Star Wars

Chapter 167

Now they have reached the warehouse and workshop on the top floor of the hotel. The corpse demon slowed down and started to fight with the Rubik's Cube. After the Rubik's Cube broke his collarbone and gave up, he had to run to the roof again. He ran to the roof in one breath. The cool autumn wind made his tattered windbreaker sway in the wind, giving him a little bit of the aura of a master.

"Why don't you run away?" The Rubik's Cube broke off a steel pipe and used it in his left mechanical hand as a weapon, and used a bayonet in his right hand.

"Ahem... I admit you are strong, but this is useless." The corpse demon spat out a mouthful of black blood and smiled at the magic cube with its torn mouth, looking like it was sure of victory, which was in sharp contrast to its previous frantic escape.

"Are you going to freeze me to death or blow me to death with the wind? You don't think that machines are afraid of heights, do you? You are so noble that you are not afraid of death or don't care about the life and death of this body.

So, has your mental power reached the strength of changing the body?"The magic cube quickly analyzed various possibilities and finally found doubts in the application of mental power.

Sure enough, after saying this, the corpse demon's face was obviously not right, because its mental power had just fluctuated violently a few times.

"So what! Anyway, your machine is going to die! I will dismantle your parts one by one and make them into handicrafts! Haha~!"

The corpse demon suddenly rushed towards the Rubik's Cube, laughing like crazy.

The Rubik's Cube felt something was wrong and couldn't evacuate quickly, so he simply planned to kill it first.

He raised his bayonet and stabbed it in the corpse's abdomen.

The steel pipe in his other hand also fell on the corpse's face, but the Rubik's Cube found that this guy was too lazy to dodge and pounced on him directly.

It was useless to pierce the abdomen with the bayonet.


This guy wanted to die together!


The corpse demon grabbed the Rubik's Cube's mechanical arm with both hands and kicked the rooftop with all his strength, grabbing the Rubik's Cube and rushing straight to the outside of the rooftop...

He was actually tricked by a zombie!

When the Rubik's Cube flew out of the rooftop, he had already considered the issue of face.

He, a super optical computer, was actually tricked by a pot of black paste brain.

The zombies knew martial arts and couldn't stop them.

This guy actually abandoned his noble body and a bunch of machines and jumped off the building.

How much hatred must he have.

In fact, the Rubik's Cube didn't know that before the end of the world, there were many people in Longguo who made a living by complaining and did nothing. They couldn't stand the slightest grievance in their hearts. Once they felt wronged, they immediately turned their grief and anger into action. It happened that this corpse demon was such a thing when he was alive.

""Warning! The propeller is damaged and cannot be used! The body cannot withstand the impact!" The system issued a warning.

The Cube deeply felt that this wheel propeller was unreliable. It could not play its due role again and again. It was time to transform it...

Whoosh~ Whoosh~

Two humanoid objects were reflected on the glass of the building's outer wall, and they were falling very fast!

"Rubik's Cube!"Zhang Xiaowen stopped while running and screamed as she looked at the Rubik's Cube falling from the hotel building! That was a building with more than 40 floors! Zhang Xiaowen's heart was in a knot as if she was falling with the Rubik's Cube. She never expected that the first time she met after so many days of separation, she would see the Rubik's Cube in danger.……

"Uh... you're here……"The Cube only had time to say this, and suddenly found that he had missed this stupid woman these days.

Bang! Crash...!!

Above the main entrance of the hotel is a large glass steel structure.

The Cube and the corpse demon smashed the tempered glass together, shattering it and falling to the ground with the glass fragments all over the sky.

The corpse demon's body fell to the ground with a snap and his belly broke, while the Cube bounced twice, and many broken mechanical parts and small parts, screws, pipes and other things fell.

He immediately lost his ability to move.

The core computer was still running.

The detection equipment that had escaped the disaster intermittently scanned the surrounding mental power fluctuations to find abnormalities, and soon locked onto an ordinary zombie.

A car not far from the hotel entrance opened its door, and a zombie with a decent image walked out of the car. He was pale and wore sunglasses. He walked out slowly like a human, and his appearance was no different from that corpse demon.

In an instant, the computer analyzed everything through his mental fluctuations. This is a pair of twins. One of them became an ordinary zombie after being infected with the T virus, while the other became a corpse demon. Due to the effect of mental power mutation, the corpse demon can control the body of itself and the twin brother, which is equivalent to having an extra life. It will only be used when it is absolutely necessary. Now, it has come to the last resort...

The ordinary zombie who slowly walked towards the Rubik's Cube was so angry that it was indescribable. After going through so much hardship, he finally turned a body into a high-level zombie, but he was forced to jump off the building and fall into a meat paste by a robot that suddenly appeared! Months of hard work were destroyed in an instant and returned to the pre-liberation era. What is this?

Just as the corpse demon dragged the ordinary zombie body slowly towards the Rubik's Cube, he accidentally found a shadow in the air rushing towards him...

Bang~! As soon as Zhang Xiaowen jumped up from the car and climbed over the roof, she saw an ordinary zombie. She simply stepped on the zombie's head and pushed hard towards the Rubik's Cube. As a result... the head of the zombie's body was pressed to the ground by a huge force. The skull of an ordinary zombie could not withstand such a great force and it was smashed into a rotten watermelon!

"…………"The Rubik's Cube robot, who struggled to lift the machine gun, twitched his mouth, and lay on the ground to repair his paralyzed body. He once again cleared an obstacle for human survival.

"Rubik's you still alive?……"Zhang Xiaowen ran to the front door of the hotel and chopped off the heads of several zombies with a knife. Her eyes fell on the Rubik's Cube. At this time, the Rubik's Cube was in great shape, with parts and screws all over the ground, and sparks were flashing all over the body, and smoke was coming out of many places!

"Woohoo... Cube... I shouldn't���I'm so angry I'll drive you away... woo woo... it's me who made you become like this……"

Zhang Xiaowen knelt in front of the Rubik's Cube and cried bitterly. Her tears fell all over the Rubik's Cube. The tears fell on the wound and caused the Rubik's Cube, which had a short circuit, to tremble. It was a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Woohoo...what should I do if you die...I can't live without you woohoo……"

She cried so much that she simply picked up the Rubik's Cube and continued crying. She carefully opened the face armor and found that the light of the Rubik's Cube's mechanical eyes was dim and about to go out. Zhang Xiaowen, who had a female mindset, hugged the Rubik's Cube and shook it to wake it up, but it had no effect except for a few parts that were thrown away.

" still alive...Although it's romantic to die in tears, I...zizi...don't want to turn off the phone yet……"

The Rubik's Cube spoke as soon as its mechanical mouth was repaired. It was not because it did not want to send a message, but because Zhang Xiaowen thought it was inconvenient to take off the goggles while crying. Fortunately, she put repairing the sound system first, otherwise she would have been drowned by her passionate tears.

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