Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 64: Dia's First...(Rest of Title at the End)

After the white light dims, Dia charges out from behind some cargo boxes and runs towards me, I had my mask covered with my hands. Dia jumps towards me with her training saber raised. As she was falling towards me, and was about to hit me.

I quickly raised both of my training sabers into an 'X' and stopped her attack.

"But how?" cried out Dia "You shouldn't be able to see."

"Sight isn't the only way to see, my apprentice." I said "Your eyes give you sight but they can also deceive you. Don't only trust your eyes, trust in the Force and it will help you to see the truth from the false."

"Ok, Master" said Dia

Dia tries to push her training saber down against my crossed training sabers but thanks to my arm strength training, I was too strong for her, I was easily resisting her pushing.

"You need to remember, you shouldn't really on your strength to win a battle." I said "With your body type, you need to focus on speed and agility, not strength. If you combine both of those with your sneaky tactics then a lot of people will have a difficult time defeating you. Also don't be afraid to get down and dirty in a fight."

"I see, get down and dirty" said Dia

"Yes, in a battle of life and death, fighting fair means nothing, and it can result in you ending up getting you killed." I said "The only thing that matters in a life and death battle is that you are the one alive at the end, and your opponent is the one who is dead."

"I understand, so do what ever you need to, to win." said Dia "Then how about something like this?"

Dia then draws her left leg backwards, and then she swiftly kicks towards my crotch.

After seeing what Dia was doing, cold sweat instantly appeared on my back, and I quickly used [Force Push] on her, pushing her away from me. She flew backwards and her kick missed my crotch by just half an inch.

Dia stumbles backwards, she tries to quickly get her footing back but she falls down on her butt.

"How's that for getting down and dirt, Master." smiled Dia

"It's good, that kick gave me quite a fright." I replied

I stood up straight and started jumping up and down a couple times like what a boxer does before he fights.

"Now that I have seen how well you are doing, and I now know how greatly you have improve your fighting abilities and tactics, I will now have to get a little more serious in our sparring matches." I said

When Dia heard that, Dia started to have a worried look and started to get a little scared.

"You are going to get a little serious?" said Dia with a gulp "Master, you don't have to do that. I haven't improve that much, so you should continue going easy on me."

"I don't think so." I said

When Dia heard that, she quickly grabs something from her pouch and throws it on the ground. Once it hits the ground, it exploded and a lot smoke starts coming out of it. The smoke surrounds both Dia and I.

With the smoke surround the both of us, Dia runs away and hides behind some cargo boxes.

"A smoke grenade now, I see" I said

'How many grenades is this girl carrying on her?' I thought to myself 'But it's not a bad idea.'

I raise both of my hands in front of me and used [Force Push], while also at the same time, moving my arms to the side, into a 't' pose. The smoke quickly parts out of the way, and everything was clear again.

"Are you ready for me to get a little serious" I said

"No" cried out Dia

"Too bad" I chuckled

I started to use [Force Telekinesis] to lift up all of the cargo boxes into the air, revealing Dia.

"AH!" cried out Dia in shocked

I then moved the cargo boxes off to the side so Dia can't hide behind them anymore.

"Master, what's that!?" said Dia as she pointed behind me

"Dia, a little prank like that won't work on me" I chuckled

"It was worth a shot." sighed Dia "Then if that doesn't work, how about this move?"

Dia gets into a battle ready posture.

"I am ready when you are." I said getting ready to defend against Dia's attack

"Ok, let's do this." said Dia who then uses [Force Speed] to turn around and then jumps down the loading ramp, disappearing out of sight.

"HUH?" I cried out "Did she just run away?"

I then also use [Force Speed] to run after her, and jump down the loading ramp. Once outside of the Defender, I looked around and then I spotted Dia running and she was about to exit out of the hangar.

"Dia, don't run away." I shouted out "I won't be too rough with you."

Dia stops just as she was exiting the hangar.

"I am not running away, Master." Dia shouted back "It's called a strategic retreat, there is a big difference."

Dia then continues to run away and disappears out of sight once again.

"That girl." I chuckled 'But her choice of a strategic retreat isn't a bad choice.'

'I think it's time.' I thought to myself

"Dia, if you want your ver own lightsabers, come back now!" I shouted

"WHAT!?" screamed Dia who then instantly runs back.

Dia peeks her head into the hangar, and stares at me.

You aren't lying right, Master?" asked Dia

"No, I am not lying." I said

Dia slowly inches herself back into the hangar.

"You aren't mad at me for running away, are you?" asked Dia who was still by the hangar eit

"No, I am not mad." I said "You actually made a very wise decision."

"You think so?" said Dia "So you don't think it cowardly to run away from battle then?"

"Nope, I don't it's cowardly." I replied "You should know that 'those who fight and runs away, may live to fight another day and those stay and are slain in battle can never rise to fight again. It means basically if you can defeat someone, then run away and come back when you are better prepared and stronger."

Dia walks back into the hangar and stands in front of me.

"I see. That is very deep." said Dia "So anyway, what's this about me getting my own lightsabers?"

"After this little sparring match we had, I believe you are ready to craft your own lightsabers." I said

"REALLY?!" said an excited Dia "I can finally have my first lightsaber. YIPPEE!"

"Not just a lightsaber, you will get two, a lightsaber and a shoto lightsaber, since you have been practicing Jar'kai and you will need two" I said "I even designed the hilts of your lightsabers just for you, the only think you need to decide on is the color of your kyber crystal and then all you have to do is put the hilts together. Is there any particular color you want?"

"Hmmm." said Dia while thinking

Dia starts thinking about her choice of color for her kyber crystal, she looks at her skin of her hands and arms when she finally made a decision.

"Is there a Kyber Crystal that is pink?" asked Dia "I want the color to be pink like my skin tone. I think having a lightsaber that matches my skin tone will be nice to have."

"Yes, you can have a pink lightsaber." I said "First, lets get back on the Defender where it's nice and quiet before you start putting your lightsaber together.

"Yes, Master." said Dia who then uses [Force Speed] to run past me and towards the Defender and jumps aboard onto the Defenders.

"That girl is really excited for her lightsabers" I smiled

I slowly walked back to the Defender and slowly up the loading ramp.

Dia was waiting in the cargo bay.

"Master, please hurry up." cried out Dia "I want to hurry and craft my lightsabers."

"Patience, Dia." I said 'Good things come to those who are patient."

"Yes, Master" said Dia who quickly calms down

"Now, sit down and close your eyes." I said

"Ok" said Dia who sits on the floor and cross her legs, then she closes her eyes.

'Inventory Open' I said in my head

The Inventory Page opens, and I selected the [Lightsaber Building Kits].

[How many do you wish to withdraw] [ - 1/6 +] [Use / Exit]

I pushed the + button once

[ - 2/6 +] [Use/Exit]

I press [Use]

[Please select two hilt designs]

Then a page of hundreds of different hilt designs from the Star Wars Universe to Saberforge appeared and I scrolled a little until I found what I wanted for Dia.

I selected the Desert Warrior and Desert Warrior Shoto version design from Saberforge.

[Please select a Color of the Kyber Crystal]

[Blue Crystals]

[Green Crystals]

[Yellow/Orange Crystals]

[Red Crystals]

[Purple Crystals]

[Other Crystals]

I selected [Purple Crystals] and a subsection of 5 different colors related to [Purple Crystals] appeared.




[Violet with Black Core[



[Purple with Black Core]

I then select [Pink] for both lightsabers

[You have selected [Pink]] [Finished Yes/No]

I then select [Yes]

[Two Lightsaber Building Kits have deposited into your Space Ring]

TITLE: Dia's First Lightsabers

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Just want to keep advertising about my Youtube channel to all of you: Jerid in Taiwan

Hope everyone has a good day and have fun reading.

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