Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 73 - Interlude: How the Naboo crisis changed the galaxy


"One of the most important events that set up the stage for the Clone Wars is often either overlooked or examined for the obvious consequences – Sheev Palpatine being elected as the new Chancellor and the Trade Federation facing investigations along with heavy fines. While those events are undoubtedly important, others equally vital political and military changes are often dismissed, especially in the Core Worlds.

That's understandable. Most of the events we'll be looking at happened on the Outer Rim or in the Colonies in the Expansion Region and to a much lesser extent in the Inner Rim. Most of those changes didn't really affect the Core Worlds with Corellia and Fondor being two notable exception – they would see a lot of business coming their way in the years leading to the formal formation of the CIS and the Clone Wars.

When examining the facts logically, what happened isn't a huge surprise to anyone. Or at least it shouldn't be. The whole galaxy saw a Republic member world be invaded by a Mega Corporation that had a representative in the Senate in its own right. It watched as the Republic government was tied up in legalities and procedures. Instead of dispatching aid to their occupied member world, the Senate chose to begin an investigation, to create a committee to examine the situation.

We all know the outcome – Naboo wasn't liberated by a Republic naval fleet. It had to fight on its own and only the aid of a pair of Jedi and a simply unreal amount of luck combined with a flaw in Trade Federation doctrine allowed them victory. The Senate acted only after the situation was resolved. Many believed that the consequences for the Trade Federation were little more than a slap on the wrist given the gravity of their actions. Yet that was enough to eventually drive them to become one of the founding members of the Confederacy.

All of the above is public knowledge that can be easily found in the holonet. The consequences of those events are harder to trace so a person can built a complete picture for themselves.

The galaxy saw the invasion of Naboo. Saw that peaceful world be abandoned by the Republic. It saw that only military action executed by the Naboo people led to their liberation...

Thousands of systems concluded that the only way to guarantee their security was to either build up sufficiently powerful armed forces from scratch or to significantly upgrade and expand their existing ones. Soon the demand for military hardware outpaced the supply. Production all over the Mid and Outer Rim expanded and even Corellia and Fondor were contracted to build more ships...

In ten years that military build up would see the worlds dis disillusioned with the Republic joining the expanding Confederacy one after another along with their military forces. Fondor which had become a huge arsenal supplying the colonies with all they needed would soon choose to become a part of the CIS and thus provide a large increase in industrial potential for the young alliance...

The political implications of the Invasion of Naboo for the galaxy are in fact more important than the military ones. They in fact created an environment where the latter became all but inevitable. Arguably, it was the Republic's impotency during the Naboo Crisis that made the creation of the CIS possible. It enabled the Confederacy's unexpected growth. Thousands of systems joined the CIS after losing faith in the Republic's ability and more importantly willingness to protect them, which has always been one of the large benefits of becoming a member world. That was especially true for the worlds one the Outer Rim where the economic benefits of being a part of the Republic were quite small in comparison to the benefits reaped by the Core and Inner Rim systems. The same environment if to a lesser extent existed in the Expansion Region..."

Extract from "History of the Clone Wars, Volume I: The Calm before the storm"

published by Anaxes' military academy


Phase 34: The Confederacy strikes back

Part 6


MandalorianMilitary HQ

Location classified

The place was so new that it still smelled of fresh paint, plastic and metal from recently installed equipment. There had been no time to put any decorations besides a flag with the symbol of Mandalore which covered one of the walls in the briefing room.

The people who for all intents and purposes were the government were gathered inside discussing the impending Confederate attack and their readiness to receive it.

"We have confirmation that a powerful Separatist force left Phindar thirty six hours ago. They should be here before noon tomorrow." Captain Trek informed the men in charge of Mandalore.

"We're as ready as we can be." General Skirata said. "The shield generators and power distribution network are a fortressesdefended by two Republic armored divisions, a Clone infantry division and First Army group. Second is spread among the major cities and industrial centers and backed up by every warrior on the planet not part of the army." The man running things in Mandalorian space while Mandalore was away reported.

"We've got enough shelter for the civilian population to keep most of our people safe at every major population center. My people are confident that we've rooted out the majority of Death Watch true believers who are left. However we're equally sure that the Confederacy still has at lest a few agents planet side they can contact for intelligence or simply buy. We're working on finding them all and plugging up any leaks we can find."

"The Protectors are back to seventy percent of authorized strength. With volunteers going primary to the army and navy, I'm not confident we'll be able to do our job properly everywhere. I'll might need to request aid from MP units in certain are depending on how things shape in the future." Ordo reported.

"That covers the ground side affairs. Admiral Pellaeon?" Skirata asked.

"My fleet is ready and the devices provided by general Veil are operational. I've chosen to ȧssume a defensive posture and depending on the enemy fleet composition and the effect the devices have on them I'll either counter-attack or fall under the planetary shield."

"While some people might disagree, we're aware of the strategic situation. It will be six to eight months before our light naval units are complete and between twelve to sixteen for the capital ships, if you can keep the shipyards intact." Yomaget said. "With no Republic reinforcements expected for at least two to four months, we would be glad if you can keep your fleet intact and the orbitals reasonably secure until that changes, admiral Pellaeon."

"That's what I intent." Gilad nodded. "If that's all, I need to get back to the fleet."

"Victory and glory, admiral." Skirata said as goodbye.

"Same to you boys and girls, general." Pellaeon saluted and headed to the hangars with captain Trek on his heels.

When they left, the Mandalorians continued their discussions.

"We'll need to properly present the situation to our more volatile members." Bralor began. "Some of our warriors, especially those who came back, won't like a defensive posture or the fact that we're dependent on the Republic for a navy."

"I don't like it either even if they've been on the level so far." Ordo added.

"While I agree, we can't make ships appear from thin air. We'll need the republic for at least the next two years." Yomaget shrugged.

"How is incorporating the sector going?" Auwadasked. "We can use the additional manpower and industry."

"The Duchess has been in talks with their Senators and ambassadors on Coruscant and we've sent delegations to the most important planets. Those with large Mandalorian population are pleased by our offer, however others don't want to hear anything about falling under our influence."

"What about our detractors at Coruscant? From what I hear, the Cathar are baying for our blood." Bralor inquired.

"They're a problem. Unfortunately Sylvaris actually has the full backing of her government. The last thing they want to see is us getting stronger." Horus answered. Dealing with diplomacy was a fourth hat he had to wear while that service was being restored after the attack and cleaned up from pacifists who might be against the resurgence of Mandalorian militarism.

"That might get unpleasant. Sylvaris and her cronies already managed to slow down certain equipment and technological transfers for the army." Auwadgrumbled.

"The same is true for industrial equipment to speed up our shipbuilding." Yomaget added. "I'm pretty sure Mandalore has plans for dealing with that nuisance, unfortunately for the time being he's cut off from the centers of Republic power. "

"At least he took care of Crimson." Skirata said. He had seen the uncensored reports from Atrisia, the GAR's preliminary conclusions of how dangerous that thing was and his own theories aligned with them.

There were a lot of quiet murmurs of agreement. The one thing that either pissed of some people or got Veil more support from others was the fact that he didn't take a single proper Mandalorian warrior with him to deal with Crimson, which also meant that none were lost when the units sent to take out the planetary shields were sacrificed in the orbital bombardment.



Mandalorian cruiser Avenger

High orbit above Mandalore

When the Confederacy fleet arrived, Pellaeon and his people were waiting for them. Trek's reports were right – the enemy did bring a stronger force to eliminate Mandalore. While the enemy fleet that exited hyperspace fight light seconds from the planet was smaller than the one Grievous brought, this one had significantly more firepower thanks to the twelve kriffing battleships it brought.

Gilad frowned. In a stand up fight he might be able to take out all the Munificents and about a third of the Luckehulks but that would see his fleet gutted. He simply would be unable to reduce the incoming enemy firepower fast enough to win.

The admiral smiled coldly. It was too bad he wasn't planning on a proper conventional battle.

"Eight fleet, we're going with Blue Two. Calculate hyperspace insertion coordinates and jump at my mark." Pellaeon ordered. "Captain, I hope for all our sakes that the Silencer works as advertised." Gilad whispered quiet enough that only Trek heard him.

"Me too, sir. The plan is solid and it should come as a complete surprise. After all attacking the Separatists with the forces we have is going to play in their favor." The captain smirked. "Or so they'll believe."

Pellaeon nodded. He closed his eyes and ran some mental calculation. If he kriffed up his fleet might get either mauled or leave the enemy between them and the planet and thus let them land troop… which when he thought about it wasn't as big a problem as it would be at most other worlds.

The admiral banked on the Silencer's reveal and sheer shock impact to buy time and reduce the enemy numbers.

"Calculations complete. The fleet is ready to jump."

"Fire plan Beta Three. Ignore the battleships and concentrate on the enemy frigates." Pellaeon paused so his orders could be transmitted. "Execute."

Now it was time to put the Silencer to the test.

Part 7



CIS Droid Command ship Murderous Intent

Five light seconds from Mandalore

TF-1726 was the droid in charge. He was the first of the of Confederate Super Tactical droids to receive a significant upgrade, which meant a more robust body, much fewer constrains upon his programming and significantly expanded processing capabilities. All that explained why he preferred to be called by his chosen name – commander Kraken instead of the dull factory placed designation he wore.

The Super Tactical droid had distinguishing himself by defeating the Republic forces at Quell shortly before the second battle for Geonosis. That victory earned Kraken the privilege of getting the upgrades first as well as a place in command of the fleet sent to remove the Mandalorian problem once and for all.

TF-1726 took a long look at the sensor readings after his ship exited hyperspace and began crunching numbers. The result of any engagement should have been obvious – the CIS battleships made all the difference and if commanded competently there was no way that he could lose. Math didn't lie after all.

As a consequence, Kraken was taken aback when the whole Republic fleet advanced until they were out of Mandalore's gravity well before entering hyperspace. He had mere moments to ponder the strange enemy behavior before the hole Eight Fleet came back on his right flank.

Kraken tilted its head to the side in exasperation. If the Republic commander wanted a battle in open space, he was ready to oblige them.

"TF three, engage the enemy. All TFs launch fighters. TF one, move to flank. TF 2, move to encircle using a hyperspace jump." TF-1726 ordered.

The enemy had a short lived advantage in numbers and firepower at the point of contact that resulted in six Munificents dying in a short order in exchange of a heavily damaged light cruiser and a pair of CR90s.

The force Kraken personally commanded – TF 1, moved past TF 3 to flank the enemy and already thousands of Vultures were flying towards the Republic fleet.

The tactical plot flashed red and the Super Battle droid simply stared in incomprehension. Twenty seven Munificents simply vanished from the sensors. The system initially logged it as a glitch and began self diagnostic.

"Report!" Kraken snapped.

"The Republic deployed a new weapon. Multiple beams of red light came from two of their ships and we lost more than half of our frigates!" The Tactical droid in charge of TF 3 was beginning to panic.

"Target those ships! Fire everything!" Kraken ordered. "Redline the engines, we need to enter range faster!"

For two minutes Fifth fleet's third Task Force threw itself against the Republic Eight fleet. They lost most of their remaining frigates in the process and the enemy was practically engulfed by a firestorm made of dying fighters. TF 1 was about to enter range when the Republic ships charged against the battle group they have been engaging since the beginning.

Kraken had opened a feed to his ships optical sensors and he managed to see exactly what happened. TF 3's remaining frigates vanished in massive explosions when crimson bolts came from the center of the enemy formation. Then one of the battleships was given the same treatment. The Luckehulks was protected by massive shields backed up by a lot of armor. Those defenses actually made a difference and the behemoth survived.

However it was far from intact. Its shields were drained and pierced in multiple places which resulted in wrecked sensor clusters and weapon emplacements. The whole Fifth fleet flew past it while unleashing every gun that could bear upon the battleship. They didn't stop either but continued to open the range and began vanishing in hyperspace the moment their hyperdrives recovered. Unfortunately none of Kraken's ships could get into proper vectors to plot an intercept.

The losses were appalling. Fifty Munificents destroyed, one battleship battered into a wreck and another with moderate damage along with more than ten thousand fighters lost – a significant part before or while launching.

The Fifth fleet managed to take out a single Venator, six light cruisers and twenty enemy frigates along with unknown number of Republic fighters. There were reports of damage inflicted upon the enemy capital ships, however Kraken wouldn't know for sure until all the sensor logs could be examined.

The Super Tactical droids forced its processors into overclock. At worst it had a few minutes to get its force into position to counter another Republic attack. At best that was it and the enemy was retreating, however such an outcome wasn't something Kraken could count on.

The problem was those two unknown weapons. They were too dangerous and had to be eliminated else the enemy would be able to pull another two or three such attacks before they lost too many ships. While Fifth fleet could survive such losses, it wasn't something that Kraken found acceptable after his upgrades and updates. He needed the enemy to come to him and stand to fight.

Solving that equation was simple.

"All ships form up on TF 1 and execute a hyperspace insertion on the edge of Mandalore's gravity well. All ground units prepare for deployment."

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