StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 835: Preliminary knowledge

Just a few minutes...

The fleet of the Brandt Empire on the first main spiral arm has completely collapsed.

Even if it has more than 30 billion warships, it is facing a real Tier 9 technological civilization, and there are also 200 billion Tier 9 technological civilization warships. This...

There is no way to fight at all!

The slaughter, the unilateral slaughter, vented the strong suffocation in Arnault's heart.

About 5 billion warships in the Brandt Empire fleet on the first main spiral arm were quickly cleaned up, while on the second main spiral arm, nearly 30 billion warships were originally planned to **** 400 from Yelipokna. With more than a billion intact battleships, they also panicked suddenly.

However, Arnault was preparing to attack when the fleet on the second main spiral arm...

Shout out!

Yes, stop, Arnault prevented the upcoming slaughter against the nearly 30 billion warships of the Brandt Empire.

Of course, don't think that Arnaud's Virginity is overflowing. In this universe, there is no Virgin's Heart that can become the ninth-level technological civilization.

"Is this area where the main fleet of Jeripok was recruited?"

Pointing to a place on the virtual star map in front of him, Arnault asked.

"Yes, General, we have already known the detailed range from the data previously played by Commander Jeripok. Therefore, this time the fleet came to avoid this area to the greatest extent!"

Nodded, the adjutant said.

And Arnault's sight was no longer focused on the area in the virtual star chart, but on the array of the nearly 30 billion Brent Empire fleet not far from this area.

After all, this fleet originally planned to acquire the main battleship of the Moi, so at this moment they are actually less than 3AU away from the reach of the terminal bomb at that time!

"Let the fleet press up, but don't attack, drive the fleet of the Brandt Empire to that area!"

"General, do you want to..."

"Yes, they are all going to die anyway, let them die more valuable, and get us data on human weapons!"

No expression, Arnault said lightly.

As for what data do you want to obtain?

Quite simply, Arnault wants to know how large the range of humans this terrifying weapon kills, and at the same time, how long its killing effect lasts.

And they who could not detect the Knox particles could only use this most primitive method, and the battleships and soldiers of the Brandt Empire were the best testers in this test, none of them!

"Yes, General, I will make arrangements right away!"


Siege without attack...

This is the situation on the field at this moment. After breaking up the fleet of the Brandt Empire into tens of thousands of fleets of different sizes, Arnault ordered them to be surrounded.

As for what to fence up for?

It's very simple. From different directions, drive them to that area to determine the extent of the influence of the human killer!

After an hour...

After ruining thousands of Brandt Empire fleets of various sizes, Arnault finally got a preliminary test result.

Centering on the explosive point of that energy, the entire range of 10,000 light-years...

As for those Brant Empire warships that were forced into the final bomb's area of ​​influence, the soldiers on them were all hung up within a minute at most.

Don't be kidding, why does an eighth-level technological civilization have such weapons?

Even in the tenth-order technological civilization, I have never heard of it!

"Commander, the general data is already available, how do you deal with the remaining battleships of the Brandt Empire?"

"How to deal with it? Keep going in!"

"What did the general mean... to determine more accurate kill range data?"

"Who told you to continue to confirm the scope?"

Hearing that, Arnault looked at his adjutant with a look of hatred for iron and steel. If he hadn't worked with him for decades, it is estimated that Arnault would have killed him with a shot.

"Every ten seconds, drive a fleet in, and then record the time they can exist in that area, and then judge the time difference between each two entering the fleet, and see if you can estimate that the killing effect of this weapon will be How long will it last!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Soon, another hour passed.

During this period, hundreds of Brandt fleets of various sizes were driven into the dead zone by Arnault due to the terminal bomb.

According to the data obtained, preliminary calculation results have also been released.

However, this result is too unbelievable for Arnault.

"Commander, based on the data obtained within this hour, plus possible individual differences, we have calculated a rough result!"


"The existence of this dead zone will last from 5,000 to 50,000 years. After all, the existence of individual differences makes us unable to make very accurate predictions!"

"At least 5000 years?"

"Yes, General!"

How can this be?

There was a stormy sea in his heart, and Arnault's eyes widened. After a long time, he gradually recovered.


This range is also a huge weakness!

After regaining his senses and thinking about it, Arnault had the most preliminary understanding of this human weapon.

First, such a large kill range cannot be a conventional attack method. It is most likely to be detonated at a fixed point or launched through hyperspace or space transmission.

After all, its kill range is a full 10,000 light-years. In conventional attack methods, it is impossible to have an attack range of tens of thousands of light-years.

And this is probably the reason why humans use this weapon in ambush twice ~ It is not always a suicide attack, is it?

Second, the large-scale damage caused by this weapon is not one-time, but lasting for a long time, and this long time refers to at least a few years, or even tens of thousands of years.

Third, there should not be too many such powerful weapons in human hands. Otherwise, the war on the first main spiral arm will not happen at all. If you just come back and fire it, isn't it all solved?

After Arnault had these cognitions, how to deal with this horrible weapon, he also had a general countermeasure in his heart.

Just cut off the human distribution channels!

Yes, this conclusion is unexpectedly simple, as long as humans cannot be put into operation!

When the two armies faced each other, Arnault was even more calm.

That is a kill range of 10,000 light-years, if it is used when the two armies are facing each other.

Then, while killing the enemy, he also killed himself!

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