Star Wars

Chapter 127

The national highway in the mountainous area is already covered with leaves of various colors, and the picture is very beautiful.


A pine cone fell from a pine tree nearby, bounced a few times and stopped in the middle of the road, and the unique and charming fragrance of the pine cone spread with the breeze.

On a big tree, a small nose with a beard stuck out of the tree hole, moved a few times and sniffed the smell, and then a squirrel the size of a kitten quickly climbed out, shaking its soft big tail, looking around, and its little eyes lit up!

Soon I saw the big pine cone on the fallen leaves in the middle of the road.

""Squeak!" The little squirrel nimbly descended to the ground along the trunk and walked towards the pine cone.

Suddenly! The little squirrel raised his body and looked around vigilantly, as if there was a sound that was getting louder and louder and approaching this side quickly. Escape? What about the pine cone? Just when the little squirrel was thinking about whether to give up the fragrant pine cone or continue to move forward, a roaring object rushed over from the bend and passed by at an angle...

Whoosh - the little squirrel only felt a strong wind blowing towards him, and then... the pine cone that was pressed by that thing suddenly flew out of the sky with pine nuts! Damn the big thing that runs fast! Damn the strong wind! The pine nuts are all mine!

For a moment, the little squirrel seemed to feel that time had slowed down...

Colorful fallen leaves were flying, mixed with many pine nuts. The fallen leaves and pine nuts just stopped in the sky above his head. The little squirrel opened his little claws to embrace this beautiful and dreamy scene, and even a few tears flowed from his little eyes, perhaps blown by the wind...

Zhang Xiaowen, who had already driven a long way at high speed, looked back.

"Rubik's Cube, what was that on the road just now?"

"It looks like a pine cone and a large squirrel. Maybe there is a story that must be told. Aren't you afraid of getting into a traffic accident while running for no reason?"

Zhang Xiaowen curled her lips and continued to turn. In autumn, more and more small animals appeared everywhere. Some aggressive ones even began to enter the city to compete with zombies for territory. Unexpectedly, a biochemical crisis caused a major crisis for humans but gave animals an opportunity to reproduce. It was a bad thing for humans, but it might be a good thing for the creatures on the earth...

On this unmanned highway, there was no need to drive left or right, limit the speed, or take photos. Just try to avoid some vehicles parked on the roadside and speed all the way.

When passing a roadside village, two cars suddenly appeared in front of them, crossing the road.

Several men and women with ragged long hair held sticks and smiled at Zhang Xiaowen who was getting closer and closer.

Two cars drove out from a fork in the hillside behind Zhang Xiaowen and blocked the road.

Unexpectedly, a bandit appeared after not taking this road for a few days.

That's right.

Anyway, there is no law enforcement agency after the end of the world.

What kind of business you want to do depends entirely on your mood and whether zombies will come to patronize.

"Another fight is about to break out."

Zhang Xiaowen parked the car very close to the group of people blocking the road and got out of the car flexibly. Because she was going to the Xin'an Town camp, she only had a pistol and a bayonet on her. It was not noticeable when she was riding the car, but it was very obvious when she got out of the car.

""Yo~ She's a girl in uniform~ You're a good girl... F*ck! This girl has a gun!"

A long-haired boy saw the pistol in the holster on Zhang Xiaowen's thigh before he finished his line. Without saying a word, he turned around and ran behind the car to hide. Others also hurriedly dodged, but three of them still showed up, holding three shotguns used for bank escorts before the end of the world, aiming at Zhang Xiaowen, two in front and one behind.

"You only have one gun! We have so many people and three big guns! As long as you leave the motorcycle and the pistol, we will let you go, otherwise you will die today."

Mofang deeply lamented that the end of the world made these people's IQs enter the end of the world. Putting down the pistol is not looking for death. Erbadao still wants to rob and block the road. If he has this time, he might as well go back and read more about how to rob in the book.

"Oh? Who said I'm the only one here?" Zhang Xiaowen smiled.

Just as these people looked around to see if there were any other people, they suddenly saw that the motorcycle parked next to the woman began to fold and deform, and stood up quickly amidst the sound of metal combination! In a few seconds, it changed from a racing motorcycle to a 1.8-meter-tall... Transformer with two wheels on his shoulders?

Everyone stared at the Rubik's Cube with wide eyes and open mouths in disbelief, even forgetting that they were robbing.

Swish! The Rubik's Cube raised his right palm and flashed a blue arc. The shotguns in the hands of the three people were sucked into the Rubik's Cube's mechanical hand, and then with a few clicks, the three guns were broken into parts all over the floor. There were indeed bullets in the gun chambers. This easy action of taking the guns and smashing them to pieces finally awakened the dazed people, and they realized that they were not watching a movie or dreaming.



The guy who had spoken rudely to Zhang Xiaowen before was punched back in the stomach by Zhang Xiaowen as soon as he screamed.

His mouth was filled with saliva and blood, and three or four teeth flew out.

It was this guy who spoke rudely to Zhang Xiaowen that angered the violent girl and implicated her accomplices.

Zhang Xiaowen knocked the guy unconscious and then rushed to the others, all of whom were solved with one punch or one kick, regardless of whether they were strong men or women.

The two cars blocking the back saw that the situation was not good and got in the car to escape, but before they could start the car, the whole car body suddenly shook, and they saw the robot landed on the engine cover with a bang, and the engine cover was dented a lot, and it could not start at all.

After destroying one car, the Cube jumped onto another one, smashed several important parts of the engine with one punch through the thin layer of the engine cover, looked at the terrified people inside through the cracked front windshield, turned around and walked to the side of the road to turn into a racing motorcycle.

Leave the beating to Zhang Xiaowen, as it is said that women are more likely to divert their targets if they cannot vent their anger...

Finally, after a few screams, Zhang Xiaowen drove away, her mood obviously improved, and she occasionally hummed a few pop songs


When we were about to reach the Xin'an Town camp, we met several convoys searching for supplies on the road.

These old men who had gone through life and death used adventure to maintain a fairly good life.

When they met a single woman riding a motorcycle, they would naturally blow a hooligan whistle to tease her.

Zhang Xiaowen was too lazy to care and easily overtook the convoy and left it far behind.

The closer we got to the Xin'an Town camp, the more convoys we met.

There were at least three vehicles.

Anyway, after the apocalypse, vehicles could be used at will and no one cared.

As long as we had a little courage to fight zombies and gather a few people, we could go out to collect supplies and live a good life for a few days.

At the gate of the Xin'an Town camp.

Many convoys that went out to collect supplies were waiting here. Zhang Xiaowen looked at them and found that these convoys had to hand over some supplies to the camp and had to wait here to be checked for virus infection. Only after these convoys could they enter.

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