Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 92: Marching into Town

"Why are you so excited! We are facing the Savior of Naboo, which means we are going to lose this War Game." said another Security Officer "Sir, what should we do? Should we retreat?"

The Security Captain starts thinking.

"Aim for Savior Jerid." commanded the Security Captain

"REALLY!?" said a few Security Officers in shock

"Yes, focus all of your fire on Savior Jerid. We will fight back or die trying. I don't want to feel the shame I felt the day where we lost Naboo to the Trade Federation again." commanded the Security Captain "If our blaster fire fails, grab some shock grenades and once they get close enough to us, hurl them at that shield formation. With how tight that formation is, with a few grenades, we can take out a whole bunch of those droids, maybe even half."

"YES, SIR!" shouted the Security Officers

They aimed at Jerid and started firing.

-End of Security Officer's POV-

As we marched closer and closer to town, the Security Force's aim and accuracy got better and better. They even started to focus their fire on me but most of shots their shots missed me by like 20 feet.

Also whoever gave the command to focus their fire on me made a smart move because if you take out the leader of the army, the army will be have no one to command them and usually an army will become disorderly and chaotic without their leader but the only mistake in this move was that I can easily deflect their shots with my training sabers.

The Droid Company keep marching towards the town while I continued to deflect blaster shots, once we got close enough the Security Force started shooting grenades at us.

When I spotted the grenades in the air, I quickly put up my hands and used [Force Push] to send back the grenades into the buildings.

"FUCK!" cried a Security Officer

"GRENADES!" cried another Security Officer

I then heard a few bangs.

"CHARGE!" I commanded as I started running.

When I started running, so did the B1s and even though they were running, they were able to stay in Testudo Formation while running.

As we charged towards the town, the remaining Security Forces in the two buildings that made up the entrance into town started firing at us again.

-Security Force POV-

In one the buildings, the Security Captain got up while hold his head and leaning against the wall.

"Status Report!" shouted the Security Captain once he was able to stable himself.

"5 men are down, and 6 of us including you sir, are what remains of our squad." said a Security Officer

The Security Captain then quickly check outside and spotted Jerid and his Company of Droids running towards the town's entrance.

"Quickly start shooting again!" yelled the Security Captain "They are about to enter the town!"

The Security Captain unholstered his Security S-5 Heavy Blaster pistol and started firing out the window at the Droid Shield Formation.

The remaining Security Officers got up and aimed their CR-2 heavy blaster pistol out the window as well but it was too late, Jerid and his Company of Droids entered the town.

The Security Captain quickly takes out a HoloCommunicator and contacts someone, then a hologram of a hooded figure appears.

"Commander, the town has just been breached." said the Security Captain "A Company of B1s with Energy Shields have entered the town and the one leading them is Jerid, the Savior of Naboo. What are your..."

Before the Security Captain could finish his sentence, the door into the room was kicked open and B1s started charging into the room while shooting. The Security Captain and Officers tried to fight back but they were instantly shot down, they weren't even able to put up a fight.

Once all the Security Forces were down, the B1s came in and started to secure the room by shooting the down Security Forces a second time. Once the room was secured, a B1 Sergeant came inside.

"Good, you made sure to double tap the enemy forces and make sure they are down for the count." said the B1 Sergeant "General HK will be happy to learn that you are using the skills and precious knowledge he taught you to good use."

"Thank you, Sir." said the B1 Squad

"Now, let's head down and secure the building and then we can meet up with His Holiness." said the B1 Sergeant

"Roger, roger." said the B1 Squad

The B1 squads in both buildings started to clear the buildings while heading down, then they met another B1 squad that was clearing the building from the bottom.

-Security Force's POV End-

Once we were in town, I had the B1 Company halt in their tracks between the two buildings where the Security Forces were barricaded in. I looked up at the buildings and inspected the buildings, when I heard shots being fired inside and the screams of the Security Force.

"Looks like the pincer attack was successful." I said happily

B1-AC-169 comes out of the Formation.

"Sir, what are your orders?" asked B1-AC-169 "Should we help the B1 Squads secure the buildings?"

"That won't be necessary." I said "Let's move on. Move forward and stay in Testudo Formation!"

"Roger, roger!" said the B1 Company

B1-AC-169 got back in Formation.

After a minute of slow marching forward into the town, we were approaching a crossroads.

I held my fist up to motion the B1s to halt. I started to use the Force to feel the surroundings around the crossroads and I felt the presence of four people on the left and right roads.

"B1-169" I whispered

B1-AC-169 then comes out of the Formation again.

"Sir, what are your orders?" asked B1-AC-169

"I want you to go scout ahead at the crossroads" I said "I felt the presence of four people, two on the left and two on the right, they might have a barricade there with two turrets, so be careful.

"Roger, roger." said B1-AC-169 "I will be back soon."

B1-AC-169 then runs into one of the buildings and quickly went to a window. B1-AC-169 then peeked it's head out of the window and looked down both roads but then B1-AC-169 quickly pulls it's head back in and falls on it's butt when a shock laser hit the building causing a loud bang, but thankful it was a shock laser which caused no explosion but if it was a regular laser then the wall would be gone and B1-AC-169 would have some damage.

B1-AC-169 jumps up and quickly runs back.

I see B1-AC-169 running out of a building and coming to back and it soon approaches me.

"What was that explosion I heard?" I asked

"Sir, there are two Gian heavy patrol speeder which both have been outfitted with a hood-mounted heavy cannon." said B1-AC-169 "The cannons have the ability to penetrate the shell of an Armored Assault Tank. It's a good thing that this is only a war game so it was only a shock laser if it was a regular round, then I would of been severely damaged."

"I see, so they are using cannons for a sneak pincer attack at the crossroads." I said "Who ever thought of this is pretty clever but they made a major mistake in using vehicles in town."

I used the Force, to check the crossroads again and found that they stayed in place.

"Ok, looks like they are staying were they are, and waiting." I said "B1-169, I want you to send 4 squads out, have them split into two teams and go into those two buildings.

I pointed at two 5 story buildings that meet the corner of the crossroads.

"Have them go onto the roof top and then fire down below at the speeders."

-Security Officer in Gian Speeder's POV-

One of the Security Officer in one of the speeders took out a HoloCommunicator and activated it.

A hologram of a hooded female figure appeared.

"Commander." saluted the Security Officer "A B1 found out our location but we were unable to disable it. Should we retreat?"

"No." said the hooded Commander "They are probably thinking of a way to counterattack your ambush site so before they come up with anything, rush them and fire at will with the cannons."

"Yes, Commander." said the Security Officer who then closes his HoloCommunicator and gave a hand signal to the other speeder.

-End POV-

Four squads split in two teams then went into the buildings at the crossroads.

"As for the rest of you, split into Platoons and head towards the center of the town through the alleyways." I commanded

As the droids split into Platoons and started rushing into the alleyways, the two Gian Speeders rushed into the center of the crossroads and started firing their cannons at the center of the road.

"What the hell!" I shouted

While the droids were lucky and on the sides of the road heading into the alleyways, I was still standing in the middle of the road but thankfully through the Force, I was able to predict the path of the shots, so I leaned my body back to the left and the right as I dodged the shots that flew passed me by a few inches.

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