StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 845: Give up ground

The weapons of all warships have been warmed up, and the entire line of defense is in a state of high tension. These few minutes are as long as centuries, almost breathless.

"It's coming out!"

Inside the command center, as a shout came out, Lombard couldn't help becoming nervous, his eyes fixed on the surveillance video in front of him.

At the next instant, a round object smashed out of the ocean current. From its appearance, it was impossible to tell what it was.

Its size is about the same as a general orbital assault ship, but the surface is very smooth and flat, it looks like a big iron ball!

"How do you look, can you scan what it is?"

"No, Commander, it seems that there is some special energy blocking our scanning in all ways, and it is impossible to tell what it is!"

Shaking his head, the soldier in charge of scanning replied.

This gave Lombard a very bad hunch.

There is an armistice agreement with super civilization as a guarantee. It stands to reason that the White Tiger Empire should not dare to mess around, but what if?

"Commander, we detected a strange energy shock from this unknown object, and it is spreading rapidly!"

"No longer, notify the fleet on the line of defense, attack immediately and destroy it!"

"Yes, Commander!"

This thing is too abnormal. In order to ensure that the line of defense is foolproof, Lombard decided to destroy it immediately, so as not to regret what happened at the time.

However, he didn't know that if he ordered the fleet to destroy the object the moment it appeared, it would still be too late, but now...

It's too late!

After the commander of the front-line fleet received the order, he immediately ordered the firing without any hesitation.

However, when the time passed by one minute after another, until ten seconds later, the entire fleet still did not have any warships fired.


A large number of emergency reports came out of the flagship of this fleet, all warships without exception, all weapon systems failed!

Of course, this kind of important matter was also transmitted to the interstellar fortress in the rear for the first time.

"What did you say?"

"The weapon systems of all warships have failed due to unknown reasons?"

"Yes...all of them?"

Lombard's eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief, wanting to confirm it again, it's not that he heard the hallucinations!

You must know that Moi United is a Tier 9 technological civilization. Apart from the necessary maintenance, it can be said that even if it is not used for ten thousand years, there will be no problems.


For high-level civilizations, this word was originally a word that was rarely used.

What's more, tens of billions of warships are malfunctioning at the same time as they are now?

This is impossible!

"Yes, Commander Lombard, all the tens of billions of warships on the front line have weapon system failures!"

"Damn it, it must be that iron ball, that thing must be weird!"

"Commander, once again detected the abnormal energy fluctuations in the ocean current. According to the judgment, the number of things passing through is huge, and each individual has the size of a main battleship!"

Just when Lombard was annoyed by the failure of tens of billions of warships on the defense line, another foreign news was suddenly reported!

"The scale is huge? Give me a rough figure?"

"Commander, it is impossible to get an accurate number, but based on the energy fluctuations, at least there are hundreds of billions of objects equivalent to the main battleship!"

Hearing this, Lombard's heart suddenly thumped.

My own fleet has all lost its combat effectiveness, but the ocean current has warned that a fleet of hundreds of billions of main battleships is about to arrive...

Will not all of the 50 billion warships on the line of defense become living targets?

"Quickly, order the fleet immediately. Even if the weapon is unusable, I will be hit with a battleship. The iron ball must be destroyed before the opponent's main fleet arrives!"

"Yes, commander!"

Lombard, who was aware of the seriousness of the problem, knew very well that that strange iron ball was the key to everything.

So, since the weapon cannot be used, just hit it!

If you can't destroy it before the opponent's main fleet arrives, then your entire defense line will be a lamb to be slaughtered!

At the same time, the front-line command on the defensive line had received Lombard's order, and immediately sent several warships to rely on sublight engines to increase the speed of the warships to the maximum, and directly hit the iron ball in front of them.

This is a time-related competition. Even if they knew that they were going to die, the crew on those Moi combined battleships still did not hesitate. At this moment, they all knew that if they didn't destroy that thing, everything would be over!

Two minutes later, the first warship slammed into the space at 0.22 times the speed of light. Without any hesitation, a ball of fire appeared in the void.

"How? Did it succeed?"

In the command center of the Interstellar Fortress, Lombard asked anxiously after watching his battleship hit it head-on.

"The goal... the goal is built!"

"Impossible, but how can it be invalid that a capital ship hits at 0.22 times the speed of light?"

With such a large mass, such a fast speed, and the other party does not have a protective cover, how could it fail?

But this is the fact, as Lombard’s deputy reported, the other party... is still there!

"Damn it, what the **** is this?"

"Immediately order the fleet to retreat and withdraw from the sphere of influence of that thing!"

Looking at the set of numbers displayed in the front, it is a countdown to calculate the arrival time of the opponent's main fleet. There are only less than three minutes left!

In this case, if the fleet continues to stay on the line of defense, then these tens of billions of warships will definitely become living targets when the opponent's main fleet emerges from the ocean currents.

Therefore, after the remaining time was not enough to make another attempt, Lombard decided decisively, the fleet retreated and let the ocean current out.

This is a last resort, UU reading www. is also the only feasible solution at present.

After thousands of years of strong defense line, at this moment, even the battle has been given up.

Lombard's heart was bleeding, but he was helpless.

And then, after losing the line of defense at the mouth of the ocean, the Moi combined fleet no longer has the ability to prevent the advent of the opponent's main fleet, and can only choose to engage in an encounter with it on equal conditions.

This is definitely a heavy blow to Moi United.

After all, the battleships of the White Tiger Empire have no inter-generational gap compared to Moi United, but they are still on the front line.

Once the two sides start a reciprocal encounter, then the disadvantaged party is definitely the Moi United side.

"Immediately send the information here to General Larnas, we...!"

"It's dangerous!"

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