StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 862: Blood Alliance

Lin Fan is not worried that letting Larnas's children study in the Commonwealth will cause the technology to drain.

In fact, just like the earth age, what you can learn in small and medium-sized universities is just a basis, and if you really want to do scientific research, you must have other ways to further your education, such as the federal government.

Three major research institutes!

As for the gene-enhancing drugs and brain-enhancing drugs, Lin Fan is even less worried.

After all, whether it is a gene-enhancing drug or a brain-enhancing drug, they are all developed for humans. Even if they are obtained by other Moi, they cannot use it at all, otherwise there will definitely be conflicts with foreign genes in their bodies.

At the same time, as far as the genetic technology of the Moi people is concerned, it is impossible to achieve results without hundreds of years of hard work, and in hundreds of years, the Moi people have long since extinct themselves!

After getting a detailed explanation from Alfi, Larnas was confused at the moment.

It seems that even if the removal of foreign genes leads to the loss of inheritance ability, is it not entirely a bad thing?

Yes, it's no wonder Larnas thought so. Even ordinary people can reach tens of thousands of years of life. If this is a high-level dark energy envoy, it is not against the sky?

And Elphie also said just now that this is a mid-level gene-enhancing potion, so in the future, will there be high-level and special-level drugs?


Regardless of which civilization or race, the allure is very huge!

"Okay, let my wife and I go back and think about it!"

Time flies, three days have passed.

In the past few days, Larnas has almost exhausted all the medical, biological and genetic methods of the Moi, and tested his wife and fetus again and again.

In the end, no matter what the conclusion is drawn from, it has confirmed that the fetus is not likely to have signs of congenital brain death, which makes the Larnas couple also feel relaxed.

Of course, Larnas did not forget his mission, and immediately reported the situation to the Supreme Commander's Conference. At the same time, it was reported on the gene-strengthening medicine and brain-strengthening medicine.

It can be said that the Supreme Commander-in-Chief meeting of Moi has been completely cabbageized now, and it is held one after another, just like ordinary meetings.

However, at this moment, no Supreme Commander complained like the first time.

It is really

The content submitted by Larnas was too shocking.

"I have decided that I will personally undergo federal genetic surgery to remove the unidentified foreign gene fragments!"

"You are crazy, Larnas!"

Just after everyone had read the report, Larnas directly stated the determination he had made in the past few days.

However, after hearing this sentence, the faces of all the Supreme Commanders changed, and Arms even yelled when he slapped the table top.

In any case, Fa'n is his belief, and this so-called foreign gene fragment is very likely to be brought to the Moi by Fa'n.

Now, Larnas wants to discard the grace bestowed by Faen God, how can this make him bear it?

"Calm down, Arms!"

Seeing Ams, who was a little mad, said Aim, who was the eldest sitting and also believed in the God of Faen, loudly.

"Aim, can you bear this? You are blaspheming the true god!"

"Ames, I am old, but I have seen many things more thoroughly. We are technological civilization!"

Technological civilization?

Yes, we are technological civilization!

Technology civilization but believe in the so-called gods?

Isn't this outrageous?

In fact, how could Arms fail to understand that the so-called Faen God has a high probability of being a more advanced civilization.

Understand and understand, but the beliefs that have been established since childhood can't be eliminated in a short while, let alone the influence brought on by the inheritance of previous generations.

"Therefore, what we have to do is to evaluate whether this so-called foreign gene fragment is beneficial or harmful to Moi's joint. If it is beneficial, keep it, and remove it if it is harmful!"

Looking around everyone around, Aiim said very firmly.

The supreme leaders nodded one after another. There was nothing wrong with these words. That was the reason.

"Everyone, since Larnas has decided on this matter, then we should not interfere, and at this moment, since we have reached a conclusion, we should determine the relationship with humans as soon as possible. You must know that the Mirsay Supercluster Over there, it won’t last for a few years!"

When everyone was silent, Nina also spoke.

This brought the entire conference back to the original theme.

Yes, it was originally decided. When it is confirmed that humans can treat congenital brain death, will they formally establish a mutual relationship with humans and seek military assistance from humans?

"About this matter, I need to add some information!"

"Larnas, you say!"

"After I arrived at the Reynolds Transcendent Galaxy Cluster, I found that there were not many human fleets here, only about 100 million warships, but I felt at least two Tier 10 peak-level dark energy agents, and hundreds of Tier 9 The existence of dark energy, I think, everyone should be able to understand, what does it mean?"

Hearing that, everyone's face changed in an instant.

Two tenth-level peak-level dark energies and hundreds of ninth-order dark energies, and at least?

Isn't this already at the same level of strength in the field of dark energy with his own Moi?

You know, even if Aimu plus the only one surviving in the previous generation of Supreme Commander, the entire Moi Union is just two tenth-level peak-level dark energy agents.

"Wait Larnas, what are you talking about in the Federation's hundreds of millions of warships?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Nina suddenly thought of something, UU Reading suddenly asked Larnas, and immediately got a definite answer.

At this time, other people also reacted. Human beings have 100 million warships in the Reynolds Supercluster. According to this number, most of them are just a border garrison fleet, right?

And a border garrison fleet has so many high-level dark energy, what if it is the entire human federation?

At least ten times that is not too much, right?

For a long time, the Moi United believes that if you form a military alliance with humans, it is definitely based on yourself. After all, the strength is stronger than humans, isn't it?

But now, after such an analysis, for a long time, is he the younger brother?

After being so crazy, everyone's complexion changed again.

"I propose to form a blood alliance with the Federation!"

However, Nina did turn her eyes and immediately had an idea, and she immediately proposed.

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