Staring directly at the ancient gods for a whole year

Chapter 228 The Worm of Erosion (Seventeen)

Qiu Chengyi!

After the name came out of Fu Qian's mouth, Liang Yuntian's eyes suddenly became sharp and bloodthirsty, staring at Fu Qian's face.

Fu Qian was not surprised by this and continued to frown, as if he was worried about his classmates' health.

Fu Qian already had a rough guess as to why Liang Yuntian would pretend to be a doctor on duty here.

This person probably looked around for Liu Yi after eating the double monster, and then decided to wait here with a clear mind, hoping that other "blessed ones" would come to his door like this Han Jin.

That’s why I deliberately tested the name on the library card before paying.

"Oh, where is he now?"

After a long time, Liang Yuntian finally spoke, his tone barely keeping normal.

"I was still in the dormitory when I came."


A ferocious smile appeared on Liang Yuntian's face, and his murderous intent became stronger.

"Are you really sure...he is in the dormitory?"


Fu Qian nodded with a mysterious look on his face.

"There were two-legged rats everywhere before. Qiu Chengyi was bitten by one of them and lay down on the bed."

"And those rats seemed to be poisonous. His reaction was particularly severe. Not only did he grow a shell all over his body, he even had many thorns coming out."

As Fu Qian spoke, he put his right hand on the table so that Liang Yuntian could see it clearly.

"I got stabbed and my arm ended up like this."

The moment Fu Qian's arm was revealed, Liang Yuntian reacted visibly, and an unexplained grunt could even be heard in his throat.

Before paying, he still didn't notice anything. He brushed his sharp nails on the table several times and carved out Qiu Chengyi's name.

Liang Yuntian, who had been staring at him, was not surprised to be attracted by this action, and his eyes were fixed on the name on the table.

After a long time, Liang Yuntian shook his head.

"I know, I'll go right away."

"Great! Then I'll wait for you outside."

Fu Qian stood up naturally and opened the door under Liang Yuntian's attention, even not forgetting to hold the medical record.

"What a risk! How do you know that Qiu Chengyi was not the one who ate it first?"

When he came out of the infirmary, Fu Qian did not wait outside as he said before, but chose to leave directly.

And it wasn't until they had walked some distance that the lobbyist spoke again.

"I don't know, just guessing."

"...You really dare to guess!"

Although he already knew something about Fu Qian's style, the lobbyist was still shocked after hearing the confirmation from him.

"Although he is not interested in you because there is no blessing in your body, he certainly won't mind killing someone."

"If Qiu Chengyi is the one he ate at the beginning and realizes that you are lying to him, you will most likely be dead."

"Just die."

Fu Qian didn't take it seriously and looked through the medical records in his hand as he walked.

"It's less than half the probability, but it's still acceptable."

"Not to mention that the person he ate might not be the direct borrower."

"Even if it is, there are three names in total. Excluding Han Le, there are still two left. It's nothing more than choosing one of the two."

"So overall, the theoretical probability is definitely less than 50%, and it's worth a try."

Before paying, he spread his hands, and in his palm was the insect whistle given by Liu Yi.

"If you are really unlucky, you can still use this thing to buy some running time. There may not be no chance."

"And now if the bet is right, the benefits are huge. Suddenly we have a powerful forward. He is much more familiar with this than us."

"Otherwise, just based on a name, you can find the Year of the Monkey, the Horse and the Moon?"

"Why do I think the probability of death is much greater than half?"

The lobbyists were not convinced.

"Even if your name is correct, after knowing the approximate location, it would be no problem for him to go find someone by himself. How can you be sure that he won't shoot you to death on the spot?"

"If he is willing to let me go, there is a reason."

He answered casually before paying and continued to flip through the medical records in his hand.

"...Well, it turns out that my head is not feeling well. I have a severe headache, nausea, vomiting and nosebleeds. It seems that this pest is quite aggressive."

As he said this, he took out something from the folder of the medical record.

It was a white strip with three sections in total. It was still swinging from side to side when held in the hand, and it looked like a living insect.

"What's this?"

The lobbyist was visibly surprised.


"Although Liang Yuntian's brain is too stretched, he is still quite sharp when it comes to eating."

"Whether or not you want to kill me is a matter of choice, but if I can lead the way honestly, it is undoubtedly the most ideal situation."

"When Liang Yuntian handed me the medical record just now, he put this in it. I guess he can track me through this."

"If I hold the medical record when I leave, it will be a guide that he can lock at any time, and it will definitely be more meaningful than a corpse."

"So if I didn't get the medical records just now, I would really be dead."


The next moment, the little insect seemed to sense the danger and began to struggle violently.

Unfortunately, he only struggled halfway before being crushed to pieces by Fu Qian.

At the same time, Fu Qian's feet also suddenly accelerated.

"I bet that one is out now."

After running a certain distance, Fu Qian stopped and hid in a hiding place.

Within half a minute, a figure rushed over. The white coat was dyed red in the moonlight, looking like a ghost.

The speed gap is still quite big. If he had continued running just now, he would definitely be overtaken by Liang Yuntian who was coming.

After staying around for a while, Liang Yuntian, who arrived, gave up the search before dealing with him and went straight to the dormitory without saying a word.

"Follow me?"

When Liang Yuntian left, the lobbyist couldn't help but speak out.

"No rush, just wait a little longer."

Before paying, he was very calm.

His mission is to get rid of the nightmare. It is only good for Liang Yuntian to find his youngest son first.

With Liang Yuntian's current behavior, there is no need to worry about them forming an alliance or anything like that. There is a high probability that they will be fooled directly.

The best thing would be for this guy to just beat the youngest son to death and then pass the level by himself.

And if Liang Yuntian really doesn't gain anything by staying here for a while, he will definitely come out soon.

It will save you some effort then.

After waiting like this for a while, Liang Yuntian was not found coming back, and Fu Qian finally left.

He had seen the map before and had already memorized the locations of several student apartments in the school.

Liang Yuntian undoubtedly knew which apartment there was a rat in. He could easily locate the location by comparing it with the direction in which he was going.

Arrived at destination quickly before paying.

Although there were no bipedal rats everywhere in the student apartment at this moment, it was still enveloped in an indescribable atmosphere, filled with a silence that should never occur at this time.

Without rushing in, Fu Qian pushed open the communication room next to him, which was also empty.

I pulled a chair over and sat down, enjoying the rare atmosphere.

Almost half an hour passed, and still no angry figure was seen coming out of Liang Yuntian.

It seems that this one really gained something.

Fu Qian stood up with a hand, it was time to take action.

Sorry, there is only one update today. My work schedule has been unstable recently. I will adjust it as soon as possible.

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