Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 81 - Conflagration [12]

Part 1

General Plo Koon's quarters

Republic cruiser Gallant


A shrill keening noise tore Master Koon away from his meditation. He bolted up from the floor where he sat and went for his comm.

"This is general Koon, report." The Jedi wheezed through his breath mask.

The captain's face – that of an ordinary looking Clone appeared in front of Koon's face.

"Our long range scanners detected massive disturbance six light years away. The Separatists are coming. There's too much interference and sensor ghosts to be sure of total numbers, however there's a lot of them." The Clone reported. "Rough estimates are two to three times our worst case scenario."

"I see." The Jedi said. "I trust you've called the fleets to battle stations?" Koon asked though the still roaring alarm was a dead giveaway.

"Yes, sir."

"I'm coming to the Flag Bridge. Get me a conference call between Kenobi, Coburn and Yularen." The Jedi ordered before switching off the comm and marching towards the ship's nerve center.

On his way there, Koon mussed that it was a good thing High Command had kriffed up their deployment orders and hadn't sent Yularen to reinforce the Outer Rim as he was supposed to do. The man had been surprised when he had been called for a status report and asked about the situation on Naboo when he was in fact here at Corellia overseeing the final repairs of the forces that fought at Geonosis.

That administrative fiasco meant that Kenobi could remain back on Coruscant doing his job – running the whole war, while Yularen was free to command one of the reserve fleets in the Core. That was vital, considering that Wullf was one of the few flag officers to actually command forces of the scale being deployed at Kuat, Corellia and in the reserves. Yularen's expertise and experience had been invaluable in setting up the training for Koon's fleet.

Now it only remained to be seen how well all that effort could be put in practice.


Plo Koon entered the Flag Bridge and nodded in approval when he found it a hive of activity. His staff were busy updating the holotank with the status of the defense fleets. One after another they were lighting up in green denouncing full combat readiness.

The Jedi got in just in time, because the images of the people he needed to talk with appeared one after another next to the main tactical plot after he entered the compartment.

"Yes. It has began. Our intelligence appears to be wrong." The Jedi Master confirmed.

Kenobi looked away from the comm unit and nodded. "I see. I'll talk with the relevant people. They obviously dropped the ball in a bad way. Any sign of activity on your end, Coburn?"

"It's juts a matter of time. As you know, last night the Separatists secured Balmora after Ningo forced our remaining forces there to retreat. He's close enough to make it in one direct jump if he has done his homework properly."

"Such a jump is quite risky." Yularen noted.

"Yes. It can also bring a whole fleet on my doorstep with little to no warning." Coburn grumbled.

"Thoughts? Is the main blow coming at Corellia?" Obi-Wan asked.

"If it isn't I hate to think what they have in store for Coburn." Koon pointed out.

"It's good thing we were overly paranoid in reinforcing you both." Kenobi muttered.

"We've got enough forces in place to crush what we expected to hit us." Coburn frowned. "When combined with the system defense navies anyway.

Things were not so lopsided at Corellia with only five of their six Corellian cruisers in system. They were still a formidable force able to give Koon's own command a run for its money.

When combined with the rest of Corellia's system defense navy, those ships made for a big and powerful force on their own.

Plo Koon was going to need every one of them plus some heavy reinforcements.

"Kenobi, we've got a situation!" Valentra's characteristic voice snapped off screen.

"What?" If Obi-Wan was annoyed, it didn't show in his voice.

The former Jedi looked away when suddenly his image twisted and distorted. Kenobi was saying something, however his voice came in as a garbled mess. The familiar whɨnė produced by jamming came over the comm and Obi-Wan's image was gone.

"Comms I want a status report! Raise GAR HQ on Coruscant now!" Koon ordered. The mere fact that both Coburn and Yularen were still present in a holographic form meant that the problem wasn't on Plo's end.

"We're trying… Sir, we can't raise HQ. I'm attempting to call… The kriff? General, I can't raise anyone at Coruscant!" The comm officer exclaimed.

"The Separatists couldn't have bypassed us!" Coburn exclaimed. "We've got listening posts and battle groups stationed all over the Core!"

"Gentlemen, we've got a problem. Yularen's people might very well be needed back on Coruscant in case I'm mistaken." Coburn grunted.

The three of them looked at each other.

"I'll be able to hold Corellia without reinforcements. However in that case most of the industry away from the planet could be written off. That's a significant chunk of our new construction."

"This might be a Separatist trick to paralyze our response." Yularen suggested. "Attempt to divert my forces so they can hit you without interference."

"True." Plo Koon nodded. "I suggest you wait until a scout can reach Coruscant and confirm what's happening over there. I'll keep the channel open and inform you of what's really hitting Corellia."

"I'll be doing the same when our uninvited guest arrive here too." Coburn nodded.

"Sir, update on the enemy forces. They're entering hyperspace."

Plo Koon looked at the holotank. The fleets were ready. All but a handful of the battle stations were good to go and all fighter and bomber wings were manned and needed just an order to launch.

"This is general Plo Koon to all Republic and Corellian forces in system. I'm ȧssuming direct tactical command of the fleets. The enemy comes daring to challenge the Republic, democracy itself. Our very freedom." The Jedi Master spoke with conviction. "Today we draw a line and say no more! Here we stand! Here we fight! Here we win! For the Republic!"

"That's a lot of red..." A staff lieutenant muttered.

"I should have kept my mouth shut..." Plo Koon ġrȯȧnėd.

The people in intelligence had kriffed up so much the Jedi Master had no words.

"Admiral Yularen, I'll need all the reinforcements you can get to me yesterday if I'm to keep any of the industry intact." Koon turned to look at the image of the younger man.

Wullf nodded. There was no doubt he was looking at the raw data being streamed to his ship.

"I'll get the ball rolling. We'll be there in a few hours. Admiral Coburn, I'm putting the secondary echelon reserves at your disposal. Call them if you need them." Yularen sighed. "Let's just hope Coruscant isn't under attack too."

Plo Koon turned his attention to the task at hand. He needed to buy time.

"All Arubesh elements, you're a go. Go in, maul them and pull back to your zones. Take as many of the escorts as possible. Koon out." The Jedi Master ordered.

The five elongated triangles designating a Corellian cruiser each began moving along with their escorting broods. Letting the enemy dictate the terms of the engagement was going to be suicide given their apparent numbers – the Separatists still got ships arriving in system and they had already brought thousands of them.


Part 2




"Sir, I'll really appreciate if one of these days you begin keeping a lower profile." Agent Bail Kyle grumbled.

He was the man unlucky enough to be in charge of director Yle's security detail, something that was hard on the nerves.

Bail was a middle aged human whose hair was already turning silver thanks to all the stress he had to deal with on a daily basis. His boss' various excursions all across Coruscant weren't helping.

"Nonsense. We've finally got the place more or less secured. Besides who's going to be aiming at me when there are so many more juicy targets on Coruscant?" Marik chuckled and held the air car door open for his wife who simply shook her head at their antics and got inside after giving Kyle an apologetic look.

"We got most of the bastards." The director smiled.

"Most is most certainly not all, boss." The agent pointed out.

"Fine, rain on my parade. What's the next stop?" Yle asked.

"Home. You might actually get a few hours of sleep before the next crisis this time."

"That would be the day." The director smiled and got into the air car.

Bail looked around, nodded to the rest of the security detail and went into one of the other cars of the small convoy. So far so good.

"Prism, Pillar Actual, we're leaving." Kyle called the central. "Anything of note? Over."

"Pillar Actual, Prism. Negative. Everything looks fine. No new alerts and nothing out of the ordinary on the scanners. Have a nice trip, over."

"We're a go folks. Let's try not to end the day by kriffing up, all right?" Kyle called the rest of the security detail, earning himself a few tired chuckles.

The convoy headed towards the exit when a bright flash of light blinded Bail. The following thunderclap was little more than an afterthought because he was too busy being tossed around when his car was picked up and sent skidding across the floor by a shock-wave.

When Kyle was coherent again, the first thing he noticed was sharp pain in his side, arm and back. Only then he began remembering that something went terribly wrong.

"Prism, Pillar Actual, three was an explosion..." Bail wheezed in his comm. "We need…assistance..." The agent found that talking and breathing was getting harder.

Kyle looked around and even that little motion sent red hot pain running up his back. A distant part of his mind concluded that hurting was good – it meant he wasn't paralyzed.

Bail saw that his car was more or less upright, though the people inside were at least as bad hurt as he was. He appeared to be the only one conscious at the time. Kyle carefully turned his head and looked around. There was a smoking pile of debris in the middle of the garage. If he didn't know better he would have thought they were all that was left from the director's car…

Oh, wait…

Kyle blinked and swore quietly. That was Yle's car…


Jedi Master Piell's quarters

Jedi Temple


"Why did you call us all here?" Tiin whispered.

"We just got a data file from our friends. You need to see it now." The small Jedi grumbled.

He waved his co-conspirators to get inside and close the door, before plugging a data chip in a holo-projector built into his dining table. Piell proceeded go fast forward the piece of Separatist propaganda until the announcement that Dooku had been handed to the Jedi.

"We've got hours at best before this become public knowledge here on Coruscant. Less before the Chancellor sees this and begins wondering what his apprentice has been telling us. Do I need to go on?" Piell spat.

"We're out of time." Kota nodded. "I'll go pick up our friend. Who is coming with us to talk with the Chancellor about this recording? This is information he simply needs to see." Rahm smiled thinly.

"I agree." Master Drallig said. "I'll get everything moving here. How long do you need before we can go loud?"

"I'll talk with Yoda. He'll be seeing our other problem student. Then I'm off to our waylaid friend." Tiin smiled sadly.

"It's decided then?" Master Yaddle sighed. "All right. Cin, I'll collect your Padawan and we'll go check up on the younglings. They can use a walk to stretch their legs."

"I'll go talk with the Chancellor too then." Piell looked around. "Any second thoughts?"

"We're already too deep for those." Kota snorted. "We're already committed and our hands are dirty. The only thing left is to see if we can neutralize the Sith or not."

"May the Force be with us all." Tiin gave the ȧssembled Jedi a deep bow and left the room, with Piell and Kota following behind.

"I certainly hope so. Otherwise all this is going to be for nothing." Yaddle muttered.

"We'll make sure that the Order doesn't end today. That's all we can do." Drallig told her. "The rest is up to the Force."

"I trust the Force not to kriff up. I can't necessary say the same for the Jedi who let things get so bad without noticing." Yaddle chuckled sadly.

"That includes us two, you know." Cin quipped.

"Most certainly. We aren't blameless. We should have acted when Yoda told us about the Sith all those months ago. We were blind, complacent and now its time to pay the price." The tiny woman frowned. "I regret that we won't be the only one affected by the fallout."

"No matter what things are going to get worse before they can get better. Come on, we have some youngsters to pick up."


SIB Safe House


"Can you feel it, Mace?" Dooku asked. The Count was sitting next to his one time friend, who was his jailor nowadays and sharing a cup of tea with the man. "Change is in the air."

"I can." Windu nodded. "The Force is trembling in anticipation." The former Jedi Master put down his cup. "Its going to be today. Soon."

"Have you decided what to do with me?" Dooku asked. He didn't appear to care one way or another.

"We might still go with Ivon's plan."

"That idea has potential… unless Sidious decides to simply play along as the tired old man." Dooku frowned. "He has that routine down to perfection."

"We'll do what we have to..." Mace paused and looked at the front door. They weren't expecting visitors today, however he could sense two familiar Force signatures ready to enter. "It's time." Windu said and stood up.

The door opened to reveal Kota and Piell, who looked suitably grim.

"We're out of time. Palpatine will know very soon that we have him." The short Jedi pointed at Dooku.

"Ah. The game is up indeed." The Count smiled. "What is going to be?"

"You're coming with us, Dooku. The Chancellor will want to know if we have you." Windu smiled. "We're going to give him what he wants." Mace turned towards the other Jedi. "Have you called our allies?"

"They're moving as we speak. The timing might have been better, however we have most pieces in place." Kota noted. "My people are in position, the same goes for Sylvaris'."

"Let's go then. Time is running out. I can feel it." Windu told them.



CIS battleship Warrior Spirit

High Orbit over Kamino

"Its done. The enemy air-force is suppressed. We've got a secure beachhead at the capital. You're clear to deploy, general." Admiral Kirst announced.

Lok Durd beamed at the news.

"Splendid! I've got my new weapons ready to deploy and all those grim folks just waiting to exploit my success!" The Neimoidian waved at the power-armored men getting into ȧssault transports all around the hangar.

"Just try not to have friendly fire accidents. Our new allies won't appreciate it and they will be in position to do something about it." Kirst glared at the general.

"Oh, pshh. There's nothing to worry about! I've tested my weapon against their nice armor." Durd frowned. "It keeps it all out." Then he beamed again. "However the Republic's suits aren't as good."

"Go down there, secure the capital and get what we need so I can remove all the cloning facilities form orbit. I need the location of the shield generator complex, then I need our new friends to take it out. Meanwhile you're to secure those samples for the Techno Union and get them up to the fleet. Don't fail us, general."

"Heh. No worries I say! Everything is going to be just fine!" Lok waved at the admiral, who glared back.

"Get your forces planet side now!" Kirst snapped.



Tipoca City


Using Tipoca's cameras, Rex was able to track their target's progress and deploy his men for what he hoped was a good ambush. He waited the Remnant or whatever they called to enter the large building which was the most direct way towards the center of the city and ordered the 501st to begin converging on their positions. Meanwhile, he kept tracking the enemy to ensure there wouldn't be any unpleasant surprises.

After seeing the Remnant in action, Rex dismissed any notions in bringing heavy troopers – the better armor and shields simply weren't enough to stand up to the firepower brought by the enemy. Instead he opted for medium and light armor, thus relying on mobility and stealth.

Still, he had his brothers grab the heaviest weapons they could – the firepower was going to be vital.

"They're getting near." Shaak Ti whispered.

"My people are in position. Thirty seconds and all squads will be ready to strike." Rex said after consulting the camera feeds.

The enemy was moving in a long column with Jedi leading the way and taking up the rear. There was none of those in the middle of their formation at this time, which was going to be a boon or so Rex hoped. He looked at the Jedi Master who simply nodded. Rex sent two clicks over the comm – that was the signal. Twenty seconds and the 501st was going to charge the enemy from the various side passages honeycombing the building.

Shaak Ti used the remaining time to stealthily move towards the corner end of the corridor where the enemy was coming from. She drew her lightsaber waved to the Clones behind her to follow.

Time was up.

"Ambush!" Someone shouted mere moments before the 501st struck.

Rex didn't need the cameras to know that the enemy were scattering and covering all the approaches. He cursed and sprinted after Shaak Ti who activated her lightsaber and vanished behind the corner.


Part 3

Operations room



"Give me a status report! What the kriff is happening?!" Valentra's voice snapped like a whip.

"We're being jammed. Land lines are out!" The young lieutenant overseeing the comms exclaimed.

"Put the base on alert. We're either under attack or soon will be." Obi-Wan ordered.

"Another raid? The Separatist couldn't have gotten a proper fleet here without us noticing." Tellar grumbled. "This place was supposed to be secure after what happened with the last HQ."

"Worry about that later. Let's make sure we won't end like the previous High Com staff." Kenobi whispered. The Jedi's hand went for the handle of his blade and he turned around to face the door.

Alarms began roaring a moment after it opened revealing Tiin wearing a combat armor. He was followed by a squad of armored people – were those Cathar?

"I have the sneaking suspicion you've got something to do with this, Master Tiin." Valentra narrowed his eyes at the newcomers.

"General Valentra, general Kenobi," The horned Jedi nodded. "It's good you're both here. You're under arrest for treason."

The staff in the large room began looking between the newcomers and their commanders. The two Clones stationed at the door stood very still when Tiin entered revealing that they were kept at gunpoint by his men.

"What madness is this?!" Valentra snapped. "You're getting too far Tiin! This is treason!"

"Treason? Says the man serving the Sith. The man serving the people who began the Clone Wars so they can ascend to power." Tiin shot back. "Why don't you tell him Kenobi? Or aren't you aware of it? Didn't your new friend tell you? It's Palpatine!" Tiin snarled. "He's the Sith we've been searching for ever since your Master was murdered on Naboo. He's the Sith Lord behind the war!"

That accusation gave anyone pause, though it didn't do much to stop the rising anger of the officers in the Operations room.

"I can see you believe this…" Obi-Wan spoke carefully. "Do you have any proof?"

"Stand down!" A Clone shouted from the corridor behind Tiin.

Blasters spoke and the two men guarding the door were cut down there they stood while a firefight erupted outside. Tiin drew his lightsaber and Obi-Wan followed suit. The Jedi Master stepped further in the room and was followed by a squad of armored men while others were exchanging fire at what had to be a security detail.

That's when all hell broke loose. One of the officers drew a blaster and Tiin's people opened fire.


R&D Complex

Location Classified


"Doctor Zash, you've got a visitor!" One of her ȧssistants called over the comm.

The Sith grumbled and looked up from her work. She had a lot of fun catching up on new discoveries and theories found while she was away. She knew something was going to happen today, even as clouded as the Force was lately, Zash still could feel its faint warning.

She turned away from the table where she was examining an ancient device with yet undetermined function and smiled at one of the cameras in her lab.

"By all means, send them in."

The door hissed open and a small hunched figure hobbled in.

"Master Yoda, to what do I owe this pŀėȧsurė?" Zash's words were pure sarcasm.

"Surprised you're not." The Jedi Master stated the obvious.

"I had a feeling my day work would be disturbed this afternoon."

"Sidious?" Yoda asked.

"Never heard of that. Some kind of STD? It sounds like it." Zash mocked.

Yoda's ears flattened along his skull.

"Dark the time is. Too powerful the Sith are. Stopped you must be." Yoda's voice had a melancholy echoing with each word.

"So? It's not illegal by the Republic's own laws." Zash chuckled in delight.

"Mistaken I was. Too late it is." Yoda sighed. He left his cane to fall and called his lightsaber into his outstretched hand. "Fight we will. The fate of the galaxy today decided will be."

"If you insist. I can use a bit of work out." Zash hummed happily. She raised a hand and her own saber jumped into her palm like an eager puppy.


Secure room

Chancellor suite

Senate building


"I want an explanation now!" Palpatine glared at the captain in charge of his security detail. "I don't appreciate being manhandled in my own office!"

"There are attacks under way, sir. As you know, earlier today director Yle was ȧssassinated."

"I was told yes, and I should be getting a briefing on that situation right about now." The Chancellor narrowed his eyes at the Clone.

"We just got unconfirmed reports about more attacks. Communications are down due to jamming. QRF should be rolling in soon. We believe its another Separatist raid meant to disrupt us while their offensive is underlay." The soldier reported.

"Thanks to you its succeeding!" Palpatine snapped.

He closed his eyes and took a moment to get his temper under control. Since the last nigh the Force had been constantly shifting. There was a sense of foreboding in the air, yet Sidious had been unable to narrow down any details. Was it the Separatists pulling off some new stunt? The Jedi acting up? The Senate or even Veil or Zash pulling a fast one?

Sidious didn't know, which kept him constantly on edge. This was a critical moment. The enemy would be hitting Corellia today if they hadn't already and Kuat would follow. This was the worst possible moment for the Jedi to act up for example – calling Order 66 right now might spell a disaster. While Sidious had a contingency ready to explain why he might have to send the army against the Order, this wasn't the time for that, kriff it all!

"Confirm that!" The captain ordered as he listened to something over the comm built into his helmet. "Good for them. We're at lock-down, the Primary can decide if he wants to see the prisoner when the situation becomes clear and we're secure."

"What is happening, captain?" Palpatine put forth his patented exasperated old man persona.

"An attempted breach of the building. Two Jedi Masters coming to see you intercepted it and captured its leader – Count Dooku apparently. They asked to meet you anyway and to present you the prisoner." The soldier shook his head.

"Ah. I see." Palpatine smiled, while internally he became very still.

Dooku was supposed to be in Confederate custody, possibly dead even. Getting away and actually attempting an attack on the Senate or even just trying to meet with Sidious in this building? That was sheer madness – nothing like what Tyranus would do.

The Chancellor kept his smile on and looked at the security detail surrounding him. Six clones and three Jedi Knights, who looked on edge. Sidious didn't dare access the Force right now to make sure, though he was convinced he knew what was happening.

The Confederacy Council had indeed pulled a fast one. Covertly contacting the Jedi, handing Dooku after Palpatine made sure that all official attempts to do so fell through because he was convinced it was another Separatist trap…

Dooku had been in Jedi custody for some time. He had talked and the Jedi were moving to remove the Sith from power. That's what was happening. Dooku had been brought along so they could plausibly get a large group of Jedi close to him without enough warning.

Palpatine frowned. They must have allies, because what was happening – it simply felt off. He would have expected the Jedi to march in and confront him publically. This however smelled like a planned coup, which implied support and some rather unpleasant things.

That's why Yle was murdered – he must have found something or got too close.

Palpatine went behind his desk and sat in the chair, making himself look like a tired old man. There had been Jedi on his security detail for months, which meant it was compromised. That was partially accounted for – he was planning to use them as scapegoats once the time for Order 66 came anyway.

Now the only question was how to play this. Palpatine looked around the room. The walls were decorated with shelves covered in Sith artifacts and art, including a dense metal statue where his lightsaber was hidden. There were also various recording device he could switch one from a hidden buŧŧon on his desk.

The Jedi wanted to play for keeps? So be it. Palpatine switched on the recording devices and turned around along with his seat until his back was turned towards the security detail.

Sidious lips slowly twisted into a vicious smile. He let his mask crack and accessed the Force. The three Jedi in the room stiffened and Palpatine's smile grew, but now for long.

The Sith Lord could sense danger in the air. The Force was high on anticipation, but that was it. The Dark Side was clouding the future from his gaze.

Was that how the Jedi felt ever since the Sith began preventing them from divining the future? Sidious didn't appreciate the irony.

All that was left was to decide should he wait for the Jedi to properly hang themselves or start the ball rolling right now. Both choices had problems – if all this was a set up to have him show his true colors… Sidious dismissed that idea. He had enough backing to survive the backslash of being declared a Sith. Decent odds to get away with purging the Jedi too even if they didn't give him a clear cut reason to do it.

Sidious felt danger approaching and felt relief. After all those years of hiding, he could finally cut lose. The Sith let his perception expand, sensed the rising fear of the Jedi in the room and then clearly felt a familiar presence approaching. It was surrounded by Force signatures Sidious didn't know, which was expected – he had been doing his best not to use the Force around Jedi after all.

It was time to see if he can properly turn this little trap against the people moving against him.


Part 4

Flag bridge

Republic cruiser Without Fear


"Multiple hyperspace events! Updating tactical!"

"Bring the fleet to battle stations." Admiral Coburn ordered and fixed the holotank with his eyes willing it to update faster.

"That's a lot of ships…" A staff officer muttered. "Much less than what's at Corellia though." The man sounded relieved.

The display finished refreshing with the new data. Coburn could honestly say that he agreed with the sentiment. Oh, the Republic and local forces at Kuat were outnumbered by a lot – as expected. Nonetheless, the admiral felt calmer. His worst fears didn't materialize. He had the enemy comfortably outgunned. Now he simply had to reduce them before they could cause too much damage.

"First echelon battle groups, you're free to go. Red One is in effect. Kuat Command, release the battle cruisers, but keep those Mandators in reserve. Second echelon, wait until the enemy chooses a target, then intercept them. Until further notice the primary objective remains preserving industrial ȧssets across the system." Coburn ordered.

Thirty battle groups, each built around three Venators, plotted a hyperspace jump and soon materialized in the face of the enemy fleet. Seconds later they were followed by all Praetor battle cruisers and the few of their direct predecessors which were till in service. Each of those were three kilometers long flying fortresses complete with heavy armor, even stronger shields and inconceivable amount of firepower.

It was humbling to think that there were seven much more powerful ships waiting in reserve.

Coburn frowned. The first moments of the engagement happened as expected. The sheer shock of the attack and the firepower his sub-formations could bring to bear shattered the light ships in their immediate vicinity. However the enemy didn't hesitate. The Separatist fleet separated into sub formations of its own and surged forward. They moved in such a way as to maximize the firepower they could bring upon the first echelon, while the bulk of their fleet simply avoided action and began spreading out.

"Second echelon, be ready to move. The enemy is picking up targets." Coburn ordered.

Almost a quarter of the Separatist fleet jumped in the way of the admiral's reserves – obviously to slow them down. After that all but those engaging his first echelon made jumps toward various industrial sites, where they met smaller defensive forces and as much fixed defenses as could be spared.

"Sent in half the Mandators to clean up the way. Second echelon, avoid the enemy forces heading your way and proceed with your mission." The admiral instructed.

"Third echelon..." That was the GAR operational reserve, where his own ship was stationed, "Clear the gravity well and await further orders. Kuat Command, I'm leaving you with tactical command over remaining reserve..." Which was enough to handle any emergencies with its three Mandators and escorts.

"What do you have up your sleeve?" Coburn asked aloud while he watched the unfolding engagement.



CIS dreadnought Conquest

First Fondor Sector Fleet Flagship

"That's how you want to play it?" Trench chuckled after seeing how the enemy reacted to his presence. "Vanguard elements, break by squadrons and engage the enemy. Move in for englobment. Escorts screen the battleships. Concentrate on enemy propulsion. Once it's disabled get out of range and ignore them. Designated Munificent units are clear for ramming attacks."

The admiral looked to the right, where Tonith's holoimage floated awaiting orders.

"Admiral, you're to engage the bulk of the Republic navy near Corellia itself. Third Fondor, you're to keep the pressure and provide reinforcements to the vanguard until they've disabled the Corellian cruisers. Second, divide in pre-designated task forces. We're going after the prize." Trench ordered.

"I'll handle them." Tonith saluted and went to engage the main Republic fleet.

Trench on the other hand left the harder task for himself – coordinating the almost the whole second while spread into more than twenty separate battle groups all over the system. He had a window of opportunity – few hours until heavy enemy reinforcements could arrive and he was going to exploit that time for all it was worth it.

The admiral concentrated his attention on the tactical display and began giving attack vectors to his forces. He sent two battle groups to clear up the newly built shipyards around the two dead worlds in the outer system. They were the most lightly defended of his primary targets.

Trench himself led a full Task Force of his fleet, which was the most powerful one of the three making up Second Fondor Sector Fleet. His target was Selonia – the farthest from the sun planet of the Five Brothers. He gave the order and his ships separated into four battle groups which would maximize the amount of firepower he could bring to bear and ensure his ships wouldn't be getting in each other way or stand idly because they lacked clear firing lanes.

"Coordinates locked in, admiral." A Tactical droid announced.

"Commence insertion." Trench ordered. He bȧrėly felt the shift into the hyperspace and the almost immediate transition back to real space. "Launch fighters and strike craft. Munificent divisions, take out the outer battle stations after the minefields are cleared. Recusants, concentrate on enemy light ships. Lucrehulks – targets of opportunity, with Gollan stations and other sources of heavy firepower being a priority."

Trench shifted his attention to the vanguard. They were swarming those cruisers, making sure they won't be using hyperspace to get away, however the price was heavy. Over there ships were dying by the second and that wasn't going to change until the behemoths were disabled. That only made the success of this operation even more vital. A failure would meant the Confederacy would be kriffed up once and for all.


Yongling training center

Jedi Temple


"Master Yaddle, you sent for me?" Padawan Serra Keto offered the ancient Jedi a respectful nod. She frowned when a group of Temple Guards jogged to join them.

"Yes, please follow me. We don't have much time." Yaddle offered in a sad tone.

"Did something happen?" Serra asked, not even bothering to hide her concern.

"He. You can say that. Or that its about to happen. We have a task, young Padawan. We have to get the younglings to safety." Yaddle explained.

"Is the Temple going to be attacked again?!" Serra exclaimed.

"In a manner of speaking." Yaddle nodded.

"An attack?!" One of the Clones stationed nearby overheard them.

"Yes. I'm terribly sorry about this, young man." The Jedi Master waved a hand and the Clones hit the wall behind them hard enough to knock them out.

"Master!?" Serra exclaimed.

"Short version, Padawan. We finally figured out who is the Sith behind the war. It's Chancellor Palpatine. The Council is attempting to arrest him as we speak. It was also discovered that the Clones had been commissioned by the Sith and we expect them to side with them given the order. We need to get the younglings and other non-combatants to safety, because if the arrest attempt fails, the Sith will see us all along." Yaddle explained.

The Jedi Master entered the youngling's part of the Temple and smiled. "Gather around, children." She used the Force to add a touch of suggestion in her voice and soon dozens of kids scurried forward. "We're going on excursion. Follow us and don't separate no matter what happen, all right?"

"Yes, master Yaddle!" A chorus of excited agreements answered.

"Let's go. We don't have time to waste." Yaddle ordered firmly.


Security control room

Jedi Temple


"Master Drallig, is there a problem?" The captain overseeing security asked.

He had seen some irregular movements by Temple Guards and had requested to speak with someone on the Council though, so far his inquires were rebuffed. He did put his men on higher alert just in case.

"You can say so, Jake." Cin smiled sadly. "I need to ask you to stand down."

The door opened revealing more Temple Guards, who had their weapons drawn and activated, pointing them at the Clones stationed outside.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Jake asked.

"We'll be leaving Coruscant and can't have any accidents happening." The Jedi Master explained.

"I can't allow such a thing without clearing it with command and the Chancellor." The captain pointed out.

"I see. Well, we were afraid of that. Will you stand down peacefully?" Cin asked again.

"I can't do that." Jake said stiffly. He dived to the left and drew his saber only to be caught mid-air by a telekinetic blast that slammed him into a console.

The Temple Guards either used the Force or their weapons to take out the Clones manning the security center.

"Damn it, this isn't how I wanted it to go." Cin shook his head in regret. Two of the soldiers were dead with most others suffering blunt force trauma after being slammed hard into either consoles or walls. "Why the kriff did you kill those two?!"

"At least we have control over security." One of the Guards pointed out.

He was immediately proven wrong when alarms began screaming and the door behind them slammed shut.

"ALERT! Rogue Jedi are attacking GAR personnel stationed at the Jedi Temple! I repeat, rogue Jedi are attacking GAR personnel stationed at the Jedi Temple. All GAR units in the AO ensure your own security and engage rogue elements..."

"Take out the computers!" Cin shouted. He ignited his lightsaber and began slashing through the consoles, though he knew it was too little too late. "Sith damned… Get to our people now and take out any Clones on your way. We need to get away from Coruscant now!" Drallig ordered.


Part 5


Tipoca City


"Attack!" Echo ordered a heartbeat after someone on the other side figured out the ambush.

One of his men slammed a fist over the control panel of the door separating them from the side passage leading straight at the enemy flank. Echo waved forward and charged with his brothers following on his heels.

The Clone turned right and aimed his grenade launcher. He took just a couple of steps in the enemy's direction when an armored figure appeared at the end of the corridor and he pressed the trigger. Whoever that was, they managed to duck before the resulting explosion, though Echo was sure they were caught in the blast-wave.

As he advanced, the Clone sent grenade left and right, keeping the end of the corridor clean from enemies. Five, a frag exploded. Four – concussion, three – an Ion one, two – another frag, one – a high-explosive and he was out. Echo dropped the gun and retrieved a heavy blaster he had slung over his back. His timing was good – he had shouldered and aiming the weapon when he reached the junction at the end of the corridor. The Clone swept left, leaving right for the man behind him.

The echo of explosions and the Ion discharges made hearing and scanners less than reliable, leaving the soldiers to rely on good old fashioned Mark One eyeballs – though in the 501st case, most actually got upgrades in that department. In Echo's case, one of his eyes was artificial and able to see infrared, which helped him locate the enemy through dust and smoke obscuring everything.

A bulky figure turned his way and Echo promptly sent a burst at it. His thermals were partially obscured by the blaster bolts reaction with the enemy's shield, which unfortunately held. The Clone ducked back and shouted a warning. A solid laser beam went through the space where his torso was a moment ago and struck the edge of the corridor bȧrėly missing Boomer.

"Huttspawn! That was close!"

Echo mutely nodded. The laser had carved deep gorge in the wall, which was more or less solid metal. If that had hit his brother in the back… Echo snarled at the thought and pulled out a thermal detonator which he sent at the bastards downrange. A flash of light and a deafening thunderclap announced his success. Then the heat wave hit making everyone sweat despite their environmentally sealed armors.

Echo glanced across the corner and ducked back when someone shot at him through the haze of the explosion. That part of the corridor was wrecked, opening it to the surrounding levels.

"We need to push them back further! Divide and isolate the bastards!" Boomer shouted.

Echo nodded. "Grenades – HE and concussion, then we advance to the right." He pulled another thermal detonator and thew it where the first go off to create distraction.

So far so good.


Fives led his own squad in another flanking maneuver. He had to move slower to let the replacements fostered to the 501st keep up with him and his two enhanced buddies.

To say he was surprised that the ambush didn't go exactly as planned would be a lie – more often than not the enemy tended to be inconvenient like that. Still, things began well enough. Two rockets were sent downrange by the newbies lugging the heavy weapons, then everyone threw a wide ȧssortment of grenades to clear the way.

The Clone was taken aback when one of he power armored enemies remained on their feet after a missile detonated against their shields. The defensive barrier winced out and the bastard was left intact – for a second or so anyway, because then the second rocket slammed into his shoulder and tore the whole arm away. Even if otherwise the enemy appeared intact, there was no way that fella was still alive – the overpressure wave and shock would have seen to that. Anyway it was a moot point because multiple grenades landed around the body and that was that.

"GO!" Fives shouted.

The overall plan was to hit the enemy from all sides, use the side passage to divide them in smaller, much easier to handle groups and defeat them in detail before their Jedi could turn the tide.

That at least appeared to be working. Even with a warning preventing a complete surprise – if that was at all possible while the Remnant were in enemy territory seeking contact with the GAR, the opening stage of the ambush went reasonably well. Multiple power armored troopers were taken out before they could properly respond to the threat.

However, the rest of the attack diverged from the plan significantly. The Remnant refused to be isolated. Any surprise they felt lasted mere seconds, before they rallied and began counter-attacking.

Fives hit the ground when two enemies got to the corners at the end of the corridor before his unit could reach it and opened fire. Blaster bolts flew above him even as he returned fire. He saw Cipher continue charging while actually dodging two shots from a heavy blaster before slamming in the small cover provided by the indentation around a sealed door to the right.

Someone screamed in pain from behind announcing that the enemy finally got lucky.

"Smoke!" Fives snapped after hitting one of the people in power armor only to see his shots being tanked by a shield. Staying in the open against such firepower was suicide.

"Cipher get that open!" Fives ordered and rolled away to avoid a burst that left a line of glowing holes in the floor.

A smoke grenade detonated filling the corridor in silver mist.

That was going to buy them a few moments…

"Get to solid cover!" Fives ordered more quietly. He got up and crawled towards Cypher's position.

"I'm almost done, sarg.. guah..."

A hulking figure appeared through the smoke and slammed a vibro blade through Cypher's back.

For a moment Fives stood froze. How the kriff that thing managed to sneak up on them?!

The figure raised its gun and the Clone's training kicked in. He dived away form the line of fire and brought his own weapon to bear on the enemy. Somehow he manged to open fire before hitting the ground, which had predictable results – the recoil was just enough to make him land badly and cost him precious moments.

His shot actually hit, however it wasted itself on the shield.

Fives had to roll away again, when suddenly the other enemy emerged from the smoke. Eery, the bastard made no sound. Some kind of stealth field? The though ran through Fives brain before he acted on instinct and jumped away from the charging brute.

Once the second armored figure was past him, it continued its dash towards the rest of the squad. It was met by a fusillade of fire and it answered in kind. However Fives was too busy to pay any attention to the firefight besides merely acknowledging it. The maniac who gutted Cypther like a fish was upon him waving that vibro blade. On a closer look, the thing was actually built into the armor's left hand.

Seeing no other option, Fives met the enemy headlong. He used his cybernetically boosted reflexes to dive under a swing and roll behind the armored grunt. Fives raised up on one knee, brought his weapon forward and pressed the trigger. The barrel was inside the shield, making its existence moot. Hot plasma hammered the back and side of the power armor. It might have even worked if Fives could have kept firing for a bit longer. Instead he was forced to lunge back, which made him fall on his back in order to avoid a backhand swipe that nearly cleaved his head in two.

Seeing no other option, Fives pulled off the single thermal detonator he carried, activated it and threw the explosive at the lumbering enemy's feet. That bastard then had the audacity to kick the detonator at the Clone before literally flying back.

Fives had a moment to register the sound of repulsors before lunging towards the live explosive.


Hex was a fresh Clone – he finished his training mere days before the invasion began. He was among the best of his class, completed ARC training with flying colors too. He thought himself quite good too – something even his Mandalorian instructors agreed to before leaving Kamino.

That's why he was chosen along few lucky others to become a part of an elite formation – the 501st Special Operations Legion. He had heard stories about them, some quite wild too.

Hex didn't believe most of them – he might have been young, however he was no dummy. There were enough veterans passing through Kamino to ȧssist in the training before being reassigned to make him understand that most war stories were quite embellishedin one way or another.

A single training session with the veterans of the 501st changed his mind. They were unreal – much faster and stronger than a regular Clone like himself. Their reflexes and reaction times were unreal too.

After just four soldiers tore apart the newcomers, Hex included, and there were twenty three of them, the young Clone knew that all those stories were understated if anything. He was proud to fight besides warriors of such caliber.

Hex knew that with the 501st on his side, there simply wasn't a force in the galaxy that could stand on their way.

That happy state of affairs continued until the Separatist fleet managed a breakthrough and landed forces in the city of his birth.

Kamino, especially Tipoca City, had a special place in the heart of every Clone. This place was their home. The only home than they ever knew. It was where their younger brothers were born, raised and trained.

If there was one place in the galaxy which every single Clone would gladly die to protect, it was Kamino.

Hex as no exception. That made seeing his home invaded hard to bear. Watching the camera feeds of the enemy plowing through defenses set up by veteran soldiers didn't help.

Yet, Hex was a member of the 501st. There was no enemy that could stop them. He was elated when the order to intercept the enemy finally came down the chain of command. Hex hungrily anticipated ambushing the hutspawned bastards who came to ruin his home.

He cheered when his missile took out one of the power armored invaders.

Hex wasn't cheering now. He wasn't thinking about protecting his home either. The only thing on his mind was putting down the monster that blew apart two of his brothers and was advancing towards him and the rest of the squad no matter how many times they shot at it.

Even as the shield protecting the armored behemoth fell, it continued to advance and fire back.

Fin, the last remaining veteran in the squad took a grenade from his belt, however he was torn apart by heavy blaster fire before he could arm it.

Then another brother went down and there were only three remaining. They fought shoulder to shoulder, pulling back in good order and constantly shooting at the enemy.

Its armor began melting from the constant fire. Instead of faltering, it actually flew forward, firing all the way.

Hex was the only one fast enough to dive out of the way. His brothers were literally ran over and their broken bodies swept away.

"Kriffing die!" Hex shouted.

He saw red and threw his blaster away, then grabbed two grenades, disengaged the safeties and pressed the triggers before charging at the armored monster who was turning his way.

A massive explosion sounded from behind and Hex grinned. The sarge got one of the bastards, he was sure of it.

Hex was almost upon the monster, when it jumped back and flew away until hitting the end of the corridor, then it began raising its gun. Even in his enraged haze, Hex figured out he won't be reaching it in time. He made to throw the grenades, then there was only searing pain. Hex crumbled to the ground and saw one of the live weapons roll in front of his eyes.

This wasn't fair! He was part of the 501st! They never lost!

The grenades detonated.

"We won't be talking about this." One of the power armored men muttered.

"If the captain see how we kriffed around, she'll have our heads." The other agreed and they both went to rejoin the battle.


Part 6


Tipoca City


Rex sprinted on the heels of the Jedi Master. He cleared the corner a heartbeat behind her and saw Shaak Ti thrust her left hand forward. The Clone wasn't quite sure, though he thought he saw a shiver pass through the air down the corridor.

The point man leading the enemy formation had their hand up too and was the one of the few who remained on their feet. The rest of the Remnant vanguard were thrown on heir back as if shoved hard. There were only three people standing upright – two men and the woman in front. If they were surprised by what just happened, none of them showed it. Instead the trio activated lightsabers of their own – all blue and charged. The woman made a beeline towards the Jedi Master, while the others sprinted by the walls.

Rex took aim and opened fire to rightmost Jedi. He could hear the rest of the unit coming in behind him, which was good. They were going to need the firepower. That was painfully obvious when every single shot he sent downrange was reflected back at him. His enhanced reflexes actually gave him a chance to sidestep a few of the bolts and he was lucky enough that his shield absorbed the rest. His men finally arrived and opened up raining shot after shot at the approaching Jedi.

Instead of stopping or at least faltering, those two sped up and began running up the walls of all things. That was enough to throw off the aim of some Clones for a moment or two, time well spent by the enemy. The Jedi acted in unison - one made a pulling motion and only the implants increasing Rex's strength allowed him to keep his gun even if it was a close call. Some of his men, who didn't have such extensive enhancements didn't manage it and their weapons were torn out of their hands.

That's when the other Jedi acted. Rex felt like a wall slammed into him. A moment of disorientation followed, a sense of falling and then a painful contact with the floor.

This time he lost his gun.

"Up and at them!" The commander shouted. He jumped on his feet and grappled for his sidearm.

Rex was relieved to see Shaak Ti using her powers to pull back one of the Jedi coming at his men, however there was nothing left to stop the other. The enemy jumped off the wall and landed in front of the closest Clone. His lightsaber came down and Tio lost his head. Phil tried to tackle the Jedi, got suspended in mid-air for his troubles before that bastard impaled him.

"Kill him!" Rex snapped and charged the Jedi. His men got out of their shock and followed his example.

The Jedi strode forward without a care in the world. He waved a hand and another invisible wall of force sent Rex tumbling on the floor. By the time he was up, two more of his brothers were cut down. Someone had kept his gun and opened fire only to be ignored – the Jedi simply let his shields take the shots and killed another Clone, only then did he deem fit to begin deflecting the incoming fire.

That man never stopped walking forward. It felt like, with every step the Jedi took, Rex lost a brother.

Sam, one of the new guys screamed, and charged the killer coming for them all. The Jedi finally paused. He clutched his fist and pumped it in the air. Sam flew up and with every motion slammed in the ceiling with bone breaking force. The enemy lowered his hand, yet the young Clone left hanging as if embedded into the metal.

"Surrender. I won't ask again." The Jedi spoke for the first time. His voice was mechanical, likely thanks to the comm in his helmet.

"Go to hell!" Rex snarled. He picked up a pistol laying next to him and began firing.

"You first." The Jedi shrugged and continued his march.

A dismissive gesture slammed a Clone into the wall – he fell and didn't get up. Yet another kid was next; he was pulled off his feet and impaled. Then the Jedi walked below Sam and flourished his saber, nearly cutting the poor bastard in two. The murderer took another step forward and pointed his weapon at the remaining soldiers. It was only then that Sam finally fell from the ceiling, hitting the floor behind his killer.

Rex looked at his brothers.

"General, we need to pull back now!" The commander shouted. "Kas with me." Rex looked over his shoulder. "Run, fools!"

When he looked back at the Jedi, the man gave him a small nod. Rex was surprised that he felt no fear. He was totally outclassed. Everything he tried so far had proven useless against the Jedi. He knew he was about to die and the only thing he felt was regret – regret that he failed his men and led them against an enemy he had underestimated. He believed that surprise, numbers and the equipment the Clones had combined with Ti's ȧssistance would be enough.

After all, Rex had seen Jedi die before. He knew they could be overwhelmed. When figuring out how to take out these bastards, he should have used general Veil as a baseline, not the Jedi generals he knew.

"Kriff it." The commander nodded at his brother. He activated the blade built in the right arm-guard of his armor, took a grenade from his belt and charged the Jedi.


"You should surrender, Master Ti, was it?" The woman in power armor engaging her spoke for the first time.

"I don't think so." The Jedi Master parried a thrust from the younger sounding female before sidestepping a slash aimed at her hand from her other opponent.

"Your men are dying. You can't stop us. There is no shame in surrender. It will save your lives." The Remnant Jedi tried again.

Shaak Ti knew that the woman was right about Rex and his men. She felt them dying one after another – slaughtered by the Jedi she was unable to stop.

Ti parried an attack, riposted, ducked and weaved between the blades seeking her flesh. She gathered the Force around her hand and sent it forward as a battering ram aimed at the other woman. The Old Republic Jedi simply slapped the attack away and the energy went to dent the wall, making the corridor ring like a gong.

As if the situation wasn't bad enough, Ti could see the ambush falling not only in the front of the enemy column. A Clone squad was hitting the Remnant vanguard from the back – they had demolished the corridor behind them and their presence was the only reason the Jedi Master hadn't been overran by the power armored troopers who followed her opponents. Instead they were busy killing the Republic soldiers attacking them.

Ti faltered when Rex ordered a retreat. She dared glance back and winced. Most of the Clones were dead or pulling back. Only Rex and one of his brothers still stood obviously ready to buy their brothers a few precious seconds.

"Its over, Master Ti. Stand down." The enemy offered again.

Shaak Ti narrowed her eyes. She was out of time. The soldiers down the corridor were retreating too and soon she wold be facing more enemies.

The Jedi Master closed her eyes and deactivated her lightsaber. Was this it? Was this how it all ends?


The anger Ti had been feeling ever since Veil used her and throw her away rose to the surface.

She would not fall here!

Shaak Ti still had unfinished business with Veil. She couldn't be defeated, couldn't be captured before she faced that man one last time!

Her anger grew hotter and Shaak Ti felt a surge of cold, soothing power rushing through her. She thrust her hands forward, the new energy flowed through her arms and discharged in a massive shock-wave, more powerful than anything she had managed before this day.

The Remnant Jedi managed to defend themselves, however both of them staggered and had to took a few steps back. The power armored soldiers behind them were caught off guard and sent sliding across the floor, while every single piece of debris in the vicinity flew through the corridor with enough power to dent steel.

Ti didn't waste the opportunity, she turned around and began running. Her anger grew to new heights when she saw the Jedi she missed execute one of the Clones while Rex stood frozen mid-swing. Ti voiced her anger through a voiceless roar, just like her ancestors did before the dawn of civilization.

The Force gave he more strength and she descended like a blur at the Jedi who murdered her men. He managed to turn around and parry her swing, yet that wasn't nearly enough. The Force was singing to the Jedi Master. It gave her ice cold purpose and strength. Despite the power armor, the Remnant Jedi was brought on one knee by the sheer raw power behind the swing. She struck again and this time tore the lightsaber away from the man's hands, leaving him open for the killing blow.

Ti raised her weapon for one last strike, however it never landed. In the last moment she was pulled back and her lightsaber slashed through the floor between her and her victim. The Jedi Master looked back to those who denied her vengeance. Behind them their friends were getting on their feet and turning Ti's way.

Shaak Ti snarled at the denied kill and ran. The Jedi dove out of her way, avoiding her last attempt to take him out. At lest that was enough to release Rex, who stumbled forward.

Ti went past the Clone, grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the end of the corridor. Blaster bolts began wheezing past them, something blew up behind and finally they were going past the corner and getting out of sight.

Shaak Ti let Rex go, helped him turn around and pushed him forward.

"Go!" she wheezed. The cold power rushing through her veins was disappearing and leaving her feel exhausted. Now it was Rex's turn to grab her shoulder and drag her.

Ti bit her lip and pushed herself to move faster. She could hear the sound of approaching armored feet.

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