StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 867: Seek technical guidance

Can't get in touch with the frontline fleet?

Bonifacio looked at it with some doubts, but the tactical video on the side showed that all the battleships on the front line were intact.

communication fail?

"Where are the warships that have just arrived in the super galaxy cluster of Millsay?"

"General, I have tried it. Those warships that have just arrived in the super galaxy group of Millsay can still be contacted at the beginning, but they lost contact after a few seconds!"

" said that you could contact at the beginning, but then you can't contact them anymore. This is the case with all the warships that have just entered the super galaxy group of the Millsay?"

"Yes, general!"

"Damn it, immediately connect to the front-line battleship's internal monitoring system to retrieve the video screen, hurry!"


Soon, under the next operation, he connected to the systems of several battleships on the front line, and obtained the monitoring images of their battleships with the highest authority. At the same time, the pictures in the bridge were displayed.


A total of five battleships were retrieved. When everyone saw the surveillance images in the five sets of bridges, they all took a breath.

In the picture, everyone fell to the ground or half to their posts. In short...

There is no one standing anymore!

Immediately, under Bonifacio's order, the scenes of other cabins in the battleship were recalled, but they were all exactly the same as those in the bridge, which made him sweat on his back.

What the **** did the Moi do?

This is a total of more than 200 billion warships, but they were all destroyed?

And if you don't even figure out the reason, it's all gone?


Just now, my adjutant seemed to have said that the new battleships that arrived in the super galaxy group of Millsay could be contacted at first, but after a few seconds, they could not be contacted, right?


Bonifacio suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

"Quickly, immediately after the strange device of the Moi exploded, it arrived in the battleship of the super galaxy group of Millsay, and retrieved its internal monitoring screen!"

"Yes, general!"

After more than ten seconds, after watching the interior scenes of these battleships, Bonifacio felt that his whole body was not good...

Obviously it was a battleship that arrived after the event was sent, but it also had the same result as those fleets on the front line.

what does this mean?

It means... no matter what method the Moi uses, in short, the dark energy shield has no defensive ability against this method, and its killing effect still exists for a long time, not a one-time kill!

To know...

At this moment, in the ocean current channel, the warships are heading towards the super galaxy cluster of Millsay, but there are more than 500 billion in number...

Moreover, as long as the ocean current enters, it can only move forward and cannot retreat.

In other words, not only is the front-line fleet finished, even the 500 billion subsequent fleets will be shot in line in the next month, and will be sent to death in batches...

Unless, the thing used by the Moi was not as terrible as one had guessed, and the duration of the killing could not reach a month.

At this moment, Bonifacio had no choice but to comfort himself.

"Order the fleet that has not entered the ocean current, stop entering immediately, and wait for follow-up orders!"

"At the same time, transfer me a batch of unmanned reconnaissance ships and unmanned integrated ships to and from the ocean currents!"

Forcing himself to calm down, thinking about the current situation seriously, Bonifacio immediately ordered loudly.

The current situation is very unclear. Before figuring out the specific reasons, Bonifacio would not dare to let the fleet continue into the ocean current towards the Millsay Supercluster.

In this regard, the best way is to send unmanned reconnaissance ships and unmanned integrated ships to collect relevant data and figure out what happened.

After all, according to what we have learned so far, no matter what the Moi did, in short, the target of killing seems to be only for life, and it does not have any impact on dead objects such as battleships.

"Yes, general!"


Since Wang Hai blocked the ocean current with a terminal bomb, one month has passed quickly.

In this month, Bonifacio can be said to be increasingly desperate.

At first, he also hoped that the opponent's mysterious weapon was not so exaggerated, even if it sustained damage, it could not continue forever.

However, reality gave him a slap in the face...

Every day, Bonifacio watched the billions of warships that arrived at the Millsay Supercluster that day and was inexplicably annihilated, thinking that it might be over tomorrow.

However, every time a new day comes, what can bring him is still despair, even more despair.

Until one month passed, the entire 500 billion warships were so inexplicably gone...

No, this statement may not be correct. After all, these 500 billion warships are still intact, but this is no different from complete destruction. After all, all the crew on the warship are dead.

"General, the unmanned reconnaissance ship and the unmanned integrated ship have arrived at the Millsay Supercluster!"

"Quick, immediately confirm whether the remote control is video!"

"Yes, connecting to the main system... the main system is connected, the highest authority has been obtained, there is no problem!"

"Start data collection now!"



Soon, three days passed again.

In these three days, the unmanned reconnaissance ship and the unmanned integrated ship also sent back a lot of data, and even collected the fragments of the terminal bomb after detonation, and analyzed it.

But the problem is...

Nothing was analyzed!

The only thing that can be known is that near the exit of the ocean current on the other side of Millsay, there is a very strange energy permeating. As for what energy this is, the scientists of the White Tiger Empire said that they are also infinitely bewildered and completely do not understand.

This made Bonifacio more and more irritable.

After all, in this battle, he lost almost 1.5 trillion warships before and after!

If this is to win the Millsay Supercluster, let alone 1.5 trillion, it is worth 2 trillion and 2.5 trillion.

But the problem is that none of the strategic goals have been achieved!

And the most important thing is that now even how the opponent eliminated his 700 billion warships in the final stage can't figure out...

"General, do you want to inform Fario Civilization about the situation here, maybe they can know what happened?"

"Yes, that's right, Fario civilization, we don't understand, but they should be able to figure it out. After all, they are now our suzerain, and it should be no problem to help with this little thing!"

Nodded, Bonifacio's eyes lit up.

"Immediately send all the conditions and data here to the Imperial Capital in my name, and request your Majesty to contact Fario Civilization and provide us with technical guidance!"

"Yes, general!"

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