Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 89: Inspecting the Troops

R2-D4 then heads off, and I enter my room.

I took off my clothes and mask. I then jump onto the bed butt naked. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

-The Next Morning-

The sun starts rising in the horizon and shining through my bedroom window. The sunrays starts rising and rising until they shone on my closed eyes, waking me up.

I cover my eyes with my hand and sit up from my bed.

I jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After the shower, I quickly got dressed and exited out of my bedroom.

When I opened my door, Governor Bibble was waiting outside. I stepped out of my room and the door closes behind me.

"Governor Bibble, what can I do for you?" I asked

"I would like to say thank you for driving the Trade Federation Representative away. Thanks to you, the Queen can be at ease and she will able to rest a little bit easier now that you are back." said Governor Bibble "The Queen was really worried about you. She would sometimes stare into the sky for a long time."

"I see, thank you for telling me." I said "Also are the Trade Federation ships still in Naboo Space?"

"Sadly, yes. They are still in our space." said Governor Bibbe "But the good news is that thanks to your ships, they are being kept at bay. And knowing how greedy the Neimoidian are, they won't do anything that will cause them to lose any money so they will probably keep their distance and not take any action against us and hopefully they will leave soon"

"That's good." I said

'Just in case, I should upgrade the Vulture Droids with the Force, that way they will have an edge over the Trade Federation's Vulture Droids' I thought 'Maybe, just maybe the Vulture Droids will give me a big surprise when I upgrade them with the Force. I am looking forward to it, I just hope they don't develop a weird personality trait like the B1s.'

"Is the Queen still asleep?" I asked

"Yes, she is." said Governor Bibble "Even with the Trade Federation Representative showing up and causing some ruckus, the other were able to get all official dealing done ahead of schedule, so the Queen can rest today. I will inform the Handmaidens to prepare some vacation apparel for her and then she can start her vacation tomorrow, then I will leave her in your capable hands.

"You don't worry about a thing, she will have a Company of B1s guarding her and a Platoon of Vulture Droids in the sky securing a 20 mile radius centered around the Varykino Villa." I said "She will be well protected and safe from any harm."

"I am happy and relieved to hear that." said Governor Bibble "I need to go now, I have some documents that need to be looked over and signed, so I will see you later."

Governor Bibble turns away and leaves.

"Since Padme is resting today, what should I do?" I said while thinking "I know I should check out how the training of my Droid Army and the Naboo Security Force is going. I just have to figure out where they are training. "

"I know where they are training, Master." said R2-D4

I jumped in shock and turned around to see R2-D4 standing right next the door into my bedroom.

"How long have you been there?" I asked

"I have been here all night, Master." said R2-D4

"Why?" I asked

"Silly Master, to protect you of course." said R2-D4 "I saw the recordings of what happened yesterday and I was afraid that those pesky bugs would try and send an assassin after you, so I guarded you and had the security around the Palace tighten."

"I see, you didn't need to do that you know but thank you anyway R2-D4." I said

"Anything for you, Master." said R2-D4 "Now follow me and I will take you were the Droid Army is training with the Naboo Security Force."

I followed R2-D4 through the Palace. Through the palace, a few servants and guards would stop and wave and say hello, and R2-D4 would say hello back.

Once outside and R2-D4 goes up to a nearby Security Force Hovercar with two Security Officers in it.

"Hey, why if it isn't R2-D4." said the Security driver of the Hovercar happily.

"Hey Mil, how is the wife?" asked R2-D2

"She is good, she just gave birth to a beautiful daughter yesterday." said the Security driver happily.

"That's good, have you decided on a name?" asked R2-D2

"We decided to name her after the Queen, so my baby daughter is now named Padme." smiled the Security driver.

"That's a wonderful choice." said R2-D4

While this scene was unfolding, I was just stared at it with confusion just like how confuse I was in the hallways of the palace. How and when the hell did R2-D4 get so friendly with everyone but I decided to ignore it.

"Are you going to the Training Grounds again?" asked a Security Officer in the passenger seat

"Yes, I am. I am taking my Master there." said R2-D4

When the two Security Officers heard R2-D4 they noticed me behind R2-D4 and immediately recognized me. They quickly jumped out of the hovercar and saluted me.

"Good morning, sir." said the two Security Officers with deep respect in their voices. "We are honored to meet the 'Savior of Naboo'. It is our greatest pleasure and honor to be able to give you a ride.."

"Thank you" I said

I used [Force Jump] to jump into the back of the hovercar then R2-D4 use it's minijets to fly into the hovercar and dropped right down next to me.

"Let's go" cheered R2-D4

"Yes, sirs." said the two Security Officers who climbed back into the hovercar.

Once everyone was in, we hovered down the street and out of the city.

"Why and how did you get so friendly with everyone?" I asked

"Silly Master, I was a little lonely without you so I decided to make some friends and since you would be gone for a week it was easy peasy" said R2-D4 "And How. It was easy, I just went up to each person I saw and asked them if they wanted to be my friend. Tehehe. Now I have over 450 friends"

I palmed my face with my hand when I heard R2-D4 make a cuteish tehehe sound.

'What kind of droid acts cute and says 'tehehe' like a teenage girl' I thought with my face in my palm 'Why are all of the Droids I have so weird.'

"Silly Master, why are you hitting yourself?" asked R2-D4

"'s nothing RED." I said "So where are the troops?"

"They are training at a town that was abandoned a long time ago." said R2-D4 "HK thought it was an ideal location to train both troops in warfare and CQC Combat in a town or city."

"That is a brilliant idea." I said

- 30 minutes later-

I soon could hear a lot of blaster fire off in the distance going off. As we continue to get closer to the town, the blaster fire also continued.

After awhile we arrived at the outskirts of the abandoned town, where my Droid Army was besieging the town in some trenches and behind barricades.

I then turned my attention to the town, and I could se some people through the windows of of the abandoned buildings, which were the Naboo Security Force. The Security Force was firing back at the Droid Army but the Droid Army was too far away to get a good shot but once in awhile a stun blast from a sniper would hit one of the Security Officers, stunning them and knocking them out.

I then notice HK-47 giving out commands to the Droid Army.

"Enjoyment: Good, good. Continue firing and make these lowly meatbags suffer. Make them understand the might and superiority of Droids. Muahahahaha." said HK-47

'What is with that villainous laugh' I thought 'I have a feeling that one day these droid might give me a big headache.'

"Enjoyment: Once we make them suffer enough, we will march into the city, clear and secure each building." said HK-47 "Take no survivors and leave no meatbag standing. Muhahahaha."

"ROGER,ROGER!!!!!" cried out all of the B1s which made super loud.

I palmed my face again.

'Why, just why are all of my droids weird.' I thought 'At least the Droid Army is getting good training done.'

I started inspecting the Droid Army and notice a big improve, instead of using the massive assault tactics that the B1s were designed for, the B1s were digging underground trenches and above ground barricades to use as shields and hide from blaster fire. They even duck and cover, and use other tactics. The B1s were acting like regular humanoid soldiers who fought while hiding behind cover.

A B1 runs up to HK-47 and whispers some words to HK. HK then turns around and sees me. HK walks quickly to me.

"Query: Master, what brings you here?" asked HK-47

"I am here to inspect the troops." I said "I want to see how much my army and the Naboo Security Force have improved. Tell me how has the training been going?"

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