Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 450: : The Ankylosing Dragon Mercenary Corps came for help

Shite Alia asked Yan Tielong: It's time for him to make a teleportation magic circle, why doesn't she know, why let a certain woman use it first?

Yan Tielong was happy when he heard the content of Shite Alia's jealousy, but he asked Shite Alia with a calm expression: Does she still remember the crusade against the undead in Tomb Mountain?

Shite Alia answered with great certainty: "Of course I remember!".

At the same time, she asked: "Does the Tomb Mountain incident have anything to do with the teleportation magic circle?".

"It's a big deal. The Kongming Stone I made of the teleportation magic circle "has stable space energy. This kind of stone is generally used for space equipment and teleportation circles, but it is the worst level among space materials, so everything made with it is It consumes a lot of energy." It was made from the teleportation magic circle abandoned by the necromancer!".

Shite Alia heard Yan Tielong talk about how the teleportation magic circle came about; she puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, because Yan Tielong did not explain why Odie Aidia could use the magic circle first.

Yan Tielong was dissatisfied when he saw Shite Alia. He knew that he was not talking about the subject, and his waist was going to turn purple, so he began to explain why he asked Odie Aidiya in Roaring Lion Village to help him.

It turned out that since Yan Tielong visited the primary trial building complex, he immediately set up a magic circle in the secret room of his team leader's room. Of course, after setting up the teleportation circle, Yan Tielong personally teleported it to his room in the Chaoyang Flower Tavern.

After he came back, Yan Tielong went back to the Rou Rou Hotel. On the journey, he met a traveling merchant who was selling medicinal herbs, so he went up to have a look. As a result, Yan Tielong found that the medicinal herbs in the traveling medicinal herb merchant's carriage were all very high-grade, among which there were Subsidize materials for "Fruit of the Heart of the Earth".

Yan Tielong spent a lot of money to buy medicinal materials, and then returned to the Rou Rou Hotel to start making potions. When Yan Tielong finally made the potions, he had not slept for two nights, and in the afternoon of the next day, Yan Tielong had to take a good rest. As a result, Ye Xing Ruosi and Uncle Kemedis came to the door, and they asked Yan Tielong: "Has he processed the real estate data and can reconcile the accounts?".

Yan Tielong, who didn't read the accounts at all, could only ask the other party to say, "Give him some time.".

After Ye Xing Ruosi and Uncle Kemedis agreed, Yan Tielong planned to ask his fiancee for help, but Shit Alia was instructed by Shi Tu Aide Shen in swordsmanship.

Yan Tielong couldn't bear to disturb his fiancée, so he went to Ospene and the others. As a result, all the members who were able to handle the accounts went out to do tasks.

Helpless Yan Tielong suddenly thought of Odie Aidya in Roaring Lion Village, so he teleported to the tavern to find Odie Aidya who was very bored in the tavern.

Oudie Aidiya heard Yan Tielong's intention to come; she agreed to Yan Tielong's request for help.

So the two dealt with accounting data overnight; this also caused Yan Tielong to stay up late for three consecutive days, and now Yan Tielong really wants to sleep.

Shite Alia heard Yan Tielong's explanation before she noticed Yan Tielong's dark circles, so she took Yan Tielong to see her father.

The sudden appearance of his daughter and future son-in-law surprised and happy Lionel Frege, so he asked his daughter: "Is there a mission here, so I can just come to see him?".

Shite Alia shook her head, she told her father: Tielong made a magic circle from Roaring Lion Village to Guyu Town, so she took Yan Tielong to surprise her father.

Hearing Arya's explanation, Fragg of Lion asked his daughter with an expression of disbelief, "Is it true?".

Shite Alia nodded and answered with certainty, but she asked Yan Tielong who was beside her, "Is that right?"; as a result, she saw Yan Tielong sleeping standing up.

Seeing Yan Tielong standing asleep, Lionel Alia was about to wake him up in dissatisfaction; Lionel Frege stopped his daughter's behavior, and then he carried the sleeping Yan Tielong to the bed in some of the newly built castle rooms. .

After settling down Yan Tielong, Lion Frege instructed his servant, "Don't let anyone disturb Yan Tielong!".

Then he took his daughter out for a walk, and at the same time learned about her recent situation.

Hearing his daughter say: "I am very happy."; Lionel Frege was very pleased, so he couldn't help asking his daughter: "Why is my future son-in-law so tired?".

Seeing her daughter's hesitant look, Lionel Frege asked her daughter, "Would you like to see her mother with him?".

Hearing her father's invitation to go see her mother together, Shit Arya nodded in agreement without thinking.

When the two fathers and daughters of Shite came to the sunflower field, they saw the sunflower growing at its most vigorous, and there was a cross cemetery in the flower field.

Shite Alia saw her father come to the cemetery with a smile, and she looked at her father very affectionately at the cross and talked to herself about her thoughts.

When Arya Lion heard her father's thoughts, she noticed the infinite loneliness in her father's expression; this was different from what she thought, after all, her father married a new wife in ten days, and he didn't. It should be lonely.

After thinking about it for an hour, Lionel Frege realized that he had his daughter by his side, so he began to tell his daughter everything about himself and his deceased wife.

As for his father's story about him and his mother; Shit Alia was a little surprised, after all, this time his father's story about his mother was different from before.

For example, this time Lionel Frege is not talking about his mother's gentleness, kindness, and strength, but about his mother's willfulness, which caused a series of bad things, such as misunderstanding that he had other women and ran away from home.

When Lionel Alia heard the other side of her mother, she didn't believe it; but when she saw her father tell the story about her mother with a longing expression, she knew that what her father said was true.

And when Yan Tielong and Shite Alia were in Roaring Lion Village, far away from the gate of the Saint-pattern mercenary regiment in Guyu Town, a big man with a beard and scumbag on his back asked the receptionist to see Yan Tielong, the head of the Saint-pattern mercenary regiment!

"I know Your Excellency Yan Tielong!" "I am also a friend of Your Excellency Yan Tielong. I have something to ask Your Excellency Yan Tielong, do you know if he is here now?".

The beautiful receptionist at the front desk heard that the other party was a friend of her own boss, and she did not dare to neglect, so she introduced the other party into the hall, and asked another beautiful receptionist to make black tea for the big man, and she herself went to the head of the group.

As a result, there was no figure of Yan Tielong in the head's room, and the beauty at the front desk could only find other members of the Sacred Pattern Mercenary Corps, hoping they could find the big boss.

At noon, those members of the Sacred Pattern Mercenary Corps who came back early searched for their own head, but of course they couldn't find them. After the awakened Odie Aidiya came to the stronghold of the Sacred Pattern Mercenary Corps, she told what might be Yan Tielong's friend Dahan: "The head of the regiment went out in the morning. As for when he will return, I don't know."

The members of the Saint Pattern Mercenary Corps heard what Odie Aidya said to a friend who might be Yan Tielong. They were very curious about how Odie Adiya knew that the head of the regiment was out. They had to know that the beautiful receptionist at the front desk did not see Yan Tielong from the mercenary regiment's stronghold. out the door.

So as the third captain of the mercenary regiment, Mi Luoan, he stepped forward and asked Odie Aidiya in a low voice: "Do you really know where the regiment commander is?"; Meet Yan Tielong.

Ou Die Aidiya whispered to Qi Mi Luoan: "I do know where the boss may be, but there are outsiders now, so I can't say where the boss is, after all, the boss's place has been involved in the core secrets of the mercenary group. .".

When Qi Mi Luoan heard Odie Aidiya's words, he was a little messy. After all, as the third captain of the mercenary regiment, why did he not know the core secrets of the Saint Mark mercenary regiment?

It didn't take long for Ospyne and the others to return after completing the mission. When he learned that someone was looking for the captain, and the captain was not there, then as the deputy captain, he had to come forward to deal with the incident of the absence of the captain, so he came to the stronghold You will meet the big man in the hall. After he introduces himself, he tells the other party that when the commander is not around, as the deputy commander of the Sacred Pattern Mercenary Corps, he has full authority to deal with it.

The bearded man heard that the person was the deputy commander of the Sacred Pattern Mercenary Corps, and he introduced himself to Ospine.

It turned out that the bearded man was the head of the Ankylosing mercenary regiment of the King of North Verojing, Maddie and he came to Guyu Town and the Fortress of Bostro to sell spices, but the sale of spices did not go well , so he was very annoyed and anxious, after all, if he didn't sell the spices sooner, then his tribe would be hungry.

And when they went out and got advice from an expert, only Yan Tielong could help them quickly appear in the spice to buy food and return to the tribe to provide food and clothing for the tribe.

So he learned from his comrades in Guyu Town that Yan Tielong had returned to Guyu Town in Madison. He hurried over from the Postro Fortress, hoping that Yan Tielong could help him sell a large amount of spices. Only in this way can he Buy food to go back to the Northern Verokin Kingdom.

Hearing that the other party was looking for the leader to sell a lot of spices, Ospine began to worry. After all, business is not Ospine's goodness, so he found Ye Xing Ruosi to find a way.

Ye Xing Ruosi heard that Maddie was here to sell spices. He felt that his money was waving to him, so he excitedly came to Maddie and asked him, "What spices are sold and what is the price?" .

If the spices that Madison sold were of good quality and low prices, Ye Xing Ruosi planned to eat them all, after all, the other party couldn't sell the spices.

It's just that when Ye Xing Ruosi got the spices that Maddie Jiles had for cooking and high prices, he said that he could buy some with affection, but if there were too many, it could only be solved by waiting for Yan Tielong to come back.

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