STARGATE: A New Dawna Stargate Fan Fic
Chapter 28
In the control interface room Dr. Rush and Eli Wallace sat running various simulations of the sh.i.p.s systems. In the background Destiny's AI continued to model the complex message fragments in the form the two genius's had requested. It would take time for these models to be completed. With their newly found worry free time an in-depth exploration of the sh.i.p.s lesser known systems was being conducted. Countless systems had been discovered, and it was suspected that months from now discovery of other new systems would still occur.
A brilliant flash of purple hued light in the room caught both Eli and Rush's attention. Standing before them was a well dressed they had seen before with Colonel Young. This was the Furling Ambassador they had all heard so much about, and the one they thought of in thanks for their coming return home.
"Greetings." said Dorin.
"Ambassador." said Rush, nodding his head.
"Um, hi." said Eli with his normal awkward look.
"I've come to share the pleasure of your company for a bit of time, if that is agreeable to you both." said the Furling with a bright and honest smile.
With a wave of his hand Rush invited Dorin to sit at the unoccupied work station in the control interface room. Inevitably the two began to share their recently uncovered data, and Eli's theory. After twenty minutes Eli quickly shifted topics.
"You didn't come here by ship did you?" asked Mr. Wallace.
"Destiny is still traveling in FTL, so you know for certain I did in fact not arrive by ship." answered Dorin.
"Long range beaming is mathematically possible." interjected Rush.
"Nothing such as that I'm afraid, Dr. Rush. My race has seen many galaxies. We migrated from galaxy to galaxy, spreading harmony where we could. Like the Alterran's, we also followed the path to Ascension. After obtaining a more thorough understanding of the universe we returned to this plain of existence in our original forms while retaining our status as Ascended beings. That is how I am able to freely come aboard this ship now. We never subscribed to the Alterran philosophy of non-interference. This caused larger problems later, and in the ashes of that mistake we withdrew from normal interaction in the Milky Way, until now." stated Dorin with a sigh.
"The Ancients interceded then to stop you?" asked Rush.
"No, nothing as direct as that. Two thousand years ago we encountered a human populated world. Their desire to learn was unparalleled at that time. In our ignorance we thought we had discovered the humans we were sworn to watch over. That later turned out to be those from your planet, but I digress. With our assistance we liberated this world from the clutches of the Goa'uld who had enslaved them and banned all education. We lifted them into freedom and began sharing our knowledge. Over time these people progressed greatly and grew in great numbers. Their analytical approach to everything in their path ultimately led to their methodical conquest of technologically lesser worlds. The worlds added to their confederation were meant to be agriculture production worlds to feed their ever increasing numbers. They unleashed plagues on those they encountered destroying many cultures, leaving behind a mere handful to produce crops. Every trace of the culture that existed before on these worlds was buried and forgotten. We treated the Aschen as our children. Nothing is harder to behold for a loving parent than to see that child full of potential grow into a monster." sadly said Dorin.
"Why didn't you intervene?" a shocked Eli demanded.
"In a way we did. My race made it not impossible but improbable that the Aschen could ever make much use of the stargate to further their expansion." answered Dorin.
"That dragon was slain some time ago Eli. The Aschen attempted to manipulate Earth into their confederation. They offered technology to combat the Goa'uld, medical advancements, and other assorted technology in exchange for a copy of our database on known Stargate addresses. At the eleventh hour their true intentions were discovered. They attempted to send a bio-weapon through the gate to Earth, which luckily didn't make it. The addresses we provided began with a black hole and grew worse from there. It's assumed their home planet was destroyed when a wormhole with the black hole gate was established." Rush said giving a small SGC history lesson.
"Aschen Prime was indeed destroyed by the black hole. Those that remain among the other planets of their confederation fell into a state of famine. This continued for some time until the arrival of the armies of the Ori in this galaxy. The Aschen were eliminated to the last man at their hands restoring balance. They were uplifted by an Ascended race only to misuse this assistance. Their end was brought about by an Ascended race." Dorin sighed.
"Enough about that; Eli, I have a gift for you that I know you will enjoy." said Dorin, his smile returning. From his pocket the Furling withdrew a small purple tinted data crystal and handed it to the young man.
"Thanks, I think. What is this?" asked Eli.
"That crystal contains a copy of the contents of the Tenaran archive in its entirety. I felt you would appreciate the seeing the sum total of your descendents history and achievements." answered Dorin.
"The Tenaran's are in your care, yes?" asked Rush.
"I can't wait to meet them." exclaimed Eli.
"The Tenaran people are in our care, yes. They will be returning to the Milky Way to a world we have selected for them. As a race that came about from a temporal shift in timelines they do not belong anywhere. As a people that should have never been we will care for them, educate them, and prepare them for the realities of the galaxy they are stepping into. One day soon they will be ready, and on that day Eli you will meet them." answered Dorin.
Eli's mind was spinning. Just think of all the footage for his doc.u.mentary! TJ's ALS cure was also in the palm of his hand! Eli had not felt this good in a very long time.
"Thank you Dorin, I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me and all of us here." said the truly thankful Eli.
"Eli, I have watched all of you since you arrived on Destiny. Your victories and loses were very moving to me. You specifically have been my favorite. You posses a brilliant mind yet retain an almost childlike exuberance that is very pure. Please Dr. Rush, you are a brilliant man as well so please do not be offended." explained Dorin.
"Excuse me gentlemen, I'm needed elsewhere." said Rush abruptly before quickly exiting the interface room.
"He's like that, you get used to it." said Eli.
"I'm thankful for his departure as I have a private matter to discuss with you Eli. Is that agreeable?" asked Dorin.
"Of course." answered Eli.
"The council of the five races followed your work closely. We believe you are destined for more. You truly are one of the great minds of your generation. We wish to foster that mind and assist you in achieving your full potential. The great minds the Alterran's, Furlings, Nox, and Asgard will be provided, for you to learn from. This is an opportunity that has never been presented to any other being. You will learn from a vast pool of intellect and knowledge that surpasses anything like it in the universe. It is my hope that you will accept. To ease your decision I will now inform you that the medical knowledge to cure your mother is even now being transferred to Earth." said Dorin.
Speechless, Eli didn't know how to respond for a moment. Instead he sat there in stunned silence before his eyes began to glass over with tears.
"Thank you for saving my mother. Here I am doing everything I ever dreamed of doing, but I haven't been able to do much more than put a happy face on it. She's been in my every thought. I can never repay this." said Eli holding back tears.
"Eli, you never need thank us for this. It is we who owe you a debt. Had you not unlocked the path to Destiny, the five races would still lay scattered. You have unified galaxies Eli with your brilliance and spirit. You have much to do, and I know you wish to share the knowledge of the database with TJ. We will speak again soon. I must go." humbly stated Dorin.
In a purple flash of light the ambassador was gone. Sitting alone in the control interface room Eli collected his thoughts for a moment. Prayers really do come true he thought. Running off to find TJ all the young man could do was smile.
In the control interface room Dr. Rush and Eli Wallace sat running various simulations of the sh.i.p.s systems. In the background Destiny's AI continued to model the complex message fragments in the form the two genius's had requested. It would take time for these models to be completed. With their newly found worry free time an in-depth exploration of the sh.i.p.s lesser known systems was being conducted. Countless systems had been discovered, and it was suspected that months from now discovery of other new systems would still occur.
A brilliant flash of purple hued light in the room caught both Eli and Rush's attention. Standing before them was a well dressed they had seen before with Colonel Young. This was the Furling Ambassador they had all heard so much about, and the one they thought of in thanks for their coming return home.
"Greetings." said Dorin.
"Ambassador." said Rush, nodding his head.
"Um, hi." said Eli with his normal awkward look.
"I've come to share the pleasure of your company for a bit of time, if that is agreeable to you both." said the Furling with a bright and honest smile.
With a wave of his hand Rush invited Dorin to sit at the unoccupied work station in the control interface room. Inevitably the two began to share their recently uncovered data, and Eli's theory. After twenty minutes Eli quickly shifted topics.
"You didn't come here by ship did you?" asked Mr. Wallace.
"Destiny is still traveling in FTL, so you know for certain I did in fact not arrive by ship." answered Dorin.
"Long range beaming is mathematically possible." interjected Rush.
"Nothing such as that I'm afraid, Dr. Rush. My race has seen many galaxies. We migrated from galaxy to galaxy, spreading harmony where we could. Like the Alterran's, we also followed the path to Ascension. After obtaining a more thorough understanding of the universe we returned to this plain of existence in our original forms while retaining our status as Ascended beings. That is how I am able to freely come aboard this ship now. We never subscribed to the Alterran philosophy of non-interference. This caused larger problems later, and in the ashes of that mistake we withdrew from normal interaction in the Milky Way, until now." stated Dorin with a sigh.
"The Ancients interceded then to stop you?" asked Rush.
"No, nothing as direct as that. Two thousand years ago we encountered a human populated world. Their desire to learn was unparalleled at that time. In our ignorance we thought we had discovered the humans we were sworn to watch over. That later turned out to be those from your planet, but I digress. With our assistance we liberated this world from the clutches of the Goa'uld who had enslaved them and banned all education. We lifted them into freedom and began sharing our knowledge. Over time these people progressed greatly and grew in great numbers. Their analytical approach to everything in their path ultimately led to their methodical conquest of technologically lesser worlds. The worlds added to their confederation were meant to be agriculture production worlds to feed their ever increasing numbers. They unleashed plagues on those they encountered destroying many cultures, leaving behind a mere handful to produce crops. Every trace of the culture that existed before on these worlds was buried and forgotten. We treated the Aschen as our children. Nothing is harder to behold for a loving parent than to see that child full of potential grow into a monster." sadly said Dorin.
"Why didn't you intervene?" a shocked Eli demanded.
"In a way we did. My race made it not impossible but improbable that the Aschen could ever make much use of the stargate to further their expansion." answered Dorin.
"That dragon was slain some time ago Eli. The Aschen attempted to manipulate Earth into their confederation. They offered technology to combat the Goa'uld, medical advancements, and other assorted technology in exchange for a copy of our database on known Stargate addresses. At the eleventh hour their true intentions were discovered. They attempted to send a bio-weapon through the gate to Earth, which luckily didn't make it. The addresses we provided began with a black hole and grew worse from there. It's assumed their home planet was destroyed when a wormhole with the black hole gate was established." Rush said giving a small SGC history lesson.
"Aschen Prime was indeed destroyed by the black hole. Those that remain among the other planets of their confederation fell into a state of famine. This continued for some time until the arrival of the armies of the Ori in this galaxy. The Aschen were eliminated to the last man at their hands restoring balance. They were uplifted by an Ascended race only to misuse this assistance. Their end was brought about by an Ascended race." Dorin sighed.
"Enough about that; Eli, I have a gift for you that I know you will enjoy." said Dorin, his smile returning. From his pocket the Furling withdrew a small purple tinted data crystal and handed it to the young man.
"Thanks, I think. What is this?" asked Eli.
"That crystal contains a copy of the contents of the Tenaran archive in its entirety. I felt you would appreciate the seeing the sum total of your descendents history and achievements." answered Dorin.
"The Tenaran's are in your care, yes?" asked Rush.
"I can't wait to meet them." exclaimed Eli.
"The Tenaran people are in our care, yes. They will be returning to the Milky Way to a world we have selected for them. As a race that came about from a temporal shift in timelines they do not belong anywhere. As a people that should have never been we will care for them, educate them, and prepare them for the realities of the galaxy they are stepping into. One day soon they will be ready, and on that day Eli you will meet them." answered Dorin.
Eli's mind was spinning. Just think of all the footage for his doc.u.mentary! TJ's ALS cure was also in the palm of his hand! Eli had not felt this good in a very long time.
"Thank you Dorin, I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me and all of us here." said the truly thankful Eli.
"Eli, I have watched all of you since you arrived on Destiny. Your victories and loses were very moving to me. You specifically have been my favorite. You posses a brilliant mind yet retain an almost childlike exuberance that is very pure. Please Dr. Rush, you are a brilliant man as well so please do not be offended." explained Dorin.
"Excuse me gentlemen, I'm needed elsewhere." said Rush abruptly before quickly exiting the interface room.
"He's like that, you get used to it." said Eli.
"I'm thankful for his departure as I have a private matter to discuss with you Eli. Is that agreeable?" asked Dorin.
"Of course." answered Eli.
"The council of the five races followed your work closely. We believe you are destined for more. You truly are one of the great minds of your generation. We wish to foster that mind and assist you in achieving your full potential. The great minds the Alterran's, Furlings, Nox, and Asgard will be provided, for you to learn from. This is an opportunity that has never been presented to any other being. You will learn from a vast pool of intellect and knowledge that surpasses anything like it in the universe. It is my hope that you will accept. To ease your decision I will now inform you that the medical knowledge to cure your mother is even now being transferred to Earth." said Dorin.
Speechless, Eli didn't know how to respond for a moment. Instead he sat there in stunned silence before his eyes began to glass over with tears.
"Thank you for saving my mother. Here I am doing everything I ever dreamed of doing, but I haven't been able to do much more than put a happy face on it. She's been in my every thought. I can never repay this." said Eli holding back tears.
"Eli, you never need thank us for this. It is we who owe you a debt. Had you not unlocked the path to Destiny, the five races would still lay scattered. You have unified galaxies Eli with your brilliance and spirit. You have much to do, and I know you wish to share the knowledge of the database with TJ. We will speak again soon. I must go." humbly stated Dorin.
In a purple flash of light the ambassador was gone. Sitting alone in the control interface room Eli collected his thoughts for a moment. Prayers really do come true he thought. Running off to find TJ all the young man could do was smile.
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