Star Wars

Chapter 76

"Hmph! I advise you to be more polite when you speak! There are some people you can't afford to offend!"

Bang! The man with the mustache broke off a piece of cement from the windowsill and rubbed it into ash, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"We want to leave! Please save us... We still have fourteen children here... ah……!"Before the girl could finish her words, she was slapped in the face by the mustache man. The man hit her hard, and blood came out of the corner of her mouth. Her hair was disheveled and she looked very pitiful. The other three and a group of children were all angry but could not speak.

The cube quickly flew backwards away from the window, and marked the mustache man with a red mark. This mark was exactly the same as the zombie mark, which meant that he could be physically destroyed by shooting.

"Wenzi, there are five adults and fourteen children here. Except for the men, everyone else needs to be rescued. Bring ten team members. This man is an evolved mutant. It is recommended to give him some power and then eliminate him."

"Evolved mutant? Wait for me to kill him."

Zhang Xiaowen didn't need to ask why the magic cube wanted to kill him. If he wanted to kill him, there must be a reason for him to die. There was no need to ask more questions.

"Fatty, you lead a small team to guard the boat. If anyone tries to steal the boat or threatens us, we will shoot. Gao Dong's team, come with me."

"Yes!" The fat man saluted in a proper manner.

"Wait! Why don’t you sail yet? Sailing away from here immediately! We need food!"Just as Zhang Xiaowen and her men turned around to leave, someone suddenly shouted on the boat.

"There are still survivors who need to be rescued, so we can't sail the boat!"

"Why don't you sail the boat! You can leave a small boat for people! Do you know who I am? I am an official from the city's education department, and I know the governor. I advise you to send me to the safe zone immediately, otherwise I will talk to your superiors. You are just a small soldier, so I advise you to think about yourself! You don't have any sense at all. I really don't know how you got by in the past. You have to be a good person, don't you know?"

After saying this, the middle-aged man with a big belly sneered and wanted to laugh at Zhang Xiaowen, but all he saw from the eyes of the other fully armed team members was the ridicule at himself. The fat man was still pouting, damn it!

Zhang Xiaowen thought for a while before she remembered who this big belly was.

When they were upstairs, it was this guy who instigated everyone not to make room for the Rubik's Cube Blast, and he ran the fastest when he ran away.

Many weak girls were almost fainted from hunger.

This guy was actually potbellied.

When he got on the boat, he even pushed others away to get on first and almost pushed others into the water.

When he got on the boat, he found a good seat to sit down and didn't make room for the sick people.

He also cursed at the team members and said that they had not prepared any food.

"If you are in a hurry, you can swim away. I can give you a life buoy."Zhang Xiaowen inserted a few magazines into the bulletproof tactical vest and was about to leave.

"Come back here!"

No one responded.

""Good! Very good! When we get back, I will make all of you unlucky!"

This official was not sure whether he was stimulated by the zombies of the end of the world or if it was just his nature.

He was usually kind and well-mannered, but once he was treated unfairly, his true nature was immediately exposed.

His arrogant attitude and open threats angered Zhang Xiaowen, who was already full of violence and had no place to attack.

She was not satisfied with beating the zombies just now, and now there was a big belly.

No matter what, she could take action.

She stood on the shore with her legs slightly bent and jumped hard...

Bang! In the shocked eyes of everyone, she accurately jumped a long distance and landed on the deck next to the seat of the big-bellied official, grabbing the big belly. The belly's tie lifted it up high and threw it into the river.

Plop... The belly that fell into the water struggled desperately to climb onto the boat.

Kaka! The pistol was loaded.


A bloody hole was punched in the head of the belly that was still struggling in the water. It floated on the water motionlessly. The red blood gradually spread in the river. Zhang Xiaowen quietly put the pistol back into the holster. There was silence on both boats. Although many people disliked the belly, they did not want to kill him. After all, they were taught from childhood that killing is a serious crime.

Another leap, landing easily on the shore

"Let's go, there are fourteen children who need to be rescued over there, be careful there are zombies in the building."

Zhang Xiaowen took the lead, a total of eleven people in battle formation quickly approached the apartment building...

On the fourth floor, the man with a small mustache saw a pair of fully armed soldiers rushing towards him and was immediately furious and yelled.

The rough content of his curse was that he was annoyed that these people ignored his opinion and forced their way over.

He didn't ask others to rescue him, so why did they come? It was clearly a disrespect and contempt for him, and it was completely a dog chasing rats and meddling in other people's business, etc.

No matter how angry the man with a small mustache was, the magic cube was smiling in the air as he watched Zhang Xiaowen and his group rush into the building and head towards the fourth floor.

He broke into pieces of tofu.

I don't know where the scumbag cement is, let me show you how bullets taste.

As for the evolution of the mustache, Rubik's Cube didn't take it seriously.

The evolved zombies were stronger than him in terms of physical strength and bloody fighting instincts.

Zhang Xiaowen was able to beat the evolved zombies with her bare hands, not to mention this cowardly bully.

Ten more people were brought because they wanted to protect the children.

A person with no combat experience would be a waste even if he evolved.

He even dreamed of being the commander in the camp and letting others take risks to support him.

It was simply a big interstellar joke.

In the corridor

""Follow me closely!" Zhang Xiaowen ran in front with a submachine gun, and was about to reach the private kindergarten on the fourth floor.

Bang! The door of the fourth floor was opened from the inside, and the little mustache came out angrily. If he didn't come out soon, they would beat him to the door.

""Everyone, go! Go! We don't need your rescue! Who told you to come here? If you come over here again, I will be rude to you!" The man with a mustache waved his arms and shouted like crazy.

Zhang Xiaowen was unmoved and continued to go upstairs.

"I have to teach you a lesson!"The man with the mustache raised his hand and grabbed Zhang Xiaowen, who was at the front. Zhang Xiaowen also reached out to grab the man with the mustache. The man was stunned for a moment and then sneered, as if he had seen Zhang Xiaowen's next scream.

"Ah... it hurts……"

Almost instantly, the mustache man felt that his inexplicably strong wrist was as painful as if it was clamped by a steel clamp. He knelt down little by little with a scream. When the pain stopped, he found that all the soldiers had entered the room. He had originally thought that he could conquer the world after becoming stronger, but his ambition was ruthlessly destroyed. It was like the thing he cared about most was thrown to the ground and stepped on and spit on by others...

This fully armed combat uniform gained trust again. Four kindergarten teachers and fourteen children followed Zhang Xiaowen and her group downstairs without hesitation.

Zhang Xiaowen didn't even bother to look at the mustache man when she passed by him. She originally planned to kill him, but she really couldn't muster up the interest to kill him. He was pinched for a while and couldn't even stand up now. He still said he wanted to be a commander. If he really became a commander, everyone in the camp would probably die.

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