Star Wars

Chapter 155


Zhang Nan turned around and looked around. He found that his three comrades, several mutants, and the people nearby were all looking at him excitedly. One after another, the survivors, old and young, stood up. Their tired eyes were full of expectations. All the downtrodden people chose to trust him without reservation. An inexplicable pressure was added to him out of thin air.……

""Okay! I can lead everyone to survive, but I need your help from Longshan Camp." Zhang Nan gritted his teeth and agreed, but took the opportunity to ask Zhang Xiaowen to do something as well.

"No problem, from now on we are an alliance, I can provide weapons, ammunition and even guard robots, we are not alone, there are also the air force of Jiangcheng Airport, they risked their lives to rescue, everyone with a conscience is supporting each other, we will definitely build a real apocalyptic home, and I also hope that even if the rich and powerful and mutants who abandoned everyone and fled come back, they will not hand over the management of the camp, otherwise it will be equivalent to pushing everyone into the zombie swarm again, you are responsible for every life here.


Zhang Xiaowen didn't want the camp she had worked so hard to build to be taken away by those bastards for personal service and enjoyment, and the magic cube certainly didn't want to

"Okay, I can do all this, and I hope we can survive together!"

The survivors finally smiled a little, and chose to believe in this soldier who gave up his life to stay and fight without reservation. Although the Xin'an Town camp was destroyed, a new and better camp is being built!

The Rubik's Cube nodded with satisfaction, expressing satisfaction with the result. He bent down and turned into a motorcycle to drive out of the valley to meet Gao Dong and others. It's better to be safe at night.


In the next few days, Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen helped the survivors in the valley camp to set up a camp.

They collected a large number of harvesters and other agricultural vehicles and fuel from nearby rural areas.

At the suggestion of the villagers, they dug many pits on the hillside that could accommodate people.

The top of the pit was covered with a thick layer of corn stalks.

Although this was simple and primitive, it could be kept warm with the help of the underground temperature.

After the coming winter, they would start building houses in spring.

Several bulldozers and excavators were busy. A large wall gradually took shape at the entrance of the valley. There were streams and vegetable fields in the valley, surrounded by high mountains, and there was a road behind the valley to leave. It was really a good place to set up camp.

On this day, the gate of the valley was opened.

Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen drove in front, followed by a modified large truck and two trucks.

Zhang Nan and Gao Dong and ten team members sat on the top of the truck.

After discussion, they decided to go to a clothing factory and a bedding factory in the suburbs to collect winter supplies.

Basically, this was the last favor that Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen helped the valley camp.

Most of the other work had been put on track and could be produced by themselves.

Buzz - the engine of the racing motorcycle roared.

Whoosh~ Almost leaning on the asphalt road, it turned and continued to drive at high speed, disappearing at the end of the road amid envious eyes. Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen needed to check in advance whether the destination was safe, a job that no one else could do.

After driving for a while

"We are still three minutes away from our destination."

Zhang Xiaowen looked up and could already see many factory buildings in the suburbs. This place is located on the west side of Jiangcheng. Most of them are factory buildings and there are few residential houses. It is hard to tell whether there are many zombies.

Three minutes later.

Squeak! The Rubik's Cube stopped. The entrance of the garment factory in front was blocked by a row of iron fences. Many steel spikes were welded on the fences, and seven or eight dried zombies were hanging on them. There were obviously traces of survivors living here and there was no sign of being breached. The Rubik's Cube began to scan the entire factory.

"Twenty-three survivors were found, including a male mutant, living in the factory office area, eight men and fifteen women."The cube quickly completed the detection.

"Should we knock on the door or just go in?"

"Of course, we will ask them to come out to greet us.

This starship has no time to waste here.

"After saying that, the Rubik's Cube engine made a huge roar, and the sound echoed in the empty factory area, as if it was about to step on the accelerator and rush into the factory yard.


An iron gate opened from the inside and seven men with sticks rushed out and ran towards the gate.

Then a young man with a dagger came out.

The Rubik's Cube recognized this guy at a glance.

He was the guy who was looking for mutants everywhere to kill and improve his superpowers.

He was shot by himself in the canteen and finally blasted away with a missile and luckily escaped.

He was a speed-type mutant.

I didn't expect him to run here to be a leader.

In an instant, the Rubik's Cube sent all the information of the young man to Zhang Xiaowen and marked him in red.

The seven men with sticks ran to the gate of the fence and looked at Zhang Xiaowen in a daze, then laughed

"Boss! Come and see! There's a new girl here~"

"What a nice figure! Oh~ He's riding a hot motorcycle, I like it, no one is allowed to snatch it away!"

"Make way, the boss is here."

Several men made way, and then the young man holding a dagger appeared in front of Zhang Xiaowen. However, the young man who was playing with the dagger was stunned and looked at Zhang Xiaowen in disbelief. Zhang Xiaowen also looked at the young man in surprise and was stunned for a few seconds. Mo Fang sighed, OK~ I met an acquaintance

"Zhang Xiaowen?"

"Liu Qiang?"

"I didn't expect that we old classmates could meet in this end times. There are always too many surprises in life. Haha~ Quick! Open the door quickly!"The young man named Liu Qiang said happily.

"Yes, I didn't expect that we are still alive.

We haven't been in touch since the Spring Festival gathering.

Who knew that it would suddenly become like this? It's great to be alive.

"Zhang Xiaowen was also very happy.

She didn't expect that after so long, she finally met an acquaintance.

She was very excited.

Moreover, based on her previous four years of college experience, Liu Qiang was not like what Mofang said.

Zhang Xiaowen was very happy to meet her classmates after the end of the world and ignored Mofang's reminder unconsciously.

Mofang was stunned.

Is this the first time that Zhang Xiaowen didn't care about his advice? But why do I always feel that this kid is not normal? The end of the world is not the same as before.

There are so many people with abnormal minds.

The door opened, and Zhang Xiaowen pushed Mofang into the compound

"By the way, there is no need to close the gate. There is a team behind us who wants to get some winter clothes. I think my old classmates will agree."

"Of course, of course, we have enough cotton clothes anyway. If we can't eat or use them, we might as well give them to people in need. I don't know how many of you are here, I can still entertain you." Liu Qiang implicitly stopped a subordinate who wanted to speak, waved his hand and asked him to prepare, and the seven subordinates nodded and walked back to the office building.

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