StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 855: Is it Farn again?

Nina readily agreed to Lin Fan's proposal.

After all, a genetic test is nothing but a big problem. Otherwise, it would have been a problem if the Moi's corpse was obtained by the White Tiger Empire during the battle of the White Tiger Empire.

And Lin Fan also plans to wait for Nina's test results to be released before convening a federal high-level meeting.

In any case, this test result is bound to greatly affect the final decision of the senior management.

Soon, Nina took the shuttle to the Sorell in Alfie, and began genetic testing.

For the current federal technology, genetic testing is a very simple matter. The entire testing process plus the analysis of the test results can be completed in a total of five minutes.

And this result can be said to be both within Lin Fan's expectation and unexpected.

Looking at the genetic test and comparison report sent back by Elfi, Lin Fan didn't know what to say.

Indeed, the Moi are also the blood of the ancient Alphat, which can be said to be the same as the angels, elves, and the three-eyed tribe.

But the problem is...

The Simulator’s genes have been altered!

Perhaps the Moi themselves did not have much research on genetics, but the Federation is different. For the study of ancient Alphats, the Federation can even be said to be the most in-depth research in the entire universe, except for the Alphats themselves.

Therefore, even if this genetic modification is very obscure, it still cannot escape federal testing.

"It seems to be mixed with the gene fragments of other species, so that it can carry the knowledge of the previous generation when it reproduces offspring?"

"At the same time, the probability of the Moi and human beings reproducing the next generation is very low?"

what is this?

A close human relative who has been tampered with?

Moreover, although it can reproduce offspring with humans, according to the report, the reproduction rate is very low, and it has reached the point where it is difficult to reproduce.

The most important thing is that even if it produces offspring together with humans, the offspring that is finally born will have unpredictable consequences because of the special genes of the Moi.

This is simply...

In other words, yes, the Moi were originally blood relatives of humans, but now they have been transformed into another species, and the blood relationship with humans has been very weak!

Well, no matter what, let's call a federal high-level meeting first.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about this problem anymore, Lin Fan pressed a virtual button on the desktop!

"Marshal, what's the matter?"

"Convene all the top executives of the Federation in my name, and hold a meeting of the Federation Giants in one hour!"



At the same time, the Thrall.

In addition to giving Lin Fan the test results, Nina herself naturally also got a copy.

After all, you have tested someone's body, and then you don't give the test result to them, it's really hard to tell.

Moreover, there is nothing to hide in itself, is it?

"Our Moi's genes...have been altered?"

"Moreover, our racial inheritance ability comes from this part of the gene that has been altered?"

After reading the report in her hand, Nina was also shocked. The information in this report was really too shocking.

My own clan actually belonged to the same clan of human blood in the ancient times, and then when my own race didn't know it, I didn't know who modified its genes, and thus gained the racial talent for the inheritance of knowledge?

However, when Nina carefully recalled the history of the Moi, she realized.

In the earliest history that can be traced back, the Moi people do not seem to have the ability to inherit. Otherwise, there will be no mention of them in the early history.

About 50,000 years ago, only some records of inheritance ability gradually appeared in historical documents.

If the human test report is correct, does this mean that the racial genes of the Moi were altered during this period?

In addition, are the current Moi and human beings of the same blood?

With this report, Nina returned to her battleship in a daze, and asked the adjutant to convene a meeting of the Supreme Commander in her own name!

When the information came out, the other nine supreme commanders were all dumbfounded.

The last Supreme Commander’s meeting was only four months away, right? Come again, when did the Supreme Commander’s meeting become so cheap?

But... Since it was Nina's summon, maybe something went wrong on the human side, right?

With their own questions, ten Supreme Commanders of the Moi united once again gathered in the virtual conference hall.

"Nina, is there something wrong with the humans?"

As soon as everyone was seated, Arnault hurriedly asked. Unlike the other nine supreme commanders, the administrative area under his jurisdiction is directly bordered by humans, and more than half of the fleet has been dispatched to support at this moment. In the situation on the battlefield of the White Tiger Empire, if something went wrong, he would definitely be uncomfortable.

"There shouldn't be a big problem on the human side, after all, we are prepared to have a bargaining chip and they can't refuse it!"

"Then you convened a meeting of the Supreme Commander in order to..."

While Arnault was relieved, he was very puzzled.

There is no problem on the human side, then what are you calling us to do?

"Well, today I convened a meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-chief for this matter!"

"Everyone, take a closer look, and then let's talk about it!"

While talking, Nina put the genetic test report in front of every supreme commander.

"This is..."

"Are you sure? This... report?"

After reading the report in front of him, Aiim asked in a trembling voice.

In fact, the content of this report is too shocking.

"There should be no problem. In the report given by humans, our experts have also confirmed where the genes have been modified!"

"Although our genetic research is not as deep as humans, UU read, but when humans point out the problem, we can still make basic judgments!"

Nodded, Nina said.

"In other words, we were originally from the same race of human blood, but later we were tampered with some fragments of our genes?"

"Yes, according to my judgment, if all of this is true, the time should have occurred about 50,000 years ago, which is the first time we can find records of inheritance ability from historical documents! "

"At the same time, based on my careful inspection of that period of time history, I found a person!"

"During the period from 50,000 to 40,000 years ago, many historical documents of our Moi united recorded the existence of a god. Although his name and appellation may be different in records of different eras, according to I checked the information and confirmed his name when he first appeared..."


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