StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 72 Demon Leader

The dark blue sky looks like an inverted sea surface. One bright moon is rising and the other is setting. Below is the boundless sea of ​​clouds. Two APOD transport ships, each carrying a main platoon of Marines, streaked across the night sky of Turasis II, leaving behind two thin silver lines like meteors.

At a certain moment, the two transport ships suddenly accelerated, and the icy blue flames ejected from the propellers became brighter. They dived and jumped into the clouds like boobies with their wings folded and stabbed into the sea.

Augustus's seat vibrated with the bumps of the transport ship. He held his breath and silently counted a series of numbers on the HUD display. Next to him, a Marine with an electromagnetic rifle and a machine gun in his arms sat neatly on his seat, with the same skull pattern printed on the matte mask.

The pilot of this transport must be a lunatic.

The spaceship was falling like a hunting falcon, and the angle between the horizontal plane and the ground was infinitely close to 90 degrees. Augustus felt that he was falling towards the earth. The weightlessness and dizziness of the rapid fall made his heart seem to be out of control. beats like a pendulum clock.

Tychus Finlay was sitting opposite Augustus, with two seat belts firmly binding him to the seat. Even so, Tychus was still smoking a cigarette he had received from Ward without changing his expression. As soon as the ashes fell, they were blown towards the stern of the cabin and disappeared.

After the smoke and fire flickered out several times, the propellers on the side of the transport ship were ignited again. The bow of the transport ship gradually flattened, and the belly of the ship was almost close to the ground as it sailed into the distance in the thorny white wilderness of Turasis II.

The spacecraft began to slow down and the side shields opened. Augustus could see the spacecraft flying very close to the ground, and the scenery on the ground was quickly thrown behind him. He unbuckled his seat belt, walked up the aisle holding the handrail, and held tightly to the iron rod of the exit on the side of the ship.

"Jump!" Augustus ordered after the first house appeared. Marines in dark gray power armor jumped one after another. When Augustus took off against the strong wind, the transport ship had already circled several times over the gang stronghold.

Augustus landed firmly near a concrete building with flickering lights. Two demons from heaven stood beside him, guarding their commander. In the sky, another ship full of resocialized soldiers hovered over them, and the fully armed Marines jumped from the sky.

In front of Augustus' eyes, gang members wearing only civilian clothes were running away in panic in front of him, holding automatic rifles and even pistols. Some of them only held wooden sticks and dung forks.

After Augustus raised his rifle and fired a few shots, the people began to flee in panic. His troops collapsed without encountering any decent resistance from the enemy. The Marines drove the unmotivated gang members like cattle. Many more people raised their hands and surrendered than those who dared to shoot.

Ignoring those who were screaming, Augustus led the two demons from heaven and walked around to the main entrance, clinging to the wall of the concrete building. The front door was a thin and fragile piece of cut synthetic wood, and the Marines in power armor broke open the door with ease.

With the clang of the door being knocked open, a gang member wearing pure black power armor bent over and rushed out. This gang member's power armor is similar to that used by the Kaimorians, but without as many insignias symbolizing family and lineage. Possibly due to a flaw in the servo system, his movements are quite stiff and look more like a Kemerian imitation of Federation power armor.

Like a rattling battle tank, the Caymorian Ripper rushed towards Augustus and tackled him.

"Damn it!" Augustus fell to the ground, and before he could stand up, the other party straddled his body, making him unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, the gang member picked up his electromagnetic pistol with one hand and pointed it at Augustus' mask and prepared to shoot. The latter punched open the opponent's arm, causing both of his shots to miss.

In a flash of lightning, Henry, the squad leader of the third squad, knocked away the crazy gang member after a run-up. Another Heavenly Demon aimed at the enemy's helmet and fired after he was knocked away. With a sound like a lightbulb shattering, the opponent's already broken helmet was penetrated by a shotgun bullet.

"Sir, you should really practice. This is not the first time you have failed in close combat." A demon from heaven stretched out his hand to Augustus.

"I owe you a life, Henry. You are right, my performance in this regard is simply a piece of shit." Augustus stood up and felt that this scene seemed familiar. He took a deep breath and said: "Fortunately, my swordsmanship teacher didn't see this scene, otherwise he would be ashamed to admit that I was once his best student."

During the boot camp, Augustus scored very high in combat subjects, but this did not conflict with the fact that he was knocked down continuously.

"Everyone has his strengths and weaknesses" Henry tried to comfort Augustus, but a burst of noise on the communication channel interrupted him.

"This is the first squad. I am Deputy Squad Leader Lundstein. I found Jim and Max. They are both still alive."

"Where are you?" Augustus was delighted with the news.

"It was a concrete building painted dark red with a deep pit behind the building," Lundstein replied.

"I know." Augustus looked up and found the crimson building. At the same time, he ordered all the demons in heaven to clear the battlefield with resocialized soldiers.

When Augustus arrived there, more than two dozen disarmed gang members were standing in a row, leaning against the wall with their hands raised, and a black and gray armored Heavenly Demon guarding them.

"I knew you would come to save us, Augustus." Renault had been pulled out of the pit by Roundstein with a rope, and he seemed to be fine.

"There won't be a next time." Augustus was furious when he saw Renault. His mask slowly opened, revealing an angry face: "God knows where I will go to save you next time. Do you think you are a princess kidnapped by a dragon? Huh?"

From the moment he received the news, Augustus controlled his emotions to prevent them from affecting his judgment. But Augustus no longer needed to control it at this moment, because he had to let these two bastards know how angry he was.

"Why don't you discuss it with me in advance? No matter what, you should at least tell me. Do you think I won't be afraid? I simply can't imagine the possibility that you are already dead. I can only deceive myself."

For a moment, no one dared to speak anymore. There were only sporadic gunshots and breathing sounds all around. The gang members with their hands raised looked blankly at Augustus reprimanding his men.

"say something!"

"Forget it, Augustus, they already know they were wrong." Rondstein walked to Augustus and said softly.

Renault was speechless, he knew Augustus must be anxious. Augustus was such a person. He rarely showed negative emotions, but that didn't mean he didn't have them.

At this time, Renault suddenly felt like he was scolded by his parents when he got into trouble as a child. Little Reno's mother would stand in front of him, carrying a basket of freshly baked bread, and elaborate on his crimes, sometimes even shedding tears. After his mother had finished scolding him, his father, who had been sitting silently on the sofa, would say a few nice words for him.

The experience of being trained tells Renault that when a situation is wronged, refutation, sophistry, and excuses will only add fuel to the fire. Generally speaking, being a tortoise is the wisest choice.

"We thought you wouldn't agree," Zander said quietly.

"Even if you know that I don't agree, you still say it." Augustus stared at Zander like a vicious wolf, and his cold eyes made him take a few steps back: "Are you an idiot? Why don't you think more about it? Think about it, think it through. Instead of making a decision at once and then using your butt to figure out what to do!"

"I" Zander originally wanted to say that he knew he was wrong, but Augustus was so angry that he was almost in a state of explosion.

"What are you?" Augustus stared at Zander with his cold gray eyes, like a lion with suppressed anger.

"Let's talk about it when we go back, Augustus, we still have to deal with those gangsters." Rondstein patted Augustus on the shoulder and winked at Zander.

"Shoot them all!"

Augustus threw off Lundstein's shoulders and turned his head away from Zander. He almost roared out, scaring the legs of the gang members.

"Even if they all deserve to die, we shouldn't do this job." Lundstein said: "We inspected the warehouse here and found that in addition to food, there are also a lot of Vulture and armored vehicle parts. I think this The gang must have been in the arms smuggling business before, and the buyers must be Camorians."

Augustus took a few deep breaths to temporarily restrain his anger, and then thought about what to do with the things in the hands of these gangsters: "Pack all the food away, and leave the weapons and equipment to the logistics officer in the fortress. .”

"Why bother with those who sit in the office?" At this time, Tychus, carrying an electromagnetic rifle, was walking over with several demons from heaven, holding a cigar he got from nowhere in his mouth.

"If you ask me, those bandits may have a lot of good things in their hands." Tychus flicked his cigarette ashes: "Equipment, spaceships, money. In their lair, you can even find a lot of banknotes and boxes. Boxes of drugs. Find their gang boss and ask for everything."

Augustus and Tychus looked at each other and saw cunning and greed in each other's eyes.

"It's not easy to take action." Augustus shook his head.

"I have a way." Tychus's eyes lit up and he walked closer.

"I confirmed that the armor recording is off," Augustus said.

"I have been in the business of reselling military supplies for almost ten years. I know exactly who I can trust and which customers are most willing to spend money." Tychus exhaled a puff of smoke.


"It can't be foolproof, but even if you check it, you can only find it on my head." Tychus replied.

"Yeah," Augustus said.

"Okay, let's split the money half and half," Tychus said to Augustus.

Augustus shook his head.

"You are seven and I am three. I take greater risks than you." Tychus showed an unhappy expression.

A second later, he added: "You are eight and I am two."

"Keep the equipment and stock up first." Augustus said, "I will be useful to them in the future. Besides, I am not short of money, so there is no need to take risks."

"." Tychus's throat was a little dry. The most critical problem was that he was short of money. For a man like Tychus who spends a lot of money on women, money goes fast. Sometimes Tychus would see four women in a night, and his Marine salary wasn't even enough for him to drink.

"Then what you said is true?"

"In a few years, you will have the opportunity to use your network to make money." Augustus just wanted to confirm whether Tychus had the ability to cash in the seized materials.

"Go, Tychus, find that gang leader. If you find him, all the valuables he has will be yours."

"I won't let you have another chance to regret it." Tychus originally didn't want to pay attention to Augustus, but his feet moved on their own, so Tychus could only curse himself for being spineless.

After a while, a man with wild hair was dragged in front of Augustus by Tychus: "He only has a watch on him, Mengsk, I really shouldn't believe you."

"That's your bad luck." Augustus said and looked at Renault, who was hiding out of his sight: "Jim, tell me what this guy did to you just now."

"He threw me in, and then said he would pour water on me." Reno was relieved to see that Augustus was no longer angry. He had no interest in revenge, he just wanted Augustus to calm down.

"Throw him down so that his head doesn't touch the ground." Augustus said to the demons in heaven around him.

"Wait, you can't do this." Silas Tasker looked at the Marines with skulls on their helmets who were gradually approaching him and shouted in horror: "I still have value, you can't do this. !”

"That's not what you said ten minutes ago." Renault complained: "You are a revolutionary, you are the son of a worker, you fight for the enemy."

"Then, prove your worth." Augustus looked at Tasker and said calmly: "Otherwise I will hang you up and let the sunshine of Turasis II bake you dry in a month. I swear I will make you regret ever being born into this world.”

"I have twelve sets of power armor and several Vulture vehicles hidden in warehouses and basements, as well as two decommissioned Federation Goliath robots. I also have two million credits, all in cash, and I still have some money in my bank account. There are one and a half million." Tasker took out a hand-drawn map and handed it to Augustus.

"Very good." Augustus took the map and handed it to Lundstein beside him: "Go and check it."

"Tychus, give him a break."

Thanks to the Eden-class worldship, Corporal Kerry is out on patrol, Archbishop Artanis of the Protoss, Qi Bai Qi Zhan Shi Shu, Agent Rong Rong for the reward, thanks to Chang Yue Zong withering, Corporal Kerry is out on patrol, book friend 20200314194928635, book friend 20190527182538377, Qiu Mao, a floating boat, gorgeous articles, a monthly ticket that does not shake or jump! Thank you for your recommendation votes and investment!

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