Star Wars

Chapter 117

Just as the group of bald men were struggling against the metal door, a startling accident occurred.


The bald man who had whistled at Jia Jia before somehow took a few steps back, lowered his head and rushed forward. In the eyes of the crowd, he hit the metal door hard, and his skull was shattered and he died tragically. Except for Zhang Xiaowen, no one knew what happened. Zhang Xiaowen turned around and gave Jia Jia, who was following her, a look that said"you did a good job".

"This guy... why did he do this?"

The bald heads were confused about their tragic death. What does this have to do with opening the door? Shaving your head is not for this purpose...

On the roof, the Rubik's Cube's sniper rifle was aimed at the bald female leader. This group of monsters was led by this ugly bald woman. Killing her would be the end of everything. Moreover, the mutant was her. Judging from her figure, she was definitely not a strength-enhanced mutant. Most of the time, her speed was enhanced. For the Rubik's Cube with excess attack energy, this kind of person was the most difficult to deal with.

"Hey! One hour is up, shouldn't you leave here? Let's hurry up." Zhang Xiaowen teased the bald men loudly.


The bald girl suddenly opened her mouth and screamed hoarsely. The scream was almost as terrifying as that of a night owl. Her teeth were yellow in her dark mouth, and some yellow-brown flesh remained in the loose gaps between her teeth. At first glance, you would definitely think she was a zombie instead of a normal human.

"You dare to play tricks on me! Ah~! I'm going to kill you!"

Instantly, the other bald men behind the bald woman raised their weapons, and a battle was about to break out.……

"A joke is enough to make you fight for your life? But what the hell is this?……"

Zhang Xiaowen raised the muzzle of the submachine gun and pointed it at the screaming bald woman. This image is not even as good as the evolved zombies. In comparison, the bald tattooed look is more attractive.

"Rubik's Cube! What is this? Why do I feel like this woman is abnormal? Has she been bitten by a zombie?"

""Be careful! I thought she was a speed-enhanced one before, but now it seems more like a monster mutation. I suspect she eats people and increases her superpowers by eating people! Using a gun is not a bullshit way to fight zombies! She wants to use a gun to attack those survivors! We must not let her go today, attack!"

The magic cube sent a red attack command to each team member's goggles. The yellow marks of these people instantly turned red. The trained team members knew that red meant they could attack... bang bang bang...!!!

Eleven submachine guns fired. The sound suppressed by the silencer was not loud. Only the sound of bullets cutting through the airflow could be heard! Time paused, and it was clear that dense bullets cut through the airflow from the air and shot straight at the bald door. The team members wearing black combat uniforms, helmets and protective equipment shook slightly with the submachine gun...

Whoosh - the sniper rifle fired, but it did not hit the bald woman. The bullet passed by the bald woman's neck and pierced into the chest of another bald man behind her. The bullet penetrated the chest and hit the metal door. After being bounced by the metal door, it spun and flew into the back of another bald man at high speed. Although it did not hit the bald female boss, it still killed two people.

Under the observation of the Rubik's Cube supercomputer, it was discovered that the bald female boss began to mutate. The front of her shoes extended with claws. Her skin was pale and her eyes were dark. Her palms turned into dry claws. She rolled to the side at an incredible speed to avoid the dense bullet range. The Rubik's Cube finally realized that this guy had a supernatural power like transformation, and he imitated the evolved zombie form. No wonder he was so perverted.

Puff puff puff... The dense sound of bullets hitting flesh and blood sounded continuously. These bald men gathered in a pile at the door without any protection measures, so the bullets were easily hit. The few with pistols had no time to aim and shoot and were shot with several holes!

"Wenzi! Be careful of that weird woman's sneak attack!"

"I saw her!"

Tut, tut, tut...

The submachine gun in Zhang Xiaowen's hand kept vibrating, and the shells fell to the ground. The fired bullets were close to the back of the strange woman, and a series of cement pits were hit on the camouflage wall. The gun swept from the gate to the corner of the wall, and then a strange man was seen in front of the aiming star, moving quickly and avoiding all the bullets!

Dingka! There was a crisp collision sound in the bolt, and the magazine was empty.

Zhang Xiaowen cursed inwardly, untied the straps and put down the submachine gun.

At the same time, he drew out the dagger and rushed towards the bald woman who had run to the side.

His speed was not much slower than that of the strange woman.

When passing by a female team member, he pulled out the bayonet on the waist of the female team member.

No matter what, this fast-moving mutant monster must be killed today, otherwise it would be impossible to survive if this thing hiding in the dark jumped out and scratched at any time.


"Want to fight in close combat! Then let's have some fun!"

Swoosh! The Rubik's Cube fell from the roof toward the bald woman and Zhang Xiaowen. In mid-air, it pulled out the propeller machete behind it, covered its face with a protective shield, and landed straight on the ground!

Bang... Kaka!

After landing, it rubbed a series of sparks on the ground and stood up and rushed towards the battle group of Zhang Xiaowen and the bald woman. The machete blade flashed with cold light and stabbed the bald woman's thigh. The bald woman who was fighting with Zhang Xiaowen didn't expect that there would be a powerful mutant here. Whether it was strength or speed, it was almost the same as hers. She didn't get much advantage after several hard fights...

At this moment, the bald woman suddenly saw a small monster on the ground holding a machete and slashing at her. What is this!

The bald woman just wanted to dodge, and suddenly felt a pain in her head, as if something was piercing her brain hard. Her vision suddenly became a little dazed. This was the first time she encountered such a situation. Although it only took a moment to wake up, the Rubik's Cube and Zhang Xiaowen could do a lot of things in an instant. She felt a sharp pain in her thigh and chest.

"ah……!!"The bald woman screamed in pain.

In a frenzy, the dry hand quickly swept across, and Zhang Xiaowen was caught off guard and was swept away by the claws. The dagger in her hand remained on the bald woman. Unexpectedly, the woman was not hurt at all after being stabbed in the chest. Could it be that she not only mutated into a zombie, but also inherited the zombie's characteristic of not being afraid of getting hurt...

After sweeping Zhang Xiaowen away, the bald woman immediately grabbed the Rubik's Cube. In a frenzy, she completely ignored the machete on her thigh. She thought that the dizziness and tingling just now were caused by the Rubik's Cube, so she wanted to get rid of the biggest threat.

The Rubik's Cube quickly retreated before the claws grabbed it. At the same time, the left mechanical arm transformed machine gun fired fiercely at the bald woman. The dense bullets made dense wounds, but these wounds did not bleed much without exception, just like hitting a piece of air-dried bacon. Fortunately, the force of the bullets made the bald woman retreat continuously and had to distance herself from the Rubik's Cube.

Not far away, Zhang Xiaowen struggled to stand up. When she looked down, she saw five large holes on her bulletproof vest, and the material inside the vest was exposed through the scratches.

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