Fu Qian has always been gifted when it comes to comforting people.

After hearing what he said, Liu Yi fell into a state of freeze for several seconds.


The next moment, a scream comparable to a banshee's howl rang out, shattering one's eardrums.

"Go away and don't come over!"

At that moment, Fu Qian felt that resonance lines appeared in his brain, and his blood bar slowly but surely shortened.


The dome of the entire library was shattered, and countless broken glass fell down like rain.

"Fuck! Stop her quickly. Do you like to seek death so much?"

The lobbyist was starting to sound exasperated.

“It’s really a bit mind-blowing.”

Fu Qian looked at Liu Yi with a smile and pressed his hands down.

"Don't be nervous, I was joking."

"You're scarier than them."


At that moment, Fu Qian seemed to hear the lobbyist swearing.

As expected, Liu Yi let out an even sharper banshee howl.

Amidst the ear-piercing screams, Fu Qian felt blood already flowing from his nostrils.

"So why should you be afraid?"

Although he was bleeding like crazy, Fu Qian remained calm and asked another question.

The screams stopped suddenly, and Liu Yi was stunned for a moment.


Fu Qian looked at this scene with satisfaction and wiped a handful of the blood that had been shaken out.

"Look at you, you are no longer a character who needs protection - because you now have to be described as 'one'."

Putting aside the lines about the hanging rail, Liu Yi's neck stretched to an incredible length at this time, as if he was observing something strange about himself for the first time.

"So... I have turned into a monster..."

When Liu Yi spoke again, his voice sounded like he was talking in sleep.

"I just wanted to run and keep running...to escape to a place where all the monsters could not reach me. I didn't even notice that I was already a monster..."

"Why is this happening..."

"This is not easy, because you are dreaming!"

He said directly before paying.


Liu Yi's voice suddenly rose a few degrees.

"Isn't it obvious? How can a good person turn into a monster?"

Fu Qian said while flashing his arms.

"Have you ever seen hands like this? It's obvious that you are in a dream now!"

"So that's it...yes, yes, that must be the reason!"

At that moment, Liu Yi's voice was full of relief.

"So, what's wrong with girls being perverted in their dreams?"

Continue to be courteous before paying.

"Isn't it okay not to be a human being in a dream? Anyway, after waking up, all this will dissipate."

"Yeah, I understand."

Liu Yi's tone became even cheerful.

"Thanks for your guidance, I'm not scared at all now."

Her body was elongated and wrapped around the golden branches, circling happily.

At one moment, this long body even slid over Fu Qian's feet, and the latter's expression remained unchanged.

"By the way, can I ask you a favor?"

"What's the deal?"

Liu Yi obviously sounded in a good mood.

"I can't find the way down, can you help me?"

"The way down is very simple!"

Liu Yi answered almost without thinking.

The next moment, the branch she was entangled on quickly extended, drawing an arc straight into the ground.

In just a few seconds, a top-down passage appeared.

"Just slide down from here."


"It's okay! By the way, I'll give you this too."

Just as Fu Qian was about to leave, Liu Yi suddenly shouted again, as if he remembered something.

The next moment, a small bulge appeared on her forehead, and then quickly elongated and ruptured, revealing an object the size of a thumb in the flesh.

This is?

Fu Qian reached out to take it, looked at it, and found that it was actually a white whistle. It felt smooth and moist, and the material was like jade and bone.

"This is an insect whistle. Just blow this and something will come out from the ground to help you."

"Is there something underground?"

"Of course, there are things both underground and in the sky."

Liu Yi nodded repeatedly.

"This is my dream, I'm sure of it."


Without further ado before paying, he put the insect whistle away and got on the slide directly.

With a burst of wind and lightning, Fu Qian completed the library rappel.

"How did you know she had this on her?"

As soon as he landed, the lobbyist couldn't wait to speak.

"It feels like a rather special item. It should come in handy later."

"If you can get this thing, it's worth taking the risk just now."

"Who said I knew?"

Fu Qian had a strange tone.

"you do not know?"

The lobbyist was stunned when he heard this.

"Then what were you doing just now? Looking for excitement?"

"Don't be so narrow-minded."

He snorted before paying.

"Actually, before we reached the dome, I roughly knew that it would not be our goal, but the action just now has its own meaning."

"Liu Yi is basically the most aggressive person among the infected people that I can think of. Why don't we take this opportunity to test him?"

"In fact, at least three conclusions can be drawn from the temptation just now."

He stretched out his finger before paying.

"First, infected people like Liu Yi still retained more of their sanity and had basic analytical abilities after the fog."

“Secondly, although she has retained her sanity, she obviously does not remember what I have done before. To a certain extent, it can be assumed that I am a stranger to them, and this can be taken advantage of.

"Third, the fog also gave her special abilities, such as the howl of the banshee just now. You must be careful in this regard when facing other infected people."

"With these three gains alone, aren't they worth the risk?"

"Where do we go next?"

The lobbyist was silent for a while and then changed the topic.

"What do you think?"

Before paying, he just kicked the question back.

"I think... we should go to the infirmary first."

The advantage of a lobbyist is that he never suffers from stage fright and speaks after thinking for a while.

“I decided to start with library cards, but it was still very difficult to find someone based on their name alone.

And it is almost certain that someone in the previous duo of monsters has read the book. This is an obvious clue. "

"Although I think the anomaly is likely to be in the underground building where rats swarmed out, but according to your test conclusion, although the fog has disappeared now, the danger is still higher than it was then. It may not be a good idea to risk going there directly. "

"Of course, there is a high probability that it is empty at all. After all, it has probably been eaten by Liang Yuntian."

After the lobbyist finished his analysis, he was careful not to say anything, as if he was waiting for comments.

"That makes sense."

Fu Qian listened carefully, but did not refute at all, and directly agreed with a smile.

Thank you to the person who dug the hole for the reward, and thank you to every book lover for your support!

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