White House

Cold, windy, and freshly dusted with a snow; the White House stood as it had for many winters. Washington DC was alive with activity. Pouring back into the northwest quadrant of the city from Christmas shopping expeditions, families returned from Tyson's Corner in droves. In the Foggy Bottom section of the city, State Department staffers raced towards the Metro and their return trips home. Events of galactic importance were being discussed within the Oval Office.

As he had done many times in the past, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Davis sat waiting for his audience with the President. Most times, little waiting was required. At other times, Davis had waited patiently while the while Hayes had went about his day meeting the winner of the Super Bowl or Miss Cheese Curd representing the great state of Wisconsin. Tonight was one of those nights. Forty-five minutes passed before he was ushered into the Oval Office.

"Paul, it's good to see you! Come in and sit down." Hayes began pleasantly.

"Thank you Mr. President." Davis replied while taking a seat.

"So what have you got for me today?" Hayes asked.

"A few matters of importance, along with a bit of housekeeping Mr. President." Davis replied.

"Ok, it's your show. Shoot." Hayes urged.

"Let's begin with events on Goronak. As you are aware Mr. President, our combat efforts were recently intensified. Elements of the 101st Airborne conducted a brigade sized air assault operation. Supporting this operation were aircraft of the Air Force and Navy operating in a close air support role." Davis explained.

"Casualties?" Hayes asked.

"Forty one wounded, and fourteen killed in action." Davis answered grimly.

"I want the families of those we lost taken care of to the best of our ability." Hayes ordered.

"Yes Mr. President. That is happening as we speak." Davis replied.

"Please, continue Colonel." Hayes ordered.

"Once the air assault was complete, our forces began to advance towards the retreating Jaffa forces. This is where the picture becomes unclear. While retreating, the Jaffa vanished into thin air." Davis stated awkwardly.

"How in the hell did they just disappear? Did they all decide to hide in a hole in the ground at the same time?" Hayes demanded in a frustrated tone.

"Mr. President that is something we are still trying to ascertain. Sensor data from Videum and the fleet in orbit is being reviewed, as is gun camera footage from our other air assets. At this time we're uncertain as to the exact disposition of enemy forces, but we are certain that they are not to be found on the planet." Davis continued.

"So you're telling me that you've somehow lost the bad guys. Great." Hayes fumed.

"As information comes available, it will be passed on to you." Davis said assuredly.

"This I can't wait to here. Ok, keep going." Hayes ordered.

"Moving on, we have a new development in Pegasus. As you are aware, we have been gathering operational intelligence on the Wraith using nanites. Using this method, we've come into possession of information that has us somewhat concerned." Davis stated.

"Do we have anything to back this information up?" Hayes asked.

"Allow me to give you some background first Mr. President. The queen in overall operational command of Wraith forces made mention of something she referred to as the Harbinger. This information was cross-decked to our ally Todd. According to Todd, the Harbinger is a Wraith of incredible power. It was believed that the Harbinger perished at the conclusion of the Ancient's war with the Wraith." Davis explained.

"Colonel, are you telling me that we're now facing some type of Wraith super soldier?" Hayes asked.

"That is a possibility. As events unfold, I will of course brief you." Davis replied.

"Tell me why it is we haven't just put those shiny new sh.i.p.s to use yet, and just hunted the enemy down?" Hayes asked.

"We are still increasing our fleet presence in Pegasus. As sh.i.p.s are certified for combat, they are transferred to that galaxy. If the Jaffa do not reappear, we will have fleet units currently deployed in support of NATO operations to add to that mix." Davis answered.

"We might want to consider just taking the fight to the Wraith, so we can be done with this once and for all. It's something to consider." Hayes hinted.

"Now for the housekeeping portion Mr. President. At this time, we have seven survey teams from the United States Geological Survey operating in conjunction with SG teams, conducting surveys on individual planets. Per the guidelines established earlier, these teams are conducting full mineral surveys, as well as cataloging flora and fauna. Once the surveys are complete and the findings reviews, we will be ready to begin initial construction of off world settlements." Davis stated.

"That works. My understanding is the lottery system for selecting those that wish to relocate to off world settlements will be ready for implementation in the next sixty days." Hayes added.

Over the course of the next hour, the briefing drifted to other obscure matters. Many plans hinged on minuet details, and in this case, it was those details that would be gone over time and time again. President Hayes wanted to leave a legacy of moving man out among the stars. Nothing would be left to chance.

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