Star Wars

Chapter 115

Just as Zhang Xiaowen and his team began to attack the zombies in the camp, a figure appeared on a roof in the distance and quickly disappeared.……

"Autobots! Let's fight!" The Cube transformed from the roof into a robot and jumped down towards the zombies.

Swish! He pulled out his machete and slashed it across a zombie's shoulder, cutting off a zombie's head. As the headless corpse fell to the ground, he chopped off the knees of two zombies next to it. When the zombie fell, he swung the machete and spun it, breaking two more skulls.

"A mere virus dares to think of itself as a highly evolved being. I'll show you what a truly top-level life form is! You stupid viruses!"

The left mechanical arm reached behind his back and suddenly pulled out a propeller machete! The two machetes danced together, and the zombies' legs flew across the crowd, and their heads were chopped off. The spurting black blood and the zombies' roars angered all the zombies nearby. They all rushed towards the Rubik's Cube regardless of what happened. Some ate meat, some scratched randomly, but the two straight machetes that reflected cold light flew up and down!

As more and more zombies were attracted to the Rubik's Cube, the pressure on Zhang Xiaowen's side suddenly dropped. While shooting the zombies, she watched the group in the distance. Furious zombies were fighting.

The more zombies were killed, the more they fell down, slowly pushing them into a pile under the Rubik's Cube's feet. This was just enough for the Rubik's Cube, who was not tall enough to begin with, to chop the zombies' heads. Every time he chopped down a zombie, black blood would splash out. The metal that was originally impervious to water was now covered with black blood that emitted a disgusting stench. The pile of corpses was getting higher and higher...

In the distance, on the side of the truck.

Puff! A hole was shot in the head of the last zombie, and then the corpse fell down helplessly. Zhang Xiaowen and the team members who stopped shooting stared blankly at the Rubik's Cube's violent chopping.

"Is this... Transformers?"

The fighting power of the Rubik's Cube has skyrocketed. Zhang Xiaowen rarely saw the Rubik's Cube wielding two swords in battle before. He basically killed zombies with bullets. Unexpectedly, she found out today that if it weren't for his body shape, his close combat ability might be unmatched...

Swish! The Rubik's Cube chopped off a zombie's thigh with two swords. The zombie who lost his legs fell to the ground with his face facing up.

"Damn the virus, go to hell!"

Puff... a machete fell straight down and pierced through the zombie's forehead!

At this time, the pile of corpses was almost as high as a person.

Two zombies were trying their best to climb up and tear the bloody Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube turned around and stabbed a machete into the zombie's chest and suddenly lifted it up!

This zombie was brutally broken from the chest to the head by the knife, and then turned around and chopped from top to bottom from the top of another zombie's head to the chest.

The group of zombies turned into a pile of corpses, except for a zombie in the distance rushing towards this side.

He threw a machete out with a fierce throw, and saw it flying towards the zombie with a flash of cold light...

Woo~ Woo~ Woo~

Puff! The machete hit the zombie's forehead but didn't go in half, and a small section of the tip of the knife could be seen from the back. At this time, all the zombies that could be seen around had been killed, and the bloody Rubik's Cube Fang stood on top of the pile of corpses with a machete in his hand. In one word, domineering! In two words, very domineering!

Zhang Xiaowen smiled, stepped on the accelerator and drove the truck straight to the three-story camouflage building next to the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube walked to the corpse of the last zombie that was killed, pulled out the machete and put it back on his back. By the way, he took a grenade from the zombie's chest and threw it up and down for fun. This scene made the team members tremble with fear...

Suddenly, the sound of car engines came from outside the camp in the distance, and there was more than one car.

Those who can play with more than one car in the doomsday must be search teams or wanderers in some camps.

They must be able to deal with zombie attacks, and they must have the necessary weapons.

Their combat effectiveness will not be weak.

I just don't know if they are some perverts with twisted minds or normal survivors.

Zhang Xiaowen hopes it's the latter, at least she can kill fewer humans.

""Be on guard! If necessary... shoot."

Zhang Xiaowen led ten team members out of the car, holding submachine guns and standing in front of the camouflaged building waiting for those people to come. The magic cube flew to the roof and turned into a sniper rifle to investigate the personnel and equipment of the small convoy. The detection equipment easily covered the three small trucks.

"There were twenty-three people, five of them were armed with police pistols, the rest were using knives and steel bars, there was a mutant, and both men and women... had shaved heads."The Magic Cube informed Zhang Xiaowen of the detection situation, and displayed specific data on everyone's goggles at the same time.

The Magic Cube believed that these people were either perverts or lunatics.

Not only did they shave their heads, but they also drew some weird and messy things on their heads.

The collapse of the end of the world is understandable, and the emotional changes are also understandable, but what is the point of shaving their heads and drawing these things? Can it ward off evil spirits or lead the gods into the body to explode a powerful microcosm? Is it someone's bad taste? It is also impossible to say what new sects have emerged after the end of the world, using the end of the world to cheat and deceive for their own enjoyment.

Humans have done this a lot in history.

Soon, everyone saw three cars coming in at the gate.

What was incredible was that the first car was actually equipped with a large speaker, and the deafening music was played for fear that the zombies could not hear it.

Just based on these actions, no one would not doubt whether they were mentally ill.

The carriages of the three cars were also modified.

The top cover of the rear carriage was removed, and some bald heads could be seen standing in the rear carriage jumping and shouting to the music.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Ah hey……"

This scene made Zhang Xiaowen suddenly feel that the crazy people she had seen before were far inferior to him. This was the real madman!

"The end of the world is here, all kinds of demons and monsters are coming out, let's prepare to exorcise demons." Zhang Xiaowen said as she pulled the bolt to load the submachine gun, pointed it horizontally at the three cars, and the other team members followed Zhang Xiaowen and raised their guns.


The three cars stopped on the concrete floor, leaving long black brake marks. At the same time, the damn music that made the Rubik's Cube feel annoyed also stopped.

Whoosh~ A gust of wind blew away a few fallen leaves on the ground between the two groups of people, and the scene became strangely quiet. The bald heads looked at Zhang Xiaowen and her group who were fully armed. What surprised Zhang Xiaowen was that half of these bald heads were women, with dark eyes and pale faces. If it hadn't been motionless, I would have thought it was a zombie.

Creak~ The door of the cab of the small truck was opened from the inside with an unpleasant sound.


A pair of high-waisted black leather shoes stepped on the concrete floor, and a woman got out of the car, a bald woman. There were many colorful tattoos on the top of her head and face, she was wearing a tight leather jacket and jeans, and holding a pistol in one hand. The bald woman waved her hand, and all the bald men in the car jumped out of the car, standing there motionlessly looking at Zhang Xiaowen and her group, and some even licked their lips.

Jia Jia, who was standing next to Zhang Xiaowen, pulled Zhang Xiaowen's clothes

"Sister...these are bad people……"

Jia Jia is a psychically enhanced mutant. Her mental fluctuations are very obvious and she can tell whether a person is good or bad. Jia Jia feels that kind of evil, so she says these bald guys are bad people. Moreover, Zhang Xiaowen and other team members also think so based on their appearance.

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