Star Wars

Chapter 171

Life goes on, and Longshan Camp continues to operate in the heavy snow.

In order to improve efficiency and allow himself to concentrate on the battle, Rubik's Cube puts the manufacturing of engineering robots and mining vehicles first. All data uses the existing Longxing design standards. With engineering robots and mining vehicles, the production capacity will be greatly improved and manpower can be freed up to do other things, and he can also let go of the camp construction project and focus on more things.

Engineering robots and mining vehicles cannot be produced on the production line. Rubik's Cube personally makes and assembles them one part at a time. Engineering robots are the same size as ordinary people, and have primary intelligent programs that can independently complete various production and manufacturing tasks. It is initially decided to make two. Judging from the current factory of Longshan Camp, two engineering robots are completely sufficient.

A few days later, when Zhang Xiaowen came to the factory, she found that there were actually two more robots, but they looked very different from Rubik's Cube.

With the help of two professional engineering robots, the speed of manufacturing mining vehicles has been greatly improved.

Anyway, there are abandoned vehicles, abandoned houses and abandoned equipment everywhere.

Mining vehicles can collect enough metal materials without drilling functions, which saves a lot of processes.

The simplified version of the mining vehicle can only travel on land.

It has off-road and defense functions.

The vehicle is equipped with manipulators and other collection equipment.

There are also four heavy machine guns around for self-protection.

After all, after the end of the world, humans have improved their ability to use weapons a lot.

Who knows if some idle people will attack mining vehicles.

The weapon system is very important.


After many days, all the construction work was finally completed, and the second mining truck slowly drove away from the workbench.

The mining truck has an intelligent program like a robot.

After starting the program, it slowly drove out of the factory and appeared in the snow.

It automatically opened the details of the nearby area transmitted by the Rubik's Cube to find places where materials may exist.

The metal detection equipment was turned on, and two heavy large mining trucks drove out of the camp.

When passing by some inconspicuous metal objects, no matter how big or small, they were all collected.

It can be said to be a good helper for thriftiness.

After the Rubik's Cube gave the engineering robot an order to make ammunition, it walked towards the big house in the camp.


The mechanical feet stepped on the snow and made a sound of squeezing the snow. When it reached the ice, six small auxiliary stabilizing machines like grippers would pop out on both sides of the mechanical feet to help stabilize the body. As a machine, if it slipped, it would be very embarrassing...

Pushing open the door, the Rubik's Cube walked into the hall, glanced to find Zhang Xiaowen's position, and walked over there.

Zhang Xiaowen saw the Rubik's Cube walking towards her, raised the cup in her hand and shook it. Outside the window, the snow is white and the wind is howling. But inside the house, the bored Zhang Xiaowen is drinking milk tea with two little rabbit sisters. Of course, the milk tea is the normal kind without plastic particles. Not many people can drink milk tea by the warm stove on a snowy day.

"Rubik's Cube, would you like a cup of peanut flavor?"

"I won't drink this low-grade liquid. I'm here to tell you that I'm going to Shancheng County this afternoon to see if there are any living people and collect data on the activity of winter zombies."

"Oh? Going to Shancheng County? How to get there? In winter, no one clears the snow on the road, so it's quite difficult to walk. It's good to go and take a look. We have to find out the situation nearby. How about I go with you? We can deal with things together."After saying that, Zhang Xiaowen picked up a cup of hot milk tea and took a sip, not caring about what the magic cube said about the low-level liquid

"I'll go by myself. We can travel faster on the snow. You just stay at home and watch for any sneaky people. A few days ago, the guard robots outside the valley camp spotted a few humans. We suspect they might be from other camps. Just pay more attention. If there are people with bad intentions, you can lift the restrictions on the use of robot weapons."

"Okay, by the way, remember to bring some Shancheng County specialties when you come back. Xiaojing and Jiajia are in the growth stage and need to supplement nutrition."

The Cube nodded to indicate that he heard it, stretched out his mechanical hand and touched the hot stove. He didn't understand why the air conditioner could adjust the temperature, so why did he have to burn the stove? Is it really just for psychological comfort as others said? Humans are really strange. If they don't understand, they don't think about it. They turned around and walked out of the big house with standard steps.

When they walked out of the door, they bent down on the asphalt ground with residual snow, and with a few clicks, they transformed into a racing motorcycle. The engine roared, and they drove out of the camp gate along the swept path without slowing down.

Driving along the road with only small animal footprints, they quickly found three routes to Shancheng County, two of which were provincial roads and one highway. After thinking about it, they decided to take the highway. Anyway, the three roads were also congested, so why not take the flat and straight highway? Unfortunately, the flight thrusters are not suitable for long-distance flight. Now they can only rush to Shancheng County in the form of motorcycles.


When he reached the highway, the Cube crashed through the fence and entered the highway area. On the highway without any footprints, the Cube was driving at high speed. In order to facilitate driving on the snow, the Cube also made a few snow balance devices. With the snow rolling behind it, it went straight to the county seat of Shancheng County, where Jiangcheng belongs. On the highway between the mountains, a racing motorcycle passed by quickly.……

"Humans found, three kilometers ahead."The detection equipment suddenly found survivors.

The speeding Rubik's Cube was stunned. Three kilometers ahead? Isn't that a mountain tunnel? Could it be that these survivors are hiding in this tunnel to survive? Although the tunnel looks safe, once it is blocked, it is really difficult to escape. Perhaps these survivors are attracted by the relatively warm temperature in the mountain tunnel in winter. If they stay outside, they would have been frozen to death in the cold night.

"There are eleven survivors, including two, three elderly people and a young child.

When the apocalypse broke out, these people might have gone on a trip with their families and finally hid here.

"On the screen of the Rubik's Cube, eleven green figures representing humans were walking deep in the tunnel.

After thinking for a while, they turned around and drove from the lawn in the middle of the highway to the other side of the highway, and plunged into the dark mountain tunnel.

In the tunnel, more than ten cars were crowded together, and more than twenty zombies were trapped in the cars, howling.

Without food supplements, they were all as thin as specimens.

The speeding Rubik's Cube quickly transformed into a robot, and then the rapid inertia brought by the movement of the mechanical legs moved over the roofs of cars, jumped over the obstacle area, and landed with a few clicks and a series of sparks, turning into a motorcycle and continuing to drive. What the Rubik's Cube didn't notice was that there was a connecting passage between the two tunnels in the long cave on the highway. In the passage, several people were stunned...

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