish the effect of the few substances that could effect me anyway.

I saluted our host with my mug and took a big swallow from the strong beverage. Shaak Ti and Ahsoka followed my lead and soon were swaying in their seats.

Ohnaka frowned when I finished my cup.

"That is great! What is it? I have not drank something that good in ages!" I smiled pleasantly at him but my eyes were cold.

He looked around. Most of his crew were passed out around the cantina or too drunk to put much of a fight. Then his sight fell on the Jedi who were mostly incoherent by now. Whatever was put in our drinks was strong to effect the women that fast.

"That won't work, you know." I stated pleasantly. What was coming I would enjoy. Ohnaka on the other hand…

I crushed the mug in my right hand and with the help of the Force I molded it into a rough spike which I telekinetically threw behind me at a sober pirate who was trying to sneak towards my back. My improvised weapon struck him in the left eye with enough power to embed itself into his brain. The dead man fell slowly on the floor without giving out a sound.

Hondo Ohnaka tried to shout something to his men but he found out that he was unable to even whimper. An invisible hand had grabbed his throat and started squeezing it. To his utter horror none of his men noticed the murder of their buddy or what I was doing to their boss. A room full of drunk idiots and a slight suggestion that there was nothing interesting to look at where I stood was more than enough to give us some privacy as long as Ohnaka did not shout an order.

"After this stunt you pulled," I nodded at the girls who had fallen asleep on the floor, "I am re-negotiating our deal." I continued to speak in a light, friendly tone.

The smile that stretched my lips made him shudder.

"Let me tell you, trying to back-stab us without informing your minions," I waved at the men drinking around us, "is something that you might live to regret. If you are lucky."

My grip around his throat relented a bit and he started coughing in an attempt to get some air in his straining lungs.

"Now, my new friend let's talk money. Tell me all about how and where you caught Dooku while you're at it." I smiled cheerfully at the pirate.


Republic Assault Ship Leveler

behind Florrum's moon

Outer Rim

Captain Pellaeon watched at the holographic displays projected over the windows of his ship's bridge. They showed the progress of the ȧssault party that had inserted from the other side of the planed from the pirate base. He calmly observed as an hour passed since the last communication from the General arrived. The ground troops were thirty four minutes away from the enemy stronghold.

Next to the Captain, Ensign Piett was anxiously starring at the clock. 'So the General, was right. Kriffing pirates!' he thought.

Pellaeon went to the nearest console from which he could contact the deployed ground troops and opened a channel to them. In order to preserve the element of surprise he had ordered the launch a stealth satellite which could transmit by laser to the advancing clones.

"This is Leveler Actual. Raptor you have a go. I repeat, Raptor you have a go. We will be on station to provide orbital support in thirty five minutes."

"Sound general quarters. I want our remaining ground forces to be ready for deployment and our fighter wings manned. Inform medical that they can expect wounded within the hour."


Pirate Base

Planer Florrum

Outer Rim

I was smiling cheerfully when Ohnaka finished transferring his band's liquid ȧssets to a credit chip which I pocketed into a secure compartment of my armor. It is wondrous what some "persuasion" through the Force and expertly applied pain could do. The pirate leader was not as tough as he wanted others to believe.

I checked the time. It was thirty one minutes after the deadline for contacting the Leveler had passed. Splendid. I retrieved two personal shields from pockets in my robes and placed them on the girls right arms. Ohnaka, who was held in stasis by an expertly applied field of Force energy, watched warily as I worked.

Thirty two minutes. I levitated the unconscious women and carefully placed them behind the bar where they would have some cover. That caught the attention of few pirates who were somewhat sober and they headed our way.

I patted the shoulder of the frozen in place Ohnaka.

"It's almost time."

Thirty three minutes. I extended my senses and grinned. I could sense the approaching clones. They would be in time. You got to love competent subordinates who had appreciation for precise timing!

The first two sober pirates reached us and looked at their boss with identical frowns on their faces. He was just sitting there without speaking or moving. Something that was apparently uncharacteristic for him.

"Eh... Boss, is everything all right?" one of them eventually gathered enough courage to ask.

"Just peachy." I answered.

Four more somewhat sober men joined the group that was confronting me. Finally one of the geniuses comprehended that something was wrong. Said fella drew his blaster and pointed it at me.

"Should that scare me?" I asked and waved at his weapon.

Using telekinesis I twisted his arm so his pistol was aimed at his boss. The eyes of the unnamed minion widened in surprise. Then I applied some pressure over his trigger finger. His weapon fired a single blaster bolt which shot Ohnaka in the head.

Thirty four minutes. The compound was shaken by multiple explosions. That was the initial missile strike aimed at the few AA emplacements the pirates had, none of which was automated.

Show time.

The first reaction of the pirates was stunned disbelief. That gave me more than enough time to use telekinesis to activate the shields on the Jedi's arms and draw my blasters. I mowed down the six cutthroats that were facing me before any of them could raise their weapons.

I did not stop firing for a second. Crimson blaster bolts shot from my guns and headed towards the occupants of the cantina who were not yet passed out. There were less than a score of those including the four waitresses who fell on the ground with scorched craters in their ċhėsts.

I could already hear the chatter of heavy weapons from outside. Both from the LAAT's and the deployed walkers. Their first targets were the enemy armor which with any luck would be wrecked before anyone thought to man it and the small fleet of ships the pirates had. I activated a beacon built in my armor so the clones would know where I was and not waste time combing the whole base searching for me. The sooner some backup arrived the better. I was reluctant to leave Ahsoka and Shaak Ti alone even if most of the pirates were so drunk that they were sleeping through the attack.

I had to shoot three more blaster wielding thugs who arrived before the first squad of Crimson company could make its way into the cantina.

"Good to see you, boys. The Jedi are behind the bar. They are drugged, the poor gals. Keep them safe and when the base is reasonable secure evacuate them back to the ship. I am going to retrieve our target." I told them what they needed to know.

"Yes, sir!" the sergeant leading the clones saluted me and ordered his men to take defensive positions around the Jedi.


On my way to Dooku's cell I met only few of the locals who were more interested in hiding that in fighting. That did not help them much as I shot them in the back. Did I mention that I loathe pirates? They were almost as bad as slavers and often partake in that disgusting trade.

To their credit the two men guarding Dooku were still at their post. They raised their long rifles and opened fire on me when I entered the long corridor along which the prisoner's cells were located.

I activated my lightsaber and deflected their shots. Within seconds both of the guards were on the ground, downed from their own reflected fire.

I cut out the locks of the door and opened it with a wave of telekinesis.

Dooku glared at me.

"I take it that the commotion is not done by my people?" he asked.

"They are too busy after their best commander got caught. Not to mention the disappearance of their political leader." I nodded at him.

Dooku lowered his head as much as the force field holding him captive allowed.

"That is an unpleasant reality." he said with a subdued tone.

"Count Dooku, I wonder... Do you care at all about your confederation or is it a means to an end? Just another disposable ȧsset for Sidious?"

The old man stood rigid. He stared at me with shock in his eyes.

"How do you know that name? Did Grievous or Ventress talk?"

"Last time I saw them, neither of those two were in any way ready for interrogation. They were not exactly intact when we captured them. Answer my question."

"I do whatever my Lord..."

"And do not repeat the party line. I asked you. Not Sidious."

Dooku glared at me and refused to answer.

"Suit yourself." I shot him in the neck with two darts from the launcher in my right arm-guard.

They were hollow and filled with a special contortion created to knock out Jedi and Sith. Just in case, I telekinetically raised on of the rifles lying next to the bodies of the guards and hit the Count with it.


When the mop up was finished I was happy with the success. The Jedi were in the med bay of the Leveler where they were sleeping off the drugs they ingested. Only five clones were wounded and none of them seriously. No dead. It was a clean op, one in a thousand. We even released four prisoners who were held for ransom. They were moderately well off people who were grabbed while traveling on business along the Outer Rim.

I cheerfully ordered the surviving pirates locked up in their own prison and let the clones check all over the base for something interesting. They retrieved few small cases full of jewels and precious stones from Ohnaka's quarters as well as his encrypted personal files. I couldn't wait to get my hands on that information. Who knew, there might be some blackmailing material that could be useful in the future.

When the pirate base was searched from top to bottom and the few interesting items were loaded, the pirates were transferred to the cell block on the Leveler. After the last of my men was on board I went to the bridge.

"General, that was a good work out there." Pellaeon congratulated me.

He was right. When all was said and done, the op went too smooth. I was wondering when the other shoe would drop. Probably when Sidious was ready with his response for the disruption of his plans.

"Thank you Captain. Please wipe that base from the face of the planet. The next bunch of outlaws which decides to set shop in this region would need to make their own facilities. We need to make a brief detour to a world few light years from here to retrieve Kenobi and Skywalker before heading back to Coruscant."

While Pellaeon ensured the destruction of the Pirate compound with judicious application of turbo-laser fire I went to the med bay. I knew that Ahsoka would be giddy with the prospect of retrieving her Master from the world I believe he was stranded on.

I finally remembered what had happened to them when Ohnaka told me how and where he caught Dooku. Weren't they buried into a cave with some kind of a big, red beast? I wondered if the Chosen one was still around…

For some reason the thought of Skywalker getting eaten by a monster in a cave filled with poisonous gas brought a smile on my face. My only immediate concern was the reactions of Ahsoka and Shaak Ti when they awoke and found out what happened.

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