StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 898: Wait for time

Planetary bomb.

This is a special weapon that uses dark energy as a catalyst to completely change the energy attributes in the star core and compress it to the limit before releasing it suddenly.

Theoretically speaking, the energy of the stellar nucleus can reach more than a thousand times its own energy intensity during the eruption.

Although the scope of damage is not very large, it is more than 100 AU at best, and it is not even as large as the zero-point weapon.

But the huge energy generated at that instant was enough to pose a fatal threat to the dark energy shields.

In the colorful hyperspace, a fleet of millions of warships is constantly moving forward, and in the center of the fleet is a magnificent warship, which is the exclusive vehicle of Emperor Latis of the Zilun Empire.

"Your Majesty, the planetary bomb has been confirmed to be successfully detonated!"

The Minister of Military Loha came to Latis, bowed slightly and said.

However, there is no excitement on his face.

You know, although it was indeed a successful detonation, at the same time, it is very likely that the enemy's arriving warships have been wiped out.

But the problem is that this detonation directly exploded the capital star of the empire, and by the way, it also blew up the two life planets on the side and a few acquired life planets.

The Zilun people alone have lost hundreds of billions of dollars in this wave.

Moreover, not only these losses, but also the more than 40 billion imperial frigates were reimbursed together.

The loss is not insignificant.

But the result?

At best, it will kill the 20 billion warships that the opponent has already arrived. Loha doesn't think that this is all the combat power of this invasion of mankind!

"Can you confirm the result?"

"No way, your majesty, due to the detonation of the planetary bomb, everything within 100 AU will not survive, and various devices other than 100 AU will also be affected by the aftermath and cannot be used again in a short time."

"How many fleets have been assembled in Kansai?"

"His Majesty, there are already three reinforcements arriving in Kansai, with a total strength of approximately 120 billion conventional main battleships."

"Let them go to the capital area immediately and use ocean current defense strategies to deal with that strange passage of humans!"

After a little hesitation, Latis said.

Originally, this step should be performed after confirming whether the planetary bomb was effective.

But it can't be confirmed now, and Latis doesn't want to waste such a good opportunity.

After all, when the combat power of a single ship cannot be better than that of the opponent, the best way is to use ocean current defense to completely block the passageway with huge military power, and then use hundreds or even thousands of times the difference in the number of warships. Destroy the waves of human fleets arriving through the passage.

There is nothing wrong with this tactic itself, but it has an extremely important premise.

That is...

The more than 20 billion warships that mankind has arrived have indeed been wiped out!


At the same time, the capital area of ​​the Zilun Empire.

After a great battle, the void that was already full of warship wreckage was so clean at the moment that even a piece of warship debris could not be found.

Not to mention the debris of the battleship, even the planets in the range of the star core explosion just now are gone.

"Immediately redeploy the line of defense, the other side paid such a high price, even at the expense of most of the people in the capital area and more than 40 billion warships. It will never just want to destroy our 20 billion warships!"

"If I'm right, the reinforcements around the capital area have entered hyperspace at this time and will arrive at any time!"

Before he could clean up the aftermath, Wang Hai said directly to the adjutant.

"Commander, shall we deploy hyperspace jamming devices immediately?"

"It's useless, haven't you discovered that, except for our warships protected by dark energy shields, all non-dark energy devices in the entire void are now invalid, including those previously deployed behind us. indivual!"

Shaking his head, Wang Hai said.

Although the horrible eruption of energy just now destroyed all the interference and monitoring devices deployed by Wang Hai, it is not all of them. After all, there is still a part of the fleet located behind the fleet, because the four arrays in front will erupt that. The energy that came was completely resisted and survived.

The problem is that although these devices have survived, the energy in the entire space is a bit chaotic due to the previous eruptions. The battleship is blocked by dark energy shields, but those other devices are not so lucky.

Unless the energy of this void gradually stabilizes, even if a new jamming device is released, it will not work properly.

"The report shows that the hyperspace radar found an anomaly. 800 light-years away from the moon, a large number of targets are approaching us by means of hyperspace navigation. It is most likely the Zilun Empire fleet, and the number is huge, preferably in the hundreds of billions. More than a ship!"

"Calculate the arrival time!"

"About 15 minutes, Commander!"

"Notify the entire fleet to speed up the containment of personnel, and be sure to complete the containment of all shuttle ships and assault fleets before the opponent arrives!"

"Yes, Commander!"

In the third and fourth arrays, a huge number of shuttle ships and assault ships are constantly flying into the airports of other warships.

Even when there are not enough parking spaces in the airport, the incoming spacecraft immediately relies on remote control to let it fly out of the airport and float in the void immediately after putting people down.

After all, every warship is full when it sets off. Even if it is temporarily crowded, the airport of more than 10 billion warships will inevitably not be able to completely accommodate all the shuttles and assault ships.

But it is also impossible not to contain them, otherwise these shuttle ships and assault ships will not have any self-protection.

Therefore, Wang Hai is still the same key as before, guaranteeing people but not equipment!

As long as the people are recycled, it doesn't matter what the equipment is, they will be thrown outside and we will talk about it later.

Fifteen minutes later...

Without the restraint of hyperspace interference, the fleet of the Zilun Empire almost descended close to the black cavity channel, the nearest even being only 1 AU away from the channel.

A total of 120 billion warships, UU Reading came up directly to ride the face, and after the Nether Fleet lost tens of billions of warships, even if there is a steady stream of new forces arriving through the black cavity channel within 15 minutes At this moment, the number of warships is only about 17 billion.

The war was reopened, and at the beginning, both conveniences went into white-hot.

Thanks to Wang Hai's anticipation of this action by the Zilun Empire, he gathered the fleet in advance and rearranged the defense line.

Otherwise, according to the previous deployment, after the arrival of the fleet of the Zilun Empire, the entire Nether fleet will be completely divided into countless pieces.

Once that situation is formed, the dark energy absolute barrier, which can only be used for partial defense, will have its effect minimized.

However, even if it is because of Wang Hai's correct judgment, that it can be directly given the face of more than 100 billion warships, it is also not easy!

Wang Hai is enduring, now he must also endure until...

The time has come!

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