StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 869: Take advantage of

Watch and help?

What is your leader talking about?

We are obviously discussing the issue of Moi United, okay, I am a little confused as to how this topic has changed?

A general of the army looked around with a dazed expression.

Well, it’s not just me who is stunned, everyone is stunned...

Well, my heart is a little balanced...

Hell with a balanced mind, what the **** is this?

"Everyone, have you ever wondered why when we were at war with the Aurora Civilization, the other three super civilizations and the Alphat Civilization did not take action, but only after we defeated the Aurora Civilization, preventing us from destroying its entire civilization? ?"


Sudden problems also make everyone stunned.

Indeed, this is a bit unreasonable...

"That's because there is an iron rule among the four super civilizations and super civilizations, that is..."

"It is not allowed to take the initiative to attack ordinary civilization, let alone interfere with the natural process of ordinary civilization, otherwise, it will be attacked by the other four civilizations!"

"At the same time, in order to maintain the quality of super civilizations, when ordinary civilizations try to challenge the status of a certain super civilization, other civilizations are also not allowed to intervene. If the challenge is successful, this ordinary civilization will replace and become a new super civilization. If the combat power of this universe is compromised, other civilizations will take action to prevent the challenger from completely destroying the original super civilization, preserve it and become a pseudo super civilization!"

"Now, do you understand that it is impossible to deal with humans unless we do a good job of losing this super civilization that we just acquired!"

Hearing this, everyone was also shocked. After all, Nevete hadn't said anything about this since he defeated the Aurora Civilization half a year ago.

It's not that he wants to keep secrets, but that the huge war with Aurora Civilization has just ended. All kinds of tedious aftermath work have to last at least ten years. Nevitt was prepared to stabilize completely before he said The problem with this problem was just unexpected. It was only half a year, and this kind of thing happened, which also caught him a bit unprepared.

"Then what to do, just watch the other side grow up like this after a few years, waiting for them to be confident enough to challenge us later?"

"Yes, this rule is simply too unreasonable, right?"

"No, what does the leader matter have to do with the one you just mentioned?"

After talking, someone finally reacted. What does this have for a long time to do with the help Nevitt mentioned just now?

This said, other people also reacted, and they all looked at their own leaders again, waiting for this explanation.

"Stupid! Don't you understand?"

"According to the rules, we cannot take the initiative, nor indirectly, which means that we cannot intervene in the war between the White Tiger Empire and the Moi Alliance at all!"

" can't use your brains to take advantage of the rules?"

Looking at the crowd looking at him, Nevette said with a hatred of iron and steel.

At this moment, some people also reacted.

"Leader, you mean..."

"It turned out to be so, it really is wonderful!"

"Yes, in this way, we did not take the initiative, nor did we indirectly do it. We just told the civilizations under our command to watch and help each other. Yes, we just told them to love each other and watch and help each other. It's wonderful!"


Just like these people said, Nevete is going to take advantage of this rule!

I just told the civilizations under my command to love each other and watch and help each other. Is there any problem?

No, not at all!

Although the strength of Moi's alliance is a bit shocking, there are only six Tier 10 civilizations under his command, and even hundreds of Tier 9 civilizations.

Once these civilizations join hands, even Moi's union can't stand it!

And myself, as long as I properly hint, let these high-level civilizations under his command go together.


The corners of Nevette's mouth can't help but raise a curve.


Not long after the high-level meeting of the Fario Civilization was over, the Reese super galaxy cluster, the flagship of the White Tiger Empire Expeditionary Corps.

"General, there is a reply from Fario Civilization..."

"Quickly, what did they say?"


"You bastard, hurry up!"

Bonifacio himself was very anxious, and his deputy could not say it for a long time, which made him angry.

"Just one sentence in the reply, everyone in the same camp must learn to help each other out!"





Bonifacio and his adjutant stared wide-eyed, and there was a sentence in their hearts that I don’t know if I should say...

That's it?

Isn't it too ridiculous?

"By the way, General, this reply to Fario Civilization was not sent to us alone, but was sent via broadcast through the affiliated civilization network!"

" said this was sent via broadcast in the affiliated civilization network?"

"Yes, general!"

"Hahaha, I understand, I understand!"

Bonifacio, who suddenly wanted to understand something, burst into a frantic laugh.


Seeing his general suddenly went crazy, the adjutant was also dumbfounded.

"Don't you understand?"

"I have been suspicious of one thing since a long time ago. I ask you, have you ever heard of a super civilization attacking an ordinary civilization?"

Slightly controlling his already crazy mood, Bonifacio asked his adjutant.

"This... doesn't seem to be there!"

"Be confident, it will seem to be removed, but no!"

"General, does it matter?"

Obviously, the lieutenant still didn't want to understand the key points, and he was full of doubts.

"Of course there is a relationship, so I have always wondered whether there is an agreement between super civilizations and can't attack ordinary civilizations!"

"And now, after seeing the reply from Fario Civilization, I am sure that between the super civilization and the ultra civilization there must be this agreement not to attack the ordinary civilization, even No intervention is allowed!"

"And it is precisely because of this that Fario Civilization will send out such a seemingly ambiguous message!"

"If you want to solve the meaning of this sentence, it is..."

"I can't intervene in your wars, nor can I provide military help, but if the other subsidiary civilizations under my command want to help, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Furthermore, it was originally in the same camp, and the subsidiary civilizations should naturally look after and help each other!"

"Now, do you understand?"


After speaking, Bonifacio laughed again.

Everyone said that if they understood it, the adjutant naturally understood it.

Can you still play like this?

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