StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 864: Blocking (top)

Yes, the human support fleet is so outrageous in Lombard's eyes.

You know, each administrative region of the Moi United has a main fleet of 300 billion ships. In terms of organization, every 100 billion warships are the main fleet and 50 billion warships are the sub-fleet.

In other words, any squadron in the Moi United is five times the size of the human support fleet.

And in the order, it turned out to require all defenders to unconditionally cooperate with the military operations of the human fleet.

Isn't this outrageous?

The most important thing is that Lombard once got a gossip from a colleague in the Supreme Command of Larnas. This so-called human federation seems to be...

An eighth-order technological civilization!


Five days have passed in a blink of an eye.

"Commander Lombard, it's only 1 minute before the scheduled arrival time of the human fleet!"

"Okay, notify the fleet to take action and remove all the opponent's hyperspace jamming devices!"


This is a standard operation that must be performed every time a support fleet is about to arrive, otherwise the support fleet will simply not be able to enter!

Perhaps, on the ordinary battlefield, this kind of thing is unrealistic. After all, the range of influence of the hyperspace jamming device is calculated in light years, as long as it is placed behind your own fleet, or even a few light years away...

Then, even if the opponent can detect the coordinates of the interfering device, there is simply not enough range to attack.

However, it is different at the mouth of the ocean. It is like a spherical circle with a radius of 5au, which is enough to allow the Moi fleet on the defensive line to attack any location inside.

"Report, the positions of all interfering devices have been locked, the number is 37!"

"Immediately gather enough warships to set fire to them separately to ensure that all the waves are resolved!"

"Yes, Commander Lombard!"

The fleet on the defensive line immediately organized 37 firepower teams after receiving the order, each of which consists of 100 million warships, even if some of the interference devices are located within the heavy encirclement of the White Tiger Fleet. , This firepower team also has absolute certainty, directly piercing a large hole in its fleet, so as to ensure that the interference device behind it is destroyed!

37 incredibly sturdy silver-white light beams suddenly shot out from various parts of the spherical defense line. This is a combined attack in the form of dark energy, the strongest attack released by 100 million warships as a whole.

In its rays, all the battleships of the White Tiger Empire are like paper, and there is no way to stop the advance speed of this terrorist attack. In less than a second, the beam has penetrated the array of the White Tiger Empire and will be located. The subsequent hyperspace jamming device completely exploded.

No fire team fell, and the spatial interference in the entire area was instantly lifted!

And just a few seconds after the end of this round of attacks, not far from Moi’s joint rear base camp, tens of billions of azure blue spiral-shaped hyperspace windows were opened, and the human fleet...

Just arrived.

"Commander Lombard, received a communication request from the Human Fleet!"

"Come here now!"


Soon, the communication was connected, but when Wang Hai's figure was projected in the bridge where Lombard was, he was stunned.

This is definitely a human being, not our Moi?

after all...

Even if it is a Moi, some of the ears are not very big and are concealed, when you stand in front of it, it is no different from seeing a human...

"Hello, I am Wang Hai, deputy commander of the Nether Fleet of the Human Federation, and I am ordered to come and provide you with military assistance!"

"Deputy Commander Wang Hai, hello, I am Lombard, the commander-in-chief of the Strider Current Line of Defense. Thank you for your assistance. According to the command of Commander Larnas, we will unconditionally cooperate with all your military operations!"

Lombard nodded and said.

Although he felt that this matter was very outrageous, but the command was personally issued by Commander Larnas, and even if it was outrageous, he did not dare to go wrong in this matter.

"Commander Lombard, according to the discussions between the Supreme Commanders of our Federation and your civilization, will completely block this cosmic ocean current to prevent the White Tiger Empire from continuing to march!"


Can the cosmic ocean current be blocked?

I do not know how?

Lombard was dumbfounded!

Is it because the times have changed, but I don't know it?

"Yes, block, after we block the cosmic ocean currents, in an area with a radius of 5,000 light-years centered on the mouth of the ocean current, within 10,000 years, no life can survive in it!"

"Therefore, before blocking the ocean currents, we need your cooperation to withdraw everyone in this area first!"


Didn’t you misheard it?

The other party really said that within a radius of 5,000 light years, no life can survive in it for a full 10,000 years?

"Are you...seriously?"

"Yes, this plan has already been confirmed by your ten Supreme Commanders. If you have any questions, you can ask your Supreme Commander!"

"No no, no doubt..."

Let Lombard question the decision of the Supreme Command. How is this different from death?

Immediately he shook his head and said that he had no problem.

"Okay, let me talk about the specific action plan!"

"First, as just said, all personnel will be evacuated except the fleet on the defensive line!"

"Second, after completing the first step, deploy hyperspace and space transmission jamming devices outside the opponent's fleet range. If such a deployment is already in place, then this step can be skipped!"

"Third, after all the preparations are completed, the fleet on the line of defense immediately destroys all the opponent's hyperspace jamming devices, and then, taking advantage of the moment when there is no interference in hyperspace, it immediately withdraws through hyperspace navigation, and at the same time, I The party will drop the terminal bomb through hyperspace on the coordinates of the ocean current mouth!"

Nodding, Wang Hai talked about the battle plan.

Simply put, it is to use the advantages of the encirclement to destroy all the opponent's hyperspace jamming devices at one time, use the time difference to withdraw all the defense line fleets, and drop the terminal bombs at the same time.

Then... boom!


There is no amazing tactics and there is no exciting battle, just a simple and crude but extremely practical plan.

"Is there a problem?"

"May I ask, what is the final bomb?"

"A super-wide-range destruction weapon that can last for 10,000 years. You only need to know this!"


"Understood, I will arrange immediately, and all personnel within the range of 5,000 light-years should be evacuated within three days!"

"Okay, I also need to do some preparations here, let me know when you finish the first stage!"

"no problem!"

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