STARGATE: A New Dawna Stargate Fan Fic
Chapter 45
In orbit of the former Goa'uld controlled planet sat a vast armada of Ha'tak vessels. Leading this armada was the imposing presence of Mallic's flagship. The sh.i.p.s great size was meant to inspire fear in any who opposed the Lucian Alliance. The flagship was not conceived as a defensive weapon. Its purpose was as a first strike weapon meant to intimidate on sight and destroy any who opposed her commander.
Undercover operatives of the Alliance had provided a steady stream of updates from Dakara. The Jaffa forces were amassing and would soon be poised to strike out against Mallic's forces. Being forearmed with this information a continuous string of preparations were being made and would be ready before the Jaffa fleets arrival. Knowing that their place galactic events hung in the balance nothing was being left to chance.
In his lab sat Dr. Zelenka, busily going over systems power distribution spreadsheets. With the recent reactivation of the ancient mobile drilling platform geothermal power allowed for the city to operate with an abundance of power for the first time in ten thousand years. Every system and lab within the ancient city was now online. The science teams found themselves in an ancient technology researcher's playground.
Walking into the lab was Richard Woolsey. Returning to Atlantis just moments ago via the stargate he was a man less than happy. His recall home was at the behest of the IOA. A new initiative was being put forth and as the commander of the ancient city this new initiative was centered on technology in his possession.
"Hello Doctor. Could you spare a few moments of your time" asked Woolsey.
"Of course Mr. Woolsey. What can I help you with" asked Radek.
"I just returned from a meeting of the IOA on Earth. The agenda of the meeting was something I found very troubling" said Woolsey.
"With the IOA it usually is. Present company excluded" retorted Radek.
"As you are aware McKay is in Pegasus at this moment preparing the other city ship for departure to the Milky Way. It's been decided at the highest levels after conferring with the Alterran ambassador Melia to provide him a helping hand" said Woolsey frowning.
"Do I need to gather a few things and join Rodney" asked Radek.
"Nothing as pleasant as that I'm afraid" replied Woolsey while handing a data crystal to the scientist.
"What is this" asked Radek.
"On that crystal is the much modified base code for the machines we knew as the Asurans. You are to upload this new base code into the nanites and construct ten human form replicators" stated Woolsey clearly unhappy.
"Surely you're joking. Has the IOA forgotten what it took the last time to rid the universe of these things" asked Radek.
"Radek, as someone that was once held hostage by the Asurans I share your lack of optimism for this, but we have our orders. We have been assured that the problems in the previous generation will not be present in this one. The aggression code has been eliminated. Instead of using them as a weapon we are to use them to utilize them as highly skilled tools" stated Woolsey.
"Mr. Woolsey, I disagree with this in the most strenuous of terms" replied Radek.
"Fran didn't give us a problem, so perhaps this will work out for the best, but I share your concern. Begin construction now. When the ten are ready notify me and we will arrange transport" said Woolsey.
Cursing in barely audible Czech Radek stalked towards the nanite lab to begin this task. Seeing his foul mood everyone who encountered the annoyed scientist kept well out of his path.
Lord Protector Planet
The transporter algorithm Rodney had written to excavate Borealis had worked perfectly. The ancient city ship was now totally unearthed. Once this was accomplished the true extent of damages to the city ship became much clearer. Many of the towers were missing. Scorch marks marred the hull from battles fought many thousands of years before. With damage so widespread the only comparison that one could draw between Borealis and Atlantis was the overall snowflake like shape.
A small army of spider like repair robots swarmed over the city. Some concentrated on shield emitters, others on hull breaches, still more labored away on the critically damaged power conduits. During this process Rodney had attended to other matters that were just as critical. A Pegasus model Stargate had been added, along with a city ship style DHD and control crystals. In the event Borealis became stranded in the void between galaxies the gate would ensure a lifeline existed off the ship for those who were traveling aboard her. Three hundred drones from Athena's magazine had also been transferred aboard in the event self defense was needed.
Repair of the systems needed for return to Arkos station proceeded at a surprising pace, but it still was not fast enough by McKay's standards. After installation of the remaining two ZPM's with the return of full power further widespread damage was noted. Opting to focus only on the systems needed for their return drove the scientist crazy. He wanted nothing more than to fix this ship, bring her back to her former glory. He likened it to ones child being in the emergency room; you knew they were hurt and you were powerless to do anything other than wait for them to heal.
"Doctor, I estimate shield emitter repairs will be complete within forty eight hours" said Borealis.
"While they will be functional they wont be operating at anything approaching optimum efficiency" retorted Rodney.
"Minimum shield strength is all that is required for outer atmosphere travel. Do not worry Doctor" replied Borealis.
"I always worry, been that way since I was a kid" said McKay.
"You are much like my last commander. She too worried of everything" said Borealis with a smile.
"Who might that be" asked the inquisitive scientist.
"Her name was Chaya Sar. It is not my expectation that this name will mean anything to you though" said the avatar.
"I know her! She's an Ascended being, and really cute. She's the protector of Proculus now actually. Said it was punishment from the others for interfering on this plain of existence" stated McKay.
"It pleases me greatly to hear Chaya did Ascend. She never learned to follow rules after our time together was over I see" replied Borealis.
"She and Colonel Sheppard are very cozy with one another" hinted McKay.
"Doctor, I have an incoming subspace message for you from Richard Woolsey. It states assistance is inbound" stated the avatar.
At that moment McKay's radio earpiece also informed him of the same thing. Exiting the Spacegate a Puddle Jumper began its decent to the surface. Within the Jumper were the replicators the IOA had promised. Setting down quickly the ten new arrivals exited the Jumper before it leaped back into the air. The scientist radioed Athena and requested the ten new arrivals be transported via the beaming technology to his location. Appearing in a brilliant flash of white light seconds later the human form Replicators stood before him.
"Welcome to Borealis. You have been brought here to assist in the repair of this ship. Borealis will be assigning your tasks" stated McKay.
Nodding their heads in unison the ten quickly dispersed in different directions, each with its own assigned task. From Athena blocks of raw materials were beamed aboard. The replicators using their nanite structures would transform the raw materials into whatever component they required. Not requiring sleep or any form of rest the replicators were efficient and diligent in the execution of their assigned tasks.
Their first task was the repair of Borealis's short and long range sensors. In a matter of hours the task would be complete. Once done the ancient city ship would once again be able to peer out into the galaxy and provide an understanding of what and where things were happening.
Two of the Replicators were assigned the task of repairing the damaged module of the Stardrive. This task would require several days, even at the furious pace the replicators performed repairs. Several times further stocks of materials were transported to them from Athena. The damaged module itself essentially required a complete rebuild. Once done all evidence of damage thousands of years old would be erased.
Several miles away from the city ship construction progressed on the city being built. In blinding flashes of light structures appeared. Buildings of small and large sizes interspersed with lush gardens could be seen. The city's design was one of concentric circles that radiated out from a central building of imposing majesty. This central point was to serve as the administrative hub of the city, as well as the hub of the power, water, and sewer systems. Once completed the city would be surrounded by an ornate but very strong wall. After seeing the design the royal court thought the city was one worthy of a queen.
In orbit of the former Goa'uld controlled planet sat a vast armada of Ha'tak vessels. Leading this armada was the imposing presence of Mallic's flagship. The sh.i.p.s great size was meant to inspire fear in any who opposed the Lucian Alliance. The flagship was not conceived as a defensive weapon. Its purpose was as a first strike weapon meant to intimidate on sight and destroy any who opposed her commander.
Undercover operatives of the Alliance had provided a steady stream of updates from Dakara. The Jaffa forces were amassing and would soon be poised to strike out against Mallic's forces. Being forearmed with this information a continuous string of preparations were being made and would be ready before the Jaffa fleets arrival. Knowing that their place galactic events hung in the balance nothing was being left to chance.
In his lab sat Dr. Zelenka, busily going over systems power distribution spreadsheets. With the recent reactivation of the ancient mobile drilling platform geothermal power allowed for the city to operate with an abundance of power for the first time in ten thousand years. Every system and lab within the ancient city was now online. The science teams found themselves in an ancient technology researcher's playground.
Walking into the lab was Richard Woolsey. Returning to Atlantis just moments ago via the stargate he was a man less than happy. His recall home was at the behest of the IOA. A new initiative was being put forth and as the commander of the ancient city this new initiative was centered on technology in his possession.
"Hello Doctor. Could you spare a few moments of your time" asked Woolsey.
"Of course Mr. Woolsey. What can I help you with" asked Radek.
"I just returned from a meeting of the IOA on Earth. The agenda of the meeting was something I found very troubling" said Woolsey.
"With the IOA it usually is. Present company excluded" retorted Radek.
"As you are aware McKay is in Pegasus at this moment preparing the other city ship for departure to the Milky Way. It's been decided at the highest levels after conferring with the Alterran ambassador Melia to provide him a helping hand" said Woolsey frowning.
"Do I need to gather a few things and join Rodney" asked Radek.
"Nothing as pleasant as that I'm afraid" replied Woolsey while handing a data crystal to the scientist.
"What is this" asked Radek.
"On that crystal is the much modified base code for the machines we knew as the Asurans. You are to upload this new base code into the nanites and construct ten human form replicators" stated Woolsey clearly unhappy.
"Surely you're joking. Has the IOA forgotten what it took the last time to rid the universe of these things" asked Radek.
"Radek, as someone that was once held hostage by the Asurans I share your lack of optimism for this, but we have our orders. We have been assured that the problems in the previous generation will not be present in this one. The aggression code has been eliminated. Instead of using them as a weapon we are to use them to utilize them as highly skilled tools" stated Woolsey.
"Mr. Woolsey, I disagree with this in the most strenuous of terms" replied Radek.
"Fran didn't give us a problem, so perhaps this will work out for the best, but I share your concern. Begin construction now. When the ten are ready notify me and we will arrange transport" said Woolsey.
Cursing in barely audible Czech Radek stalked towards the nanite lab to begin this task. Seeing his foul mood everyone who encountered the annoyed scientist kept well out of his path.
Lord Protector Planet
The transporter algorithm Rodney had written to excavate Borealis had worked perfectly. The ancient city ship was now totally unearthed. Once this was accomplished the true extent of damages to the city ship became much clearer. Many of the towers were missing. Scorch marks marred the hull from battles fought many thousands of years before. With damage so widespread the only comparison that one could draw between Borealis and Atlantis was the overall snowflake like shape.
A small army of spider like repair robots swarmed over the city. Some concentrated on shield emitters, others on hull breaches, still more labored away on the critically damaged power conduits. During this process Rodney had attended to other matters that were just as critical. A Pegasus model Stargate had been added, along with a city ship style DHD and control crystals. In the event Borealis became stranded in the void between galaxies the gate would ensure a lifeline existed off the ship for those who were traveling aboard her. Three hundred drones from Athena's magazine had also been transferred aboard in the event self defense was needed.
Repair of the systems needed for return to Arkos station proceeded at a surprising pace, but it still was not fast enough by McKay's standards. After installation of the remaining two ZPM's with the return of full power further widespread damage was noted. Opting to focus only on the systems needed for their return drove the scientist crazy. He wanted nothing more than to fix this ship, bring her back to her former glory. He likened it to ones child being in the emergency room; you knew they were hurt and you were powerless to do anything other than wait for them to heal.
"Doctor, I estimate shield emitter repairs will be complete within forty eight hours" said Borealis.
"While they will be functional they wont be operating at anything approaching optimum efficiency" retorted Rodney.
"Minimum shield strength is all that is required for outer atmosphere travel. Do not worry Doctor" replied Borealis.
"I always worry, been that way since I was a kid" said McKay.
"You are much like my last commander. She too worried of everything" said Borealis with a smile.
"Who might that be" asked the inquisitive scientist.
"Her name was Chaya Sar. It is not my expectation that this name will mean anything to you though" said the avatar.
"I know her! She's an Ascended being, and really cute. She's the protector of Proculus now actually. Said it was punishment from the others for interfering on this plain of existence" stated McKay.
"It pleases me greatly to hear Chaya did Ascend. She never learned to follow rules after our time together was over I see" replied Borealis.
"She and Colonel Sheppard are very cozy with one another" hinted McKay.
"Doctor, I have an incoming subspace message for you from Richard Woolsey. It states assistance is inbound" stated the avatar.
At that moment McKay's radio earpiece also informed him of the same thing. Exiting the Spacegate a Puddle Jumper began its decent to the surface. Within the Jumper were the replicators the IOA had promised. Setting down quickly the ten new arrivals exited the Jumper before it leaped back into the air. The scientist radioed Athena and requested the ten new arrivals be transported via the beaming technology to his location. Appearing in a brilliant flash of white light seconds later the human form Replicators stood before him.
"Welcome to Borealis. You have been brought here to assist in the repair of this ship. Borealis will be assigning your tasks" stated McKay.
Nodding their heads in unison the ten quickly dispersed in different directions, each with its own assigned task. From Athena blocks of raw materials were beamed aboard. The replicators using their nanite structures would transform the raw materials into whatever component they required. Not requiring sleep or any form of rest the replicators were efficient and diligent in the execution of their assigned tasks.
Their first task was the repair of Borealis's short and long range sensors. In a matter of hours the task would be complete. Once done the ancient city ship would once again be able to peer out into the galaxy and provide an understanding of what and where things were happening.
Two of the Replicators were assigned the task of repairing the damaged module of the Stardrive. This task would require several days, even at the furious pace the replicators performed repairs. Several times further stocks of materials were transported to them from Athena. The damaged module itself essentially required a complete rebuild. Once done all evidence of damage thousands of years old would be erased.
Several miles away from the city ship construction progressed on the city being built. In blinding flashes of light structures appeared. Buildings of small and large sizes interspersed with lush gardens could be seen. The city's design was one of concentric circles that radiated out from a central building of imposing majesty. This central point was to serve as the administrative hub of the city, as well as the hub of the power, water, and sewer systems. Once completed the city would be surrounded by an ornate but very strong wall. After seeing the design the royal court thought the city was one worthy of a queen.
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