StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 892: Target, Neilkenia Supercluster

Since receiving the news that humans have successfully opened the black cavity channel, all the members of the entire council have been stunned.

But after a moment of froze, cheers broke out.

In the ninth-order scientific and technological civilization, they resolved the black cavity data to more than 5%. All of you present here are the high-level members of the Alphat civilization. They can't know what this means.

It means that as long as the civilization of mankind doesn't go wrong in the future, there is at least a 50% chance of becoming a god-level civilization.

Isn't this the result that we expected to get when we launched the ten major god-making projects?

Although it has not been completely successful, at least there is hope, right?

"Speaker, it's time to tell the humans about the end of the evolution of life levels, otherwise if humans set foot on our old path in the future, everything will be in vain!"

"Yes, right, now is the critical moment of our God-making plan, and we must not make mistakes!"


After the excitement, a member of the Council immediately proposed.

After all, at this critical moment of success, no one wants to have a problem on the last level and fall short.

In response, Lin Aotian also nodded.

Even if they didn't say anything, Lin Aotian was going to run to Lin Fan again.

Although I had already said a lot when I saw Lin Fan last time, in order to prevent adverse effects on human development, many key issues were not told to Lin Fan at that time.

But now, when humans have reached this point, there are certain things that they should know.

"Speaker, although the human side is very important, there is one other thing that is also very important. If one is not handled well, there will be big problems."

"what's up?"

Just as Lin Aotian was about to end the meeting and head to Lin Fan's side, another councillor suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said.

"Just yesterday, I detected a flow of information from outside the universe, and entered the Canglong universe through a method that I couldn't intercept."

"And the civilization that accepts this information flow has now been confirmed!"

"Which civilization?"

Hearing this, Lin Aotian's face suddenly became a lot more serious.

There was even a ray of murderous in his voice.

"The Sun River Empire..."


Lin Fan didn't know what happened between the Fario Civilization and the Sun River Empire and the Alphat Civilization at this moment, and even if he knew it, he could not interfere.

For Lin Fan, today's Federation has more important things to do.

After observing the perfect success of the black cavity tunnel experiment, Lin Fan immediately convened all the federal high-level officials for an unusually important meeting.

And the theme of this conference is also very simple...

It's time for the Neilkenia Supercluster to do it!

Yes, decades ago, after the Federation and the Zilun Empire jointly confronted Kanon and reached a peace agreement, decades have passed.

Not only the Federation is making preparations, but the Zilun Empire is also making preparations.

No matter who is prepared first and has enough confidence to defeat the opponent, this war will inevitably unfold in full.

At this moment, it is obvious that the human side has made preparations first.

With the ninth-order technology and the dark energy power that surpassed the tenth-order, coupled with the current black cavity channel technology, Lin Fan has absolute confidence that he can defeat the Zilun Empire at the least cost, and thus bring Neilkeni The subsupercluster cluster is included in the territory of the Federation.

Unlike other superclusters currently controlled by the Federation, Neilkenia is a hub-type supercluster. Once controlled, the Federation is equivalent to several more channels that can expand outwards. Its importance it goes without saying.

"In this battle, I plan to deploy four Hongmeng-class battleships, all the Nether fleets, and twenty main attack groups!"

"As for the dark energy enabler, a total of one eleventh-order dark energy can be dispatched, and the tenth-order dark energy can be eight people!"

"The entire battle is expected to be completed in three months!"

In the virtual meeting room, Lin Fanzheng explained the battle plan in detail while showing the battle plan in the virtual video.

All the big guys here also nodded one after another. With this combat power, coupled with the surprise advantage gained by using the black cavity channel, it should be no problem to deal with a Zilun Empire. The final problem is only the commander.

"Marshal Lin Fan, has anyone chosen the commander-in-chief of this battle?"

"I will be the commander-in-chief of this battle. At the same time, after the Neilkenia Supercluster is taken, the headquarters of the Federation Fleet will also be moved from the Welster Supercluster to the Neilkenia Supercluster. Inside the galaxy cluster."

Nodded, Lin Fan said.

As for the relocation of the headquarters, Lin Fan has also been carefully considered in many aspects.

In any case, as a hub-type super galaxy cluster, Neilkenia is definitely more suitable as the headquarters of the Federal Fleet than Wilster.

Not to mention other things, just in terms of dispatching the fleet in the future, it has an advantage over Wilster.

After all, the black cavity channel is like this, every time it is opened, it will consume at least half of the dark energy crystal. At the moment when Lin Fan has not mastered the dark energy spring, this thing is out of print. use.

Therefore, cosmic ocean currents are still the main method of fleet movement.

After hearing that Lin Fan was going to personally direct this battle, the big brothers did not oppose Lin Fan to go to the front as they once did.

You know, unlike before, Lin Fan at this moment is a real eleventh-order dark energy user, and is the most powerful among the five eleventh-order dark energy users in the Federation today.

As long as the super civilization does not come out, there is basically nothing that can threaten him.

There were no twists and turns in this meeting. After all, among the big guys here, Lin Fan is professional. Others just listen to and understand the situation. No one is stupid enough to do things that outsiders interfere with insiders.

On the next day of the meeting, all the fleets that received the order had already begun to assemble towards the Weierster super galaxy cluster.

In addition, although the Dreadnought Fleet did not participate in the invasion operation, its mission is also very important.

Strengthen the ocean current channel defense line to Neilkenia to prevent him from jumping over the wall and abandoning his own homeland to directly attack the Weierster supercluster.

As for the start of the battle this time, it was set as five months from now.

After all, it takes time for the fleet to relied on ocean currents to gather from various super galaxy clusters.

However, UU reading is not a problem. For high-level civilization, five months is just a short moment.


Five months later, the federal calendar is 211 years.

In the Weierster super galaxy cluster, all the troops have been assembled in place, a full 100 billion standard battleships, and 30 billion fourth-generation ghost battleships.

The most eye-catching is the four huge Hongmeng class warships.

Except for Lin Fan’s No. 1 ship, which is quite special, the other three are all standard Hongmeng-class warships. They may not be able to fight against one attack group as the No. 1 ship, but a single one can fight against a 100 million main battleship. Still no big problem.

In the end, what was somewhat different from the previous plan was that in addition to these fleets that were originally in the combat plan, there was also a fleet that was completely different from the Federation warship style. It was also assembled here.

"The 78th Expeditionary Corps newly formed by the Moi Union, attacked 100 billion warships!"

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