Staring directly at the ancient gods for a whole year

Chapter 204 White Porcelain Doll (21)

This reaction as if he had seen a ghost fully explained the situation.

Seeing the mad spirit running wildly, Fu Qian confirmed his guess.

This doll is indeed Mr. Luo's last resort.

There is a high probability that after his body was shattered into pieces, his will was transferred to the mad spirit's body through the complete synchronization just now.

The direction the other party chose to escape was also very interesting.

He actually headed straight for the island, quickly bypassed the towering Fool's Tree, and headed straight for the center.

"You...won't you chase me?"

Brother Sagittarius, one of the only two left, couldn't help but ask.

Although Fu Qian's image was strange and terrifying, Mr. Luo just wanted to kill them, so it goes without saying which threat is greater.

He still wanted to see Fu Qian kill the man from his horse.

"You actually have time to care about this?"

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the tentacles behind Fu Qian all turned around and were pointed at them from a distance.

"You have ten seconds."

Delin and Brother Sagittarius never expected that they would turn around and target the two of them. For a moment, they were stunned.

The next moment, the two of them had exactly the same reaction, running away in the direction they came from.

Until the two figures disappeared, the old tree man Airei next to him let out a heavy groan and twisted his body.

His only eye was located just on the burnt half, and it was no longer possible to look at it at this time.

As he twisted, the little girl's head emerged from above, lying on a branch and coughing uncontrollably.

This situation is obvious.

He asked her to find a place to hide, but she hid directly in the tree.

Strictly speaking, this was a good idea, but unfortunately, this position happened to be involved in the battlefield.

In fact, Fu Qian had noticed her in the tree a long time ago, and Mr. Luo must have been the same, but he was just too lazy to pay attention to her.

"You hid well, but did you come out a little too early? Didn't you see those two people running away just now?"

The girl shook her head and just stared at him.

"I can tell you mean no harm."

This look didn't scare even a little girl?

Fu Qian sighed with emotion when he heard this, and slowly drew his tentacles into his body.

"Why don't you go after him?"

The girl watched this scene intently, then pointed to the island in the distance.

"I roughly know where he wants to go. Let him run for a while."


The girl nodded in understanding and pointed to the stumps on the ground.

"You don't like them?"

"I'm not familiar with him, but I don't really like him."

"So you didn't save them just now?"

"I tried to save anyone just now, and you all died."

He said lightly before paying.

"Of course, even if it weren't for me, I wouldn't bother to save him."


The girl responded softly again, not knowing what she was thinking.

When she raised her head, Fu Qian's figure was leaping high, shooting toward the island in the swamp like a shooting star.

Standing in the center of the island, he made sure that Mr. Luo, who was possessed by the mad spirit, had entered below.

It was obvious that he had known this place for a long time.

This is completely understandable. After all, he planted the trees next to him. The probability that he has never been to this place is very small.

In fact, Fu Qian was very suspicious that the previous Snake Man and Sister Duo Nao were related to him.

Going down the spiral staircase, Fu Qian quickly saw the goal of his trip.

The bloody mad spirit did not try to hide, but stood openly on the bottom center platform.

And streams of dark red mist are seeping out from various channels, all converging on it.

"Busy now?"

Fu Qian took two steps forward, his tone was like greeting the neighbor's uncle.

The billowing fog stagnated on the spot.

"Who are you?"

As expected, Mr. Luo's voice came out of the doll, and it sounded unpleasant.

"You ruined my plans."

"Sorry, but what exactly are your plans?"

Fu Qian was still not in a hurry to take action, but asked enthusiastically.

Mr. Luo fell into a brief silence.

Even a fool can see that he is now at a critical stage, but Fu Qian has no intention of interrupting, and instead allows himself to operate.

This gave him a very bad association.

I still remember that it was like this just now, allowing myself to synchronize with the puppet, even killing the characters that were in the way, and then...

But anyway, there is no other choice now.

"In the original plan, the first step was just to complete the synchronization, and there was no rush to integrate."

Mr. Luo's somewhat gloomy voice sounded, and he once again chose delaying tactics.

"This is a rigorous study that should not be rushed and risky."


"Yes, this is a research that started many years ago..."

"I first learned about this place from a special record, and finally found it."

"I was pleasantly surprised by the weirdness and chaos everywhere here. Any creature that enters it will inevitably undergo mutations, mutations full of mystery and surprises."

"And this is the core of the twisted power."

"I did a lot of testing to master this power."

“It started with otherworldly beings, and then I realized we might need intelligent humans.”

Intelligent human beings... Fu Qian's first reaction was Sister Duo Nao.

It seems that that person is indeed the kidnapped experimental subject.

"It's a pity that human beings are not only fragile, but more importantly, they are not pure enough. After receiving the infusion, the degree of distortion is even higher than that of extraordinary creatures, and the power gained cannot be perfectly integrated with the body."

"Looking at the marks on the ground, you must have seen them before?"

"So I had an idea. Since they can't be combined, is there a way to separate them directly? So I planted the Fool's Tree outside."

"Facts have proved that my idea was correct. The twisted supernatural power was separated from the body in the form of a puppet, and it can coexist peacefully with the original body.

And I have been given a more perfect, purer vessel, a vessel that has the potential to actually hold the infusion..."

I see!

With Mr. Luo's active cooperation, Fu Qian basically made things clear.

It's obvious that the snake man, the multi-brained sister, and the puppet people outside are all the subjects of this experiment.

Probably because the workload was too heavy, he also found the Miyamoto family and used their power to operate it.

And all of this is for what is buried underneath - the one that is fused by himself.

"After so many selections, this one is the most perfect and the most special one I have ever seen. Do you know how I feel after the fusion?"

"You can't even imagine it, and you don't even need to pursue it. You can feel the attention of all kinds of high-level powers, and they want to inject it into your body."

I can totally imagine that.

Fu Qian thought in his mind that this was undoubtedly very similar to his whiteboard demigod state.

Mr. Luo is right about one thing, these dolls are of quite high rank.

"No matter what your purpose is, I can feel that you are the same person as me. Those ridiculous morals and justice cannot restrain you at all..."

He didn't say anything before seeing him, and Mr. Luo continued to persuade him earnestly.

"Why don't you cooperate with me? One day you will have such an opportunity."

"I can't think of any reason why you should live and die."

"It turns out there really wasn't."

Faced with Mr. Luo's persuasive guidance, Fu Qian sighed and glanced at his task bar.

"But now there is."

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