Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 7: Becoming Queen Amidala's Bodyguard

"How did you know I was the Queen? Not even a Jedi should be able to tell who I am" said Padme.

Even though I know what she looks like and how she does things from the movie, I couldn't tell her that.

"The Jedi are a joke, their ways and connection with the Force is laughable compared with me." I said "Plus they are ignorant and stubborn in their old ways which will bring them to their doom"

"Back to the matter at hand" said Padme."Why do you want to see me?"

"That is simple." I said to her "I am here to offer you my protection for a year."

"Why would I need you protection" Padme said

"Trust me, you will be happy when you have my protection in three months" I said

"In three months? What will happen in three months?" she asked me.

"I can't tell you too much but I can tell you that there will be a blockade and an invasion" I said

"A blockade and an invasion by who!?" asked Padme

"Sorry but I will say no more since I don't want to influence your decisions and choice of the future." I said mysteriously. "Since this invasion will help you grow into who you will be."

"I see." said Padme "But why are you telling me this anyway?"

"That's my little secret" I said "But know this, I will protect you and make sure no harms comes to you, this I promise"

"Ok I will hire you as my bodyguard." said Padme

"Your Highness, don't you think this is too far fetched? Also your decision is made too quickly to hire this man. We don't even know if he is skilled enough to protect you." said Captain Panaka "Also we don't even know who he is."

"My name is Jerid." I said to both of them

"Also I am more powerful then all of you combined. Even my Assassin droid, HK here can kill you all without difficulty." I said while gesturing at HK-47.

"I don't think you can defeat all of the guards here" said Captain Panaka.

"Why don't I show you how powerless you truly are?" I said

I quickly raised both of my arms with my palms face out towards the Royal Guards and used the force to push all 21 of them against the surrounding walls and pillars of the throne room. Once they were pressed against the walls and pillars, I started to move my arms up which also lifted the Royal Guards off the ground. I continued to raise my arms and the Royal Guards continued to rise as well.

"As you can see, Queen Amidala. I am a very powerful Force Knight." I said "If I wanted, I could kill you right now and these Royal Guards of yours can't even stop me"

Padme who was sitting on her throne know I that I won't harm her but she wanted to be safe rather than sorry, so she slowly reached for the hidden compartment in her throne that contained her two ELG-3A blaster pistol.

"Don't worry your Highness, I won't cause you any harm." I said "Also please don't take out the two ELG-3As hidden in your throne. I only wanted to show you and your guards, one of my many powers."

When I mentioned the two ELG-3As hidden in her throne, she was awed and surprised to find out that I knew about them.

"How did you know about the hidden compartment, the head of the Royal Palace Guards and the current ruler knows about it?

I basically knew the information from the Phantom Menace movie so I decided on a lie right there.

"I know and see a lot of things because of my connection with the Force." I said seriously to her.

"Your connection must be really strong then" said Padme

"My connection with the Force is unimaginable, and no living being in the past, present or future will have what I have." I said.

"Ok, I will hire you as my bodyguard." sighed Padme

'DING' [You have complete the mission: Becoming Queen Amidala's Bodyguard. Gained 1 SWTOR Player Ship Voucher and Force Skill Voucher]

[ Congratulations, You have unlock the Mission Page. Gained]

After hearing the ding and reading the notification in front of me, I was happy to find out that I have a Mission Page and happy to receive two new vouchers I can use. After reading the notification, Padme started to speak again.

"Can you also let down my Royal Guards, please?" said Padme "They won't cause you any trouble."

"Oh, almost forgot about them." I said looking away from the system notifications to looking at the .Royal Guards held against the pillars and walls 20 feet of the ground.

I slowly lowered my arms which also lowered the 21 Royal Guards. After I had my arms down, the Royal Guards were safely on the ground.

The Royal Guards still held onto their holstered blasters, when the Queen yelled at them.

"Enough, this man will be my bodyguard so please behave." said Padme "Now that you are my bodyguard, what is your pay requirement?"

"I don't really need much" I said "All I require is 3 meals a day, with a room to living in and to use your hangar as a training room since I need a large area to do my training."

"Hmmm. Fine, your requirements will be met." said Padme "Are you sure that is all you want? You don't want any money or treasure?"

"I don't need money since I have a lot of it already, and treasure is something I don't need." I said "Now I would like to find my room please"

"I will have Captain Panaka escort you to a room you can use." said Padme

"Alright your Highness." said Panaka "Follow me, Jedi"

"I need to remind you that I am no Jedi." I said "I am a Force Knight, please try not to make that mistake."

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