StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 903: Serial backstab

The homeland was attacked, which no one expected.

It is no wonder that on the starry sky continent of the Sun River Empire, only the defense system is attacking, and there is hardly any fleet in sight.

Although they were a little shocked about how they secretly killed the two major civilizations under their noses, they were not irretrievable.

Using the black cavity channel, the fleets of the two civilizations can return to their respective civilizations within half an hour, and all these fleets of the Sun River Empire can be wiped out.

"According to the news, the territory of the Fario civilization has not been attacked!"

"Well, this is not surprising. The Fario civilization itself is the weakest among us. Letems must be able to clean up the Fario civilization as long as we kill us!"

"Agree, if this is the case, we should return as soon as possible and completely annihilate the fleet of the Sun River Empire!"

"What about here?"

"Here, leave it to Fario Civilization. Anyway, there is no Sun River Empire's main fleet. Even if Fario Civilization is a bit weak, it is enough to sweep this starry sky continent!"

"Okay, then do it!"

Soon, the commanders of the two super civilizations reached a consensus and informed Sylvie of the results.

Sylvie naturally had no objection to this, and promised to do a good job.

This made the commander of the Shen Yao civilization and the gem empire very satisfied.

After the final confirmation of each other, the two major civilizations immediately opened the black chambers leading to their own civilization.

Unlike the Federation, the two super civilizations that have analyzed more than 50% of the black cavity data and have a large amount of dark energy crystals for consumption. When opening the black cavity channel, there is no need for any restraint. The channel is large enough to make this huge The fleet entered in just half an hour.

And Sivir also said very diligently that when the two major civilizations evacuated, Fario civilization would provide escort.

Soon, two black cavity passages with a diameter of one light-year appeared in the void like this, and the fleets of the two civilizations entered them without hesitation.

But they didn't know it at the moment, and Sivir watched their evacuation action with a face sneer.

"Is that stuff ready?"

"Preparation is complete, General Sivir, but if you want to use it, you must approach the black cavity tunnel and send it in!"

"Don't worry about it, after 90% of the opponent's fleet enters, we will do it again!"

"Yes, General!"

In this way, for more than twenty minutes, the fleet of Fario civilization was like bodyguards, lined up on the periphery of the two black tunnels, and the fleet of the two super-civilized fleets that have not yet entered the passage is already insufficient. It's done.

"It's time, do it!"

"Yes, General!"

Nodding, the adjutant opened the whole fleet radio communication.

"Notify the entire Fario civilized fleet to immediately carry out exile operations, repeat it once, and immediately carry out exile operations!"

Without warning, the Fario Civilization Fleet, which was originally a bodyguard, suddenly showed its fangs, and a large number of attacks were suddenly shot at the two civilizations that had not entered the passage, and there was no defense, not even a shield. Opened battleship.

Just one wave of attacks destroyed its tens of billions of warships.

Since most of the warships have entered the black chamber channel, even if the remaining warships have opened their shields, they can't resist the Fario fleet, which is nearly ten times the number of them.

"General, the remaining fleets of the two super civilizations have been successfully dragged by us!"

"Okay, immediately move to the next stage of combat and tell Harry and Laurent that they can act!"

"Yes, General!"

At this moment, the void has turned into two battlefields. In fact, it is said that the battlefield is somewhat incorrect. It should be two slaughterhouses.

Those were two spherical battlefields. The outer periphery was a spherical encirclement formed by the Fario civilization, and the inside contained two other super civilization fleets that were only about 10% of the Fario civilization.

Although the warships of the two super civilizations are stronger than the Fario civilization, they can't handle ten times their own, and they are already attacking in all directions in a spherical encirclement.

They had no time to take care of themselves, and they noticed that there are two small fleets composed of only tens of thousands of warships, leaving the main fleet of Fario civilization and heading towards the black cavity passage.

"General, the Harry Fleet and Laurent Fleet have arrived at the entrance of the Black Chamber and are deploying equipment!"

"Okay, don't wait for my order after deployment, act immediately!"

"Yes, General!"

One minute later, two huge devices, which were used for some unknown reason, were assembled and deployed at the entrance of the black cavity.

With its own propulsion device, it slowly drove towards the channel.

"General, the cargo has already set off, and it will enter the black cavity passage in 12 seconds!"


"3...2...1...0, enter!"

When he heard the countdown return to zero, Sivir also narrowed his eyes.

"start up!"

"Yes, the black cavity particle destruction device is activated!"

Maybe even a super civilization can't interfere with the opening of black cavity channels like it interferes with hyperspace, but it doesn't mean that there is no way for it.

Just like at this moment, as long as you can get close enough and send the black cavity particle destruction device in, you can forcibly destroy this black cavity channel.

Of course, Fario Civilization, which has just become a super civilization, does not have this technology itself, but Fario civilization has an old super civilization ally like the Sun River Empire, doesn't it?

After a few seconds, the entrance of the entire black cavity channel began to become unstable, and even the other end that could have been seen through the channel was a bit bright and dark.

And when the time passed by one second, the entire channel finally could no longer be maintained, as if glass was broken, it turned into a large amount of special energy, like glass shards, scattered around, and gradually little by little. In dissolution and void.


Was closed!

However, even if the passage is closed, it does not mean that the two super-civilized fleets that have entered the passage will all be wiped out.

The reason why this battle was named exile by the Fario civilization means that when the black cavity passage is closed, the fleets of the two super civilizations will be trapped in the black cavity space outside the universe.

Of course, there is also a way to return, as long as the two super civilizations can locate the fleet. uukanshu. Com and open a new black cavity channel so that it can re-enter the Canglong universe.

But the two civilizations that are being frantically attacked by the Sun River Empire are destined to not have this opportunity!


After half an hour.

When the last few battleships of the two civilizations were blown up, the whole battle came to an end.

"Well done, as long as the Sun River Empire cleans up the participating forces of the Divine Obsidian Civilization and the Gem Empire, this universe will be brought into the palm of our two super civilizations!"

Obviously, Sivir was very excited at the moment.

It's just that, in the next second, he won't be able to laugh again.

"General, Your Majesty has an emergency communication. The main fleet of the Sun River Empire has appeared on our homeland starry sky continent, the homeland..."

"Under attack!"

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