The Holtaire supercluster, the location of the cosmic ocean current leading to the Reynolds supercluster, the Ariston galaxy.

The entire galaxy is filled with warships and civilian spacecraft from various civilizations. Even if the width of the ocean current is already used to the maximum, the evacuation speed is still extremely slow.

According to statistics, until the end of the migration mission, the Lanyao Republic evacuated 19.3% of the population, while the other four civilizations also evacuated 15-20% of the population.

Although only a small part of the total population has been withdrawn, this is the essence of each civilization, covering almost all the elites of these civilizations and all walks of life, which provides a certain foundation for their rapid rise again.

At the same time, the Federal Fleet is rushing to deploy hyperspace jamming devices on the galaxy and the periphery of the galaxy.

Different from the past, after knowing that the Moi had a unique technology to quickly crack the hyperspace interference parameters, Alfie carried out a block deployment under the proposal of Lavoisier to connect the entire galaxy and the Ariston galaxy As the center, it has been cut into thousands of blocks within a range of 100,000 light years so far, and a synchronization parameter is randomly set for the interference devices deployed in each block.

Moreover, in Lavoisier’s proposal, in a special way, the entire interference area was deployed into a labyrinth-like existence, guiding the enemies entering it...

Go to where the final bomb is on your own!

Of course, if you want to deploy this way, you need a huge number of jamming hyperspace jamming devices, and the reserves carried by the Federal Fleet alone are not enough to complete this task.

After all, so many previous battles, whether facing the Holtair combined fleet or facing Arnault, have consumed most of the reserves.

But now there are five civilizations that have fallen to the human side, and they also have hyperspace interference technology, but the range that the same interference device can interfere with is much smaller than that of the Federation.

Even if there is a technical difference, at least there are enough numbers to make up for it, right?

The most important thing is that in the labyrinth plan proposed by Lavoisier to Elfi, these low-performance jamming devices are definitely guiding the enemy to the end bomb...

The key!


One day passed quickly.

After this day's evacuation, the original ship squeeze phenomenon in the Ariston galaxy has also alleviated a lot.

"How far is the deployment progress of the maze?"

"Report to the commander, currently 98.7%, has met the basic requirements for future operations!"

"Well, let the warships that are still in deployment operation be more careful. Once the hyperspace response is detected, don't hesitate to return immediately!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Yes, the time is almost up.

Previously, from the time that Arnault led the main fleet to leave the capital circle of the Republic of Lanyao, he had calculated that the time required to reach the Ariston galaxy was about one day. As for the more accurate time, after all, humans have not been careful. After studying its battleships, it was impossible to make a precision within an hour.

In other words, from now on, within an hour, Arnault's main fleet may arrive at any point in time!

Of course, human beings have hyperspace early warning technology, and can detect the abnormal energy response in hyperspace a few minutes before they arrive, and these few minutes are enough time for all warships in deployment operations to evacuate.

Time is constantly losing in a tense atmosphere, until the deployment progress of the entire maze reaches 99.3%...

"Commander, a large number of hyperspace reactions have been detected, and the target is expected to reach the outermost periphery of the maze in 5 minutes!"

"Let all warships that are deploying the labyrinth immediately abandon their mission and return!"

"Yes, Commander!"


Just after the Confederation’s warships operating on the periphery of the galaxy had just evacuated, it was in the colorful hyperspace.

The huge battleship group that was originally traveling in it suddenly came into the void as if being kicked out of hyperspace.

"what happened?"

"Report to the general that the fleet was forced to withdraw from hyperspace because of unexpected hyperspace interference!"

"How far is it from the target location?"

"120,000 light years, General!"

Hearing this, Arnault was also slightly stunned.

This is 120,000 light-years. If you want to deploy such a large-scale jamming array with the Ariston galaxy as the center, the number of jamming devices required is absolutely astonishing.

This human being is really a waste of money. It has deployed a hyperspace jamming device more than 100,000 light-years away!

However, just want to block my Arnault's fleet just like this, isn't it a bit too good to think?

After quickly thinking about human intentions, Arnault showed a sneer, a little disdainful of the huge hyperspace interference array of humans.

After all, the Moi have a unique technology that can quickly crack the interference parameters of hyperspace.

No matter how large your deployment is, as long as there are two or three hours, it will be broken for you immediately!

"Let people immediately start cracking the hyperspace interference parameters ahead!"

"Yes, General!"

After the order was given, Arnault sat in his exclusive command position and quietly began to wait, waiting for the hyperspace interference parameters to be cracked, and hurriedly rushed into the Ariston galaxy.

It's just that he didn't realize at this moment that his nightmare started after he started to crack it!

At the same time, in the Ariston galaxy, the Federal Fleet flagship Serran.

"Commander, the landing position of the target fleet is the C17-52 interference block outside the maze!"

"This is really..."

Hearing this, Alfi looked at the star map in front of him, and from the area where the "maze" was displayed, he quickly found the C17-52 block that the adjutant said, and he was taken aback!

If you enter from another area, you may need to use electricity to induce it later.

But this C17-52 block...

It can only be said that Arnault will choose a place too!

If you enter the labyrinth from block C17-52, then there is no need for Elfey's additional inducement. Just relying on the deployment of the interference block in the labyrinth, Arnault will unconsciously move towards the area where the final bomb is located.

In the process, Elfee didn't have to do anything, just smashed the seeds and watched the show.

Well, the scene of the elven girl nibbling melon seeds may be a bit spicy!


Soon, two hours passed, and Arnault's subordinates finally cracked the hyperspace interference, and the fleet was able to continue to enter the hyperspace and continue to advance towards the Ariston galaxy.

But next second...

The entire fleet was kicked out of hyperspace again...

This made Arnault's face full of sneers just now...

It went dark in an instant!

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