
In the center of the city, inside the center spire of the city, the stargate was active. Around the gate room, in orderly groups, men, women, and children stood. Stepping into the wormhole, smiles could be seen on the faces of all. It had taken time, but the governments of Earth had finally concluded that the people of Novus represented no security risk. Finally, they would be allowed access to the home world of their ancestors.

Some were heading to the many research centers of Johns Hopkins University, to liaise with medical researchers. Others would find their way to Palo Alto, California. There, they would work hand in hand with their counterparts from Earth designing new software applications for use around the globe. Many others were destined for the Smithsonian, where they would take in the sights from America's past. For many, this chance to see their ancestor's home world was a dream come true. With great anticipation, they stepped through the gate.

As the orderly throng of Novan's made their way through the active gate, a separate group passed forty feet behind them. Leading this group was a delegation of State Department technicians. Accompanying them was Mallin of the Bedrosian's, and Fallon of the Optrican's. Touring the great city, the foundations for inclusion to the United Worlds was being laid. It was also hoped that these two nations could finally solidify a lasting peace between themselves, while also becoming the newest additions to Earth's ever expanding list of allies.

Several thousand yards away, in a ruby colored tower, Camille Wray was enjoying lunch with two friends. Those friends were Elizabeth Weir, and the recently elected Chancellor Narim. Schedule permitting, the three tried to meet for lunch atleast once per week. After a hectic week, the three were thankful for the brief reprieve the meal offered them.

"I spoke with General O'Neill earlier today. He wanted to extend his congratulations on your landslide victory in the recent election." Wray said.

"Thank you for passing his message along. The next time he is here among us, I will give him my thanks. Your President Hayes also passed along his congratulations. Is this normal?" Narim asked.

"On Earth, it is tradition for one leader to well wish another." Weir replied.

"Elizabeth would know better than I. Her roots are in diplomacy." Wray added.

"Have you any initiatives in mind during your term in office?" Weir asked.

"I do actually. The Tollan people and those from Novus are very similar. I will be proposing a full exchange of knowledge with the Novan's, and hope to roll this into a new program." Narim explained.

"What type of new program?" Wray asked between bites of her salad.

"Tollan scientific development stagnated somewhat before the fall of our world. Bringing the Novan's into the fold, I am hoping that new perspectives will come about. This could allow our researchers to go in directions they never before thought of." Narim answered.

"That's a noble thought." Weir conceded.

"I'll be interested to see how that plays out in the future." Wray replied.

"You have had a busy week planning for the future so I've heard. Do you mind if I ask what it is you're working on?" Narim asked.

"I don't mind at all. What's kept me so occupied is a recent notification I received from Earth." Wray explained.

"Do you mean the one from the President?" Weir asked.

"That's the one. The crux of the matter is I've been directed to make preparations to greatly expand the population of Shambhala." Wray explained.

"How great of an expansion should be expected?" Narim asked.

"On the order of a fourfold increase." Wray answered.

"Should I assume they will be military personnel?" Narim asked.

"No, they won't be military. Civilians will make up the lot." Wray replied.

"How is that possible?" Narim asked.

"As we've mentioned before, Earth has no shortage of individuals available and open to relocation. Those with certain skills we would like to put to use here were contacted, and those that accepted will be soon calling Shambhala home." Weir replied.

"That about covers it." Wray stated.

"Ah, I see. What of your people Elizabeth?" Narim asked, shifting topics.

"Construction on Mars continues. It will always be Mars in my mind, instead of Devaputra." Weir answered.

"I saw several of the photos, and was impressed. The city is growing nicely." Wray said.

"It would please me greatly to someday see Devaputra." Narim said.

"Narim, you are always welcome there." Weir replied with a gracious smile.

"Have your people begun creating new replicators yet?" Wray asked.

"They have. Our numbers are growing daily. To finish the work we have on Mars, we'll need every one of them." Weir replied.

"I understand that the beginnings of your fleet were just completed also." Wray said.

"That's correct. In a fit of generosity, the SGC turned over the plans for the Aurora class. The first two vessels were completed days ago. Those vessels will remain in orbit around Mars for the time being, but in time will begin to conduct joint patrols within the Milky Way with Earth's fleet." Weir explained.

"How do you feel about that?" Wray asked.

"Honestly, it feels good. My fears of being viewed with a jaundiced eye from past events by those on Earth were all for naught it seems. The governments of Earth have embraced my people, and we them. Working together as equals, the possibilities of what we might achieve are endless." Weir replied with a beaming smile.

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