Star Wars

Chapter 31

When a group of boys and six shamattes were pulling a cart of corpses towards the incineration site with sad faces, they saw Zhang Xiaowen and the magical toy car that was definitely following them. But there was also a blackback dog beside them. Its physique looked very lethal. Of course, there was also the factor that they were born to be afraid of big black dogs. After they walked in, they saw that Zhang Xiaowen was holding three puppies in her arms, humming and chirping, which was very cute.

When the blackback dog and the puppies were brought back to the large floor-to-ceiling glass house, the three puppies instantly attracted the attention of all the girls.

They hummed and chirped, and licked their palms.

Their cute appearance instantly captured the hearts of the girls.

Every time they passed by the puppies, they would take the opportunity to touch them a few times.

Even Teacher He was no exception.

The depressed students had a little more smile on their faces because of the three little lives.

The female German Shepherd was very alert and a little uneasy after entering the house. She kept sniffing the smell of zombies in the room. It seemed that she was seriously frightened here. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaowen kept comforting her and she gradually calmed down. Mofang guessed that she must have calmed down after watching the girls busying around. After all, the dog can distinguish between people and zombies, otherwise she would not have followed Zhang Xiaowen back. She is quite vigilant.

"Put its nest next to the guns and ammunition, behind the counter on the side."Mofang said to Zhang Xiaowen through the headset, it is much better to have a black-backed dog to watch over the guns than to put them in a room.

"Hey! That's a good idea. When the puppies grow up in a few months, we will have three more guards to protect the yard."

Zhang Xiaowen found a torn quilt to make a nest and put the puppies in it. She also went to get a bowl of food and brought it over. Although it might seem like a waste of food, the necessary role of guarding is still very important. It would be really strange if a dog's nose couldn't smell the strong stench of zombies.


At night, it was a rare full-moon night, and it was very bright.

At Zhang Xiaowen's suggestion, everyone did not live separately in different villas. Even if Zhang Xiaowen didn't say it, no one would want to live alone far away. They all lived in the large house on the second floor of the golf manor reception with floor-to-ceiling windows. A large number of mattresses and quilts were moved in, and men and women were separated on both sides. People lived on the first and second floors.

With the help of the moonlight, you can see a big black-backed dog lying outside the door. The black-backed dog was named Dahei by Zhang Xiaowen, and Mofang's suggestion to call it Black-backed Dog No. 1 was rejected. It may be because of the threat from zombies. Dahei has been lying at the door with his ears erect, except for returning to the nest to check on the cubs, which makes Zhang Xiaowen very satisfied.

On the guardrail of the rooftop terrace, Zhang Xiaowen and Mofang sat on the guardrail with their hands supporting their chins and looking at the moon. The two figures, one big and one small, were bathed in the slightly blue moonlight, listening to the chirping of crickets.

"Rubik's Cube, is the moon beautiful?"

"I didn't look at the moon, but I can look at it if you need me to." The Rubik's Cube said, supporting its chin with its two mechanical arms without raising its head.

"Not looking at the moon? Then what are you looking at? Don't say you are seeing the truth through the universe"

"I'm looking at where I am……"

"Tsk, you're just sitting here, acting like you're good at philosophy, so mean." Zhang Xiaowen pouted.


"What to do next……"

"It's simple. Treat this place as a camp. First, build protective facilities and set up a warning area. Tomorrow, you can ask Teacher He to lead everyone to do preparatory work around the camp. I have saved the drawings and requirements in your laptop. Remember to let the laptop bask in the sun to charge it."

"Speaking of electricity, Rubik's Cube, can you restore the power?"

"Don't rush to charge, there are too many things to do, take your time, I will go to search the surrounding area tomorrow, you and Teacher He arrange the work and then select a few people, regardless of gender, to start familiarizing yourself with guns and training courage, the use of assault rifles and maintenance precautions are all in the computer, by the way, that fat guy and Gao Dong are good"

"Well, that's good. Anyway, I'm not interested in management. I can just throw the problem to Mr. He when the time comes."

Mofang nodded to Zhang Xiaowen's opinion. Zhang Xiaowen was indeed not that kind of material. It would be more comfortable for her to be a ranger. Being a guardian is much more comfortable than being a steward. Even if she has to fight to the death, there is a robot like her who is not afraid of death rushing in front of her. What's so scary?

"Go to bed early. Dahei and I will be on guard at night."

"OK, good night"

"Mechanical life forms don't need goodnight"

"Damn, you don't know how to express your feelings, your head is full of metal"

"Yes, there are no cells in my computer core anyway." The Cube said seriously


A night of silence.

In the morning, in Zhang Xiaowen's eyes, the magic cube's eyes emitted green fan-shaped scanning beams to scan a streamlined toy remote control racing car in the display cabinet, and then it changed into a blue remote control racing car with a few clicks. The large-wheeled off-road vehicle was responsible for driving in poor conditions, and the racing car was responsible for driving at high speeds. The functions were instantly complete.

Zhang Xiaowen had only one thought in her head, it was so cool! It was just a little small. If it was bigger, it would be a universal sports car!

"I'm going to Chadaokou Town to search, maybe I'll be back in the afternoon, bye~"

Under Zhang Xiaowen's surprised gaze, the Rubik's Cube's motor instantly accelerated, and the tires rubbed out a cloud of black smoke and rushed out, just like a real racing car, driving at high speed along the flat asphalt road. Although the speed was not as fast as a real car, it was not much different.

Fatty and Gao Dong just went out and saw the Rubik's Cube rushing past the door. The two were almost scared.

"Sister Zhang, you have modified another toy car. It has a very strong self-driving capability, much better than those high-tech drones on TV." The fat man said in shock, and Gao Dong followed behind and nodded in agreement.

"Uh... no big deal. You two go find ten people, five men and five women, who need to be physically fit and courageous."

"Ten people? No problem, but can you be more specific so that it will be easier to choose? Gao Dong asked curiously, but an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.……

"It's very simple. Set up a temporary guard team and train them on basic knowledge such as the use of firearms."


No matter what was going on in the camp, the Rubik's Cube was racing like crazy on the sparsely populated asphalt road.

Squeak - the Rubik's Cube made a beautiful drift at the sharp turn. There were no people except high-tech mechanical life forms who were playing with toy cars to this extent. He accidentally knocked over a frog crossing the road. The poor frog stretched out its limbs and flew over the Rubik's head. Its white belly was particularly dazzling in the sun. The frightened frog landed with a snap and jumped directly into the grass by the roadside.

On the silent road, the Rubik's Cube's headlights flashed continuously and sirens sounded. It accelerated recklessly and rushed past a speed camera when passing by... the intersection of the town.

A toy racing car rushed over with a buzzing motor. After entering the town, the racing car jumped into the air. If you watch it in slow motion, you will find that the vehicle has been deformed. Then, with a few clicks, it turned into a small robot of more than 30 centimeters in the air. It landed and rolled on the ground, scraping a series of sparks and stood up.

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