Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 85 - Twilight

Part 1

Throughout Republic space, all non-military holonet transmissions suddenly ceased. They were briefly replaced by the sigil of the Republic, which was proudly displayed above the words 'Emergency broadcast'. This unusual state of affairs continued for twenty seconds before it was replaced by the image of a human male who stood behind an empty metal desk. The only thing behind him was a plain green wall which gave no real clues about the location.

"Greetings citizens of the Republic. I regret the need to address you in this unusual way. My name is Marik Yle, the director of the SBI." He smiled sadly. "If you're watching this transmission, it means that I've failed in my duty to safeguard the Republic and I am dead before I could warn the Chancellor and the GAR of an imminent and present danger for everything we hold dear. There is a plot to subvert the republic by parties that already have their claws in both my own agency, the SBI and at least ONI – the Office of Naval Intelligence. I hope my warning goes out in time, however if I've underestimated our enemies, you need to know this…" Yle took a deep breath.

"Our intelligence services aren't the only ones subverted. The same is true for our supposed Mandalorian allies and elements of the Jedi Order as well."

Yle pressed a buŧŧon on the computer terminal built into his desk and a holographic window appeared above his right shoulder. It showed a conversation between a group of Jedi, director Ivon Fell from ONI and Count Dooku. Their discussion – planning how to cripple the GAR on Coruscant for long enough so they could successfully remove the Chancellor from power.

"I believe that the conspirators would initially try to present their coup as an attempt to save the Republic from the Sith." Marik's expression became grave. "This couldn't be farther than the truth. Count Dooku's presence – a Sith himself – is evidence enough. They plan to sow confusion, cripple the GAR for long enough that our armed forces are unable to respond in time and eliminate some of the biggest obstacles to their plan. This treason isn't a misguided attempt to protect us from the Sith. On the contrary – it is a Sith plot aimed to destroy the Jedi who would stand against an overthrow of our democratically elected government and the first step in transforming our Republic into a Sith Empire. Unless the conspirators are stopped, they will blame the murder of Chancellor Palpatine and other officials – both civilians and military – who would have stood on their way, on the Jedi still loyal to the Republic and thus use the GAR to dispose of them..."




For the rest of his life, Anakin Skywalker would wonder if things would have turned better or worse if he made another choice that day. Hindsight wasn't really helpful. It wouldn't be long before he figured out that things might have turned very, very differently. That at least in the short term he would have been hunted.

All those things were obvious, yet none of them helped him figure out if he made the right choice that day. There would be nights in the future when he would lay in bed wondering if his relationship with Padme wouldn't be so rocky if he had chosen to resist his arrest. If he had fled and eventually joined the Jedi who survived Order 66 and weren't convinced to take the deal they were offered by the Senate – a blanket amnesty for those who weren't a part of the coup in exchange for fighting for the Republic.

Anakin never knew, yet kept wondering till his dying day. He often dreamed of that day, of making another choice.

Yet, perhaps it didn't matter in the end. After knocking that pain in the ȧss of a sergeant and his men off their feet, Anakin didn't run. He didn't cut them down. He didn't fight.

Instead he deactivated his lightsaber, levitated it to the ground between himself and the Clones and then raised his hands as a sign of surrender.

"I don't resist! I'm giving up as you instructed!" Until his dying day, Anakin Skywalker would wonder what exactly went through the trooper's heads at that moment. He could sense their distress. For a moment Anakin was sure that they would open fire anyway and he wasn't certain he could survive.

"On your knees! Hands behind your head! If I even think you're trying to pull one of your Jedi tricks, we'll shoot!" The sergeant barked.

Anakin glared at the Clone. He was sorely tempted to lash out with the Force, yet he squashed that dėsɨrė along with his rising anger and simply nodded. Then Skywalker silently followed the instructions. He was led to a detention center in the lower floors of the building and along the way he got an ever increasing guard detail. By the time he was secured in a cell, Anakin was sure that there was at least a company in his immediate vicinity and there were more soldiers not too far away.

Skywalker was both proud that they considered him such a threat and resentful towards the implication that he would turn on the people who he fought beside since the war began. The worst thing was that Anakin had only himself to blame for his predicament and he knew it very well.

Not that such an admission made him feel any better…

"Can someone tell me what's happening?" Anakin turned towards the door and asked. He knew that there were a lot of guards nearby – he could feel their presence.


Part 2


Flag bridge

Corellian cruiser Freedom


en route to Kamino

When Joanna Holt entered the Flag Bridge she shivered. The large compartment was mostly dark and very, very cold.

"Admiral. We have some unforeseen complications." A voice rasped from the twilight. It was somewhat familiar – it sounded not unlike that of general Veil, yet it was different too. This voice belonged to an old man, one nearing the end of his life, not to a someone in their mid-thirties at worst.

"Veil, what did you do to yourself?!" Holt snapped before she could think things through.

"My reach exceeded my grasp." The Sith rasped again and raised his head to look him in the eyes.

This… This wasn't the same man she knew. It wasn't just his sudden change of age, it was his eyes. They were like two yellow stars blazing angry in the void of space.

"What do you really know about the Force? About her limits?"

That question took her off guard. This wasn't a time for a religious discussion, damn it! Joanna's anger grew as she watched Veil's lips twitch into a ghost of a smile.

"This wasn't a rhetorical question, admiral."

"I've seen Jedi fight. I've felt you… connect this whole fleet into a single whole. I can't explain it." A shiver went down her spine. "I felt Crimson." Joanna spat the world as if it was a curse. Whatever this Force of yours is, it's very much real." Holt eventually answered – after she shackled her anger and drove it under the durasteel veil of her professionalism.

"It is. There are very few limits on what's possible with it." The general nodded slowly and tapped the cup in front of him with a finger. That was enough to make the liquid inside bubbling increase into a sizzling hiss that threw droplets all over the metal table. They began eating through the surface with a hiss of an angry reptile.

"What is that?" Joanna asked.

"I hope there's some kind of explanation incoming?" Joanna grumbled. That man was going to be the death of her. What in the name of all Corellian hells did he do and why the bloody hells did he do it now, when they were about to enter battle?!

"An explanation…" Veil glared at his cup. "I can give you many."

The Flag Bridge grew darker. What looked like living shadows coiled around them both and apparently swallowed the light. Joanna shuddered at the unnatural phenomena. Veil on the other hand didn't appear to notice what he was doing. That or he didn't care, the bastard.

"There are few limits to what a powerful Force Adept could achieve with the Force. Enhancing our bodies, influencing whole fleets… Making contact with people on the other side of the galaxy – if the situation is either right of wrong enough..." He trailed off.

"I take it its the latter case." Joanna was almost sure of it. At the end something shifted in Veil's tone. Was that regret? "I'll ask again, what did you do, general?"

"I sensed the Force trembling with shocks. Jedi dying on Coruscant. I needed to know what in the name of the Force was happening. I needed to know that my wife was all right."

Joanna frowned. Veil's voice almost broke there… and Jedi dying on Coruscant?! How the kriff did the Separatists reach the capital?!

"It wasn't the Confederacy." Veil hissed in furyas if reading her mind, and wasn't that a terrifying idea…

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

For a brief moment Holt was tempted to claim he was lying. That what he was talking about was impossible. However she knew better. What Crimson did, what she knew for sure Veil could do… So much power concentrated in the hands of a single man whose allegiance she was unsure of simply terrified her. On the other hand, as the former captain of the Freedom and now as an admiral… Joanna herself had more power at her fingertips than most people across the galaxy could comprehend. The real difference was control. Checks and balances. She simply couldn't burn a world at her whim or go conquer one without good reasons that were approved by her superiors back home.

Veil on the other hand – he himself was a weapon and right now Joanna doubted that anyone but himself had ever been in control of his actions.

"What did you see?" Joanna asked, while her mind was busy going over worst case scenarios.

"Mace Windu crushing my wife's ċhėst. Chancellor Palpatine dying." Veil's words were quietly, yet Holt couldn't help it but feel a terror when she heard his voice. He sounded like someone on the edge of madness. Just a heartbeat away from becoming berserk. She certainly didn't expect him to smile mirthlessly. "The Jedi pulling a stab in the back I didn't see coming. It's almost commendable."

If what Veil was telling her was true, if the CIS hadn't found a backdoor toward Coruscant or even worse – somehow swept all resistance leading towards the capital… it actually made a twisted amount of sense. It was no secret that there were a lot of Jedi who saw Veil as a threat. That because he was a Sith he was the enemy they had to fight instead of the Confederacy. Joanna wasn't blind, nor deaf. She knew that those Jedi had some support in the Senate. It was at least plausible that they might have moved to cut off the people supporting Veil back home while he was far away. If the man was telling her the truth. If he wasn't mistaken. If he wasn't lying for some reason or another. Too many ifs… Too much that was uncertain.

In the end everything went to one simple question – did she trust Veil?

Unfortunately the answer was uncertain too – Joanna simply wasn't sure if she could. She knew who he claimed to be. Knew of his infamous exploits on Corellia thousands of years ago. She knew that if going by his actions he had done his best for the Republic. That he had been faithful to his vows as a military officer. However, Veil was a Sith and everyone knew they were treacherous creatures.

Still… during that battle meditation of his, Joanna had touched his mind; both above Geonosis and when they had to burn down Crimson. She knew she could reasonably trust the man who won Second Geonosis. She could admire the man who somehow turned the whole fleet into a single entity to protect them against Crimson.

Joanna wasn't so sure about the man hunched above her conference table.

That was something many people had been wondering for about a year or so now. Most stopped caring as Veil achieved victory after victory for the Republic. If Joanna was to be honest with herself, so did she after Geonosis.

"I was content. I didn't have the Dark Council to worry about. I was back in command of a military unit and in the thick of things." Veil smiled wishfully. "I was lazy too." He sighed and finally looked back at her. "Why do you fight, admiral Holt? For the Republic? For Corellia? Or for your family, friends and the menand women under your command?"

"Why do you fight, general?" It was impolite to answer a question with the question, yet Joanna needed to know. She felt it was vital to hear Veil answer and more importantly believe it if he gave her one that she felt acceptable. In the same time… Her gut instinct was to say she fought for the Republic, for Corellia. It was an easy answer, the easy answer. It was true too – it just was far from the whole truth.

"Because its my nature. Because I thrive on the chaos and madness of combat." Veil smiled sadly. "To keep the few close to my heart safe." She almost missed the last words he whispered: "Something I failed yet again..."

"Because its my duty – to those under my command, to my people. For my family and friends." Joanna muttered.

Both of them knew there was something Veil didn't say. Something he didn't need to spell.

He was a Sith and vengeance was a part of his nature.

"What do we do now, general?" Joanna asked.

Veil stared at his drink then grabbed it in a single sure motion and downed it in one swing.

"Gahh… This tastes… kriff..." The general spluttered.

Joanna would have found his antics amusing if it wasn't for the changes that occurredwith his body. His hair began turning metal gray and the complexion of his skin changed too as a healthy color bled back into it. His back straightened and Joanna was sure that his very muscles became bigger to fill back his clothes in the way he looked before whatever turned him into an old man occurred.

"Huh. Two moths or so. A bit better than I feared." Veil muttered to himself.

"Two months?" Joanna inquired while still staring at the slowing down changes. When they finally stopped, the general still looked much older than he originally appeared but it was a far cry from the ancient apparation that waited for her on the Flag Bridge a few minutes ago.

"That's how long I've got left unless I find a way to permanently fix up my body. On the bright side, I'm back in the game." Now he sounded much younger too. "We've got some contingency planning to do, admiral. Unless you think it would be prudent to throw me in the brig and space the key?"

Now that he brought up that idea, Joanna was tempted. Doing so might be good for her sanity. Kriffing Sith!


Part 3

Tipoca City


It was fitting, I think. The furious storm trying to tear down the city around us was a good reflection of my surging emotions. A massive lighting bolt slammed into a nearby building lighting up the night. The resulting deafening cracking thunder struck with such a force that for a split second the waterfall like rain was blown away letting me get a good look at Rancisis and the squad of troopers behind him.

I glared at the bastard and smiled coldly.

Another lighting bolt struck – this time to the light and the flash illuminated a robed figure sprinting towards us from behind the Jedi Master.

For a moment I wondered what Shaak Ti was going to do – even drenched she was easy to recognize in the twilight. However I found it hard to care. The Jedi did it again – baring a miracle Bo was dead. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't sense her in the Force.

Perhaps she was merely critically wounded and her signature was faint. Perhaps I didn't have the strength left to sense someone who wasn't Force Sensitive all the way to Coruscant.

Or the more likely scenario – my wife wasn't able to survive her ċhėst being crushed.

My wife.


By a kriffing Jedi.

Why the kriff didn't I join the Confederacy and ensured that they burned downthe whole Republic and every single damned Jedi?

I glared at Rancisis who was simply waiting for Shaak Ti's arrival. I glanced at her when she finally made her way to stand beside the older Jedi Master. Ti looked like hell and not just because the heavy rain had turned her robes into a sodding mess.

That sight brought a thin, cruel smile to my face. I could almost taste my vengeance unfolding.

"Master Rancisis, Master Ti." I greeted with as much false cheer I could muster.

It wasn't a lot.

"Veil." The snake hissed back. His clawed hand went to the hilt of his blade. "Your madness ends tonight."

"Madness?" I tasted the word and smirked. "The only madmen I see are you, Jedi. A coup at this time? Your stunt is a worthy of Sith." I taunted.

The news came just an hour ago, mere minutes after we arrived in system. Even when I was able to sense what was happening through the Force I still found the truth hard to believe – the Jedi pulling such a stunt at this juncture.

I underestimated the bastards. Under other circumstances what they did would have been something I could respect. Admire even.

Despite my precautions, the Chancellor was officially critically wounded, though I knew the truth. The Jedi somehow offed Palpy – I sensed his death after all. At least he was able to activate Order 66 – something I should thank him if I ever met his Force Ghost.

That's why I was down here instead of coordinating an evacuation alongside Holt and Tarkin the Elder. I wanted, needed blood to satisfy my thirst for vengeance.

"Congratulations, Jedi. Your friends murdered Chancellor Palpatine – the most respected and beloved Chancellor in centuries." I chuckled darkly. "Well done! Order 66 is in effect. So I offer you my congratulations once again – today you doomed all the Jedi across the galaxy."

"What did you do?!" Ti exclaimed. She could sense I was telling the truth. Well, mostly.

"What we had to." Rancisis hissed and pulled out his weapon. A blue blade came to life and began sizzling as raindrops fell upon it only to evaporate before they could touch it.

The armored men behind the Jedi spread out and leveled sonic blasters at me.

"Had to? Yes. I can see it. Mace Windu had no other choice than to murder my wife." I nodded. "That might even have been true. Bo wasn't someone to just back off from a challenge. It doesn't mater Jedi. Your kind robbed me from my wife again."

Ti flinched at my words. She knew what I did the last time.

Yet another lighting bolt lit up the skies. I could see Ti steeling her resolve.

"I can't allow you to wreak vengeance upon the Jedi no matter what Windu did." She declared.

"You know, there's a part of me that hoped you would say something like that." I nodded and let go the hold I've been keeping upon my fury ever since arriving in system.

My lightsaber jumped into my open palm and Rancisis soldiers opened fire.

Finally my vengeance was at hand.


Part 4

Tipoca City


Cold fingers gripped Shaak Ti's spine and it wasn't because of the icy sheets of rain whipping at her drenched robes. She wasn't a stupid woman by any means. The short conversation between Rancisis and Veil made all the pieces fall together.

"What did you do?!" The exclamation fell from her lips before the Jedi Master could help it.

When Veil showed her Ashara's death all those months ago Ti experienced those events through his eyes. She knew that it broke him. Sent him into a murderous fury that never truly went away. Now if Bo-Katan had really been killed at the hands of Jedi, no matter the circumstances…

Ti stared at Veil. While she couldn't see his expression thanks to the helmet he wore, the man felt almost calm in the Force.

She knew better.

Last time his vengeance had been mostly targeted at those responsible for Ashara's death even if Veil hadn't really cared if he had to burn whole worlds to get to them. Because he knew his first wife wouldn't like him to eradicate the Jedi Order as a whole because of what happened to her.

This time it was different. He had no reason to hold back. No reason to spare any Jedi who wouldn't follow him, perhaps not even then… and that wasn't something Shaak Ti could allow. Not something that she could live with, even if she believed that what the Council apparently did was sheer madness. Going after Veil – fair enough. Launching a coup? Taking out the Chancellor while the war was going this badly? Sheer madness.

Yet, she had only Veil's words about what really happened on Coruscant. He didn't feel like he was lying so he might very well believe his words. They might be the truth as well.

However, there were still Jedi dying all over the galaxy after what felt like scores being cut down in a very short period of time. No matter what happened on Coruscant, no matter what some of the Jedi might have done, Shaak Ti simply couldn't support someone who was going to go after every one of her comrades.

"I can't allow you to wreak vengeance upon the Jedi no matter what Windu did." She declared.

"You know, there's a part of me that hoped you would say something like that."

Shaak Ti knew Veil was smiling when he said those words. Only then he did release the grip he had upon his emotions and what she felt coming from him almost brought her to her knees. Shaak Ti had never sensed such uncontrolled fury. Blood-lust emanated from Veil like a cloak and she knew he had to stop him now. No matter what could have been, no matter what either the Jedi or he had done, he had to be stopped.

Because the way he felt in the Force – Shaak Ti was sure that right now Veil would cheerfully set the whole galaxy on fire just to enjoy watching it burn.


Something in Veil's presence shifted and the Force screamed. Rancisis was bȧrėly able to bring his lightsaber up and brace himself when a solid wall of Sith Lighting slammed into him. The corrupted energy coming at the Jedi Master was grounded by his blade, yet tendrils somehow whipped around and rend gorges into his armor no matter how much Force energy he pumped into a barrier to protect himself. Beside him Shaak Ti was doing the same with a bit more success. Forks of lighting twisted around her blade only to disappear just before they could touch her flesh.

The Cathar commandos who came with the Jedi Master weren't so fortunate. They managed to sent few shots at Veil before the lighting storm literally picked them up and sent them flying off the platform.

Rancisis felt them die screaming before they hit the water.

The onslaught was over as suddenly as it began. The Jedi knew what was going to happen and left himself be submerged into the Force. He felt its power surge through his body and the dark night suddenly became clear as a day. The Force was on his side. It would guide his actions and ensure that the Sith end today.

There was no doubt in Rancisis mind. It didn't matter how strong Veil was in the Dark Side. The Force had always been more powerful than a Sith could really grasp. Rancisis knew it for he was one with the Force. He was its tool to restore the balance in the galaxy.

When the blood red blade came for him, the Jedi Master was ready and at peace.


Shaak Ti knew it was coming, yet the sheer ferocity of Veil's attack caught her by surprise. His movements were wild, furious. If it wasn't for the sheer speed and strength behind each blow, the Jedi Master might have dismissed her opponent as a mere monster.

Veil was acting sloppy – lost in his rage. Shaak Ti could see openings in his stance, ready to be exploited.

This should have been a fight they could win. Perhaps the best chance to stop this insanity the Jedi would ever get.

Obviously no one told that to Veil. The Dark Side surrounded him like an armor. It was a pulsing tumor in the Force that made it almost painful to look at the Sith. As Veil tore at Rancisis, Shaak Ti moved to flank him and end it then and there. It didn't appear that the Sith paid her any attention. His flank was wide open as he slammed his blade in the Jedi Master's guard again and again.

Shaak Ti sprinted through the sheets of rain and swung down aiming to take Veil's arm at the shoulder. The Dark Side surrounding him grew more solid and gathered around his free hand. Ti's blade came slashing down and to her eternal shock bounced off a spot of pure darkness that soon became a caricature of a clawed gauntlet that formed around Veil's left hand.

The Sith never slowed his onslaught against Rancisis, yet he pointed straight at her. Tears made of the Dark Side itself manifested above Veil and elongated becoming black spears that absorbed what little light illuminated the landing path. Ti didn't need the Force's empathic warning to know she needed to be anywhere but where she stood.

The Togruta jumped back bȧrėly avoiding the first spear. It slammed into the metal floor and went through it as if it was made of buŧŧer. Just coming to be so close to the damned thing made her feel unclean. Shaak Ti shivered in revulsion and continued to move back as the remaining spears flew her way.

It was only thank to the Force that she somehow succeeded in avoiding the onslaught. Only one spear came close to burying into her side. It ripped through the outer layer of her robe and dissolved the armored fabric. The mere backslash hitting her skin sent needles of ice boring straight into her nerves and made her scream at the touch of the Dark Side itself.

A heartbeat later, Shaak Ti figured out that she wasn't the only one screaming. Rancisis was moving like a lighting, using his serpentine speed and agility to keep up with Veil. They tore through the falling rain leaving strings of steam before it was washed away.

Rancisis was good, very good. Any other opponent would be on the back-foot when facing such speed and ability. Veil matched the Jedi Master blow for blow and didn't look like he would be slowing down anytime soon.

Shaak Ti had to change that. She rant towards the Sith while pulling more and more of the Force into her body in order to make herself even more powerful. She had to end this now.

Ti was already halfway there when went right into Rancisis face. For a moment it appeared that their lightsabers were pressed between them and they had cut down each other, yet that illusion was proven as a lie in the next heartbeat. Rancisis flew away to slide over the drenched catwalk leading to the landing pad and he was howling in pain. Before Shaak Ti got close enough to jump at Veil, she was sure she saw the Jedi Master's right side cave into a swirl of darkness.

The Sith turned to face her in the last possible moment and their blades met for the first time that night. Red and blue blades cut short-lived gaps in the torrential rain as they fought for domination. At that moment, Shaak Ti knew that if Veil was in his right mind, she would already be dead. If he used the skill she knew he possessed instead raw power and fury, he would have cut her down within moments.

Yet he didn't. Ti fell into a defensive stance and began giving ground – taunting him to come after her. Waiting for an opening she could exploit.

Eventually Veil's fury got the better of him. He overextended and Shaak Ti was ready for it. He used all the Force she could to give her a sudden burst of speed. Veil went for her feint and tried to slam it into her heart. Shaak Ti winced when the blade burned through her robe, grazed her brėȧst making her howl in pain and seared the skin and muscle over a rib. However the pain didn't slow her down enough. The Jedi's own saber struck true straight at the elbow joint of Veil's sword arm. His deflector failed, the armor's weak point gave in and she took off his arm with a single Force enhanced swing. The backstroke sliced an angry glowing line in his ċhėst, unfortunately this time the armor held if bȧrėly enabling the Sith to jump back.

For a moment, Shaak Ti couldn't believe that it worked. She crippled him! She won!

The pulsing ball of fury and corruption that was the Dark Side broke in an invisible explosion that sent Ti falling on her buŧŧ. The jarring impact made her scream in pain as her burned skin broke.

When she found her footing, Veil appeared different. Shaak Ti was sure he was looking at her curiously.

"To think that there would be a Jedi in this era who could match me." He said in wonder.

"It's over." Shaak Ti said.

"Over?" He looked down at his still smoking stump. "It's such a pity things turned outthis way, Master Ti." Veil nodded in respect.

"Stand down! This doesn't need to end in anymore blood!" Ti pleaded. No one else needed to die.


The Force shook as it screamed of the danger she was in. A crimson blur came from the darkness below the catwalk. Shaak Ti acted on instinct and parried the spinning lightsaber. However, as she met that first attack, the Jedi Master knew it was too late. The next onslaught came into the form of a dark blur that splashed over her and covered the Jedi into the nauseating stench of the Dark Side. Her perception dulled and she knew that whatever Veil did was going to slow her down. Despite that, Ti managed to parry the following strike – which came from Rancisis levitated saber.

As she battered the weapon away, Shaak Ti managed to get a glimpse of her fellow Jedi Master. He was still alive – somehow, but wasn't long for this world. Rancisis was blissfully unconscious and unable to feel the Dark Side dissolving his flesh. Already almost half his ċhėst was gone and the dark energy eating at him was far from done.

Shaak Ti didn't see the next attack coming. Veil was suddenly in front of her and he slammed his remaining hand into her gut. The sheer power behind that punch lifted her off her feet and the next thing Ti knew was the cold metal of the catwalk kissing her cheek. An armored boot kicked her lightsaber out of her hand, sending it flying into the ocean below.

The Jedi lashed at Veil with the Force, yet her desperate attack slammed into and bounced off anunyielding barrier. A telekinetic grip closed around Shaak Ti and hoisted her into the air.

"I owe you one, you know. You broke me out of my funk." Veil explained.

"I can't let you go after the Jedi for whatever the Council did!" Shaak Ti declared. No matter what happened on Coruscant, the whole Order, no the galaxy shouldn't pay for that mistake.

"You can't stop me either."

Purple lighting slammed into Shaak Ti and she screamed as it ravaged her muscles, lit her nerves on fire and somehow tore the living Force from her body.

"Such a pity..." Veil's voice came from very far away. "Don't worry, you aren't going to die here. I still have a use for you, my dear." Shaak Ti's darkening mid was momentarily taken aback by the almost gentle tone Veil spoke in.

Then blissful darkness claimed her and there was no more pain.


Part 5

Flag Bridge

Corellian cruiser Freedom

one light second from Kamino

Leaving hyperspace was swift and smooth. There was no physical sensation to mark the return to real space, yet Veil somehow knew. Even before the sensors could stretch and figure out what was around the fleet, Veil was already snapping orders and there was no trace of weakness or even weariness in his voice.

"Enemy units to the starboard. Weapons flee. Full ahead two thirds, twenty percent up..."

However, Joanna had been around the Sith for long enough to still hear the anger bȧrėly kept at bay behind his words. She still wasn't sure if he told her the truth about his condition or if he lied for one reason or another. Holt believed that he had earned the benefit of the doubt, yet she simply couldn't help it but be wary of his motives. After all, Veil fought for a nation that wasn't his own. He had no bounds with the Republic, no people or home to protect.

There were Mandalore and the Mandalorians of course – his wife's people and now his own, however that only meant that Veil was an ally of convenience at best. On the other hand, he was one of the most effective commanders the Republic had and in these days that made him the closest thing to indispensable there was.

The sensors finally refreshed the tactical plot – a few seconds slower than they should have – which meant the admiral needed to have a quiet word with the captain so he could handle it. When the tactical situation became clear, two things were immediately apparent – Veil was right about the enemy ships that used to be to the starboard – two Munificent squadrons which were turned to so much scrap by the warships on that side of the Republic formation even before the Freedom's sensors could properly determine what was happening and put the information on the tactical display.

The second thing was the situation at Kamino itself – the Republic defenses were breached at two places and while GAR units were swarming over the enemy at those locations, the CIS were liberally pouring reinforcements into the gaps. The enemy was also hitting the defensive line hard in multiple places in order to either open new breaches or pin down the Republic forces.

"Primary CIS ȧssault is in the vicinity of Tipoca city. Secondary is in orbital strike range of the Planetary Shield generator complex." One of the analysts on staff reported.

"Get us to the gap above Tipoca and give me a line to whoever is in charge." Veil ordered. "Maintain formation, all ships are to maneuver independently within the formation. Fighters and bombers, standby for launch."

"Comms to and from Kamino are being jammed." The resident communications officer reported. "Attempting to burn through the enemy ECM and establish a laser lock with GAR units at Kamino..."

"The fleet is to go to full military thrust in one minute and move on the following vector… Be advised, CIS forces will attempt to intercept us shortly. Weapons are free, fireplan Arubesh Seven..." The Sith continued to rattle orders.

A frown crossed Joanna's face. That course change – was it merely a prudent precaution, simple paranoia or could Veil anticipate where the CIS was going to come from thanks to the Force? The latter thought was unsettling. Quite likely too, considering what Holt had seen and felt him do.

The minute passed and the fleet altered course while Joanna was busy examining the tactical situation. The GAR fleet at Kamino was still holding – a miracle in itself given the sheer amount of wreckage littering the inner system. All the debris and dead drifting hulls told a tale of an apocalyptic battle that had been raging for days, perhaps weeks. There were enough wrecks to account for whole normal sized fleets and that was just what was visible at a resolution showing the whole planet and everything larger than a bomber within five light minute radius from Kamino.

Ten seconds later, a CIS battle group exited hyperspace in a perfect position to intercept Freedom's fleet – before their course change. Now the enemy was suddenly in a position to got their faces struck by a full broadside from two thirds of the fleet. The first hammer-blow was more than enough to simply shatter the CIS Munificent frigates and Recusant destroyers in range. By the time the enemy was able to retaliate, the Republic ships had concentrated their firepower upon the three battleships making the core of the

core of the Confederate formation. Freedom shattered their shields in a punishing display of firepower while her brood mission killed them in a short order. By the time the two formations were out of effective range, the CIS battle group was a drifting collection of helpless wrecks, while the Republic lost merely a handful of unlucky frigates.

Veil rattled another course change – one that would bring them just above the enemy throwing themselves at the gap above Tipoca city and allow the Freedom to gut them with near impunity until the CIS could bring heavy reinforcements to throw at Joanna's ship.

"Sir, we've got a laser lock with the Nomad. They're patching us through commodore Tarkin – the acting fleet commander."

A few seconds later a holographic image of a thin, tired looking man appeared next to the tactical plot. Still, his ice blue eyes shone with determination that was almost manic – an obvious sign that the maelstrom of destruction at Kamino hadn't dulled the man's spirit.

"I'm commodore Wilhuff Tarkin. Are there any more reinforcements coming?" He got straight to the point.

"Negative, commodore. We're it."

Tarkin closed his eyes for a moment.

"In that case sir, what are your orders? I do not believe that we have the numbers to hold Kamino even if the Confederacy doesn't send any more ships our way. I'm sending you an update on the fleet's status."

Veil paused and studied the tactical display where a window opened and began scrolling through damage and logistic reports.

"We're plugging the gap above Tipoca. Order immediate evacuation of all Republic forces on Kamino while we still have the orbitals mostly covered. What's the status of General Rancisis and Admiral Kal?"

"The Jedi's ship had to make a crash landing. The last I heard, he got to Tipoca. The admiral went down when his flag was lost with all hands." Tarkin answered.

"Sir, we're receiving priority one message from Coruscant. It's on all military channels." The comm officer said in incredulous voice.

"Put it up and calm down." Veil grumbled.

Joanna looked at the Sith who turned his head her way and have her small nod. A frozen ball formed in the pit of her stomach and she knew in her bones what the transmission was going to be about.

"… 66. I say again… is admiral Grad, acting ...mander of all GAR for... Coruscant… Jedi led coup… Chancellor…"

"Clean up that transmission!" Joanna and Veil snapped at the same time.

The transmission hissed like an angry lizard before the audio feed cleared up while the holographic image became grainy and much fuzzier.

"Identification seven dash delta dash one zero nine nine dash arubesh dash thirty one dash ninety two. Codewords: Exile, Purple, Black."

"Authenticating code..."

"It's the Chancellors." Veil growled.

Joanna closed her eyes as she heard Palpatine confirm that he had been mortally wounded by Jedi attempting to overthrow the government. The Chancellor's visual image was bad, yet clear enough to recognize his wounds.

"Execute Order 66. This treason can't be left to succeed..." Palpatine rasped. His body shook and he laid still.

The recording finished only to be replaced by the familiar Clone face of admiral Grad. "I confirm Jedi attacks upon the Senate, GAR HQ and GAR forces stationed at the Jedi Temple. All GAR units receiving this transmission – Order 66 is in effect. I say again, execute contingency Order 66. Further, elements from ONI, SIB and the Cathar military took part in the Coup attempt..."

A terror the likes of which Joanne didn't knew existed froze the blood within her veins. Her head snapped up to stare at Veil on its own volition, which nearly made Holt's heart stop. The Sith was surrounded by a swirling cloud of darkness that simply dissolved everything around him. Pieces of chairs and a significant chunk from the table by which the man stood simply disappeared as it they were never there.

All Joanna could think then and there was that she was sharing a compartment with a devil from the deepest and darkest of all Nine Corellian Hells.

"Commodore Tarkin, inform our men on the ground that I'll be executing Order 66 myself. They're not to interfere. Make a call to our Jedi friends to meet me at the nearest secure landing pad to their current position. Their presence is mandatory. Be advised, all GAR ȧssets in system are under admiral Holt's command until I'm back from the surface. General Veil, out." The Sith spoke with a voice laden with such intensity and power, that no-one who heard him ever contemplating doing anything but obeying as fast as humanly possible.

Joanna was just glad when the cloud around Veil dissipated and she could breath again.


Part 6

GAR Assault shuttle

above Tipoca city


Huh. I've served the Sith Empire for a sixty years. I've suffered grievous injuries. I'm pretty sure I've been clinically dead at least twice.

Yet, today it was the first time someone was able to cut off one of my arms… and I felt like I should be thanking Shaak Ti for that. The sheer shock knocked the madness out of my mind – for the time being at least.

I could still feel my fury claw at my mind. The need to tear apart the Jedi, to see my enemies drowning in their own blood – it was overwhelming and this time I didn't particularly care. Even if I could, I wasn't inclined to put on another mask and become it like I did after Ashara was murdered. I wanted to revel in my vengeance. I needed to even if I knew that letting my emotions rule me would get me killed even against this day's Jedi.

Ti proved that much.

I glanced at her body, which I dumped near the ċȯċkpit. She wasn't going to be awaken any time soon.

The Dark Side whispered of blood ŀust, of how sweet it would feel if I tore apart Shaak Ti – both body and mind. I was tempted too. In the end, the Jedi proved themselves my enemies and needed to be put down like the rabid dogs they were. If I hadn't wasted so much time playing nice and figuring out how to turn as many of them to my side peacefully, my wife might be whole right now. Alive.

What the kriff was I doing all this time? It wasn't like I particularly cared about the Republic. Nor the Jedi.

Yet, being part of an army with minimal political entanglements until I went to Mandalore – that was the closest I've felt to home, to being content ever since Ashara's death. I didn't want to rock the boat. Didn't want for things to change, to deal with politics any more than I absolutely had to.

I'd gone soft and Bo paid the price.

As a mere Republic general, even as Mandalore, when all was said and done, I was at the mercy of the Republic. Once upon a time, that very thought would have been infuriating, however ever since I got my rank in the GAR, I didn't really care. Things were simple – I was just a soldier who had a war to fight. Just like the brief period back in the Empire between the time I got enough power to be relatively safe and the time I was neck deep in Sith politics. Before meeting Ashara, that was the best time in my life.

Heh. What bloody kriffing mess. What was I supposed to do now? Palpy was dead – I felt the bastard die. That was a plus. The Jedi Order was broken and about to be hunted down like the rabid dogs they are – another plus.

The Republic was decapitated and from what I knew of the Senate, they were unlikely to elect someone who could effectively run the war or at least leave us the do it for them. Hell, without Palpy, his supporters were going to be fractured. Perhaps enough that I got the Senate on my case again and that wasn't something I would allow.

It wasn't like I've ever cared about democracy…

I was back to the same question, what the kriff should I do now?


Flag Bridge

Corellian cruiser Freedom

High orbit above Kamino

By the time I was back on board the Freedom, I had some ideas on how to proceed. My two immediate issues were resolving the situation on Kamino and getting my body fixed one way or another. Given the time constraints my best bet was to see if the machine that rebuilt my body last time was still operational. If not, I might need to use Ti's body as a spare which would open a whole new can of worms. Admiral Holt and the people under her command might have issues with that idea or even disbelieve that I might be able to wear Ti's body like s spare set of clothes.

The same goes for the Clones under my command, not just the Corellians. Speaking about the Clones… did Palpy had contingency orders for them in case he got himself killed? Even if he didn't, there were still too many of them to influence if they got lawful orders to go after me. Orders that might get issued by the Senate depending if my detractors could push such resolution through, because for all I knew, my allies on Coruscant were either gone or in no position to be of any help.

I shelved those thoughts for later when I got to the Flag Bridge. There was a heavy guard in front of it, though they didn't do a thing to stop me. Inside I could see that most signs of my brief ŀȧpse of control were gone, though there still was a large chunk missing from a table. On the other hand, Joanna had two squads of heavily armed and armored CorSec troopers posted around the compartment. It was like she didn't like me any more.

Or was afraid if the way she flinched and the brief spike of terror coming from her the moment I entered were anything to go by. Joy.

"Sitrep, admiral." I asked and looked at the tactical plot.

Not good. The primary breach in the defense line was plugged by the Freedom and the rest of my fleet, though the other one had been reinforced by the enemy. The CIS had also pierced the defenses surrounding Kamino in two more places and were busy sending wave after wave of transports full with both droids and Old Republic Jedi of all things. In my fury I didn't really pay any attention to them while I was down there, though now I could get a vague sense of them. Most of those Force Adepts felt strange… fresh.

There were a lot of them too.

That clinched it. Even if I didn't have time constrains, holding Kamino would be very damned hard and expensive. As things stood, I was going to lose the place one way or another and likely get blamed for it unless I managed to shift the blame to the Jedi.

"Status of the evacuation?" I interrupted Holt's report. It wasn't like I paid any attention to it, which just served to demonstrate that I needed some time off to get my head straight before I kriffed up by the numbers once again.

"Less than ten percent."

"We get two more courses for the shuttles and LAATs. Tell our people on the ground that that's how long we can hold the orbitals before suffering unacceptable casualties. Whoever is not on board in the next thirty minutes will be left behind."

I heard Holt protest that we could hold on for at least a few more hours even if things really went to hell or something, though I was already tuning her out. When everything was said or done, the forces that I could count on right now were my Mandalorians, which were kriffed up without Republic support which might not continue to be reliable for long and my special operations group. While every Republic piece of hardware, soldier and crewman in this system technically answered to me, the great majority of them owned their allegiance to either the Republic or Corellia. I had no doubt that only a fraction of the Clones in system would follow me if whoever ended up running the Senate turned on me.

Not to mention that Joanna was a smart girl so she didn't really trust me outside my competence as a military leader.

Considering that for all I knew, the Republic was going to hell, my situation was far from ideal. If I was lucky, my allies on Coruscant might be able to re-establish some measure on control and even keep the senate from kriffing up everything.

I glanced at the stump where my right arm ended.

I didn't feel particularly lucky today.

I needed this fleet and the people in it behind my back without a knife ready to stick into it when I wasn't paying attention. I needed their allegiance bound to me personally and that simply wasn't possible. It wasn't like even a Sith could turn a whole army against the people they were sworn to protect…

But that wasn't entirely true, was it? One Sith did it centuries before my time.

Revan. Malachor V.

A smile crept on my face. The idea was insane. If I kriffed it up, which was the likely outcome, the Republic might very well turn into my enemy… which for all I knew might soon be the case anyway.

I closed my eyes and let the Force flow through me, ignoring the pain it caused. As far as I knew, Revan managed it without having access to Battle Meditation.

This was going to be tricky. Not something I could let Joanna or anyone else see coming until it was too late…

I wondered if someone had ever used Battle Meditation to betray and turn the forces under their command...


"The next round of transports just docked." Someone reported.

Good. It was time.

I felt Joanna and everyone on the Flag Bridge stiffen as my Battle Meditation touched them. The pain I felt increased with the strain brought by every new mind that became connected with my own and once it was on the verge of overwhelming me, I dumped the sheer agony I felt in the gestalt consciousness under my command. My will slammed into the minds of the Clones down on Kamino controlling the planetary and theater shields alike; I tore at them until they could comprehend a single thought – shut down the shields.

"This is general Veil to the fleet. Kamino is on the verge of being overrun by the enemy. We can not allow vital war related infrastructure and information to fall into separatist hands. Under my authority, execute Wildfire protocols." I ordered the fleet, using the Force to reinforce my command, then returned my whole attention to the Battle Meditation.

I concentrated on the soldiers across the fleet. They were good soldiers and good soldiers follow orders – that was the thought I wanted to pass through their collective minds and it did.

Now it was time to see if my efforts were going to be enough.

Good soldiers follow orders and we have ours - I pushed that thought until it was to the forefront of every single man and woman connected to me. I could feel Joanna's agreement, then horror as a part of her comprehended what was about to happen. She turned to look at me and opened her mouth to say something.

I pushed for all I was worth and the admiral stumbled, then the first barrage was on its way to Kamino's undefended surface and the die was cast.

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