Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 67: The Greatest Gift

"Thank you, Master." said Dia "This is the greatest gift you ever given me besides my freedom."

"I am happy that you like them so much." I said "Now, activate them and practice with them. You need to get a feel of how they handle and get use to wield lightsabers instead of training saber since both are entirely different."

"Yes, Master." said Dia who instantly jumps up and activates her lightsabers.

Dia starts swinging them a few times, she jumps around and uses some Force abilities to see how well she could handle using the Force and her lightsabers at the same time which was not too bad and not to good. She starts practicing her lightsaber forms for 5 minutes until she stopped.

"Master, these lightsabers are amazing." said Dia. "They fit my hands perfectly, and they are easy to wield and use. I also feel a connection with them somehow."

"Your welcome" I said "That connection you feel is your bond with your weapon, that bond was form when you crafted it together with the Force which caused it to be connect to you."

"Can you tell me more about this design?" asked Dia looking at her lightsaber hilts

"The hilt design of these lightsabers is called the 'Desert Warrior.'" I said

"Why did you decide to give me this 'Desert Warrior' hilt design?" asked Dia

"Well, I did find you on the desert planet, Tatoonie, and you are now a Force Knight and a knight is a warrior, so I decide that this design fits you perfectly." I said

"That makes since." smiled Dia "I can't wait to try them out in actual battle."

"You will get your chance in the future, don't worry." I said "But now, you should use the 5 Marksman-H training remote Droids aboard this ship to training with your lightsabers so you can get better accustomed to them."

"Yes, Master." said Dia

"Also make sure you don't use the normal training mode setting that you have been using, turn up the difficulty to the intermediate training mode." I said

"Yes, Master." said Dia "But if I can last 30 minutes on intermediate mode, can I ask for a reward."

"Ok, if you can last 30 minutes on intermediate mode with all five training droids, I will grant you anything you want as a reward."

"Good" giggled Dia "Just you wait, Master I will accomplished it in no time."

"Good luck" I said "But don't be too overconfident, because I recently upgraded the software of the Training Droids, so that they will learn your moves and find ways to defeat you so the training will become harder and harder each time you train with the Training Droid."


"Come on, it not that bad." I said "This is something that you should treasure. Just think how greatly you will be able to improve with the upgraded Training Droids. Its basically a blessing in disguise kind of deal. Also there is no cheating in a fight or war, there is only the winner and the loser."

"OK, ok Master" sighed Dia

"Now, get training." I said

"Yes, Master." said Dia "But since you changed the Training Droids, lets changed the deal, instead of 30 minutes, lets make it 20 minutes."

"Ok, if you can last 20 minutes with the new and improved Training Droids, I will reward you with anything you want." I said

"That's more like it." said Dia.

Dia then runs off to get the 5 training droids.

I sat down in the corner and started mediating since I haven't done it in awhile. I still need to mediate so I can connect deeper with the Force and to get my XP from mediation since 1 hour of meditation gives me 100 XP.

After 8 hours of peaceful mediating, it was night time, and I opened my eyes.

[8 Hours of Mediation achieved - gained 800 XP]

[50,800 / 350,000 XP]

After looking at the notification window, and doing some calculations in my head, I figured out that if I want to level up by just mediating, I would need to mediate for 2,992 hours which was 125 days, which was too long.

'I need to find some powerful enemies and kill them so I can gain more experience points and level up faster' I thought to myself 'I wonderful how much experience points I will get from killing Maul or Palpatine. But it's probably not possible for me to kill Palpatine right now since he has more combat experience than me and is probably a lot stronger than me since he is even more powerful than Mace Windu and is equal or even a little more powerful than Yoda.' .'

After thinking for a few seconds, I used my mind to close the notification window, then I see Dia laying on the floor exhausted and sleeping. She is covered in sweat and all four of her limbs were spread out and limp.

'Looks like she has been practicing for hours.' I thought

I unhooked my cape, and draped it over Dia's sleeping body, using it like a blanket. When I did that, Dia turned on her side causing my cape to slip off her body. I grabbed my cape from the ground and was about to cover Dia again when I noticed that she is now hugging her lightsabers next to her cheeks, she also had a wide and blissful smile on her face.

'This girl' I thought 'Sleeping with your lightsabers by your side is smart but sleep with them like this is extremely dangerous'

"Master, I did it. I lasted 20 minutes even though you cheated" said Dia in her sleeping "Now it's time for my reward."

Dia starts giggling in her sleep when she said that.

'Looks like this girl is dreaming about her reward' I thought 'I will have to check with the Training Droid's recording later today to see if she lasted 20 minutes'

After Dia stopped talking in her sleep and continued hugging her lightsabers to her cheeks, I started to use [Force Telekinesis] to slowly edge the lightsabers out of her grip. After 1 whole minute of edging the lightsabers slowly out of her grip, they were floating in mid-air in front of me. I then used the Force to place them in the same boxes they came from. I used the Force to close the boxes' lids and lift the boxes up and place them near Dia.

I then covered Dia back up again with my cape, and walked away. I walked down the loading ramp and once outside of the Defender, I found that the hanger was empty and no one was here except for a few maintenance droids doing maintenance on the N-1 starfighters.

I looked outside the giant hanger doors to see that it was nighttime and dark outside.

"I wonder how Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka are doing with their tasks?" I said "They are probably sleeping right now, I will go see them tomorrow morning."

I head back on board the Defender, went back to mediating cargo bay, right next to the sleeping Dia.

-10 hours later-

[10 Hours of Mediation achieved - gained 1000 XP]

[51,800 / 350,000 XP]

I opened up my eyes and closed the notification screen, and looked down to see that Dia was gone, and that my cape was now draped around me.

'That girl is really sweet and caring' I thought

I stood up, causing my cape to drop to the ground. I started stretched my body. Once finished, I picked up my cape and hooked it back on my back. I then exited the Defender to see Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka together standing at the bottom of the loading ramp, waiting.

"Hello Governor and Captain." I said "I was about to go and find you both, to see how your tasks are going."

"Let me go first on my report then." said Governor Bibble "After discussing it with the other members of the Adivsory Council, we believe we can get the Queen two weeks of vacation time so she can relax but the Queen still has some important issues to deal with so it will take about a week."

"That should work." I said "How about you, Captain Panaka. Has HK-47 started training your troops?"

"Yes, it has. It started the training for the Security Force yesterday but..." said Captain Panaka

"But what?" I asked

"It's training methods are kind of harsh." said Captain Panaka "It had half of my troops do a full day of hardcore training yesterday with only 3 hours of sleep, and then it throw those same troops into a giant war game in the woods near Theed right now with your Droid Army. I feel that my men might get hurt from exhaustion."

"Don't worry about it. I told HK-47 to give them a strict and harsh training regime" I said "HK-47 is going to make your troops into passable soldiers, and this training method will help them increase the pace of them becoming soldiers that can protect Naboo. Besides what is better practice to becoming soldiers then participating in war, and war games are the closes you will ever get to actual war."


How is everyone doing?

I am happy that I was finally able to finished this chapter to you but it was tough since work has kept me extremely busy.

Now for some more bad news, the Level 3 Alert here in Taiwan has been extend from June 14 to June 28, which means I will have to continue doing online classes until then, which means I will have to continue working Saturdays to get my PowerPoints for my classes done but don't worry I will continue working on my chapters on my Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays while also working on my Youtube channel.

So, if you can, please continue being patience with me and I will try to bring you the next chapter as soon as I can. Thank you

Also I would like to inform you all that I have been informed by a fan that someone has been stealing credit for my novel and has been translating it in another language on their blog called Renegado Marte Blogs. I wouldn't mind as long the guy told people I was the author and gave me my credit but claiming it has it own has made me mad. I just want you all to know this and help spread the word about this so no one thinks that he is the one who created this novel.

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