Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 54: Chatting with the Chancellor

Qui-gon then walk out of the hangar followed by Anakin and Obi-wan.

After they left, I also exited the hanger and walked back to my room to rest and think of my plans for the future.

Once I was back into my room, I jumped onto my bed and sat down. I leaned my back against the headboard, and took off my mask and set it down next to me. Once I was sitting back and in a relaxed position, I opened up my Inventory to take a look at all of the things I have.

"Ok, let's see what I have. I have 5 [Venator-class Star Destroyer Vouchers], 5 [BSX-5 Silencer Type Dreadnought Vouchers], 6 [Lightsaber Building Kits] ,2 [Munificent-class star frigate Voucher], 2 [Companion Voucher] and a [Special Forces Unit Voucher]." I said to myself "If I add in the 6 Lucrehulk-class Battleship I have under my control then I have a total of 18 ships."

I started rubbing my chin, and thinking.

"18 ships and even with the BSX5's silencer superweapon, that isn't enough for me to create a impressive Navy for my empire." I said "Since there were never any confirmed numbers of ships in each navy, and it was estimated online that the number of ships in Navies of the Galactic Republic and the Separatist ranged from 150,000 to 1 million ships. I really hope its not 1 million. If only I had the Star Forge then I wouldn't have to worry this, wait maybe..."

While I was thinking, there was a knock at my door. I turned my head to the door.

"Who is it?" I said

"Answer: It is I, Hk-47, Master" said HK-47

"Come on in." I commanded

After hearing me, HK-47 opened the door, and walked in. Once inside, the door closed behind him.

"How is the training of the B-1s?" I asked

"Statement: I have been training a few of those useless buckets of bolts like you asked, and they have been slowly improving their combat abilities." answered HK-47

"That's good then." I said "If these droids can improve their combat abilities from your training then they can upload the data gained from your training onto the Main Computer on the Droid Control Ship, so that the other B-1s can download the data, then they will become an unstoppable force that will destroy any enemies that stand in my way of way of uniting this universe."

"Confirmation: Yes, Master. I will make sure they are able to destroy all of your enemies" said HK-47

"Good, as long as they can keep improving and can even gain 1/3 of your abilities then they will become the greatest soldiers ever." I said

"Affirmation: With my training, these useless buckets of bolts will be a little less useless." said HK-47

While we were talking, there was a knock at the door.

HK-47 quickly turned around and took his DXR-6 disruptor rifle off his back and took aim at the door.

"Who is it" I said

"It's Chancellor Palpatine" said Chancellor Palpatine "May I come in?"

When I heard who it was, I got out of bed and stood up. I picked up my Revan mask and put it back on, and pulled up my hood over my head.

"HK, stand down" I commanded

"Affirmation: Yes, Master." said HK-47

"Come on in." I said

The door opened and entered two Senate Guards in their blue robes and large helmets with a plume on top and their open faceplate armed with MK II 'Paladin' Blaster Rifle. Underneath their robes, I can notice they were wearing blue colored armor.

The two Senate Guards started to inspect the room. After inspecting the room, the two Senate Guards stood to the side the door, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine then entered the room followed by two more Senate Guards behind him.

Once Palpatine and the other two Senate Guards entered the room, one of the Senate Guards closed the door.

After looking the guards and Palpatine, I then walked over and sat down in a chair next to a long window with a beautiful view of Theed. HK-47 follows after me, and stands behind me and watched the Senate Guards, ready to kill them if they try to make a move against me.

"To what do I owe the honor of this visit?" I asked while motioning Palpatine to sit down at a chair across from me.

Palpatine slowly walks to the chair that I gestured to, and he sat down while eyeing me from head to toe.

"I am here to discuss some business with you." said Chancellor Palpatine

"What business is that?" I asked

"That depends." said Palpatine "After asking around a little, I have learned that you aren't just a simple ordinary bodyguard, but you are a Force User."

"And?" I said

"And I would like to ask you, are you a special operative of the Jedi Order?" asked Palpatine

"Why are you ask that?" I said

"I am asking because the Jedi aren't suppose to intervene in government matters, like the invasion of Naboo" said Palpatine "Since this transgression of the Trade Federation should of been handled by the Senate not the Jedi Order.

"Lucky for me then that I am no Jedi." I said "So that means I don't have to care about your little Senate and I can intervene in anything I want to."

"I see" said Palpatine, who's upper lip was twitching a little "I am deeply impressed with your abilities. Not were you only able to defeat the Sith Warrior, you were also able to turn the tide of the invasion and defeat the Trade Federation. I am so impress with your abilities that I would like to offer you a job as my bodyguard"

'Looks like he either wants to keep me close so he can keep his eye on me or try and turn me into his new apprentice since I did kill his last one.' I thought

"I will have to decline your generous offer since after fulfilling my job as bodyguard to the Queen, I will be leaving." I replied

"Is there anything that I can do to change your mind." said Palpatine "It would be very beneficial to the Republic and me to have you working for us. I can even offering a lot of perks and a high salary."

"There is nothing that can change my mind." I replied "I have a lot of things I need to do and I can't be tied down by being someone's bodyguard."

"That is too bad" said Palpatine "If you don't mind me asking, I am a little curious about what you need to do?"

"I do mind, so I won't be telling you since what I need to do is my own business and not yours." I said

"I see" smiled Palpatine "I am sorry for prying into your business."

Even though Palpatine was smiling, I notice a little twitch of his upper lip, showing that he was angry.

"You should be going now" I said "We both need to get ready for tonight's parade."

"Oh, you are right. The parade is in a hour and half" said Palpatine "I do need to head back to my room and change into some ceremonial Naboo clothing."

Palpatine quickly stood up from his chair and walks to the door, following by his four Senate Guards. While Palpatine was about to exit the room, he stop and turned around to face me.

"I do hope we can sit down and chat again." said Palpatine who then turn back around and exit the room.

"We will see" I said

After Palpatine and his four Senate Guards were gone and the door was shut again, HK-47 walk from behind me and stood in front of me.

"Query: Who was that ugly looking meatbag, Master?" asked HK-47

"That man is the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and a future enemy of ours." I replied

"Query: If that meatbag is a future enemy, why didn't you order me to kill the meatbag?" asked HK-47

"Because he is still a useful pawn in my plan" I said

"Statement: If you say so Master but I really wish you could let me kill some meatbags. I am getting what a lot of yo...a lot of meatbags call an itchy trigger finger." said HK-47

"I know, I know." I said "You will be able to kill some meatbags soon, just be patient."

"Affirmation: Yes, Master. I will try to be patient."

"Also remind me to not leave you and your itchy trigger finger alone with anyone." I said jokingly

"Statement: I am hurt that you would think so little of me, Master" said HK-47 "Statement: Unlike you meat... a lot of meatbags who can't control their desire and lust, I am a droid. I can perfectly control myself and not kill any meatbags if left alone with one."

"I was only joking with you HK" I said "I trust you, and I know you wouldn't kill anyone with out my orders"

"Statement: I know, Master. I was just playing along with your stupid joke." said HK

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