Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 48: The Scimitar

"I look forward to that day." I said "Now let's get back to the Queen."

As we were walking to the Throne Room to meet back up with Padme and her group, I noticed a string of notifications started to appear before my eyes.

'Ding' [Exiting Fight Mode. Notification will now appear]

'Ding' [You have completed the Mission - Defeat Darth Maul. Rewarded: 1,000,000 credits]

'Ding' [You have completed the Mission - Take Naboo Back. Rewarded: Companion Voucher]

'Ding' [Padme has completely fallen in love with you. You have completed the Mission - Padme's Love. Rewarded: 250,000 XP]

'Ding' [You have changed Anakin's Fate by saving Qui-gon. Completed Mission - Changing Fate. Rewarded: Force Skill Voucher and Lightsaber Building Kit]

'Ding' [Level up. You are now a Level 29 High Level Jedi Knight / Sith Master]

As all of the notification suddenly came up, I quickly scanned them and started to smile when I noticed a reward that I really like, the Companion Voucher.

Thanks to the Hidden Mission that I completed at the Jedi Temple, I now have two Companion Vouchers, and I have two people in mind that I want to summon. One is Darth Talon and the other is Satele Shan, who I prefer over her ancestor Batila Shan.

As I walked with Qui-gon and Obi-wan to the Throne Room, I opened up my Inventory and checked the description of the Companion Voucher

[2 x Companion Voucher - Able to choose someone from the timeline of the Old Republic to the New Republic to become a Companion. Warning: Choose wisely. Summoned Companion might challenge you to find if your worthy or try kill you.]

When I noticed the 'Warning' at the end of the description, I was kind of confused.

'System, what is with this 'Warning?' I asked the System in my mind

[Answer: Depending on the Companion you choose, they will either join you without a fight or fight you and see if your worthy of their service or they might try to kill you were you stand.]

'So, the companion voucher doesn't automatically make them loyal to me?' I asked

[Answer: No. Depending on the personality and alignment of their past life, they will either challenge you so you can prove your worth to them or kill you]

'Great, if I choose wrong, then the Summoned Companion will try to kill me' I thought 'I might have to hold off on the idea of summoning Darth Talon until I become strong enough to defend myself against her.'

[Statement: Depending your choice of the timeline and year of the chosen companion, you can either summon the companion from when they are young and not powerful or summon them when they are older, and more powerful.]

'That's good to know' I thought 'So that means I can summon an 18 year old Satele and an 18 year old Talon but she probably won't have her Sith Tattoos'

While I was thinking of the companions that I want to summon, Qui-gon , Obi-wan and I arrived at the Throne Room.

I looked up and I can see Padme sitting on her Throne.

"Your Majesty, congratulations on taking back your home" said Qui-gon bowing to Padme

"Congratulations" said Obi-wan bowing to Padme

"How does it feel to take back your home?" I asked

"It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders" answered Padme with a smile

"So where is the Viceroy and his men?" asked Qui-gon looking around

"They have been locked up and are being guarded by 10 Battle Droids." said Padme "I have sent a message to the Republic to let them know that Naboo is now free of the Trade Federation's Invasion, and the Republic is sending a ship to pick up and take the Viceroy and his men to Coruscant to stand trail for their crimes."

"When will they arrive?" asked Qui-gon

They should arrive in a day and a half" answered Padme

"That's good" said Qui-gon

"Now gentlemen, if you would excuse me but I am now tired and would like to rest in my bedchambers." said Padme "You three should rest as well, we had a long day. Master Qui-gon and Obi-wan, I will have my guards escort you to some empty rooms for you to rest in."

"Thank you, your Majesty" replied Qui-gon and Obi-wan

Padme walks out of the Throne Room and ends towards her bedchambers with her Handmaidens.

A couple of Naboo Palace Guards soon came to escort Qui-gon and Obi-wan to their rooms.

"Would you like to join us and talk about our philosophies, Jerid?" asked Qui-gon

"No, thank you" I answered "I have some other business I need to take care of."

"Alright then" said Qui-gon

Soon, the Throne Room was empty except for me.

As I continue waiting in the Throne Room, B1-AC130 came running in.

"Did you find it?" I asked

"Yes, Your Holiness. We were able to find the spacecraft that you programmed us to find" said B1-AC130 "We have also powered it down like you wanted, just in case of any self-destruct devices installed in the ship."

"Good, take me to it." I said

"Roger, roger" replied B1-AC130 "We will need to travel outside the city, your Holiness. Would you like to ride a AAT-1 Hover Tank or use a Single Trooper Aerial Platform"

"I will use the STAP" I said

"Roger, roger" said B1-AC130 "A STAP will be ready for you immediately."

Soon, B1-AC130 and I were standing at the bottom steps of the stairs leading to the main entrance to the Theed Royal Palace.

After waiting for a minute, 20 B1 Battle Droids on STAPs arrive in front of us.

2 B1 Battle Droids jumped off their STAPs, and moved out of the way for B1-AC130 and I.

I jumped on one of the STAPs, and so did B1-AC130.

"Lead the way" I commanded

"Roger, roger" said 18 B1 Battle Droids

The group of Battle Droids and I rushed off into the distance and exited the city in 2 minutes.

-10 minutes later in a open grass plain-

We arrived and stopped in front of the Scimitar, Maul's personal starship.

I jumped off of the STAP and walked forward to the ship to take a look at the Scimitar.

"It's a nice looking ship but it's too small for my taste" I said

I walked up the loading ramp, and into the Scimitar's Cargo Hold to find Maul's modified Razalon FC-20 speeder bike, the Bloodfin.

"I should really thank Sidious and Maul for all of this free stuff" I laughed B1-AC130, have one of the droids take out this speeder bike, it's going to be my personal speeder from now on."

"Roger, roger" said B1-AC130 "You, B1-AB30, take this speeder bike out for His Holiness."

"Roger, roger" said B1-AB30

As I walked further into the ship, I noticed a blasted droid on the floor.

"What's with the blasted droid?" I asked

"It was the pilot droid for the Scimitar, it identified itself as O-66" replied "The droid O-66 tried to resist us when we try to secure the ship, so we destroyed it."

"Alright then" I said

I stepped over the destroyed droid and continue walking in. The bottom floor of the ship was basically a hallway from the Cargo Hold to the Ready Area in the back of the ship. Even though the ship was cool looking from the outside, it was kind of cramped and small. From what I can tell, it can probably only fit like six passengers, which was miniature compared to the Defender which could hold thrice as much passengers.

I walked into the Ready Area, and entered a lift up into the cockpit. Once in the cockpit, I sat down at the pilot's seat and started using [Mechu-deru], looking for the hidden program for the pulse bomb installed into the Scimitar.

After a couple of minutes, I was able to find the hidden program for the pulse bomb, and I used [Mechu-deru] to delete the program. I even used [Mechu-deru] to try and find any data I could use but after five minutes of searching the hardware, I couldn't find anything I could use against Palpatine.

"Your Holiness" said B1- AC130 who came out of the lift "Your new speeder the 'Bloodfin' is prepared for you. Do you have any other orders?"

"Yes, I do" I said "I want you to have some droids dismantle this ship's minelayer and it's cloaking device and install in onto the Defender"

"Roger, roger" said B1-AC130 "I will get a squadron on it immediately"

"Good" I said "Now take my Speeder back to the palace, and bring the Scimitar back to the Palace Hangar to dismantle the minelayer and cloaking device"

"Roger, roger" said B1-AC130 "I am on it, your Holiness"

I held up my hand and used [Force Travel]. A black hole opened up in the middle of the cockpit and I stepped through. Once in the black hole, it disappeared.

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