Chapter 291 Miracles, completely hidden!!

Returning from Cross side, Lu Ming was talking to Tang Siyi.

“Xiao Luzi, do you believe that there is a God in this world?”

Tang Siyi looked at Lu Ming and said mysteriously.

“God? I’ve seen ghosts too! ”

Lu Ming looked at Tang Siyi with mentally retarded eyes.

Is this something that a materialist should think about?

As a materialist, what needs to be thought about is not the existence of God.

It’s that God has no blood!

“Don’t make a fuss, I’ll tell you the serious one!”

Tang Siyi patted Lu Ming to see Lu Ming’s expression and listened to the tone of Lu Ming’s speech.

Where did she not know that Lu Ming was teasing her.

But what Tang Siyi said was true

She didn’t believe it before, but this time she had experienced it herself.

That’s how people are.

Many things others say, and they don’t want to believe it.

But as long as you have experienced it yourself, this feeling is absolutely unforgettable.

Although it has been nearly two months since that battle.

But Tang Siyi still remembers the spectacular scene of golden light outside the bridge window.

Tang Siyi had been buried in his heart for a long time.

She actually wanted to tell Lu Ming for a long time, but Lu Ming had been busy all along.

And she also knew that Lu Ming seemed to hate these metaphysical things.

So this delay has dragged on to today.

What had happened in the fleet had spread through the Dwarven Star.

Now the Dwarven Star has become a concentration of faith in the gods of all machines.

Even the dwarves greeted each other in the morning and gossiped about eating with a compliment to the Ommessiah.

In that way, it is as if you are uncomfortable without adding this sentence.

“I tell you the truth, I’ve seen God!”

Tang Siyi walked over to Lu Ming’s face, with a serious expression, and said solemnly, “No, I haven’t seen God, but I’ve seen miracles, female!” ”

Lu Ming looked at Tang Siyi, who was somewhat abnormal, and his face was full of question marks.



Lu Ming reached out and touched Tang Siyi’s forehead, and he suspected that this lady had a fever and that the fever was not clear.

This eye is full of nonsense~

“Oh, I mean really, you believe me!”

Tang Siyi slapped Lu Ming’s big hand and muttered with some depression.

“I tell you, didn’t I take the fleet to fight with the combined fleet before, and that time I was surrounded and ordered to see the team crash into me…”

Hearing this, the corners of Lu Ming’s mouth twitched.

Good guys, interstellar wars, battles between fleets in your eyes just fights?

That’s war!

It’s war!

Can you not say the same as a child’s home.

At first, Lu Ming didn’t care at all, and Tang Siyi was telling him a joke.

But slowly, Lu Ming’s face changed.

By the time Tang Siyi finished speaking, Lu Ming’s whole person was already stupid.

What’s the thing?

The energy shield of the fleet turned golden?

And energy consumption is always kept at a minimum level of 1%?

This pedal horse simply can’t… As if thinking of something, Neng Lu Ming turned his head to look at Tang Siyi and asked, “You said that the energy shield turned golden?” ”


Tang Siyi nodded.

“Is energy consumption still kept to a minimum?”


Tang Siyi continued to nod like a chicken pecking rice.

The expression is very determined.

Lu Ming originally thought that this was simply impossible.

But it is not completely impossible, there is still a glimmer of possibility.

For example, the spirit can grunt~!

Lu Ming swallowed hard and looked at Tang Siyi.

“Tell me more about it.”

So Tang Siyi told Lu Ming everything that happened that day.

It’s just that Tang Siyi deliberately downplayed the dangerous situation at that time.

She didn’t want Lu Ming to worry about her.

It’s just that Tang Siyi misunderstood, and Lu Ming at this time had no other thoughts at all.

He was now full of two words——— spiritual energy.

According to Tang Siyi, at a critical moment, the dwarves sang a song of praise to the God of Chance, and then a series of incredible things broke out.

How is this style of painting so familiar?

Isn’t that how the Battle Sisters used to play?

Only one sings the song of the nuns and the other sings the praise of the gods.

But what they all have in common is that after that, there has been an incredible change in them.

The Battle Sister Group Force is restored, the Full Blood is resurrected, the Chainsaw Sword, and the Power Armor are also fully functioning again.

When Tang Siyi was like this, he even exaggerated and even wrapped up the entire battleship, and there was more than one.

It’s all battleships!

Such a dreamy thing, Lu Ming couldn’t think of any other explanation except spiritual energy.

According to Cross, if the production of spiritual energy really has to do with faith.

Then everything can be said and done.

According to this logic, the dwarf corps led by Tang Siyi triggered spiritual energy because of its strong belief in the Oommiah.

And the Dwarven Corps is far more numerous than the Fighting Nuns.

Therefore, the performance of spiritual energy is also more exaggerated.


Lu Ming inhaled a cool breath.

If you think about it, it makes perfect sense!

Is it true that spiritual energy, as John said, is not the energy of subspace but the power of faith?

Lu Ming’s expression was very strange.

When it comes to faith, the first thing that comes to mind is the so-called God.

If faith really exists and can really affect reality, doesn’t that mean that God really exists?

If she thought about it this way, Tang Siyi said that what she saw was a miracle and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it

“… Xiao Luzi, what’s wrong with you? ”

Tang Siyi saw that Lu Ming’s expression would be blue and white for a while, just like playing a comedy to change his face, and he was a little curious.

“This matter is not clear for a moment and a half…”

Lu Ming smiled bitterly in his heart.

Originally, he was secretive about spiritual energy.

He had ordered the Imperial Academy not to carry out any research on spiritual energy, but later, with Johnson’s theory of faith, he allowed Johnson to study it in secret in order to find out what was going on.

But it still can’t be publicized everywhere.

The result is now good, Tang Siyi also encountered strange things.

And not only Tang Siyi, but also the huge army of dwarves led by Tang Siyi.

Well, the spiritual energy thing seems to be completely hidden

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