StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 860: Do you want to start now?

Although the number of fleets in the White Tiger Empire is currently five times that of Moi United, and it is technically slightly stronger.

But after all, there is still a cosmic ocean current between the two sides. Therefore, in the early stage of this offensive and defensive war, the advantage is still on the Moy United side.

However, as the White Tiger Empire's fleet continues to reach the Millsay Supercluster through the ocean currents, the strength of Moi's combined strength will become smaller and smaller over time, until it is completely at a disadvantage in the end!

According to calculations, the conversion time of this advantage and disadvantage will not be later than half a year at most.

And once the White Tiger Empire completely rushed out of the ocean current defense line, even if the Moi United was fully pressured, there was not much chance of winning.

Of course, there is still time...


Reynolds supercluster of galaxies.

At this moment, Alfi is leading his guard fleet to guard at the mouth of the ocean current, waiting for a special guest to arrive.

Soon after, about 10,000 warships sailed out of the ocean current on time according to the agreed time.

Since the arrival of the Nether Fleet three months ago, the combat effectiveness of the entire ocean current line of defense has been unprecedentedly strengthened.

The Federation's most powerful fleet and two Tier S dark energy control agents are enough to maintain the current line of defense in a short period of time until the support of the main fleet arrives.

Therefore, even if the opponent brought 10,000 warships as escorts, Elfi had nothing to worry about.

At the same time, in the fleet that had just sailed out of the ocean currents, there was a similarly huge battleship similar to Nina's. This was a customized command-in-chief-class battleship exclusive to the top ten supreme commanders.

Inside the bridge, Larnas looked forward through the porthole, as if in this dark universe, he could see several light years away.

Suddenly, as if to feel something, Larnas's face suddenly changed.

This feeling could not be clearer to him, it was definitely a tenth-level peak-level dark enabler, and there was more than one!

You know, there is only one dark energy user of this level, even in the Moi United, and that is the oldest Arms among the top ten commanders.

Although Tier 10 Dark Energy Envoy is a prerequisite for the Moi to become the Supreme Commander, at present, among the ten Supreme Commanders, 8 of them have just entered the Tier 10 Dark Energy Envoy for less than a hundred years and are still in the early stages. The gap with Arms at the peak stage can simply be described as a huge difference.

But even with such a powerful tenth-level peak-level dark energy user, Larnas felt two on the human side.

Are you kidding me?

Larnas smiled bitterly, and couldn't help asking like that in his heart.

Soon, under the leadership of the greet fleet passing through Elfi, Larnas's **** fleet crossed the current line of defense of the Federation.

Although there are not many warships, only 40 billion, Larnas has felt too many powerful dark envoys from them, and among them, there are at least hundreds of them that have reached the ninth rank!

You know, this is only 40 billion warships. If you want to unite in Moi, even a squadron will be 50 billion, just like the Sarna fleet under Arnault or the Yelipok fleet. .

But the problem is, whether it’s the Sarna fleet or the Yelipok fleet, there are only a few Tier 9 Dark Enablings, and even the highest commanders of the two fleets are only in the middle of Tier 9 The dark energy is nothing.

It is conceivable that at this time and here, Larnas felt how shocking the number of dark energies from the other side was!

Within an hour, after experiencing shock all the way, Larnas's frigate finally arrived at the Federation Base Camp behind the defense line.

This is a battle star shipped with the Nether Fleet, a special battle star newly produced by the Federation, called the Nether Battle Star.

The Nether Star is built by the most advanced dark energy technology of the Federation. It has unprecedented attack and defense capabilities. Even with the aid of a plurality of S-order dark energy control agents, the Nether Star can even be used. A large number of pseudo-killer-level weapons attack, although they can't achieve the terrifying effect of the final bomb, they are much stronger than zero-point weapons.

It can be said that with the Nether Fleet and this Nether Star here, Elfee has no fear that the ocean current defense line will be breached, at least in the few months before the arrival of the main fleet, it is absolutely impossible!

Slowly, the huge battleship that Larnas was on leaned against the Nether Battle Star. After all, this battleship was too big, almost one-third the size of the Battle Star, and naturally it was impossible to dock in the Battle Star’s airport. Within, had to take another shuttle to go.

When Larnas and his wife Hathaway walked down the shuttle's gangway, Alphy, Zi Ling and Wang Hai were already greeted in the airport.

Lin Fan deliberately arranged for Reynolds' three general-level officers to greet him at the same time.

After all, the other party is one of the leaders of a ninth-order technological civilization, and the status is equivalent to that of Federal President Lin Zhen. It is obviously inappropriate to let only one general come.

"Commander Alfi, can we start right away?"

As soon as they finished greeting each other, Larnas was already a little impatient. At this moment, he had been waiting for more than five months. At this moment, he just wanted to take his wife for related tests immediately in order to get the final confirmation. .

"Of course, Lord Larnas, please come with me!"

Elfee smiled and nodded, and after making a request, he took Larnas and his wife to a medical center in Battle Star.

At this moment, a team of genetic experts who came with the Nether Fleet had already prepared.

Although they were not the most authoritative experts in the Federation, when the Nether Fleet set out, these latter things had not happened yet.

However, in the past few months, they have also thoroughly understood the information sent by Lin Fan.

After all, the genetic technical information provided by Lin Fan is really too detailed. Even if you don’t fully understand the details, you just need to follow the instructions. There are even some equipment that you need to use. The detailed drawings were sent, and they were all manufactured in Battle Star within a few months.

It didn’t take long. After Alfi led the crowd to the medical center, the expert team of UU Reading immediately conducted a more detailed test for Hathaway, and the result was obtained within a few minutes. Reached the final conclusion.

Yes, the son of Larnas did because the amount of knowledge passed on exceeded the maximum capacity of his brain, and he could hold it without activation. However, once the baby was born, certain stored knowledge was activated. , It will immediately lead to brain death due to insufficient brain capacity.

"Can it be solved?"

After listening to the expert's explanation, both Larnas and Hathaway were anxious and immediately asked the expert group.

Although Lin Fan had told him before that it could be solved, according to Larnas's perception, Lin Fan was a soldier, and his words were not necessarily accurate. He still had to be confirmed by authoritative experts before he could draw a conclusion.

"Yes, it can be solved in half an hour at most!"

"Shall we start now?"

Nodding, the leader of the expert group said to Larnas.

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