StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 275: Federal preparation

Human Federation, Presidential Palace.

At this moment, Lin Zhen is in his office, communicating with someone.

"How about it, is this gift okay, President Lin?"

Sith smiled and said to Lin Zhen.

Just now, Sith told Lin Zhen the latest trends of the Zerg and the content of the last meeting of leaders of the four major five-level civilizations, all of which have not been made public to other civilizations in the galaxy.

After Lin Zhen listened, he was also quite shocked. He did not expect that the Zerg Disaster had reached such a point that even the Big Four Alliances would not be able to hold it!

This further strengthens Lin Zhen's satellite galaxy plan. He must speed up his pace, expand investment, and get the entire plan to work as soon as possible, so as to arrange a back road for mankind, just in case!

"I didn't expect to have reached this point, but your Majesty Sith, even if we send troops now, we can't send much!"

"You know, those diehard loyalists of the Babawi Empire, as well as those third-level civilizations that did not have enough potential, were directly destroyed by us. Now the entire Orion arm, the third-level civilization has been reduced from 187 to 29! "

"My preliminary estimate is that 300 million warships would be great!"

Lin Zhen said to Sith.

Although some conceal the actual number of warships, it is only a small part. After all, this part of the warships is to stay to carry out the satellite galaxy exploration plan.

And Sith on the side didn't doubt what Lin Zhen said.

Because this situation is too normal, the replacement of the overlord of a region will inevitably lead to a large number of civilizations being wiped out.

It's just that Sith didn't expect Lin Zhen to be so cruel!

Generally speaking, everyone will only destroy those loyal civilizations under the command of the last overlord, but what about Lin Zhen?

Except for those loyal civilizations, all other civilizations with insufficient potential were destroyed. Only 29 of the 187 civilizations were destroyed!

Isn't this ruthless? What is ruthless?

"Okay, I see, when I go back and talk to them about your situation, you can initially provide some less combat power, but the later reinforcements must keep up!"

"No matter how disgusting this fellow Vitor, but what he said is still very right, this is the battle for survival of the entire galaxy, and no civilization can stand alone!"

Sith thought for a while, raised his head and said to Lin Zhen!

"Well, I understand! But it will take me 1-2 years. After all, the war on the main arm has not all ended. There are still many remnants of the Babawi Empire, and we are doing our best to pay it off!"

"Yes, there is no problem with this! According to the intelligence of the Vera Alliance, the Zerg will not be able to gather all the troops to the Wells Defense Line at once. Their biggest problem now is insufficient capacity! Ordinary Zerg individuals cannot make the leap. We need to rely on ant mounds, and the number of Zerg’s current ant mounds is obviously not enough! Therefore, according to our judgment, the real white-hot key battle will take place at least 15-20 years later! I will directly give you 5 years Please prepare as much combat power as you can in the time you can!"

"Okay, thank you Majesty Sith!"

After finishing the communication, Lin Zhen immediately called Ed and discussed the matter.

Regarding this matter, the two people have the same idea, just as Wilto said, this is not a battle of a certain civilization, but a battle of the entire galaxy!

Once the first main spiral arm falls, the entire galaxy will fall with it, and no civilization can survive alone.

Therefore, Lin Zhen believes that in addition to the fleet of satellite galaxy-related plans and the basic defense forces necessary for Hangu Pass, all the remaining fleets will attack.

At the same time, the Federation will open all information about the Zerg to all its subsidiary civilizations.

After that, within five years, the entire federation, the federation and all its affiliated civilizations, will enter a frenzied brutal force stage, striving to have more than 1 billion combat power in five years.

And for this riot plan, the Federation decided that when the affiliated civilization points are exchanged for battleships or other separate devices, all will be discounted within five years!

In fact, as far as the federal point exchange system is concerned, even if it is a 10% discount, there is still a 1000% profit, and there is no pressure at all.

As for the production of battleships and equipment, since the merger of the Io Federation, the productivity of the entire federation has increased more than tenfold.

However, Lin Zhen still feels that it is not enough. In his plan, within five years, he will increase the current productivity by at least three times.

In addition to these measures, the Federation will also allow all its Level 3 civilizations to be added to the battleship manufacturing sequence. Of course, the core component Lin Zhen will be firmly in his hands and only provide finished products.

However, in addition to the core components, other parts, especially the hull, will be produced by the three levels of civilization.

In short, Lin Zhen's goal is that in five years, the annual production capacity of the Federation's warships will reach 300 million ships.

This goal is not trivial, and the required resources can scare people to death, even with those 2 and 3 level civilizations under its banner, I am afraid it is not enough.

However, Lin Zhen is not worried, he has a killer.

That is the upcoming Milky Way satellite galaxy project. Once these satellite galaxies are taken, the total amount of resources is almost less than the entire Milky Way.

The Federation, which possesses space transmission technology, can easily do this. This is Lin Zhen's greatest confidence.

Similarly, Lin Zhen also set a major goal for science and technology.

Other technologies can be put aside, but the scientific research department must completely miniaturize and put the ZPB (Zero Point Bomb) into practical use within five years! .

If this can be achieved, then whether it is the Zerg or the four main spiral arms of the galaxy, the Federation is completely worthwhile.

Even if the Zerg teamed up with the four main spiral arms, the same was true.

Soon, the entire federation was like a wind-up machine, fully operating, everything was accelerating, accelerating, accelerating!

The disclosure of Zerg's information has strained everyone in the entire Federation, with one exception.

That is being devastated, oh no, it is Lin Tian who is strictly trained by Lin Fan!

The exploration plan of the satellite galaxy has been advanced a full year, that is to say, I will be liberated in nine months?

Lin Tian, ​​who had been trained by Lin Fan for three months, thought happily after learning the news.

What a wonderful thing this is!

"What are you stealing? Don't think I don't know what you are thinking, just thinking that the plan is a year ahead of schedule, you can be liberated earlier, right!"

"Okay, since the time is one year short, let's increase the amount, and try to use the next nine months to complete all the teaching of the original year and nine months!"

Lin Fan looked at Lin Tian's happy appearance, how could he not know what his younger brother was thinking, he said angrily.

"Ah, no!!!"

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